03/18/2014 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of March t8, 2014 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Cindy Lucarelli and Councilmembers Fred Chang, John Clauson, Bek Ashby, Rob Putaansuu, and Jeff Cartwright was present. Police Chief Geoff Marti, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, Development Director Nick Bond, Deputy Clerk Rhiannon Fernandez, and City Attorney Greg Jacoby were also present. Mayor Matthes led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Update: Legislative Session Re-Cap Briahna Taylor, City Lobbyist, gave a recap of the 6o-day legislative session. Discussion highlights: • Budgets o There were modest increases to the operating budget for education. o Not a lot of new revenue was available to the transportation budget; it was a maintenance only budget. o The legislation ended up not adopting a supplemental capital budget due to a disagreement regarding debt capacity. • Dekalb Pier was part of the capital-funding request, which was not adopted. • Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway is contingent to the legislature adopting a gas tax increase. o There was a lot of discussion leading up to a potential gas tax increase, but no willingness to take a vote in an election year. o The latest proposal out of the House included an earmark of $3-46MM; however, the Senate proposal did not include earmarks for projects, instead it proposed money would be allocated to bike & pedestrian project grants. • Restoring Funds to Public Works Assistance Account o The account was swept into the operating budget and revenue streams were diverted for 6 years. o The reversal of the revenue streams did not occur. o Only loan repayment revenues will be put into the account. • Protecting State-Shared Revenues o Liquor tax revenues -had a so% reduction in last year's budget. The legislature chose to maintain that reduction. o Liquor profit side still has the revenues capped at 2011-dollar amounts instead of reverting to the previous so I so sharing agreement. o There is a concern on how the State is going to fund education to meet the McCleary Supreme Court decision. The legislature feels they should not be making policy decision on funding anything until they have a plan to address the McCleary decision. • Public Records Act Reform o Funding was not included in the final operating budget to fund a collaborative process for reform. • HB1013 died in in the Senate Rules Committee. March 18, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of6 Council Direction: Council directed the City Lobbyist to continue advocating for tieKalb Pier, Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway, Public Works Assistance Account, shared revenues, and Public Records Act reform. 2. Discussion: Fireworks Safety Outreach Councilmember Putaansuu wanted to continue the conversation of what could be done regarding fireworks safety outreach. Fire Chief Wright, South Kitsap Fire & Rescue, said in the past the fire districts attempted to ban fireworks altogether at the county level. The result from the public was a resounding no to the proposal. The fire district now spends their time preparing for the Fourth of July holiday by increasing the number of crews. They are reactive to situations, and operate more in their law enforcement capacity during that time. During the last five years, there have been a handful of minor incidents. Police Chief Marti said the fireworks safety has been improving since he first starting working in Port Orchard. There have been relatively few fireworks complaints in the City. In regards to the resident concern at Tracy Avenue, Chief Marti said the police department could have an effect on that issue. When citizens call into Cencom, they need to articulate the safety concern, and make a request for law enforcement to contact them. He said the police department is limited in setting up restricted zones, and they would be hard to justify. Discussion highlights: • The Port of Bremerton did a good job last year enforcing the no fireworks on the beach and on the Port property with their staff. Fathoms 0' Fun volunteers also helped and made an impact on the safety of downtown. • Could designate a place for people to do fireworks. • Community service was considered for cleaning up the fireworks debris in the neighborhoods, but it would be difficult to do a city-wide sweep. • The City cannot solve every problem when the problem is bigger than the resources available. • If fireworks were banned, people would still buy them and light them off. • Talked about what kind of safety messages could be sent out. Council Direction: Council directed staff to put fireworks safety information on the City's website, utility bill, reader boards, and the newsletter. 3· Discussion: School Bus Parking in the Commercial Zone Mr. Rosapepe, SKSD Director of Transportation, and Mr. O'Brien, SKSD Director of Facilities & Operations, reported the District has a congestion issue where their 90 school buses are parked. They are looking to lease another property to stage and operate 16-20 busses to relieve the congestion from the other site. The problem they are running into is POMC 16.30 does not allow for parking of school busses in commercially zoned areas. Development Director Bond said the School District is requesting a minor change to the City's zoning table to allow a "School Bus Base" as a conditional use in the commercial zone. He is March 18, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of6 requesting direction from Council if they would like to have the proposed ordinance be put on the April 22, 2014, Council meeting, have it go before the Planning Commission first, or decline to take up the issue. Discussion highlights: • A conditional use permit will still be required once a location is picked. • The busses would be coming and going in the morning and the afternoon. • It was noted that allowing the storage of busses in the use table would detract from generating commerce. • The City is unique when compared to other cities because we only have one commercial zone. Council Direction: Council directed staff to send the notices through Commerce and SEPA for comments, and then bring the proposal before the Council for a Public Hearing and action. 4· Discussion: 2014 Council Goals Update Mayor Matthes reviewed the Council Short-Term Goals Update Report. Discussion highlights: • Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Segment 4 o Public Works received the "No Further Action Likely" letter from the Department of Ecology regarding the Bay Ford Voluntary Clean-Up Plan. o Public Works Director Dorsey will begin preparing a contract for the final design of the bridge. He is hoping to have the bridge built between July 16, 2014 and February 3, 2015. • Bethel Corridor o lights are being installed on the south end of Bethel. o Public Works Director Dorsey is working on an RFP to design the grind outs. The grind outs are a band-aid. For the cost of $500-6ooK, the City can make the roads drivable for 20 years as opposed to spending $5oMM to try to do a full project. The City only has the ability to do so much with its staffing and funding, and this is the only option. They are trying to make the road passable, with the anticipation of one day tearing the whole road up and redoing it. • McCormick Woods Park o The logging is complete and a bid package for Phase 2 is going out Friday. • Wel1No.1o o Public Works Director Dorsey received an official letter from the Department of Commerce offering the City a $6MM, 24-year, 1.5% loan. The City has 6o days to respond. He is working with the Treasurer to start working on the standard documents. o This will be discussed at the Aprilu, 2014, Utility Committee meeting. Council Direction: Council· would like to know when the survey from the contractor on Paul Powers Park will be completed. 5· Discussion: Development Guidelines -Overview Public Works Director Dorsey reported staff was directed by City Council to prepare a new City of Port Orchard Development Guidelines, to replace the outdated 2004 Developer's Handbook, which is still in use. Staff has worked diligently over the past year to complete this task. As this March 18, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page4of6 document is very large and has recently been submitted to the Kitsap County Homebuilders Association (KCHBA) for their review /input, staff is here to 1) provide a general overview of the document and 2) seek direction as to the final Council review and approval process once the KCHBA has completed their review. The current adopted 2004 Developer's Handbook is outdated with respect to the current adopted Water System Plan, Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan, Stormwater Regulations and the Transportation Element. Therefore, a new Development Guideline needs to be established as soon as possible, given the recent upturn in development activity within the City's UGA. The Port Orchard City Council authorized the Contract with PACE Engineers to commence with the preparation of the new Development Guideline in 2013. Staff has worked diligently to complete the task. Discussion highlights: • Not a lot of content was carried over from the 2004 document. • The guidelines will serve as a one-stop shop. It will be available on the website and on a CD. • The Homebuilders are currently reviewing the guidelines. • This document is designed so they can make changes administratively when needed. Council Direction: Council directed staff to finalize the document upon receipt and resolution of comments received from KCHBA, the Council, and the City Attorney and bring forward at a future date for adoption. 6. Discussion: VanZee Park Lease Development Director Bond reported in October 2013, Council discussed a proposed lease between the South Kitsap Soccer Club for a portion of VanZee Park for winter practices. At that time, Councilmembers expressed a concern for the term of the lease and wanted to ensure that the City could terminate the agreement if things were not working out. However, the organization was also proposing to make some investments in the form of lighting and field improvements and wanted to ensure that should the lease not be extended, that they would get some of their investment back. The lease as proposed includes an amortization schedule for improvements that the organization may choose to make. Under the terms of the lease, the City would reimburse the organization for those improvements according to the schedule, if Council were to choose not to extend the lease. The schedule would end after 5 years at which time the City would no longer be obligated to reimburse for improvements were it to choose not to extend the lease. After the proposed lease was presented to the Public Properties committee, the applicant has received a quote for lighting. The cost was more than they anticipated, coming in at $8sK to install lighting. Because of the cost, the applicant wants to extend the lease 10 years and adjust the amortization schedule. Discussion highlights: • The use of the field by the club should not become possessive. When they are not using it, it needs to be available to the public. March 18, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 5 of6 • They are going to have to get approval to build the lights. At that time, it would need to be determined whose name the utility would be in. The best idea would be to put the utilities in the name of the City and we bill out for usage. • The City will still be maintaining the field as it is our park. They will only be using it in the winter months at night. • If the lights were installed, at the end of the lease, the lights would become property of the City. • It was questioned why a lease is being considered if they do not make any improvements. • The soccer club is looking for a place to call their home for winter practices. Council Direction: Council directed staff to bring the lease forward to the next Council meeting as it is currently written. 7· Discussion: Wayfinding Signs Professional Services Contract Development Director Bond reported the Council included funds for wayfinding signage in the 2014 budget. Staff has conducted a consultant selection process and has selected Ambrosini Design for a professional services contract. The Economic Development Tourism Committee considered the proposed scope and fee presented at their meeting on March 10, 2014. The committee unanimously agreed to recommend approval of the scope and fee for the project and recommended that the Council discuss an option contained within the scope and fee at Work Study. A consultant selection process for preparing wayfinding signage plans and specs and for creation of city logos/branding has been completed. Ambrosini Design was rated as the top firm interviewed from the City's consultant roster and they have prepared a proposed scope and fee for services. The scope for the wayfinding project is attached and as proposed is not to exceed $40,000. An elective scope for expanded branding/logo creation has also been prepared and would cost an additional $25,000. This additional expense was not budgeted for 2014, but after discussing the issue with the Treasurer, staff believes that this additional cost will fit within the existing 2014 budget without the need for an amendment. The Economic Development Committee was supportive of this additional effort as a marketing tool, which could be used by the City and community groups to market the City. Logo development is a necessary part of developing a wayfinding system and combining the two efforts into one project will come at a savings to the City versus taking on the two projects independent of one another. This approach will also ensure greater uniformity throughout marketing efforts in the City. Discussion highlights: • There is no interest in recreating the logo and rebranding everything. There is interest in creating unified colors and fonts for marketing purposes. • There was some desire to do the branding before doing the signs. There was also some desire to create the waterfront plan before doing the branding and signs. • There was some interest in doing the signs and branding at the same time to create uniformity and to save money. There is value in doing them together. • There is a need to have a coordinated system. March 18, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 6 of 6 • There is nothing more effective in getting people downtown than creating wayfinding signs. • This will allow groups that market Port Orchard in a unified way. Council Direction: Council directed staff to place the contract on the next Council meeting and to include an additional $15,000 for logo development. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, Apri115, 2014