015-05 - Resolution - Contract with Waste Management for Collection and DisposalRESOLUTION NO. 015-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A CONTRACT FOR SOLID WASTE, RECYCLING, COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WASHINGTON, INC. DBA BREM-AIR DISPOSAL WHEREAS, the collection, removal, and disposal of solid waste is an important and necessary service to maintain public health, safety, and sanitation within the City of Port Orchard; and WHEREAS, the City and Waste Management, Inc. dba Brem-Air Disposal have negotiated the terms of a 5-year contract for collection and disposal services relating to garbage, recyclable materials and yard debris; and WHEREAS, the rates for said services shall be as set forth in Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Tariff No. 19, a copy of which is attached to the contract; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that said contract is in the best interests of the City and its citizens; now, therefore; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: The Mayor is authorized to sign the "Contract for Solid Waste, Recycling, Collection and Disposal" between the City of Port Orchard and Waste Management, Inc. dba Brem-Air Disposal, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 27th day of June 2005. KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR ATTEST: RECEIVED NO·\~ 1, 20.·VVA. UT .. & TRANS. COM,·ORIGIKA.L TG-041920 Ori2:inal Title. Page TariffNo.J2 Cancels TariffNo. 18 of Waste Manal!ement ofWashinuton, lnc. (Name of Solid Waste Collection Company) Brem-Air Disposal (Registered trade name of Solid Waste Collection Company) Certificate Number G-23 7 NAMING RATES FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE, AND IF NOTED, RECYCLING AND YARDWASTE IN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TERRJTORY: See Attached Appendix A (NOTE: If this tariff applies in only a portion of a company's certificate authority, a map accurately depicting the area in which the tariff applies must be attached to the tariff) Name of person issuing tariff: Michael A. Weinstein Mailing address of issuing agent: 80 l Second A venue. Suite 6 J 4 City, State/Zip Code: ---"'S,ea,..tt,...le"".-'~"'-1'-'A'-"'-98""'1~->0'-'4'----------- Telephone number, including area code: _ _,(""'2""'06""')c..:2""'6'-'-4-=-3'-"0:..!.7=<-2 _____ _ FAX number, if any: (206) 264-8212 E-mail address, if any: mweinsteinlalwm.com Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, J\1\V Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 (For Official Use Only) Official UTC requests for information egarding consumer questions and/or complaints should be referred to the oJJowing company representative: 1ame: Terrv Bickel itle: District Manager -Mail: tbickel@wm.com ax: (360) 674-7138 Effective date: January 1, 2005 Docket No. TG---------Date:------------fF:oR OFFICIAL USE Q,VLY Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NOV 1-. 20t~A. UT. & TRt\.NS. COMreoruGil\AL TG-041~20 TariffNo.1.2 Company Name/Pennit Number: V/aste Management ofWashingwn. lnc./G-:231 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal CHECh. SHEET Ori!!inal Page No. 1 Ail pages comained in this tariff are 1isred below in consecutive order. The pages in the tariff andior any supplements to the tarifflisted on this page have issue dates that are the same as, or are before, the issue date of this page. "0" in the revision column indicates an original page. Page Number Current Page Number Current Page Number Current Revision Revision Revision Title Pa!!e 0 20 0 2 0 2l 0 3 0 22 0 4 0 23 0 5 0 24 0 6 0 25 0 7 0 26 0 8 0 27 0 9 0 28 0 10 0 29 0 1 1 0 30 0 12 0 31 0 13 0 32 0 l4 0 33 0 15 0 34 0 16 0 35 0 17 0 36 0 18 0 37 0 19 0 38 0 Supplements in Effect Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, 'NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Docket No. TG--------- Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Date:----------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: OJ -01-05 RECEIVED NQ\T 1, 20.V\7A. UT .. & TRANS. coMifoRIGI1\AL TG-0419.20 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashington, lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Original Page No. lndex of hems in This Tariff-see next ua2e for list bv topic Item 5 -Taxes Item 10-Application of Rates-General Item 15 -Holiday Pickup Item 16 -Change in Pickup Schedule Item 17 -Refunds Item 18-Billing, Advance Billing, Payment Delinquency Dates, Late Charges Item 20-Definitions hem 30-Limitation of Service Item 40-Material Requiring Special Equipment, Precautions, or Disposal Item 45-Material Requiring Special Testing and/or Analysis Item 50-Returned Check Charges !tern 52-Re-delivery Charges Item 55 -Over-sized or Over-weight Units Item 60 -Overtime Item 70-Return Trips ltem 75-Flat Monthly Charges Item 80-Carryout Service, Drive-lns Item 90 -Can Carriage, Overhead Obstructions, Sunken or elevated cans/units ltem 100-Can/Unit Service, Residential -Residential Curbside Recycling-Residential Yard waste service Item 105 -Multi-family rates Item I20-Drums Item 130-Litter Receptacles Item 150-Loose and/or Bulky Material Item 160 -Time Rates hem 200 -Application of Container and/or Drop Box Rates -General ltem 205-Roll-Out Charges-Containers, Automated Carts, and Toters Item 207-Excess Weight-Rejection of Load, Charges to Transport Item 210-Washing and Sanitizing Containers and Drop Boxes Item 220 -Compactor Rental Item 230-Disposal Fees Item.240-Container Service-Non-compacted-Company-owned container Item 245-Container Service-Non-compacted-Customer-o~ed container Item 260 -Drop Box Service-Non-Compacted -Company-owned drop box Item 275 -Drop Box Service-Compacted -Customer-owned drop box Item 300-List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Tariff Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 (For Official Use Only) Effective date: January 1, 2005 Docket No. TG-_______ _ Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 L..-..------------------------·-··-·--------- RECEIVED NOV 1~20t;.~VA. UT. & TRANS.COMJ\-~RJGThA.L TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. Jnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Index bv topic Ori£inal Page No. 4 JtemNo. Abbreviations used in tariff .................................................................................................................. 300 Ad vance billing ....................................................................................................................................... l 8 Animals ......................................................................................................................................... 30 Bales ....................................................................................................................................... 140 Billing periods authorized ....................................................................................................................... l8 Carryout service ...................................................................................................................................... 80 Commercial can service ........................................................................................................................ 245 · Compactor rental ................................................................................................................................... 220 Container service, non-compacted, company-owned ........................................................................... 240 Container service, non-compacted, customer-owned ........................................................................... 245 Containers and/or drop boxes, availability ........................................................................................... 200 Containers and/or drop boxes, general rules ......................................................................................... 200 Containers and/or drop boxes, washing and sanitizing ......................................................................... 210 Credit due the customer .......................................................................................................................... 17 Damage to customer property ................................................................................................................. 30 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Delinquency dates ................................................................................................................................... 18 Disposal fees ....................................................................................................................................... 230 Drive-in service ....................................................................................................................................... 90 Drop-box service, compacted, customer-owned ................................................................................... 275 Drop-box service, non-compacted, company-owned ............................................................................ 260 Excess weight, rejection ofload, charges to transport .......................................................................... 207 Flat monthly charges ............................................................................................................................... 75 Holidays observed ................................................................................................................................... 60 Late charges ..................................................................... : ......................... , ........................................ .50 Limitations of sen'ice .............................................................................................................................. 30 Litter receptacles ................ : .................................................................................................................. 130 Loose and/or bulky material. ................................................................................................................. I 50 Material requiring special disposal' ....................................................................................................... .40 Material requiring special equipment .................................................................................................... .40 Material requiring special precautions .................................................................................................... 40 Material requiring special testing/analysis ............................................................................................. .45 Continued on next page Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) DocketNo.TG-______________ __ Date: ___________ _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041 920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 -------------------------------------------------------....11 RECEIVED NOV 1, 20.Vt'A. UT .. & TRANS. COM .. ORIGINAJ~ TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal lnde:x bv topic. continued Ori£inal Page No. 5 Item No. Missed pickups. weather or road conditions .......................................................................................... .30 Multi-family rates ..................................................................... · ............................................................ 1 05 NSF checks ............................................................................. , ........................................................... 50 Overhead obstructions ............................................................................................................................ 90 Over-sized Units ... : ...................................................................... , ......................................................... .55 Overtime ......................................................................................................................................... 60 Over-weight units .................................................................................................................................... 55 Refund of overcharges ............................................................................................................................ 17 Refund of prepayments ........................................................................................................................... 17 Refunds ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Refusal to make pickup ........................................................................................................................... 30 Residential recycling ............................................................................................................................. ! 00 Residential service ................................................................................................................................ 100 Residential yard waste ........................................................................................................................... 1 00 Re-delivery charges ................................................................................................................................. 52 Returned check charges .................................. , ...................................................................................... .50 Return trips ..................................... .' ................................................................................................... 70 Roll-out charges .................................................................................................................................... 205 ·Stairs or steps ......................................................................................................................................... 90 Sunken or elevated cans/units ................................................................................................................. 90 Symbols used in tariff ........................................................................................................................... 300 Taxes ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Time rates ................................................................... _ .................................................................... 160 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG----------Date:----------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-0J-05 RECEIVED No~v 1~ 20t .• VA. UT. & TRANS. COMl\~RIGINAL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 5-Application of Rates-Taxes Original Page No. 6 1n addition tO the rates shown in the remainder of the tariff the foliowing taxes apply: Entity Ordinance Amount Application imposimr tax: number: of tax: (Commodities and territorv) Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Docket No. TG--------- Effective date: January l, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Date:----------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEfVED NOV 1, 20~A. UT.,& TR.A.NS. COMl.·ORJGII\AL TG-0419.20 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 10-Aoplication of Rates-General Orirrinal Page No. 7 Rates named in this tariff cover the collection, rransponation, and disposal of solid waste. When specifically referred to, rates also cover the collection and transponation of recyclable materials and/or yardwaste. Title 81.77 of the Revised Code ofWashington (RCW) and Chapter 480-70 ofthe Washington Administrative Code (WAC) govern operations of solid waste co11ectiol1 companies and the tariffs companies must file with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC). UnJess exceptions are shown, all materials must be placed on the same level as the streets or alleys. The company may charge additional amounts for disposal fees only when specifically stated in the tariff and separately shown on customer bills. Item 15 -Holidav Pickup -Rerularlv Scheduled Service When a pickup is missed due to the company's observance of a holiday, the company will provide service, at no additional cost to the customer, on an alternate day. A list of the holidays the company observes is shown in Item 60. For application of rates in this tariff, the company defines alternate day to mean the following: Pick-up days are Monday through Friday including all holidays except Thanksgiving day, Christmas day, and New Year's day. lfthe pick-up day falls on or after any of those three holidays, the alternate day will be one day late that week, for the balance of the week through Saturday. Item 16-Chan2:e in Pkkup Schedule When a company changes the pick-up date for its certificate area, or a portion of its certificate area, the company must notify all customers in the affected area of that change. Notice must be made at least seven days before implementation of the new pickup schedule and may be made via mail, personal contact, or by a notice being affixed to the customer's solid waste receptacle. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst; NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG-_______ _ Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NOY 1~ 20\ .• VA. -UT. & TRl~.NS. COMh~RIGIJ\AL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Ori2inal Page No. 8 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, lnc../G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item !"' -Refunds Credit due the customer. When there has been a transaction that results in a credit due the customer. the following apply: (a) If the amount due is five dollars or less, an adjustment will be made to the customer's account. The adjustment must be shown on the next regular bill. (b) If the amount due is more than five dollars, the customer may accept an account adjustment or may request a refund. (a) If the customer elects to have an account adjustment made, the adjustment must show on the next regular billing. (b) If the customer elects to receive a refund, the company must issue a check within thirty days of the request. Overcharges. Once a company becomes aware that it has overcharged a customer, it must provide a refund or an account adjustment credit to the customer. The customer must be given a choice as to which option is preferred. The refund or credit must be the amount overcharged in the three years before the date of discovery. (c) If the customer elects to have an account adjustment made, the adjustment must show on the next regular billing. (d) If the customer elects to receive a refund, the company must issue a check within thirty days of the request. Prepayments. If a customer has paid service fees in advance, service is discontinued during the pre-billed period, and the customer is due a refund, the followmg apply: (a) A company must honor all requests for refunds of the unused portion of prepayments. (b) If the customer provides a forwarding address to the company or one can be obtained from the Post Office, the company must issue a refund check no more than thirty days following the customer's request. (c) If the customer caru10t be located or did not provide a forwarding address and the U.S. Post Office carmot furnish a forv.rarding address, the amount may be presumed to be abandoned and is subject to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act after one year. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW A.rea Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January l, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG---------Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 -------·--·--·------·------·-----------------------------... .---------·~---------------------------- RECEIVED NOV 1, 20'-"iA. UT. & TRI'\NS. cod ORIGI!'\AL TG-041920 T ariffNo. 19 .Original Page No. 9 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. lnc./G-:237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 18-Billing. Advance BillinR. and Pavment Delinquencv Dates Billing period. A company may bill its customers for one, two, or three months of service Advance billing and payment delinquenc~' dates. The following chart defines the maximum period allowed for advance billing and the date when a bill may be considered delinquent Billing period Maximum advance billing Delinquency d ate period allowed One month's service No advance billing May not be less th an (monthly) allowed twenty-one days a fter the date the bill is mailed Two months' service One months' advanced May not be until t he last billing allowed day of the second month Three months' service Two months' advance May not be until t he last billing allowed dav of the third m onth The billing period chosen by the company operating under this tariff for residential solid waste accounts is: Three months~ service. Late charges. Customers with past due accounts after the delinquency dates specified in the chart above will be charged a late fee of 1% per month on outstanding balances. The minimum charge' per month is $1.00. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 ----------------~--------------------------------------------(For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG-_______ _ Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NOV 1. 20t.~'A. UT. & TR.t\NS. COMhA>RIGINAL TG-0419.20 TariffNo. 19 Ori12:inal Page No. l 0 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Managemem ofV./ashington.lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 20 Definitions NOTE: Tile definitions shown on the.firslthree pages of this irem are Siandarcl. in most cases prescribed hy mle. Companie.~ may noi amend these definiiions. Companies wishing w add de,fini1ions spec(fic Io their companv's operations nwsr include those de,fini1ion.1 on a separate page. elllitled. "Company-specific definitions." A biank sheer is providedfor thai purpose. Bale: Bulky Materials: Charge: Commercial Billing: Compacted Material: Material compressed by machine and securely tarped or banded. Empty carriers, cartons, boxes. crates, etc., or materials offered for disposaL all of which may be readily handled without shoveling. A set flat fee for performing a service. Or, the result of multiplying a rate for a unit times the number of units transported. Service billed to a commercial customer or billed to, and paid for, by a property manager or owner rather than a residential tenant. Material that h_as been compressed by any mechanical device elther before or after it is placed in the receptacle handled by the company. Compactor Disconnect/ Reconnect Charge: Gate charge: Loose material: Multi-family residence: Packer: Pass through fee: A flat fee established by the solid waste collection company for the service of disconnecting a compactor from a drop box or container before taking it to be dumped, and then reconnecting the compactor when the drop box or container is returned to the customer's site. A flat fee charged for opening, unlocking, or closing gates in order to pick up solid waste. Material not set out in bags or containers, including materials that must be shoveled. Any structure housing two or more dwelling units. A device or vehicle specially designed to pack loose materials. A fee collected by a solid waste collection company on behalf of a third party when the fee is billed directly to the customer without mar1:up or markdown. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NV/ Mea Issue date: November 1, 2004 DocketNo.TG-______________ __ Effective date: January l, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Date: ______________________ __ FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: OJ-OJ-05 RECEIVED NOV 1! 20~~:A. UT .. & TR6,..NS. COMJ\.,ORIGINAL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Orimnal Page No. 11 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashington.lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item ?O-Defmitions. continued Permanent service: Container and drop-box se:r.iice provided at the customer's request for more than ninety days. Rate: A price per unit or per service. A rate is multiplied times the number of units transported or the number of times a service is performed to determine a charge. Solid waste receptacle: includes the fo1lowing items, with the following meanings: Automated cart means a cart designed to be picked up and emptied by mechanical means. The specific type and size are to be defined in rate items. Can means a receptacle made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material that is watertight, and has a close-fitting cover and two handles. A can holds more than twenty gallons, but not more than thirty-two gallons. A can may not weigh more than 65 pounds when filled. Cart means a wheeled plastic container. A cart may also be referred to as a toter. If suppHed by a customer, a cart must be compatible with the company's equ)pment. The size and type of cart that is compatible will be established in each company's tariff. Container means a detachable receptacle (nonnally designed to hold at least a cubic yard of solid waste) from which materials are collected by mechanically lifting the receptacle and emptying the contents into the company's vehicle. Drop box means a detachable receptacle used to provide solid waste collection service by the receptacle being placed on the company's vehicle by mechanical means and transported to a disposal she. Drum means a metal or plastic container of approximately fifty-gallon capacity, generally used for oils or solvents. A drum may not weigh more than 50 when filled. Litter receptacle means a container not over sixty-gallon capacity, generally placed in shopping centers and along streets or highways for litter. A litter receptacle may not weigh more thari 65 pounds when filled. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area 1ssue date: November 1, 2004 DocketNo. TG-_______ _ Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Off1cial Use Only) Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, RECEIVED NOV 1~. 20t. .VA. UT. & TRANS. ·COM·h~RIGINAL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Original Page No. 1: Company Name/Pennit Number: Waste Management ofWashington.lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Special pick-up: Item 20 -Definitions. continued Micro-mini can means a can made of durable. corrosion-resistant nonabsorbent material that is watenig:ht and has a close-fitting cover. A micro-mini can may not hold more than ten gallons. A micro-mini can may not weigh more than 20 pounds when filled. Mini-can means a can made of durable, corrosion resistant. nonabsorbent material that is watertight and has a close-fitting cover. A mini-can may not hold more than twenty gallons. A mini-can may not weight more than 35 pounds when filled. Recycling bin or container means a bin or container designed or designated for the collection of recyclables. The size and type of recycling bin or container will be established in each company's tariff. Toter means a wheeled plastic container. A toter may also be referred to as a cart. If supplied by customer, a toter must be compatible with the company's equipment. The size and type of toter that is compatible will be established in each company's tariff. Unit means a receptacle made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material that is watertight, and has a close-fitting cover and two handles. A unit holds more than twenty gallons, but not more than thirty-two gallons or four cubic feet. A unit may not weigh more than 65 pounds when filled. Where agreed on between the company and the customer, and where allowable under local ordinance, a box, carton, cardboard barrel or other suitable container may be substituted fm: a solid waste can, for a single pick-up that includes removal of the container, if it meets the size and weight limits established in the company's tariff. Yardwaste bin or container means a bin or container specifically designed or designated for the collection of yard waste. Each company's tariff will refer to a specific type of yardwaste bin or container to be used by customers in a service area. The type, size, weight, etc., of this type ofbin or container will often be set by local government plans or ordinances. A pick-up requested by the customer at a time other than the regularly scheduled pick-up time, that requires the special dispatch of a truck. If a special dispatch is required, the company will assess time rates established in the company's tariff. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Docket No. TG~ -------- Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Date:------------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NOV 1, 20t~VA. :UT. ~& TRANS. CO~ORIGINAIL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashing:ton.lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 20 -Defmitions. continued Ori2:inal Page No. 13 Suppiement: A page added to the beginning of a tariff, normally to cover emergency, temporary, or special situations. An example is a page issued to shO\.\' a special surcharge imposed by a city. Temporary service: Temporary service means providing container or drop-box service at the customer's request, for a period of ninety days or less. Unlatching: Another term for a gate charge. A flat fee imposed by a solid waste co11ection company when the company's personnel must unlatch a gate or door to perform pickup service. Unlocking: A flat fee imposed by a solid waste collection company when the company's personnel must unlock padlocks or other locking devices to perform pickup services. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG---------Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 '--------------------------------·------~-·~·--~--· RECEI'VED NOV t 20\..VV A. UT. & TR.\NS. COMh·,ORIGI~AL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 30-Limitations of Service Refusal of service. A solid waste collection company may refuse ro: OriQinal Page No. 14 (aJ Pick up materials from points where it is hazardous, unsafe, or dangerous to persons, property, or equipment to operate vehicles due to the conditions of streets, alleys, or roads. (b) Drive into private property when, in the company's judgment, driveways or roads are improperly constructed or maintained, do not have adequate turn-arounds, or have other unsafe conditions. (c) Enter private property to pick up material while an animal considered or feared to be vicious is loose. The customer wi1J be required to confine the animal on pickup days. Schedules. A company's schedule will meet reasonable requirements and will comply with local service level ordinances. M.issed pickups due to weather or road conditions. Picl..'Up of materials may be missed due to weather or road conditions. If the accumulated material (solid waste and/or recyclables, and/or yardwaste) is collected on the next scheduled or available pickup date, the company is not obligated to extend credit for the missed pickup. The customer will not be charged for overfilled receptacles, or for materials set out in bags on top of or next to the customer's normal receptacles if the amount of extra mat~rial does not exceed the amount that would have reasonably been expected to accumulate due to missed pickups. Due care. Other than to offer reasonable care, the company assumes no responsibility for articles left on or near solid waste receptacles. Liability for damage. When a customer requests that a company provide service and damage occurs to the customer's driveway due to reasons not in the control of the company, the company will assume no responsibility for the damage. Issued by: Michael A Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November l, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG--------Drue: ______________________ __ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 r-----------------------------------------~·------- RECEIVED NOV 1~ 20.\VA. UT. ,& TRANS. COM.ORIGIN~li TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Ori~Ilal Page No. 15 Item 40-Material Reguirimr Snecial EauinmenL Precautions. or Disposal T ransponation of solid waste requiring special equipment or precautions in handling or disposal will be subject to time rates named in Item 160, or to other specific rates contained in this tariff. Companies must make every effort to be aware of the commodities that require special handling at the disposal sites named in the company's tariffs. The company shall maintain a list of those commodities and make it available for public inspection at the company's office. Item 45-Material Requiring Special Testin!! and/or }\nalvsis When a solid waste collection company or disposal facility detennines that testing and/or analysis of solid waste is required to determine whether dangerous or prohibited substances are present, the actual cost for such testing and/or analysis will be paid by the customer. The company must provide the customer with a copy of any bill or invoice for costs incurred for testing and/or analysis and also must retain a copy in the company's file for at least three years. Those costs shall be passed tluough to the customer without markup. The company must maintain records of time spent to accomplish the special testing and/or analysis, and may bill the customer for that time under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Rates). Jtem 50-Returned Check Charf!es Returned check charge. If a customer pays with a check, and the customer's bank refuses to honor that check, the customer will be assessed a returned check charge in the amount of$ 25.00. Item 52-Re-deliverv Chanres A re-delivery fee of$12.90 will be assessed to cart customers whose service is discontinued for non- payment or cart customers who request re-delivery or exchange of container sizes( C). Please see Item 100. A pickup and re-delivery fee of$ 33.85 will be assessed to customers who request that their container (up to 8 yards) be washed, steam cleaned and sanitized. Please see Jtem 210. A pickup and re-delivery fee of$ 74.20 will be assessed to customers who request that their drop box (over 8 yards) be washed, steam cleaned and sanitited. Please see 1tem 21 0. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January I, 2005 (For Official Use Only) DocketNo. TG-_______ _ Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-0 5 RECETVED NOV 1~ 20,~«VA. UT. & TRANS. COMl'~JtRIGil\~4L TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. l.nc.IG-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 55 -Over-sized or Over-weight Cans or Units Ori!!inal Page No. 16 The company reserves the right to r~iect pickup of any residential receptacle (can. unit bag. mini-can. or micro mini-can) which, upon reasonable inspection exceeds the size and .weight limits shown in Item 20. (a) If the receptacle exceeds the size and/or limits stated in Item 20, is overfilled, or the top is unable to be closed. but the company transports the materials, the following additional charges will apply: $ 3.77(A} per unit Note: Fm· charges app~ving on overweight toters. carts, containers. or drop boxes see item 207. Item 60 -Overtime Periods Companies will assess additional charges when providing services, at customer request, during overtime periods. Overtime periods include Saturdays, Sundays, and the following holidays: New Year's Dav Labor Dav Washimrton's Birthdav Veteran's Day Memorial Dav Thanksgivin2 Day Independence Day Christmas Dav Martin Luther King Dav Time is to be recorded to the nearest increment of 15 minutes from the time the company's vehicle leaves the terminal until the time it returns to the terminal. No additional charge will be assessed to customers for overtime or holiday work performed solely for the company's convenience. Charge per hour$ 49.35 Minimum Charge $ 25.20 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG-_______ _ Date:------------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NO\' t 20~lA. UT .. & TRANS. COM1.0RIGII\AL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal ltem 70-Rerum Trips Original Page No. 17 When a company is required to make a return trip that does not require the special dispatch of a truck, to pick up material that was unavailable for collection for reasons under the control of the customer, the following additional charges, per pickup, will apply. Can, unit, mini-can, or micro-mini can ............................................................................ $ 10.40 Cart .................................................................................................................................... $ N/A Litter Receptacle .......... : .................................................................................................... $ N/A Drop Box .......................................................................................................................... $ 19.85 Container .......................................................................................................................... $ 14.90 NOTE: Return trips requiring the special dispatch of a truck are considered special pickups and are charged for under the provisions ofltem 160 (Time Rates). Issued by: Michael A Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use OnJy) Docket No. TG---------Date:----------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: I 2-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEI'VED NO,V 1, 2f4t "''A. UT .. & TRA .. NS. COMe ORIGINAL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Ori!:!inal Page "No. 18 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashington. lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 75 -Flat Monthlv Chanres This rule applies in connection with Items 80, 90, 120. 130. 240, 245. 250, 255, 260. 265, 270, and 275. A flat monthly charge may be assessed if computed as follows: (a) If weekly service is provided: Multiply the rate times 4.33 and then multiply that figure times the number of units picked up. (b) If every other week service is provided: Multiply the rate times 2.17 and then multiply that figure times the number of units picked up. (c) For Items 240, 250, 260, and 270: For permanent, regularly scheduled pickups, a flat monthly charge may be assessed if computed as follows: a. For weekly service, each container provided: i. If monthlv rent is shown: monthly rent plus ( 4.33 times pickup rate times number of pickups per week) ii. If monthlv rent is not sho·wn: 1st pickup rate plus (3 .33 times additional piclnlp rate) plus (4.33 times additional pickup rate times additional weekly pickups). b. For every-other week service, each container provided: i. If monthly rent is shown: monthly rent plus (2.17 times pickup rate times number of pick'Ups per week) ii. If monthlv rent is not shown: I st pickup rate plus (1.17 times additional pickup rate) plus (2.17 times additional pickup rate times additional weekly pickups). Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG-_______ _ Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 ... , RECEI'VED N0\7 1~ 20~7 A.lTT .. & TRANS. COM·l·ORIGil\iAL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. lnc./G-137 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disnosal . . . Item 80-Cam·-our Service. Drive-lns Original Page No. 19 Companies will assess the following additional charges when customers request that company personnel provide carry-out service of cans/units not placed at the curb, the alley, or other point where the company's vehicle can be driven to within five feet of the cans/units using improved access roads commonly available for public use. Driveways are not considered improved access roads commonly available for public use. Rate Charge for Carry-outs Residential I Coin.mercial Per Unit Per Pickup Per Unit Per Pich.'Up Cans, units, mini-cans, or micro-mini cans that must be carried out over 5 feet, but not over 25 feet $0.17 $0.20 for each additional 25 feet, or fraction of 25 feet, add $0.17 $0.20 NOTE: The company may elect to drive in at the rates shown above, except the charge will be limited to one can, unit, mini-cans or micro-mini can. If cans, units, mini-cans, or micro- mini cans are carried over 125 feet, but are safely accessible to the company's vehicle, the drive-in charges shown below must be assessed instead. Rate Charge for Drive-ins (per pickup) Residential Commercial Per Pich.'Up Per Pickup Drive-ins on driveways of over 125 feet $1.04 \ tit Drive-ins on driveways of over 250 feet, I but less than 1110 mile. For each l/1 0 mile over 1/J 0 mile. Note: For the purpose of assessing drive-in fees, a driveway is defined as providing access to a single residence. If a driveway provides access to multiple residences or accounts, no drive-in fees will be assessed. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November I, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG---------Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041 920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 E.ffective Date: 01-01-05 RECEI"VED NOY L 20l1.iA. UT. & TR<\.NS. COMJV~RIGII\~li TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashington.lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Oricinal Page No. 20 Item 90-Can Carriage-Special Services Rate I Residential Commercial Per Unit. Per Pickup Per Unit Per Pickup Stairs or steps-for each ste up or down.;.:;_-+--__ .:..$.:..0..;;..0.:..3 __ --+-------1 Overhead obstructions -for each I overhead obstruction Jess than 8 feet from the !!found Sunken or elevated cans/units-for cans, units, mini-cans, or micro-mini cans fully or partially under ground or over 4 feet above ground, but not involving stairs or ste s s 0.10 $0.21 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Mea Issue date: November 1, 2004 (For Official Use OnJy) Effective date: January 1, 2005 Docket No. TG---------Date:----------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041 920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 .~ ·RECEIVED NOY 1~20t .. VA. UT. & TRANS.:COMl.ORIGir\AL TG-0419.2() TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashington.lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Ori2ina1 Page No. 21 ltem J 00-Residential Service --Monthlv Rates I continued on next oa~re l Rates in this item apply: · ( 1 ) To solid waste collection. curbside recycling (where noted l and yardwaste colle.ction services (where noted l for residential property. This includes single fatnily dwellings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes. condominiums, etc .. where service is billed directly to the occupant of each residential unit: andior (2) When required by a local government service level ordinance solid waste collection, curbside recycling. and yardwaste service must be provided for single-family dwellings, duplexes, mobile homes, condominiums and apartment buildings of less than.;! residential units, where service is billed to the. propeny owner or manager. Rates below apply in the following service area: That portion of K.itsap County included in G-23 7 that does not require recycling and yard waste services, pursuant to Kitsap County Ordinance No. 272-2002. Number of Units or Garbage Service Recycle Service Type of Container Frequency of Service Rate Rate Yardwaste Service Rate Mini-Can WG $9.15(A) n/a n/a 1 Can MG I $5.30(A} n/a n/a 1 32 gaL Cart MG $6.60(A) nfa n/a 1 Can EOWG $7.90(A) nla nla 1 32 gallon cart EOWG $9.15(A) n/a n/a 1 Can WG $11.45(A) n/a n/a 1 32 gallon cart WG $12.80(A) nla n/a -2 Cans WG $16.10(A) n/a n/a 3 Cans WG $20.75(A) n/a n/a 4 cans WG $25.40(A) n/a n/a 5 Cans WG $30.05(A) n/a nfa 1 64 gal. cart WG $16.10(A) n/a n/a 1 96 gal. cart WG $20.75(A) n/a n/a Frequency of Service Codes: WG=Weekly Garbage; EOWG=Every Other Week Garbage; MG=Monthly Garbage; WR=Weekly Recycling; EOWR=Every Other Week Recycling; MR=Monthly Recycling List others used: Notes for this item are continued on page 23. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November l, 2004 Effective date: January l, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG-_______ _ Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NOV 1. e,,. \VA. UT .. & TRANS. col.).. ORIGINAL TG~041920 ,. ~ TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, lnc.!G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Original Page No. ~.., Item 100-Residential Service--Monthlv Rates (continued on next paRe) Rates in this item apply: (1) To solid waste collection. curbside recycling (where noted) and yardwaste collection services (where noted) for residenrial property. This includes single family dwellings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes. condominiums, etc., where service is billed directly to the occupant of each residential unit: andior (2) When required by a local government service level ordinance solid waste collection. curbside recycling. and yardwaste service must be provided for single-family dwellings. duplexes, mobile homes, condominiums and apartment buildings of less than 2 residential units. where service is billed to the propeny owner or manager. Rates below apply in the following service area: That ponion ofKitsap County included in G-237 that requires recycling and yard waste services, pursuant to Kitsap County Ordinance No. 272-2002. Number of Units or Frequency of Garbage Service Type of Container Service Rate Recycle Service Rate Yardwaste Service Rate Mini-Can W/2R S9.15(A) $3.65 $6.75 1 Can MI2R $5.30(A) $3.65 $6.75 1 32 gal. cart. M/2R $6.60(A) $3.65 $6.75 1 Can EOW12R $7.90(A) $3.65 $6.75 1 32 gaL cart EOW/2R $9.15(A) $3.65 $6.75 1 Can WI2R $11.45(A) $3.65 $6.75 1 32_ga\. cart W/2R $1Z.BO{A) $3.65 $6.75 2 Cans W/2R $16.10(AJ $3.65 $6.75 3 Cans W/2R $20.75(A) $3.65 $6.75 4 Cans W/2R $25.40(A) $3.65 $6.75 5 Cans W/2R $30.05{Aj_ $3.65 $6.75 1 64 gal. cart WI2R $16.10(A) $3.65 $6.75 1 96 _gal. Cart W/2R S20.75JA)_ $3.65 $6.75 IUv'\-1i:J.,f7 Frequency of Service Codes: W"'Weekly Garbage~ EOW=Every Other Week Garbage; M=<Monthly Garbage; WR=Weekly Recycling; EOW/2R=Every Other Week Recycling and every other week recycle/yard Vv'llste service; M/2R,Monthly garbage and every other week recycle/yard waste service; Wl2R=Weekly garbage and every other week recycle/yard waste service Description/rules related to the recycling program are shown on page 24. Description/rules related to the yardwaste program are shown on page 24. Recycling rates shown above are subject to a recycling <credit>/ debit of <$1.48> per month. Notes for this item are on page 23. Recycling service rates on this page expire: September 30. 2005 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) DocketNo. TG-______________ __ Date:------------ FOR OFFJC!AL USE ONLY By: Dockei: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29~04 Effective Date: OJ -01-05 ..-----------------~------------------------------ / RECEIVED NOV 1~ 20~7 A. UT .. & TRANS. cod ORJGil\AL TGw041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashington.lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Original Page No. 23 ltem 100-Residential Service-Monthlv Rates (continued from previous pa2:el Note 1: Customers will be charged for service requested even if fewer units are picked up on a panicular trip. No credit will be given for panially filled cans. No credit will be given if custOmer fails to set receptacles out for collection. Note 2: For service more frequently than weekly, multiply the above rates by the number of times per week service is required. Note 3: A re-delivery fee of $12.90 will be assessed to can customers whose service is discontinued for non- payment or cart customers who request re-delivery. Note 4: For those customers who do not receive garbage services add $1.15 to the rates above for both recycling and yard waste services. Note 5: One pickup per month at $5.30(A) per can or unit will be charged on regular scheduled garbage pickup only for residential customers on an "on call" basis. Use special pickup rates in Item II 0 for residential can service not otherwise covered in this item. Note 6: The charge for an occasional extra residential bag, can, unit, toter, mini-can, or micro-mini can on a regular pichp is: $3.05(A) each per pickup Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG---------Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 E_ffective Date: OJ -01-05 e RECEfVED NO\: L -\,"""\VA. UT. & TRANS. COMI\-1.. ORIGIJ\A.L TG·041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Pennit Number: Waste Management ofWashingwn. lnc.IG<:!37 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal hem 100-Residential Service-Monthlv Rates (continued) Original Pag:e No. 24 Curbside recycling provisions shoW11 on this page apply only in the following service area: Program provided in accordance with Ordinance No. 272-2002 (territory described in Exhibit A) ofKitsap County Following is a description of the recycling program (type of containers, frequency, etc.): The curbside collection of recyclable materials is provided on an every other week basis to all customers in the above sen,ice area. Each customeris provided with three 16-gallon plastic bins. The customer is requested to place newspaper and mixed waste paper, and bottles and cans separately into each bin provided. Special rules related to recycling programs: Pick-up will be refused if bin contains trash, yard debris, or other non-acceptable contaminants. Customers may obtain a current listing of acceptable recyclables and non-acceptable items upon request. Curbside Yard Waste provisions shown on this page apply only in the following service area: Program provided in accordance with Ordinance No. 272-2002 (territory described in Exhibit B) ofKitsap County. Following is a description of the Yard Waste program (type of containers, frequencyi etc.): Yard waste service is a sign-up program that is provided on an every other week basis year round. Customers who sign up for this program will be provided with a 96-gallon cart. Special rules related to Yard Waste program: Yard waste cannot be in plastic bags. Pick-up will be refused if container contains any trash or other contaminants. Customers may obtain a current listing of acceptable yard debris upon request. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG-_______ _ Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective DatP · n1.n 1 n ~ RECEIVED NOY 1, 20l~VA. UT .. & TRANS. COM1.0RIGINAL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Original Page No. 2j Item 105-Multi-familv Rates ( companv-owned 2:arba2:e container·)-per pick up Service Area: That portion ofK.irsap County included in G-237 that requires multi-family recycling services. pursuant to Kitsap County Ordinance No. 27.2-2002. Service Type 64 gallon Recyc1ing Cart Number ofRece tacles Various Fre uency of Service EOW $2.22 Frequency of SeJ\fice Codes: W=weekly; EOW-Every other went: M ""Monthly; Other ___ _ Description/rules related to the recycling program is shown on page 26. Recycling rates shown above are subject to a recycling <credit>/debit of <$0.21 > per month. Recycling service rates on this page expire: September-30. 2005 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 DocketNo.TG-______________ __ Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Date:------------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-0J-05 RECEIVED NOV 1~ 20~~1 A. UT. & TR.A..NS. COMJ\.~RIGI!\AL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Pennir Number: Waste Management of Washington. lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disnosal ~ . Item I 05 Multi-familv service (continued 1 Curbside recycling provisions apply only in the following service area: Original Page No. 26 Program provided in accordance with Ordinance No. 272-2002 (tenitory described in Exhibit A) ofKitsap County. Following is a description of the recycling program (type of containers, frequency, etc.): The collection of recyclab1e materials is provided on an every other week basis to all multi-family customers in the service area. Multi-family recycling service fees and related commodity <credits>/debits will be assessed to each complex based on the number of units in each complex. Each multi-family complex is provided with strategically placed 64 gallon recycling carts of varying quantity. The customer is requested to place newspaper, mixed waste paper, and bottles and cans separately into each designated cart provided. Special rules related to recvcling program: Pick-up will be refused if recycling containers contains trash, yard debris, or other non-acceptable contaminants. Customers may obtain a current listing of acceptable recyclables and non-acceptable items upon request. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG---------Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041 920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 ------------------------~-------~--------------------------------~--·---··---------·---·~-·-~---------------------' RECEIVED NOV 1~20~VA.lTT. & TRANS.COM14jtORJGINAL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 120-Drums T e of Service Rate Per Drum. Per Picku s Item 130-Litter Receptacles and Litter Toters Original Page No. '27 Company-owned Receptacle Rate Per Receptacle, Per Pickup Minimum Per Month $ 3.77(A $ 4.80(A) ltem 150-Loose and Bulkv Material Special trips: Time rates in Item 160 apply. Re£Ular Route: Additional cubic Carry Charge 1 to 4 cubic yards yards Minimum Charge Per each 5 feet over Rate er Yard Rate er Yard Per Picku 8 feet Bulk ' materials $10.9l(A $ 10.91 A $ 14.53(A $ 5.8l(A Loose material (customer load) $N/A $N/A $N/A $N/A Loose material (Com an load) $ 14.53(A) $ 14.53(A) $l4.53{A $14.53(A) Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November l, 2004 Docket No. TG-_______ _ Effective date: January l, 2005 (For Official Use OnJy) Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041 920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NO'V 1~20. ~/A. UT. & TRANS. COMhillRIGIN_~ TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Orirrinal Page No. 28 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. 1nc./G-23i Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal hem J 60 -Time Rates When time rates appl~·. Time rates named in this hem apply: (a l When material must be taken to a special site for disposal: (b) When a company's equipment must wait at, or return to, a customer's site to provide scheduled service due to no disabi1ity, fault or negligence on the part of the company. Actual waiting time or time taken in returning tO the site will be charged for; or (c) When a customer orders a single. special, or emergency pickup, or when other items in this tariff refer to this Item How rates are recorded and charged. Time must be recorded and charged for to the nearest increment of 15 minutes. Time rates apply for the period from the time the company's vehicle leaves the company's terminal until it returns to the terminal, excluding interruptions. An interruption is a situation causing stoppage of service that is in the control of the company and not in the control of the customer. Examples include: coffee breaks, lunch breaks, breakdown of equipment, and similar occurrences. Disposal fees in addition to time rates •. Item 230 disposal fees for the specific disposal site or facility used will apply in addition to time rates. Rates per hour: Rate Per Hour Each Extra Minimum f----<W:-~~,______.:...:.::..:_:__ t ordered Truck and driver Person Charge Sinf!le rear drive axle: Non-packer truck ................................................ . $ 71.41 $ 32.48 $ 71.41 Packer truck ...................................................... .. $105.51 $32.48 $ 105.51 Dro -box truck ................................................... . $ 105.51 $32.48 $ 105.51 Tandem rear drive axle: Non-packer truck ................................................ . $ $ $ Packer truck ....................................................... . $ 84.00 $32.48 $ 84.00 Dro -box truck .................................................. .. $84.00 $32.48 $ 84.00 Issued by: Michael A Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, 1\T\\1 Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 ----~--------------------------------------------------~~------(For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG----------Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 ~~~ -~------·-·~---·---~~----------------------------------------' / / RECEIVED NOV 1.. ~~A. UT. & TRA-NS. ·C011t-'-· ORIGINAL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Orig:inal Page No. 29 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashing:ton.lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem~Air Disposal Item 200 --Containers and/or Drop Boxes-General Rules Availability. A company must maintain a supply of all sizes of containers and drop boxes for which rates are listed in this tariff. If a customer requests a container or drop box of a size listed in the company's tariff and the company is unable to provide the requested size within 7 days of the customer request, the customer must be notified in writing or by telephone . . Alternate-sized containers and/or drop boxes. If the company cannot provide the requested-sized container or drop box land that size is listed in the company's tariff), the company must provide alternate-sized containers or drop boxes, sufficient to meet the capacity originally requested by the customer, at the same rates as would have applied for the requested container or drop box. Disposa1 fees due on alternate-sized drop boxes. If the company provides alternate-sized drop boxes, the customer is responsible for al11awfully applicable disposa1 fees resulting from the use of the alternate drop boxes. Rates on partially-filled containers and/or drop boxes. Full pickup and rental rates apply regardless of the amount of waste material in the container or drop box at pich.'Up time. Rates for compacted materials. Rates for compacted material apply only when the material has been compacted before its pickup by the company. Rates for loose materiaL Loose material dumped into the company's packer truck is subject to the rates for non-compacted material even though the material may be compacted later in the packer truck. Permanent and temporary service. The following rules apply: (a) If a customer requests a container or drop box for less than 90 days, the customer will be billed at (b) (c) temporary service rates. If a temporary service customer notifies the company that it has decided to retain the container or drop box for more than 90 days, permanent service rates will be assessed from the 91 51 day until the end of the period the customer retains the container or drop box. If a customer requests a container or drop bax for more than 90 days, the customer will be bil1ed under permanent rates. If that customer cancels service before the end of the 90-day period, the company may not rebill the customer at temporary service rates. The intent of the customer at the time service was requested applies. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 DocketNo. TG-______________ __ Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: J 2-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NOV 1~ 20,..7A. UT. & TRANS. COM1Al:>RJGH\AL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Compa11y Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashington.lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Ori!linal Page No. 3(1 Item 205-Roll-Out Chames-Containers. automated carts. and toters Charges for containers. The company will assess roll-out charges where. due to circumstances outside the control of the driver, the driver is required to move a container more than five feet but less than 25 feet, in order to reach the truck. The charge for this roll-out service is: $7.90 per container, per pickup $ 2.36 per automated cart or toter, per pickup ltem 207-Excess Weight-Rejection of Load. Charges to Transport The company reserves the right to reject pickup of any container, stationary packer, or drop box which, upon reasonable inspection: (a) Appears to be overloaded; (b) Would cause applicable vehicle load limitations to be exceeded; (c) Would cause the company to violate load limitations or safe vehicle operation; and/or (d) Would negatively impact or otherwise damage road surface integrity. For the purposes of this tariff, the following maximum weights apply: Type/Size of Maximum Weight Type/Size of Maximum Weight Container, Drop Box, Allowance Container, Drop Box, Allowance Toter, or Cart (in pounds) Toter. or Cart (in pounds) Drop Boxes -All Sizes 26,000 Jbs. Overfilled or overweight, charges if transported. If the container, drop box, toter, or cart exceeds the limits stated above, is filled beyond the marked fill line, or the top is unable to be closed, but the company transports th . I h f, 11 dd' . l 1 '11 pply: e matena s, t e o owmg a 1twna c 1arges w1 a Type/Size of Charge Type/Size of Charge Container, Drop Box, Container, Drop Box, Toter, or Cart Toter, or Cart $ per $ per $ per $ per Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NV/ Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG---------Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NOV 1, 20~VA.lTT. & TRANS. ·COMi-ORIGIJ\i~.L TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Original Page No. 3 J Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashlngton. lnc./G-:237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 210 ~ Washim! and Sanitizing Containers and/or Drop Boxes Upon customer request. the company will provide washing, steam cleaning and sanitizing service at the following rates: Size or Type of I Container or Drop Box Rate Minimum Chame Washlng-All Sizes $ 3.15 per yard $ 12.55 Steam Cleaning -All Sizes $ 4.70 per yard $ 15.65 I Sanitizing-All Sizes $ 1.20 Eer yard I I Item 220 -Compactor Rental Customers must pay the following additional charges for compactors furnished by the company. Charges named are for compactors oniy and do not include drop box or container charges. See items 250 and 270 for container charges. Customers must pay the costs of installation. Rated cubic yard Capacity of charge box Monthly rental charge: 1 cubicyard $ 2 cubic yards s 3 cubic yards $ 4 cubic vards $ Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) DocketNo. TG-_______ _ Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Doclcet: TG-041 920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: OJ -01-05 RECEIVED NOV L 20-\\lA. UT. & TRANS. COM-ORIGI!\~~ TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management ofWashington . .hlc./G-:237 Registered Trade Name: Brern-Air Disposal ltern 230-Disposal Fees Original Page No. 32 Charges in this item apply when other items in the tariff specifically refer to this item. Disposal site (name or Jocationl Type ofMaterial Fees for disnosal 01ymp1c Viev.: Transfer Station MSW $62.02(A) per ton j I State whether fees are per yard, per ton, etc. Include charges assessed for special commodities (tires, appliances, asbestos, etc.) or special conditions at each specific disposal site. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) DocketNo. TG-______________ __ Date: --------------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~~~--------------------------~------~~-------- ./ /' RECEIVED N0\7 1~20.7 A. UT. & TRANS.·COM14tOR1GIN~~ TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name!Pennit Number: Waste Management ofWashing:ton. lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Orif!inal Page No. 33 Item 240-Container Service-Dumped in Cornoanv's Vehicle Non-Compacted Material (Company-owned container) Rates stated per container, per pickup Service Area· As described in Auoendix A Size or Type of Container I I I Service Type 1 Yard 1.5 Yard 2 Yard I 3 Yard 4 Yard 6 Yard 8 Yard Monthly Rent, if I I applicable $3.67 $5.50 $7.33 $7.85 $8.85 $11.60 $14.60 Pickup Charl:!e $9.12(A) $13.66(A) $17.13(A) I $23.95(A) S30.37(A) S40.97(A) $50.66(A) Special Pickup I Charge $18.69(A) $19.46(A) $25.99(A) $37 .20( A) $40.80(A) $55.60(A) $68.8l(A) T em!!orarv Service j Initial Delivery Charge $48.80 $48.80 $48.80 $48.80 $48.80 £48.80 $48.80 Pickup Chan:!e $1 8.69(A) $19.46(A) $25.99(A) $37.20(A) I $40.80(A) $55.60(A) S68.8J(A) Rent Per Day $0.65 $0.67 $0.70 $0.72 $0.82 $1.03 $1.25 Note 1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no Jess than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are serviced on a particular trip. No credit will be given for partially filled containers. Note 2: Permanent Service: If rent is shown, the rate for the first picl.'Up and each additional pickup must be the same. If rent is not sho\.\'ll, it is to be included in the rate for the first pickup. Accessorial charges assessed (lids~ tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc.): Note 3: A gate or obstruction charge of $5.20 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG---------Date:----------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 RECEIVED NO'V 1, 2fi .VA. UT. & TRANS. COM1~RJGI1'\AL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of\Vashington, lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Item 245-Container Service-Dumped in Companv's Vehicle Non-Compacted Material (Customer-owned container) Includes Commercial Can Service Ori!!inal Page No. 34 Rates stated per container, per pickup unless otherwise noted Serv]ce Area: As described in Appendix A. Permanent Service --------------~-----------------, 32-gallon can or unit Each Scheduled Pickup f-----harge per month JCe $ 2.24(A) $ 9.70(A) $ 10.55(A) Note 1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no Jess than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are serviced on a particular trip. No credit will be given for partially filled containers. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc.): Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, N\V .Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January I, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG------------Date: ------------------- FOR OFFICL4L USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Daie: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 ... -------------·------------------ ./ RECEIVED N0\7 1, 20.-\VA.lJT .. & TRl~.NS. COM1.0RIGINAL TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Orillinal Page No. 35 ltem 255 -Container Service-Dumped in Comoanv's Vehicle ·Compacted Material (Customer-ovmed container) Rates stated per container, per pick up Service Area: As described in Appendix A. Pennanent Service Size or Type of Container 2 Yard 4 Yard 5 Yard 6 Yard $ 50.55(A) S 71 .34(A') $ 80.62(A) S 89.90(A) $ 76.24(A) Sl03.66(A) $116.9l(A} S 130.06(A) $ $ $ $ Note 1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no less than scheduled, every other week pich."Up, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are serv)ced on a particular trip. No credit will be given for partially filled containers. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc.): Note 2: A gate or obstruction charge of $5.20 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. . . Note 3: A fye of$44.10 per pick up will be assessed when containers with attached compactors require disconnecting or reconnecting. I ssued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, Nw Area I ssue date: November 1, 2004 DocketNo. TG-_______ _ Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only). Date:------------ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 ----------------~, RECEIVED NOV 1,.2G .'A. UT. & TRANS.-COM1.4l:>RIGIN~I\L TG-041920 TariffNo. 19 Company Name!Pennit Number: Waste Management of Washington, lnc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Ori£inal Page No. 36 Item 260-Drop Box Service-To Disposal Site and Return Non-Compacted Material (Company-owned drop box) Rates stated per drop box, per pick up Service Area: As described in Appendix A. J Permanent Service Size or Type of Container 20 Yard 30 Yard 40 Yard Monthly Rent, if applicable $ 70.15 $ 70.15 $ 70.15 First Pickup $ 104.10 $ 104.10 $ 104.10 Each Additional Pickup $ 104.10 $ 104.10 $ 104.10 Special Pickups Temporary Service Initial Delivery $ 78.00 $ 78.00 $ 78.00 Pickup Rate $ ] 04.10 $ 104.10 $ 104.10 Rent Per Calendar Day $2.30 $ 2.30 $2.30 Rent Per Month $ $ Note 1: Rates in this item are subject to disposal fees named in Item 230. Note 2: Rates named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles measured from the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles shall be charged for at$ 3.15 per mile or fraction of a mile. Mileage charge is in addition to all regular charges. Note 3: Permanent Service: (a) Service is defined as no less than scheduled, once a month pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. (b) If a drop box is retained by a customer for a full month and no pickups are ordered, the monthly rent shall be charged, but no charges will be assessed for pickups. Monthly rental charges will be prorated when a drop box is retained for only a portion of a month. (c) If rent is shown, the rate for the first pickup and each additional pickup must be the same. If rent is not shown, it is to be included in the rate for the first pickup. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc.): Note 4: A gate or obstruction charge of$5.20 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area Issue date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) DocketNo. TG-_______ _ Date:----------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05 ,, ' / ·RE CEIVED NOV 1,20 •7A. UT .. & TRANS.·COM1~RIGINAL TG-041920 Tari ffNo. 19 Ori!!inal Page No. 31 Com pany Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington. lnc./G-237 stered Trade Name: Brem-Air Disposal Reoi e Servi Penn Each Spec Tern] Pic Note Note Note Acce Note Note Issue Issue Item 275-Drop Box Service-To Disuosal Site and Return Compacted Material (Customer-owned drop box) Rates stated per drop box, per pick up ce Area: As described in Appendix A. Size or Type of Container anent Service 10 Yard 16 Yard 20 Yard 25 Yard $119.10 $ 119.10 $119.10 $119.10 $119.10 $ 119.10 $119.10 $119.10 $ $ $ $ $ 1: Rates in this item are subject to disposal fees named in Item 230. 30 Yard 40 Yard $ 119.10 $ 119.10 $ 119.10 $119.10 $ 2: Rates named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles measured from the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles shall be charged for at$ 3.15 per mile or fraction of a mile. Mileage charge is in addition to all regular charges. 3: Permanent Service is defined as no less than scheduled, once a month pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. ssorial charges assessed (lids, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc.): 4: A gate or obstruction charge of $5.20 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. 5: A fee of $44.10 per pick up will be assessed when containers with attached compactors require disconnecting or reconnecting. d by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Financial Analyst, NW Area date: November 1, 2004 Effective date: January 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) DocketNo.TG-______________ __ Date:--------------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY By: Docket: TG-041920 Agenda Date: 12-29-04 Effective Date: 01-01-05