016-05 - Resolution - Approving the Gazebo Preliminary PlatRESOLUTION NO. 016-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS THE GAZEBO PRELIMINARY PLAT WHEREAS, the property owner has filed an application with the City (City file Subdiv 04-02) to subdivide the real property legally described in Exhibit A, said property being identified as Kitsap County Assessor Tax Parcels number 022301-2-021-2007, 022301-2-033- 2003, and 022301-2-036-2000, and referred to herein as the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the application was processed as described in the Resolution of the Port Orchard Planning Commission attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, on June 13, 2005 the City Council held a public hearing on the application, said hearing being continued to June 27, 2005 for further public testimony; and WHEREAS, being fully advised, the Council finds and concludes as follows: Findings and Conclusions 1. The Findings and Conclusions set forth in Exhibit B are hereby adopted as the Council's findings and conclusions, except as modified herein. The provisions set forth in this resolution shall control over any inconsistent provision set forth in Exhibit B. 2. Exhibit B, Finding 6 is modified as follows: The applicant has proposed to allow the existing gazebo to remain on Lot 2. The proposed dimension of Lot 2 would make the gazebo non -conforming to the zoning code. The dimensions of Lot 2 shall be changed so that the gazebo meets the zoning code set back requirements or it shall be removed prior to final plat approval. 3. Exhibit B, Finding 20 is modified to read as follows: The applicant, in lieu of providing any on -site park facilities, has voluntarily agreed to pay $3,000 to the City for use in developing, improving or expanding parks in the general neighborhood. Given the small size of the Subject Property, greater public benefit would be provided by improving existing larger parks, than requiring a small on -site park. 4. The Council further finds that the applicant's proposed on site road improvements may damage the root structure of Significant Trees located off site. The risk to said trees may be significantly reduced if the sidewalk requirement along the north side of the Subject Property, from lot 9 to the westerly corner of lot 10, were replaced with a vegetative buffer. Resolution No. 016-05 Page 2 of 3 5. The applicant volunteered to donate tract A to the City for right of way, which could be used as additional vegetative buffer. The Council finds that said contribution would provide public benefit. 6. The applicant volunteered to build to City standards a twenty-five (25) foot turning radius on the north corner of the subject property's entrance on to South Flower Avenue, if the abutting property owner would provide the necessary right of way. The Council finds that the current proposal meets City standards, but a twenty-five (25) foot turning radius would be a preferred alternative. 7. The applicant volunteered either to build the required Goldenrod Street Improvements, agree to financially participate in a comprehensive road improvement project at a later date, or to pay to the City, in lieu of such requirements, the estimated cost of constructing the improvements. 8. The hours of work identified in the SEPA documents do not meet the City requirements. Restricting work hours to meet the City noise code will protect the public health and welfare. 9. Condition 34 regarding a solid board fence along the southern Subject Property line was added due to public testimony before the Planning Commission. The parties who requested the solid board fence testified at the public hearing before the City Council that the solid board fence was not a good idea, because their research had found that fences installed by the developer were generally not as well maintained as fences subsequently installed by the new owners of each individual lot. NOW, WHEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The preliminary plat application is hereby approved, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit B, except as modified herein. The conditions of approval set forth in this resolution shall control over any inconsistent provision set forth in Exhibit B. Section 2. Exhibit B, Condition 29 is hereby modified to read as follows: Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall record an agreement approved by the City Attorney, against lots two through 11, that requires the lot owners to financially participate in the cost of improving Goldenrod Street at a later time, either by direct contribution, or by agreeing to participate in the formation of a local improvement district if the City, in its discretion, chooses to form such a district. The amount of contribution shall be the lot owners pro rata share of the costs, based upon 68.2 feet of frontage on Goldenrod Street. Section 3. Exhibit B, Condition 26 is hereby modified to read as follows: The applicant shall pay to the City $3,000, prior to final plat approval, in lieu of building on site park facilities. Resolution No. 016-05 Page 3 of 3 Section 4. Exhibit B, Condition 36 is hereby modified to read as follows: Hours of Construction shall be limited to those set forth in the applicable City Code in effect at the time construction commences. Section S. Tract A shall be conveyed to the City to be included as additional right of way. Section 6. The applicant shall install up to 3 light standards, twenty feet high, with 250 watt metal hydride lighting, including all necessary wiring, equipment and fixtures, to be placed in such location as the City Engineer determines best serves the public interest. Section 7. The applicant shall provide an arborist report regarding whether or not the construction of the required sidewalk improvements on the north boundary of the subject property adjacent to Tract A from Lot 9 to the westerly corner of Lot 10, may have an adverse impact on the continued viability any existing off site Significant Trees and whether the deletion of the side walk requirement and its replacement with native vegetation may help protect any existing off site Significant Trees, The City Engineer shall evaluate the report, and then provide his recommendation to the City Council. After evaluating the information provided, the Council shall provide supplemental findings and modify this condition 15 so as to designate whether or not the sidewalk shall be constructed, and, if not, what type of vegetative buffer must be provided. The Council's decision shall be made within 45 days after the arborist's report is provided to the City, so that the applicant is not unreasonably delayed in its construction activities. Section 8. Exhibit B, Condition 34 regarding the southern boundary fence is hereby deleted. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 11th day of July 2005. 4 �' �. -'I� KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR ATTEST: _,%r i �lif�11 Assessor's Account Numbers 022301-2-021-2007 022301-2-033-2003 022301-2-036-2000 i.e at puui tt'Qn: r Rc-solution No. 01.6-05 Exhibit A 022301-2-021-2007 BEG at a point 216ft S of the NW COR of SE'/. NW '/, of Section 2, Twn_ 23N, Rge. 01 East, thence E 476 ft. thence S 184 ft. thence W 476 ft. thence N 184 ft to POB EX the N IA. 022301-2-033-2003 THE N 1 Acre of the following described parcel, BEG at a point 216fi S of the NW COR of SE IA NW E/, of Section 2, Twn, 23N, Rge, 01 East, thence E 476 ft. thence S 184 ft_ thence W 476 ft. thence N 184 ft to POB. 022301-2-036-2000 That PTN OF SE 'f, NW '/, of Section 2, Twn_ 23N, Rge. 01 East, Described for tax purposes only as follows, BEG 30 FT S OF NW COR OF SE '/, NW '/, , thence S 186 ft, thence E 188 ft_ to POB. Thence E 288 ft., thence N 186 ft. thence W 288 ft. thence S 186 ft. to POB, except the E 100 ft. and except the W 120 ft. Resolution No. 016-05 Exhibit; B W. y - rm.. r • ORCHARD HER- f� • • RESOLUTION NO. 02-05 Nw- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT City Of — "" ORCHARD PLANNING COMMISSION Part Orchard RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE GAZEBO PRELIMINARY PLAT WHICH PROPOSES TO SUBDIVIDE 2.3 ACRES INTO 1 1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND THE REZONE OF THE PROPERTY FROM R4.5 TO R8.0 IN AN AREA DESIGNATED MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL IN THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF SOUTH FLOWER AVENUE AND GOLDENROD STREETS, IN THE SE '/4 OF THE NW '/4 OF SEC. 02, T23N, RIE, W.M. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBERS: 022301-2-021-2007; 022301-2-033-2003; AND, 022301-2-036-2000. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a Public Meeting for the Gazebo Preliminary Plat and Rezone on April 18, 2005 and continued to May 16, 2005, and being fully advised, the Planning Commission finds and concludes as follows: FINDINGS 1. The applicant proposes to, subdivide three existing parcels (2.3-acre total area) into 1 1 lots. The plat will provide 10 new detached, single-family residential lots and create one lot for an existing single-family detached residence. 2. Nine lots will access from o new public road to be constructed for the plat, one lot will access from Goldenrod; and the existing residence accesses from Flower Ave. 3. The requested rezone is from R 4.5 to R 8. The rezone to R8 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Designation of Medium Density Residential. 4. The minimum lot size allowed in the R8 zone is 5,445 s.f. The proposed lot sizes range from 6,2605.f. to 8,433., with a proposed density of 4.78 dwelling units per net useable acre. The proposed density is consistent with the medium density residential designation. 5. The proposed property is adjacent to the plat of Flower Meadows North (across the street to the east), which is zoned R8. 6. An existing gazebo is proposed to remain on lot 2, The gazebo is made non -conforming by the proposed lot line. The state subdivision code prohibits the creation of a non-conformance, If the applicant wishes for the gazebo to remain, a variance will be required, or it should be removed, 7. Most development near the proposed site consists of residential areas that provided single-family residential lots, generally low -density with pockets of forests and pastures. 8. Approximately 1000 cubic yards of grading and 1000 cubic yards of fill will be conducted on the site; and impervious surfaces will cover approximately 45% of the site. The R 4.5 zone allows up to 45% and the R8 zone allows up to 75% lot coverage. A Determination of Non -Significance was issued on March 30, 2005. 10, The applicant submitted a Preliminary Storm Drainage Report. The existing Regional Stormwater Facility located in Flower Meadows is proposed to serve the plat. The stormwater analysis will include o statement from the designing engineer certifying the receiving stormwater pond and system can accornmodote the Gazebo Flat. Resolution No. " Page 2of6 11. In regard to roads, the City's urban level -of -service is D (Comp Plan, pg.IV-25). 12. The main roadways serving the plat are Sidney Avenue; Goldenrod Street; and South Flower Avenue. The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis. The report measured Level of Service (LOS) and Delay for the intersection of Goldenrod and S. Flower.; and Sidney and Goldenrod. Sidney Ave. is a two -Zane collector road with lane widths of 12 - 14 feet. Goldenrod is an eost-west two lane asphalt roadway with lane widths of 10 to 1 1 feet with minimal to non-existent shoulders composed of grass or gravel. South Flower is a north -south two lane roadway providing the main access to the site, with Jane widths of 12-14 feet with 2 to 4 feet of asphalt of gravel shoulders. The analysis determined that no significant impacts to the surrounding roadway network are expected due to the addition of project traffic and therefore no mitigating measures are proposed. 13, In regard to Pedestrian Circulation and Access, Chapter C3, Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance requires "Ali uses, except single family detached building permits shall provide pedestrian access onto the site... Residential development shall provide links between cul-de-sacs or groups of buildings to allow pedestrian access from within the development and from adjacent developments to activity centers, parks, common tracts, open spaces, schools or other public facilities, transit stops, and public streets. 14, During project review, staff requested the applicant to submit suppiemental analysis of "Pedestrian Fociiities". The applicant submitted a fetter from Heath & Associates dated November 5, 2004 in which a comparison was made between the proposed subdivision and a Wall Mort with the following determination: "The size of the Gazebo and Leoro projects are much lower in magnitude (i.e. than a new Wall Mort) in terms of possible bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The traffic generation from these projects both individually and cumufativefy are modest from a traffic engineering standpoint". is. The plat provides for a 40' wide access road that terminates in a hammer head turn around. The road has been designed to include curb, gutters and sidewalks on both sides. I & The Zoning Ordinance and Developers Handbook are inconsistent in regard to the road standard for requiring a cul-de-sac. The Zoning Ordinance Chapter C2, Section 3 requires that: "Dead-end street shalt be used on access streets only and should terminate in a cul-de-sac", Resolution 1971, incorporated into the Developers Handbook provides "The Fire Authority shoufd have the ability to waive a cut -de -sac if another method is available to turn his equipment." 17. The applicant proposes a 10' r-o-w dedication of the property frontage along Flower Ave. No dedication is proposed along Goldenrod. 18. Chapter C2, Section 3 of the Zoning Ordinance provides that ""When a proposed site plan or subdivision; is abutting an existing street or streets with a right-of-way of lesser width than specified by city ordinances, the applicant may be required as a condition of approvai 5o deed additional right-of-way width and to improve said right -of —way in excess of standards in the following cases: 1) Where additional width is necessary to maintain continuity with the adjoining right-of-way; 2) Where additional width is necessary to maintain alignment with adjoining streets and sidewalk improvements. 19. The Maximum spacing of fire hydrants is 400 feet between hydrants. The project shall comply with the fire flow requirements as specified by the Fire Marshall, 20. The Gazebo development is not proposing any park improvements, but is willing to submit fees per lot in lieu of park development to provide for improvements at neighborhood parks. 21. Appendix one of the Comprehensive Parks Plan includes the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Standards and Guidelines. A "Mini Park" has typically been required by the City Council as a condition of plat opprovaL Mini -parks are specialized facifties that serve a concentrated or limited population or specific group such as tots or senior citizens. The service area for these parks are "less than'/, mile radius"; and the desirable size is "1 acre or less These parks are intended to be "located within neighborhoods". Page 3 of the Comprehensive Parks Plan lists goals and Resolution No. Page 3of6 objectives - of which 3d applies to the proposed development: "providing for a mixture of active and passive open spaces within housing and commercial areas with consideration of nearby facilities. 22. The applicant has submitted o Tree Evaluation Letter from Arbor Management Services for the large Douglas Fir tree located between lot 10 and the Arnett property to the east. The applicant is requesting to remove the 38.2" dbh significant tree located on site in accordance with the replacement requiirements outlined in the tree ordinance. If the Council does not approve removal of the tree, then the arborist recommended that "the root protection zone should be contained to the drip line of the tree. This recommendation includes that caution should be taken to avoid any excavation work occurring within the drip line or fthe tree Every effort should be made to keep soils, constuction materials, and equipment from being placed or stored within the drip fine of the tree." 23. There is no water quality treatment proposed on site. The water quality treatment facility designed and located within the Plot of Flower Meadows would require reconstruction to meet current design standards. The Planning Commission public meeting was held on April 18, 2005 and continued to the May 16, 2005 meeting. At the conclusion of the May meeting, the Commission made a motion to add three new Findings and three new Conditions of Approval to those submitted in the staff report. 24. At the two public meetings held before the Planning Commission, considerable public testimony was received disputing the subject property boundaries shown on the plot plan, the location and whether significant trees were protected under the Significant Tree Ordinance 17,28., 25. Considerable testimony was received regarding safety issues on So. Flower Avenue and Goldenrod Streets and the need for improving safety features. CONCLUSIONS l . The proposal is found to be in conformance with the adopted goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposal meets the applicable minimum requirements of the adopted City Codes including the Zoning Code, the Development Regulations and the Stormwater Ordinance. 3. The proposed use of the site is not detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the community and is in harmony with the general purposes of the Zoning Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, and Growth Management Act. 4. The proposal should be approved with the following Conditions of Preliminary Plat Approval: Zoning Code I. All conditions identified by City Departments and other agencies must be met prior to the recording of the final plat. 2. A separate sign permit is required for any signage proposals. 3. Address numbers shall be visible from the street, and installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. Fire Prevention Code 4. Before Fire District approval, plans shall be submitted indicating fire hydrant focations. Plans shall indicate fire hydrants current fire hydrant locations, as this will impact hydrant locations within the subdivision or project. Maximum spacing of fire hydrants is 400 feet between hydrants. 5. A minimum fire flow of 1,000 gallons per minute, measured at a residual pressure of 20 p.s.i., is required for one- and two-family dwellings not exceeding 3,600 gross square feet. All other buildings (including larger one- and two-family dwellings) require a minimum fire flow of 1,500 gallons per minute and may require more depending on building size and type of construction as per Appendix Ill -A of the Uniform Fire Code. Resolution No. G)-C) Page 4 of 6 6. The Fire Marshall and the City Engineer shall review and approve the construction pions for the utilities prior to issuance of an excavation permit, 7. Before any construction on homes can begin, the fire department access must be provided and accepted by the Fire Marshall tormwater Ordin nce and Design 8. Stormwater quantity control, water qualify treatment, and erosion and sedimentation confrol shall be designed in accordance with the City of Port Orchard Municipal Code, Chapter 15.32 Stormwater Management or as amended at the time of Excavation/Stormwater Permit Application, 9. Construction plans and profiles of all roads, Stormwater drainage facilities and appurtenances, prepared by the developer's engineer, shall be submitted to the City for review and acceptance as part of the application for an Excavation/Stormwater Permit. A civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington shall prepare the submittal documents. The fees and submittal requirements shall be in accordance with the City Code in effect at the time. 10. Any offsite improvements that create additional impervious surface such as lane widening or roadway improvements are required to provide stormwater mitigation in accordance with the City of Port Orchard Municipal Code, Chapter 15.32 Stormwater Management. 11. The project proponent shall be responsible for installing any necessary off -site downstream drainage improvements. Procurement of any permits or easements necessary to install off -site improvements shall be the responsibility of the project proponent. 12. A Level 1 Downstream Analysis is required in accordance with the Chapter 2 of the City of Port -Orchard Stormwater Design Manual. 13. The design of the stormwater quantity control facility will be in accordance to Chapter 5 of the City of Port Orchard Stormwater Design Manual. 14. The design of the stormwater quality control facility will be in accordance to Chapter 6 of the City of Port Orchard Stormwater Design Manual. 15. Ali stormwater system improvements will be completed prior to approval of the Final Plat and issuance of any building permit applications. 16. When construction on a site has not been completed and approved by the City by October 1 of a given year or exposed ground surfaces are not permanently stabilized by that date, no work shall be permitted on the project site until Level 2 Erosion and Sedimentation Controls have been implemented on the project site. Level 1 Erosion and Sedimentation Controls area required on site at all times during construction. 17. The Engineer of Record shalf certify that the as -built live and dead storage detention pond volumes meet the design criteria. 18. The Engineer of Record shall certify that the as -built water quality treatment facility meet the design criteria. 19. Contractor is responsible for permanent stabilization and restoration of the project site. 20. Submit As -built construction plans with two sets of blueprint copies to Public Works Plan Center. As -built drawings will accurately represent construction changes accepted by the City due to unforeseen field conditions or plan design improvements. Include all sheets containing road and drainage plans, profiles, and associated detoils. As -built drawings will be stamped RECORD DRAWING and be certified by a professional engineer or land surveyor, f Resolution No. Page 5 of 6 21. Submit Electronic Media of the As -built drawings for road and site layout, water and sanitary sewer, and stormwater facilities that accurately represent construction changes accepted by the City due to unforeseen field conditions or plan design improvements. 22, Submit the Operation and Maintenance Manual for review and acceptance by the Department of Public Works prior to approval of the final plat. The Manual shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer and meet the requirements of Public Works. Final Plat Map 23, Prior to final plat approval, the following documents shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to recording: A. A complete application form, including notarized signatures of the owners of record, 83 A Plat Certificate for the property (not more than 30 days old at the time of Final submittal). C. Perimeter lot closures for final review. D. A Copy of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. E. Utility easements shall be created and must appear on plat and in the covenants before final plat recording. Subdivision_ Code 24. All lots shall be surveyed and recorded. 25. A copy of all easements shall be submitted and recorded on the face of the plat. Parks 26. Prior to Final Plat approval, the developer shall provide the City $2,000 ($200/new lot) to upgrade playground equipment in a park to be determined by the City. - Roads 27. Prior to final plan approval, Construction Plans shall be submitted and approved by the City Engineer for all road improvements. 28, The Developer should provide the City with $200.00 to pay for the following signs and posts: • 1 Street Sign • 1 Stop Sign 0 1 Dead End Sign 29. The applicant shalt agree to participate in an areawide comprehensive root( improvement project whenever that project is proposed. Schools 30. To reduce impact to the school system, mitigation fees wifl be paid at the time of building permit issuance, if the City adopts a general implementing ordinance for school impact fees prior to the date that a complete building permit is accepted. The proponent can also mitigate the impact to the school system by negotiating a settlement wlth the South Kitsap School District. Landscaping 31, One 2'/2 inch caliper Street Tree measuring at least 4' in height shall be planted in the front yard of each lot prior to the final inspection of the building permit. 32. Prior to issuance of a grading or excavation permit, the root protection zone of the significant tree shall be fenced. No construction materials or equipment may be placed within the drip line of the tree. 33. Prior to start of clearing or grading on the property, the applicant shalt stake rear property corners on lots 10 & t 1 of the plat - the NE and 5E corners of Cots 10 and IL 34. A 6 ft. solid board fence shall be constructed along the south boundary of the plat to screen the development from the mobile home park Resolution No. Page 5 of f Construction 35. Airborne dust shall be mitigated and minimized per the requirements of the Puget Sound Air Quality Control Authority. 36, Hours of construction shall be limited to those outlined in the City Noise Ordinance: 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday - Friday, and U0 AM to 9:00 PM Saturday, Sunday and most holidays. 37, The applicant shall dedicate 10' width along the property frontage of So. Flower Avenue to allow So. Fiower Avenue right-of-way to meet City adopted local Access Road Standards. 38, All streets ore to be kept clean and free of debris at all times. A street sweeper may be required to be on site at all times should tracking mud and debris to and from the site become a problem. Health Department 39. There must be a septic tank and drainfield located at the existing house at 2228 Flower Ave., as the City of Port Orchard has no record of it being connected to sewer. A certified Kitsep County septic pumper must pump this septic tank out, and it must then be properly abandoned (filfed with &fl. 40. Water and Sewerage is to be provided by the City of Port Orchard. There were no ovailability letters attached with this application. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Port Orchard hereby recommends that the City Council approve the Gazebo Preliminary Plat and Rezone of tax parcel nos. 022301-2-021-2007; 022301-2-033-2003; and 022301-2-036-2000 from R4.5 to R8.0 on the City Zoning Map to become effective upon final plat approval, PASSED by the Planning Commission of the City of Port Orchard, this 16'h day of May, 2005. Gil Michael, Chair ATTEST: .Joanne Long-Wod s Planning Director