10/10/2005 - Regular - Agenda CITY OF PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda of October 10, 2005 – 6:30 p.m. 1) CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 2) APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3) AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA Please limit audience comments to 3 minutes. If you have an issue that requires longer Council discussion, please contact the City Clerk’s Office for placement on the next Council agenda. 4) PUBLIC HEARING A. Appeal Regarding Notice and Order for the Abatement of an Unsafe or Unlawful Condition at 1700 Lincoln Avenue. 5) CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Claim Warrants and September Payroll B. Approval of September 26, 2005 Minutes C. Passage of Ordinance 020-05 Council Salaries (Etgen) D. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Interlocal Agreement with Department of Emergency Management (Abel) E. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Professional Services Agreement with Cheryl Nickerson Regarding Audio/Visual Equipment (Merlino) 6) BUSINESS ITEMS A. First Reading of Ordinance Amending the 2005 Budget & Authorizing Transfer of Funds Relating to the WWTF Construction (Tompkins) B. Adoption of Resolution 027-05 Authorizing Mayor to Sign Lovell Street No Protest Agreement (Abed) C. Discussion – Electrical Supply for Christmas Tree Lights (Abed) D. Discussion - Potential Projects for Legislative Capital Financing Request (Abel) 7) EXECUTIVE SESSION – Pending Litigation [RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i)(A) and (B)] 8) COUNCIL/MAYOR & STAFF REPORT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Date & Time Location Water, Sewer, Solid Waste & Health Public Property, Building & Parks Growth Management Economic Development Finance, Insurance, Negotiations & Telecommunications October 18, 2005 6:30pm City Hall Street, Alley & Storm Water Public Safety & Justice Ad Hoc Committee Festival of Chimes & Lights Sewer Advisory Committee October 20, 2005 6:30pm Karcher Creek Sewer District Office 9) ADJOURNMENT Materials for each item will be distributed to Councilmembers in advance and will be available to the public upon request to the City Clerk’s Office (360) 876-4407. The City Council may consider other ordinances and other matters not listed unless specific notification period is required. Upcoming Special Meeting: Tremont Street Widening Project Open House Tuesday, October 18, 2005 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Council Chambers Council Meeting of October 10, 2005