01/08/2007 - Regular - Agenda Council Meeting of January 8, 2007 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 ** Swearing in of new City Council Member Robert Putaansuu – 6:45 p.m. ** Agenda of January 8, 2007 - 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 2. PRESENTATION A. Holiday Lights Awards B. South Kitsap Fire and Rescue Update C. Passenger Only Ferry Plan - Dick Hayes, Executive Director, Kitsap Transit 3. PUBLIC HEARING A. Surplus Water Sewer Pump Equipment B. Amendment to Preliminary Plat/Planned Residential Development of Forest Song 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Please limit audience comments to 3 minutes. If you have an issue that requires longer Council discussion, please refer to the attached Council rules. 6. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Claim Warrants and November Payroll B. Designation of Funds from the Austin Street Vacation (Merlino) C. Adoption of Resolution No. 002-07 Authorizing Surplus of Water Sewer Pump Equipment (Merlino) 7. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Appointment of Mayor Pro-tem B. Approval of the December 26, 2006 City Council Meeting Minutes Council Meeting of January 8, 2007 C. Public Forum Discussion on Kitsap Transit No. 1 Proposition - Passenger-Only Ferry Investment Plan and Sales and Use Tax – An Opportunity for the Public to Comment and Council consideration regarding the proposition (Draft Resolution No. 001--07 included for possible Council consideration after Public Form Discussion) D. Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Contract with Berger Abam for Tremont Street Widening Supplemental 2 (Abed) E. Authorization for the Mayor to sign the Tremont Street, Port Orchard Blvd. to SR 16 TIB project (Abed) F. Acceptance of the Notice of Intent to Annex into the City – Rice, Krueger and Brown (Long-Woods) G. Acceptance of the Notice of Intent to Annex into the City – Rush Property (Long- Woods) H. Discussion – Retreat Date and Topics (Abel) 8. COUNCIL/MAYOR & STAFF REPORT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Date & Time Location Water, Sewer, Solid Waste & Health Public Property, Building & Parks Jan. 5, 2007 7:30 a.m. Myhre’s Growth Management Economic Development Finance, Insurance, Negotiations & Telecommunications Jan. 4, 2007 7:30 a.m. Myhre’s Street, Alley & Storm Water Public Safety & Justice Ad Hoc Committee Festival of Chimes & Lights Jan. 17, 2007 6:30 p.m. Amy’s By The Bay Sewer Advisory Committee Jan. 10, 2007 6:30 p.m. City Hall FYI ~ The Mayor is accepting resumes until January 19, 2007 for the open Planning Commission vacancy 9. ADJOURNMENT Materials for each item will be distributed to Council Members in advance and will be available to the public upon request to the City Clerk’s Office (360) 876- 4407. The City Council may consider other ordinances and other matters not listed unless specific notification period is required. Public comments regarding agenda items are limited to three minutes, unless extended by the Mayor.