11/13/2007 - Regular - Agenda Council Meeting of November 13, 2007 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda of November 13, 2007 - 7:00 p.m. ***TUESDAY*** 1. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 2. PRESENTATION A. Kitsap Cares About Kids B. Water Comprehensive Plan Presentation 3. PUBLIC HEARING A. Annexation Request for Tallman Properties (Long-Woods) B. Lundberg Landing Rezone, Case No. R-1164 - (Long-Woods) 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Please limit audience comments to 3 minutes for those items not listed on this agenda. If you have an issue that requires longer Council discussion, please refer to the attached Council rules. 6. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Claim Warrants and October Payroll B. Minutes of the October 22, 2007 City Council Meeting C. Adoption of Resolution No. 027-07, Appointing City Attorney (Abel) D. Passage of Property Tax Levy Ordinance No. 037-07 (Tompkins) E. Approval of Fireworks Display for Festival of Chimes and Lights (Merlino) 7. BUSINESS ITEM: A. Approval of the November 5, 2007 Study Session Re: Impact Fees (Merlino) B. Adoption of Ordinance No. 038-07, Annexing Tallman Property (Long-Woods) C. Adoption of Resolution No. 025-07, Approving Salary Compensation (Merlino) D. Authorization for the Mayor to Sign the BHC Consultants Professional Services Agreement for the 2007 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan (Abed) E. Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Universal Field Services Local Agency Standard Consultant Agreement for the Tremont Street Right-of-Way Acquisition (Abed) F. Discussion Item: Update on Tremont Widening (Abed) G. Appointment of Building Code Appeal Board (Abed) Council Meeting of November 13, 2007 H. Adoption of Resolution No. 026-07, Accepting the 2007 Port Orchard Comprehensive Water System Plan (Abed) I. Continued Discussion – Admissions Tax (Continued from 8/27/07 Council Meeting) – (Tompkins) 8. COUNCIL/MAYOR & STAFF REPORT 9. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Date & Time Location Water, Sewer, Solid Waste & Health (Utilities Committee) November 14, 2007 8:00 a.m. December 19, 2007 8:00 a.m. Myhre’s Myhre’s Public Property, Building & Parks Growth Management December 11, 2007 4-6:00 p.m. City Hall Economic Development Finance, Insurance, Negotiations & Telecommunications 11/09/07 8:30 a.m. – 4:40 p.m. 11/16/07 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. City Hall City Hall Street, Alley & Storm Water 11/15/07 7:30 a.m. City Hall Public Safety & Justice Ad Hoc Committee Festival of Chimes & Lights November 28, 2007 6:30 p.m. City Hall Sewer Advisory Committee 11/14/07 6:30 p.m. City Hall McCormick Woods Open House ~ November 15, 2007 ~ 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Budget Hearing ~ City Council Chambers ~ December 3, 2007 ~ 7:00 p.m. Materials for each item will be distributed to Council Members in advance and will be available to the public upon request to the City Clerk’s Office (360) 876-4407. The City Council may consider other ordinances and other matters not listed unless specific notification period is required.