03/24/2007 - Retreat - Packet0 2007 CITY COUNCIL RETREAT Saturday, March 24, 2007 South Kitsap Fire & Rescue 200 Tremont, Port Orchard 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Order of agenda to be established at the beginning of the retreat) 1. Department Head Reports 2. General Discussion - Annexation 3. General Discussion - DOD/Wings/Parking Structures 4. Council/Mayor Communication 5. Consider Establishing Regular Study Sessions 6. Health Department as City Responsibility 7. General Discussion - Economic Development "4 o c ) Memorandum DATE: MARCH 19,2007 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CHIEF AL TOWNSEND> SUBJECT: COUNCIL RETREAT NOTES IJES There really is not a need for me to address the council at the upcoming retreat. The following information related to annexation may be of interest as it relates to your proposed agenda items for the day. The proposed annexations already scheduled before the council will not affect current police staffing. When additional development occurs in the area including commercial and residential, we will need to examine the needs of that area at that time. McCormick Woods is a slightly different situation. It is estimated that there are 630 homes as of December, 2006, along with an estimated population of 1,715 people. In addition, there is some significant growth occurring in that area right now. In the past we have tried to maintain a balance of police by using the 2 officers per 1,000 population ratio and the actual calls for police service. In 2006 there were only 188 calls for police service in McCormick Woods. I would expect that to jump slightly when actual police service is readily available, i.e. when they annexed and had municipal police service. If you count proactive patrol and traffic enforcement in this area (which is a strong desire from residents) you could easily double the calls for police service. It is estimated the number of police officers needed for this area would be between 1 and 3 officers. If you want to maintain the level of service that you provide within the current city boundaries for the citizens, you are most likely looking at 3 (or one officer per shift). If you are comfortable stretching that level of service slightly, I would recommend a plan to hire two officers. Keep in mind that you hear from current city residents that if you don't provide adequate police increases, it will diminish the service they receive. I can specifically think of several people who might bring that issue to the council. Realistically, the hiring of two officers would take place over a one year period with the difficulty of recruiting highly qualified officers. So it would likely happen that the two positions would be staggered. And if they are new officers, it could be as long as one year before they actually reach solo patrol. Again, police service is a key annexation incentive. McCormick Woods has some obvious other incentives, such as water and sewer rates, but I still routinely hear from residents about the lack of service they receive from the Sheriff's Department. If it is the City's desire to annex McCormick Woods, police service will be a significant selling point. o o City of Port Orchard Treasurer's Office March 24, 2007 Council Retreat Annexation - The Finance Department will need to be prepared to review the calculations for the Interlocal Revenue Sharing Agreement. When it is just raw land or residential areas involved, the property tax formula is pretty basic. Once we start to deal with developed commercial zones, the sales tax factor will be more subjective. It appears there could be times the County will be collecting the sales tax and the City will be paying them for the projected loss of sales tax. Also, depending on timing the City may not have collected the sales tax yet. When the City moves forward with annexing the Bethel corridor, we need to be prepared for the expectations of participating in the road improvements, which have been projected to be quite costly. There is a delicate balance in being prepared to give the needed services to a newly annexed area and receiving the revenue to pay for these services. Our staffing resources are stretched pretty thin and the City needs to be responsive to its new citizens. Parking Structures, Economic Development and Health Department - All of these take revenue from our shrinking resources. There needs to be phased in financial planning to accomplish large projects like a parking structure, under grounding utilities downtown, creating walking trails, parks, common areas, etc. Council/Mayor Communication - It would be most beneficial for the Mayor and Council to come to consensus on the priorities and development for the City. Once this has happened the City Departments could plan accordingly to help implement these directions. In order to travel forward we need a road map. City of *" "" Fort Orchard CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD City Clerk o City of *" "" Fort Orchard March 24, 2007 To: City Council Members From: Michelle Merlino City Clerk I sincerely regret not able to attend your Retreat however I am very thankful to be given the opportunity to express my thoughts for the coming year. During the 2007 budget process I laid out my primary direction for the next five years. I am very happy and pleased the Council approved the HR Analyst position. On April 4, 2007 the second interview screening will take place for the HR Analyst position. I am hopeful the new HR Analyst will be on board by April 23rd. The first order of business for the HR Analyst will be to work with a consultant to prepare a Salary Survey for all the non-represented positions. The selection for the Consultant to perform the Salary Survey will be considered and presented to the Council for their approval and recommendation at the April 9th Council meeting. The City Clerk's Office tsjrjnj The part-time Administrative Secretary - Nicole Stephens came on board within the Clerk's Office on March 5th. She is working 20 hours per week. Her primary duties will be distribution of the Council agenda packets. The Deputy City Clerk Patricia Kirkpatrick will start her employment on June 11th. Her main function will be to start the development of the Records Retention Program for all City Departments. The other functions of the City Clerk's Office that I am striving to achieve and develop are: > Develop better policies and procedures for Street Vacations > Develop a better Contract Administration Process > Working with the Planning Department and defining the responsibilities of the Clerk's Office regarding Annexation process > Adopting an ordinance and procedure for Public Event Applications > Website design O. .. o PORT ORCHARD MUNICIPAL COURT COUNCIL RETREAT MARCH 24, 2007 1. General Discussion - Annexation With respect to annexation, the Court projects increases for the Court in the following general categories: • Filings (Criminal and Civil Infractions) • Court Hearings • Revenue • Jail Expenses • Community service workers • Attorney Contracts (Public Defense & Prosecution) • Staff FTE hours* • Judge FTE hours* • Supplies/Forms • Interpreter Usage • General office expenses - postage, copier/fax usage, phone • Security Courtroom is prepared and capable of increased usage. The court clerks' office space is not conducive to increases in number of staff or filings. ""Additional Factors other than population that impact FTE's • Location of City (County Seat) • Number of Officers o *2004 Statistics City Population Filings Filings Parking Judge Staff (Infractions) (Criminal) FTE FTE Bonney Lake 13,740 2592 1497 55 .69 3.5 Port Orchard 8,060 2490 869 4212 .60 3.6 Fife 4,885 4151 2775 113 .95 7 o Memorandum Date: March 22, 2007 To: Mayor and City Council From: Maher M. Abed, Public Works Director Subject: Public Works Input on Retreat Issues The purpose of this memorandum is to provide input to the topics that are on the agenda for the retreat from Public Works prospective as follows: 1. Annexation: Future annexation to the City is something that is happing in an expedient fashion. It is prudent for the City to plan for this demand and to staff to meet it and to provide an adequate level of service. The attached calculation sheet shows the recommended staffing for the Public Works Department. My assumption was that the City would grow to a population of 25,000 from its current level of 8,300. This means that Port Orchard will grow about threefold in population size. Even if we assume that the City is currently providing an acceptable level of service, our staff would have to grow to make sure that we are responsive to our growing community needs. My estimate is that the Department would have to grow by 25 staff members. This, in my estimation, will occur over five year's period. Obviously, it could take a longer time period to occur. But the bottom line is the City has to plan for that. The other key issue will be planning for the necessary space and equipment planning to provide the new staff the tools to be successful. 2. DO/Wings/Parking Structure: The only two issues that I would like to mention are: a. Utilities: Water and Sewer services are available to this downtown redevelopment effort. The water main would have to be upsized to provide adequate fire protection. Please see my attached memorandum on the issue. b. Parking: The City is in the process of hiring a consultant to prepare a feasibility study to address the parking needs downtown. 3. Council/Mayor Communication: No comment. o 4. Consideration establishing regular study sessions: I wholeheartedly support establishing regular council study sessions instead of the committee system because of the following reasons: a. The public can come to these work sessions. They could provide input if the council desires to. It will make these meetings predicable and more productive in my opinion. b. It will demand less commitment on the individual councilmember's time since they would just attend these set-aside sessions instead of several committees meeting. c. All the Council members can be present for the discussion instead of trying to catch up at regular council meetings. d. With all the council members involved, quorum will be achieved to deal with the issues that the Council has to address. 5. Health Department as City responsibility: At this time, I do not know enough on this issue to comment. 6. General Discussion-Economic Development: from my prospective, continued development of our regulations and to make them accessible will help the public through our development review and permitting process. This will encourage development and future economic development of Port Orchard. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call me. CC: File o Memorandum O Date: March 12,2007 To: Mayor and City Council From: Maher Abed, P.E. Public Works Director Subject: Downtown utility Capacity for Future development This memorandum is written to address public comments regarding the inadequacy of the City utilities to provide for future Downtown development. Although there is some need to upsize or upgrade some utilities in the future, the City's water, sewer and storm utilities are adequate. Below are the individual utility assessments: 1. Sewer: Sewer service is being provided by two 8-inch diameter gravity mains at both north and south side of Bay Street. These lines have adequate capacity to serve any future development in the area. Last year, the City spent $150,000 to provide inside sewer lining that restored the original pipe capacity. This work enhanced existing pipe capacity. 2. Water: The existing water line is only 2-inch diameter Copper pipe. This pipe is adequate to provide domestic water service to new and existing system. New development would be required to upsize this pipe to make it at least 8-inch size and loop it to provide adequate fire flow in the area. This is not a detriment to future developments in the area. 3. Storm: Storm system is an old system that collects some of the flow underneath the north side of Bay Street and eventually conveys it into the Sinclair Inlet. Each individual business will have to follow Port Orchard Stormwater Management Manual to provide for both Stormwater detention and treatment of new impervious surfaces generated on site. Their downstream system will be assessed for adequacy prior to City approval. Furthermore, the City is working on developing its Stormwater utility which will enable it to do more to upgrade its Stormwater system in the future. In short, our utility system is adequate to provide for future developments of our Downtown area. I will be available for questions at the meeting. 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