02/11/2006 - Retreat - AgendaPort Orchard City Council Retreat February 11th, 2006 Agenda Goals and Objectives - To build more effective work relations among Mayor and City Council members for enhanced leadership and performance - To build a better understanding of the governance process - To clarify roles and relationships among City Council, Mayor and Staff - To explore ways of enhancing Council/Mayor/Staff operations and procedures 8:00am Welcome and Introductions - Ice Breaker with Coffee and Tea 8:30 am Overview of Agenda and Discussion Guidelines 8:45 am Working Together - Council Meeting Start Time - How should work get to committees - Study Sessions - Email/Correspondence/Phone for Council - Rules for Council - Agenda Prep and Amendments - Mayor/Council Roles 10 am 15 minute break 10:15am Public Works and Planning – What can we do better? 11:30 15 minute break 11:45 City Issue Discussion - Annexation - Downtown Redevelopment Area