03/27/2006 - Regular - Agenda CITY OF PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda of March 27, 2006 – 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA Please limit audience comments to 3 minutes. If you have an issue that requires longer Council discussion, please contact the City Clerk’s Office for placement on a future Council agenda. 4. PUBLIC HEARING A. Bed & Breakfast Zoning Amendments (Long-Woods) B. 50-foot Circle Zoning Amendments (Long-Woods) 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Claim Warrants B. Minutes of the March 13, 2006 City Council Meeting C. Minutes of the March 6, 2006 Continued City Council Meeting D. Approval of Applications for Public Event (Merlino) E. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Lease Agreement with Pacific Office Automation for Police and Clerk/Treasurer Copy Machines (Boltz) F. Adoption of Resolution 013-06 Authorizing Surplus of Miscellaneous Equipment (Abed) G. Passage of Ordinance 007-06 Regarding Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria (Abed) H. Adoption of Resolution No. 015-06 – Approving Issuance of Industrial Bonds for CARA Land Co. by the Industrial Development Corporation of Kitsap County (Jacoby) I. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Kitsap County for Prosecutorial Services (Etgen) 6. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Approval of Application for Public Event – PT Cruiser Meet and Greet (Merlino) B. Joint Waste Waster Treatment Plant Change Orders i. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Change Order No. 15 for the Joint Waste Water Treatment Plant – Phase II (Abed) ii. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Change Order No. 16 for the Joint Waste Water Treatment Plant – Phase II (Abed) Agenda of March 27, 2006 C. Authorization for Mayor to Sign an Agreement with WestSound Engineering for Sidewalk Improvements (Abed) D. Authorization for Mayor to Sign a Contract with McBride Construction for Repairs to the Blower Room at the Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility (Abed) E. Adoption of Resolution No. 014-06 Approving Modifications to the Development Fees (Abed/Long-Woods) F. Designation of Official Newspaper (Etgen) G. Discussion – Retreat (Chang) H. Discussion – Committee Meetings and Special Meetings (Moore) 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION – For the Purposes of Discussing Potential Litigation (RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i)(A) and (B) 8. COUNCIL/MAYOR & STAFF REPORTS COMMITTEE MEETINGS Date & Time Location Water, Sewer, Solid Waste & Health April 12, 2006 7:30a.m. Myhre’s Public Property, Building & Parks April 25, 2006 7:30a.m. Myhre’s Growth Management April 3, 2006 6:30p.m. City Hall Economic Development Finance, Insurance, Negotiations & Telecommunications Street, Alley & Storm Water Public Safety & Justice Ad Hoc Committee Festival of Chimes & Lights Sewer Advisory Committee April 4, 2006 6:30p.m. Karcher Creek District Office Other Meetings: Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting – March 30, 2006 – 7:00 p.m. Subject: Downtown Development 9. ADJOURNMENT will be at 10:00p.m. unless a motion agreed upon by the majority is made to extend beyond this hour. Materials for each item will be distributed to Councilmembers in advance and will be available to the public upon request to the City Clerk’s Office (360) 876-4407. The City Council may consider other ordinances and other matters not listed unless specific notification period is required.