04/20/2006 - Special - AgendaAgenda for April 20th, 2006 Special Meeting City Council/Planning Commission A) Share Timeline to Meet 9/1/06 deadline B) Share Outcome of Downtown Overlay District Boundaries i) All Mixed Use and Commercial Area ii) All Mixed Use and Commercial Area + South Bethel iii) All Mixed Use and Commercial Area and outlying residential area to high density comp plan (requires Comp Plan update) C) Preference Study i) Height i. Specific Limit of ? ii. No limit, allow to full extent as long as not blocking views of Residential property iii. Limited to x? feet, can go another x? if give back a) underground parking b) 10 foot sidewalks c) View corridors/horizontal modulation of x? feet every x? feet street length through top x? feet d) Vertical modulation of x? feet every floor over x? feet e) Other ideas? ii) Design Standards iii) Parking Standard iv) Other? D) Next Meeting?