06/19/2018 - Work Study - Packet Revised Please turn off cell phones during meeting and hold your questions for staff until the meeting has been adjourned Meeting materials are available on the City’s website: www.cityofportorchard.us or by contacting the City Clerk’s Office, 360.876.4407 The City of Port Orchard does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Contact the City Clerk’s office should you need special accommodations. City of Port Orchard Council Work Study Session June 19, 2018 6:30 p.m. REVISED 6/19/2018 1. Police Department Update (Marti) Estimated Time: 15 Minutes 2. Zoning Code Update (Bond) Page 3 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes 3. 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments (Bond) Page 93 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes 4. City Fee Resolution (Bond) Estimated Time: 30 Minutes Mayor: Rob Putaansuu Administrative Official Councilmembers: Bek Ashby Chair: ED/Tourism/LT Committee Staff: Development Director Finance Committee KRCC / PSRC TransPol / KRCC TransPol KRCC PlanPol-alt / PRTPO Shawn Cucciardi Finance Committee Land Use Committee PSRC EDD-alt Fred Chang Utilities Committee Sewer Advisory Committee (SAC) Staff: Development Director Jay Rosapepe ED/Tourism/LT Committee Utilities Committee Sewer Advisory Committee (SAC) KRCC-alt / KRCC TransPol-alt Kitsap Transit-alt John Clauson Chair: Finance Committee Staff: Finance Director Kitsap Public Health District-alt KEDA/KADA-alt Cindy Lucarelli Chair: Utilities and SAC Committee Staff: Public Works Director Chair: Chimes and Lights Committee Staff: City Clerk KEDA/KADA Scott Diener (Mayor Pro-Tempore) Chair: Land Use Committee Staff: Development Director ED/Tourism/LT Committee PSRC Growth Mgmt-alt Department Directors: Nicholas Bond, AICP Development Director Mark Dorsey, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Debbie Hunt Court Administrator Noah Crocker, M.B.A. Finance Director Geoffrey Marti Police Chief Brandy Rinearson, MMC, CPRO City Clerk Contact us: 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 City of Port Orchard Work Study Session Executive Summary Issue Title: Zoning Code Update Meeting Date: June 19, 2018 Time Required: 30 Minutes Attendees: Nick Bond, Community Development Director Background/Issue: The Community Development Department is currently preparing a major update to the City’s Zoning Code to correspond with the City’s current Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Code including recently-adopted architectural and site design standards. The public participation program, which was approved by City Council in May 2018, anticipates that the Zoning Code update will be completed in fall 2018. The most significant difference between the existing Zoning Code and the proposed Zoning Code will be the change to a “form-based” code that emphasizes compatibility of adjacent land uses over building type or density. Existing zones will be revised as appropriate, and new zones will be created to promote the development of affordable and attractive housing, ensure compatible land uses within neighborhoods, highlight the City’s commercial “gateways”, and encourage walkable, pedestrian-scale development with a mix of land uses. The Zoning Code will provide detailed text and pictoral guidance for each zone on building types, lot dimensions, lot coverage, setbacks and building placement, parking locations, and building height. The following draft chapters were provided to the Planning Commission at the June 2018 meeting, and the Planning Commission will continue its review of these and additional chapters through the summer: 20.30 Introduction 20.31 Zoning Map 20.33 Greenbelt Districts 20.34 Residential Districts 20.35 Commercial Districts 20.36 Industrial Districts 20.37 Civic and Open Space Districts 20.38 Overlay Districts 20.39 Article 1 – Use Provisions and Article 2 – Use Table Action Requested at this Meeting: No action requested. Staff has provided this update to keep the Council informed about progress on the Zoning Code revisions and the status of Planning Commission review. 3 of 128 An attached table of the current and proposed zones, and a table listing the differences in proposed land uses between the current and proposed zones, summarizes the changes that are anticipated in each zone. Alternatives: N/A Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: Per RCW 36.70A.040(3), the City is required to adopt development regulations, including zoning requirements, that are consistent with and implement the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Recommendations: Staff recommends that the Zoning Code update proceed according to the work plan and timeline established in the approved public participation program. Attachments: Current vs. Proposed Zones Table, Current vs. Proposed Land Uses By Zone Table and Zoning Code Update Draft Chapters. 4 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Update Comparison of Current vs. Proposed Updated Zoning Categories DRAFT – June 2018 Current Zoning Category Updated Zoning Category Notes Residential 4.5 R1 Residential 8 R2 Residential 12 R3 Residential 20 R4 R5 The current zoning code does not have an equivalent category to R5. R5 is proposed to allow more intense multifamily development compared to what was previously allowed in the R20 zone. Residential 8 MWD R6 R8MWD/R6 zoning applies only within the McCormick Woods master plan area. Greenbelt Greenbelt Business Professional Business Professional Mixed Use Residential Mixed Use Currently there is no equivalent zoning designation. Neighborhood Mixed Use Currently there is no equivalent zoning designation. Mixed Use Commercial Mixed Use Downtown Overlay District Downtown Mixed Use Downtown Overlay District Gateway Gateway Mixed Use General Commercial Commercial Corridor General Commercial will either become CC or CH, depending on location characteristics. 5 of 128 Current Zoning Category Updated Zoning Category Notes General Commercial Commercial Heavy General Commercial will either become CC or CH, depending on location characteristics. Industrial Flex Currently there is no equivalent zoning designation. Employment Industrial/Office Light Industrial Heavy Industrial Currently there is no equivalent zoning designation. 6 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height Residential Zones Greenbelt (current) N/A Single family detached residential, daycare, stable, kennel, food processing, winery/brewery, park, trail, theater, arboretum, utilities, mobile home park, MMJ cooperative, bed and breakfast, agriculture, crop sales, forestry, hatchery, aquaculture, wildlife shelter N/A Street ROW: 30 ft Side Yard: 5 ft Rear Yard: 10 ft Corner Lot Rear Yard: 5 ft 15% Impervious Surface 33 ft Greenbelt (new) Detached House, Backyard Cottage; General Building, Accessory Building Single family detached residential, group home, utilities, nursery, winery, family or group day care, vacation rental, bed & breakfast, backyard cottage, accessory apartment, home occupation, home business, livestock keeping, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, MMJ cooperative 2 acres Primary Street: 15 ft Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior 5 ft Rear 10 ft 15% Hard Surface Principal Bldg: 3 stories/35 ft Accessory Bldg: 24 ft Residential 4.5 (R4.5) N/A Single family detached residential, funeral home/crematory, utilities, daycare, schools, food processing, winery/brewery, printing and publishing, park, trail, library, museum, house of worship, assisted living, ADU, home business, MMJ cooperative, bed and breakfast, agriculture, wildlife shelter 6,000 Street ROW: 15 ft Side Yard: 5 ft Rear Yard: 10 ft Corner Lot Rear Yard: 5 ft 45% Impervious Surface 33 ft R1 Detached House, Backyard Cottage, Accessory Building Principal Uses: Single family detached residential, group home, cemetery, golf course, utilities, family or group day care, Air B&B, bed & breakfast, home occupation, community garden. Accessory Uses: Backyard cottage, accessory apartment, home occupation, home business, livestock keeping, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, park as accessory use to residential development, MMJ cooperative 6,000 sq ft Principal Bldg Primary Street: 15 ft or avg front setback Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft Accessory Bldg Primary Street: 40 ft Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 3 ft (2 ft if on alley) 50% Hard Surface Principal Bldg: 3 stories/35 ft Accessory Bldg: 24 ft Residential 8 (R8) N/A Single family detached residential, single family attached residential, funeral home/crematory, utilities, daycare, schools, printing and publishing, park, trail, library, museum, house of worship, assisted living, community residential facility, business, MMJ cooperative, bed and breakfast, agriculture, crop sales 5,445 sq ft 75% Impervious Surface 33 ft R2 Detached House, Backyard Cottage, Cottage Court, Side-by-side Duplex, Front-to-back duplex, Attached House Principal Uses: Single family detached residential, single family attached residential (up to 2 units), group home, adult family home, group living, golf course, utilities, family or group day care, vacation rental, bed & breakfast, community garden. Detached House: 5,000 or 3,000 (depending on access) Principal Bldg Primary Street: 15 ft or avg front setback Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft 70% Hard Surface Principal Bldg: 3 stories/35 ft Accessory Bldg: 24 ft 7 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height Accessory Uses: Backyard cottage, accessory apartment, home occupation, home business, livestock keeping, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, park as accessory use to residential development, MMJ cooperative Cottage Court: 1,200 sq ft Duplex: 5,000 sq ft Attached House: 2,500 sq ft Accessory Bldg Primary Street: 40 ft Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 3 ft (2 ft if on alley) Residential 12 (R12) N/A Single family detached residential, single family attached residential, multifamily residential, self-service storage (part of multifamily development), automotive parking, funeral home/crematory, daycare, schools and school support facilities, printing and publishing, park, trail, library, museum, house of worship, utilities, assisted living, community residential facility, ADU, home business, MMJ cooperative, bed and breakfast, agriculture 3,630 sq ft Street ROW: 15 ft Side Yard: 5 ft Rear Yard: 10 ft Corner Lot Rear Yard: 5 ft 85% Impervious Surface 33 ft R3 Detached House, Backyard Cottage, Cottage Court, Side-by-side Duplex, Front-to-back duplex, Attached House, Fourplex, Townhouse, Apartment, Accessory Building Principal Uses: Single family detached residential, single family attached residential (up to 6 units), multifamily residential, group home, adult family home, group living, golf course, utilities, family or group day care, vacation rental, bed & breakfast, Community Garden. Accessory Uses: Backyard cottage, accessory apartment, home occupation, home business, livestock keeping, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, park as accessory use to residential development, MMJ cooperative Detached House: 2,500 or 4,000 (depending on access) Cottage Court: 1,200 sq ft Duplex: 5,000 sq ft Attached House: 2,500 sq ft Townhouse: 1,000 sq ft Fourplex: 7,000 sq ft Apartment: 10,000 sq ft Principal Bldg Primary Street: 15 ft or avg front setback Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft Accessory Bldg Primary Street: 40 ft Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft (2 ft if on alley) 80% Hard Surface Principal Bldg: 3 stories/35 ft Accessory Bldg: 24 ft Residential 20 (R20) N/A Single family detached residential (prd), single family attached residential, multifamily residential, daycare, utilities, self service storage (part of multifamily development), automotive parking, funeral home/crematory, medical clinic, nursing facility, schools, printing and publishing, park,trail, sports club, library, museum, 2,178 sq ft Street ROW: 15 ft Side Yard: 5 ft Rear Yard: 10 ft 85% Impervious Surface 33 ft 8 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height conference center, house of worship, assisted living, community residential facility, prisoner release facility, home business, MMJ cooperative, bed and breakfast Corner Lot Rear Yard: 5 ft R4 Cottage Court, Fourplex, Townhouse, Apartment, Accessory Building Principal Uses: Single family attached residential (3-6 units), multifamily residential, group home, group living, utilities, vacation rental, surface parking, home occupation, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, MMJ cooperative Accessory Uses: Home Occupation, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, Self-Storage as Accessory Use, park as accessory use to residential development, MMJ cooperative Cottage Court: 1,200 sq ft Fourplex: 7,000 sq ft Townhouse: 1,000 sq ft Apartment: 10,000 sq ft Principal Bldg Primary Street: 15 ft or avg front setback Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft (4 ft if on alley) Build To Zone Bldg façade on primary street: 60% min BTZ (% of lot width) Bldg façade on side street: 30% min BTZ (% of lot width) 80% Hard Surface 4 stories/45 ft R5 (new; no current equivalent Cottage Court, Fourplex, Townhouse, Apartment Principal Uses: Single family attached residential (3-6 units), multifamily residential, group home, group living, utilities, Air B&B, surface parking, parking garage. Accessory Uses: Home Occupation, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, Self-Storage as Accessory Use, park as accessory use to residential development, MMJ cooperative Cottage Court: 1,200 sq ft Fourplex: 7,000 sq ft Townhouse: 1,000 sq ft Apartment: 10,000 sq ft Principal Bldg Primary Street: 15 ft or avg front setback Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft (4 ft if on alley) Build To Zone Bldg façade on primary street: 60% min BTZ (% of lot width) Bldg façade on side street: 30% min BTZ (% of lot width) 80% Hard Surface 5 stories/55 ft TDR Height Bonus Residential 8 MWD (R8MWD) N/A Single family detached residential, single family attached residential, daycare, utilities, funeral home/crematory, printing and publishing, park, trail, library, museum, house of worship, assisted living, community residential facility, ADU, home business, MMJ cooperative, bed and breakfast, agriculture 4,000 sq ft Street ROW: 10 ft Side Yard: 5 ft Rear Yard: 10 ft Corner Lot Rear Yard: 10 ft 75% Impervious Surface 33 ft 9 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height R6 (limited to the McCormick Woods master plan development area) Detached House, Backyard Cottage, Accessory Building Principal Uses: Single family detached residential, group home, adult family home, golf course, utilities, family or group daycare, vacation rental, bed & breakfast, Accessory Uses: Backyard cottage, accessory apartment, home occupation, home business, vehicle repair accessory to residential use; Park as accessory use, MMJ cooperative Detached House: 4,000 sq ft Principal Bldg Primary Street: 10 ft or avg front setback Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft (2 ft if on alley) Accessory Bldg Primary Street: 40 ft Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft (2 ft if on alley) 75% Hard Surface Principal Bldg: 3 stories/35 ft Accessory Bldg: 24 ft Mixed Use Zones Business Professional I & II N/A Public agency office & archives, general office, professional office, taxi office, transportation office, outdoor advertising, automotive parking, professional sports team, research and testing, personal services, daycare, vet clinic, social services, medical office, nursing facility, medical lab, school support facility, printing and publishing, movie production, park, trail, library, museum, arboretum, house of worship, single family detached residential, assisted living, ADU, home business, MMJ cooperative, bed and breakfast, restaurant, drugstore, liquor store, bank 3,630 sq ft Street ROW: 10 ft Side Yard: 5 ft Rear Yard: 5 ft Corner Lot Rear Yard: 5 ft 95% Impervious Surface 33 ft Business Professional Mixed Use Detached house, Duplex, Backyard Cottage, Attached House, Live Work, Shopfront House, Mixed-Use Shopfront, General Building, Accessory Buildings Single-family detached residential, duplex, single-family attached (2-6 units), multifamily, group home, group living, adult family home, club or lodge, public use, museum, library, place of worship, utilities, group daycare, daycare center, special event facility, bed & breakfast, medical office, hospital, general office, bail bonds, automotive parking, personal services, business services, food truck, restaurants, retail establishment (up to 5,000 sq ft), research and development, accessory dwelling, backyard cottage, home occupation, home business, outdoor display, MMJ cooperative. Detached house: 6,000 sq ft Duplex: 7,000 sq ft Backyard Cottage: 6,000 sq ft Attached house: 3,500 sq ft Live Work: 1,500 sq ft Primary Street: 10 ft min/30 ft max Side Street: 10 ft min/30 ft max Side interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft 75% Hard Surface 3 stories/35 ft 10 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height Shopfront House: 6,000 sq ft Mixed Use Shopfront: 10,000 sq ft General Bldg: 10,000 sq ft Residential Mixed Use Townhouse, Live Work Single-family detached residential, duplex, single family attached (2-6 units), multifamily, group home, group living, utilities, group day care, daycare center, vacation rental, bed & breakfast, office, surface parking, parking garage, personal services, restaurants, food truck, business services, craft shop, boutique food and beverage processing, home occupation, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, MMJ cooperative. Townhouse: 1,000 sq ft Live Work: 1,000 sq ft Principal Bldg Primary Street: 0 ft min/10 ft max Side Street: 0 ft min/10 ft max Side Interior: 0 or 5 ft min Rear: 20 ft (4 ft if on alley) Build to Zone Bldg façade on primary street: 70% min (% of lot width) Bldg façade on side street: 35% min (% of lot width) 90% Hard Surface 3 stories/35 ft 11 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height Neighborhood Mixed Use (new; no current equivalent) Detached House, Duplex, Backyard Cottage, Fourplex, Townhouse, Shopfront House, Accessory Buildings Single family detached residential, duplex, single-family attached (2-6 units), multifamily, group home, group living, public use, utilities, group day care, day care center, indoor recreation, outdoor recreation, general office, surface parking, parking garage, personal services, restaurant, food truck, retail sales up to 5,000 sq ft, business services, convenience store w/o gas pumps, craft shop, boutique food & beverage processing, home occupation, MMJ cooperative All Types: 7,000 sq ft Principal Bldg Primary Street: 10 ft min/30 ft max Side Street: 10 ft min/30 ft max Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft Build to Zone Bldg façade on primary street: 50% min (% of lot width) Bldg façade on side street: 25% min (% of lot width) Accessory Bldg Primary Street: 40 ft Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 5 ft Rear: 3 ft (4 ft if on alley) 70% Hard Surface Principal Bldg: 3 stories/35 ft Accessory Bldg: 2 stories/24 ft Mixed Use N/A Public agency office, utilities, construction office, trucking & courier office, ferry, transportation services, general business, professional office, automotive parking, professional sports team, research and development, helipad, personal services, daycare, auto repair & service, misc repair & service, social services, medical clinic, nursing facility, medical lab, food processing, winery/brewery, apparel and other light manufacturing, printing and publishing, motor vehicle and bicycle manufacturing, aircraft and boat building, movie production, park, trail, theater, misc recreation and amusement, sports club, library, museum, arboretum, conference center, house of worship, interim recycling facility, transit base, park & ride, single family attached residential, multifamily residential, houseboat, assisted living, community residential facility, ADU, home business, MMJ cooperative, hotel/motel, bed & breakfast, lodging house, mineral processing, hardware & garden store, department store, grocery store, car dealer, vehicle supplies, gas station, boat dealer, restaurant, furniture store, misc shopping, bulk retail, auction house, pet shop N/A Street ROW: 10 ft Side Yard: N/A Rear Yard: N/A Corner Lot Rear Yard: N/A 95% Impervious Surface 33 ft Commercial Mixed Use Townhouse, Apartment, Live Work, Shopfront Single family attached residential (3-6 units), multifamily residential, group living, club or lodge, public use, museum, library, place of worship, utilities, group day care, day care center, indoor recreation, outdoor Townhouse: 1,000 sq ft Principal Bldg 80% Hard Surface 3.5 stories/40 ft TDR Height Bonus 12 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height House, Single-Story Shopfront, Mixed Use Shopfront, General Building recreation, hostel, hotel, medical clinic and office, general office, bail bonds, funeral home, surface parking, parking garage, personal services, restaurant, food truck, retail (up to 15,000 sq ft), business services, convenience store w/o gas pumps, craft shop, boutique food & beverage processing, winery, outdoor display, MMJ cooperative Apartment: 5,000 sq ft Live Work: 1,000 sq ft Shopfront House: 7,000 sq ft Mixed Use Shopfront: 5,000 sq ft General Bldg: 5,000 sq ft Primary Street: 0 ft min/10 ft max Side Street: 0 ft min/10 ft max Side Interior: 0 ft Rear: 20 ft min (4 ft if on alley) Build to Zone Bldg façade on primary street: 70% min (% of lot width) Bldg façade on side street: 30% min (% of lot width) Downtown Overlay District N/A Single family attached residential, multifamily residential, amusement/entertainment, personal services, bed & breakfast, boat dealers, conference center, daycare, commercial recreation, general business services, medical clinic, hotel/motel, library, liquor store, museum, park, parking lot, post office, professional office, retail sales (limited), trails, ferry, MMJ cooperative (Refer to underlying zoning) (Refer to underlying zoning) (Refer to underlying zoning) 15 – 55 ft depending on location Downtown Mixed Use Live Work, Single Story Shopfront, Mixed Use Shopfront Single-family attached residential (up to 6 units), multifamily residential, group living, club or lodge, public use, museum, library, place of worship, utilities, indoor recreation including special event facility, outdoor recreation, hostel, hotel, medical clinic and office, general office, bail bonds, surface parking, parking garage, personal services, restaurant, food truck, retail up to 15,000 sq ft, business services, convenience store w/o gas pumps, craft shop, boutique food & beverage processing, winery, outdoor display, MMJ cooperative N/A Principal Bldg: N/A Build to Zone Bldg façade on primary street: 80% min (% of lot width) Bldg façade on side street: 40% min (% of lot width) 100% Hard Surface 2 stories (28 feet) to 5 stories (58 feet) depending on location within overlay district, 3 stories (38 feet) by default. Downtown Overlay District Gateway N/A Same as DOD Overlay plus any uses allowed in the underlying zone (Refer to underlying zoning) (Refer to underlying zoning) (Refer to underlying zoning) 27 – 55 ft depending on location Gateway Mixed Use Townhouse, Apartment, Live Work, Shopfront House, Single-Story Shopfront, Mixed-Use Shopfront, General Building Single family attached residential (up to 6 units), multifamily residential, club or lodge, public use, museum, library, place of worship, utilities, group day care, day care center, hotel, indoor recreation including special event facility, medical clinic and office, general office, bail bonds, funeral home, surface parking, personal services, restaurant, food truck, retail up to 50,000 sq ft, business services, light manufacturing, craft shop, boutique food and beverage processing, winery, outdoor display, MMJ cooperative N/A Principal Bldg: N/A Build to Zone Bldg façade on primary street: 80% min (% of lot width) 90% Hard Surface 2 stories (28 feet) to 5 stories (58 feet) depending on location within overlay district, 3 13 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height Bldg façade on side street: 40% min (% of lot width) stories (38 feet) by default. Commercial Zones Commercial N/A Public agency office, utilities, construction office, trucking & courier office, warehouse, self storage, wholesale business, ferry, general business, professional office, outdoor advertising, equipment rental, car rental, parking lot, professional sports team, research and development, personal services, funeral home/crematory, daycare, vet clinic, car repair & service, boat repair, social services, kennel, medical clinic, nursing facility, medical lab, food processing, winery/brewery, general retail, printing & publishing, motor vehicle and bicycle manufacturing, aircraft and boat building, movie production, park, trail, marina, theater, misc amusements, sports club, archery range, library, museum, conference center, arboretum, house of worship, interim recycling facility, transit base, park & ride, multifamily residential, houseboat, assisted living, hotel/motel, bed & breakfast, lodging house, mineral processing, mobile home sales, hardware & garden store, general retail, department store, grocery store, auto supply store, gas station, boat dealer, restaurant, adult entertainment, drug store, liquor store, marijuana retailer, bulk retail, auction house, pet shop, bank N/A Street ROW: 10 ft Side Yard: N/A Rear Yard: N/A Corner Lot Rear Yard: N/A 85% Impervious Surface 33 ft Commercial Corridor Live Work, Shopfront, Single Story Shopfront, Mixed Use Shopfront, General Building Single family attached residential (up to 6 units), multifamily residential, group living, social services, club or lodge, public use, museum, library, place of worship, golf course, utilities, group day care, daycare center, indoor recreation including special event facility, outdoor recreation including RV park, marina, hotel, motel, medical clinic and office, hospital, general office, funeral home, crematorium, surface parking, parking garage, personal services, restaurant, food truck, retail sales, recreational marijuana sales, business services, convenience store with or w/o gas pumps, vehicle and tool sales and rental, car wash, vehicle repair, light manufacturing, craft shop, boutique and industrial food & beverage processing, research & development, self storage, nursery, winery, drive-through facility, outdoor display, low impact outdoor storage, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, MMJ cooperative Live Work: 1,000 sq ft Shopfront House: 5,000 sq ft Single Story Shopfront: 5,000 sq ft Mixed Use Shopfront: 5,000 sq ft General Building: 5,000 sq ft Principal Bldg: Primary Street: 15 ft min/50 ft max Side Street: 0 ft min/50 ft max Side Interior: 10 ft Rear: 10 ft Build to Zone Bldg façade on primary street: 50% min (% of lot width) Bldg façade on side street: 25% min (% of lot width) 70% Hard Surface 3 stories/35 ft Commercial N/A (same as preceding Commercial category) (same as preceding Commercial category) (same as preceding Commercial category) (same as preceding Commercial category) (same as preceding Commercial category) 14 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height Commercial Heavy Single Story Shopfront, General Building Continuing education, public use, utilities, indoor recreation including special event facility, outdoor recreation including RV park, marina, hotel, motel, all medical including hospital, social services, general office, funeral home, crematorium, surface parking, parking garage, personal services, restaurant, food truck, retail sales, recreational marijuana sales, business services, convenience stores with or w/o gas pumps, vehicle and tool rental and sales, car wash, vehicle repair, light manufacturing, craft shop, boutique and industrial food and beverage processing, research and development, sheet metal and welding, tool and equipment manufacturing, vehicle painting, warehouses, self storage, nursery, winery, drive-through facility, outdoor display, vehicle repair accessory to residential use, MMJ cooperative All types: 7,000 sq ft Principal Bldg Primary Street: 20 ft Side Street: 20 ft min/50 ft max Side Interior: 20 ft Rear: 20 ft 70% Hard Surface 3 stories/35 ft Industrial Zones Industrial Flex (new; no current equivalent) Live Work, Shopfront, Single-Story Shopfront, Mixed Use Building, General Building Single family attached (up to 6 units), multifamily, social services, continuing education, public use, utilities, special event facility, marina, medical clinic and office, hospital, industrial office, crematorium, surface parking, parking garage, personal services, food truck, retail sales, business services, convenience store with or w/o gas pumps, vehicle and equipment sales and rental, car wash, vehicle repair, light manufacturing, dry cleaning or carpet cleaning facility, craft shop, food and beverage processing, research & development, machine shop, vehicle painting facility, warehouses, self storage, agricultural processing, nursery, winery, drive through facility, outdoor display, outdoor storage, MMJ cooperative Live Work: Shopfront House: 5,000 sq ft Single Story Shopfront: 5,000 sq ft Mixed Use Shopfront: General Bldg: 7,000 sq ft Principal Bldg Primary Street: 5 ft Side Street: 5 ft min Side Interior: 10 ft Rear: 10 ft 70% Hard Surface 3 stories/35 ft Employment Industrial/Office N/A Public agency office & yard, utilities, construction office, transportation office, trucking & courier service, warehouses, self storage, ferry, general business, professional office, outdoor advertising, car rental, equipment rental, professional sports team, research & development, heavy equipment, and truck repair, helipad, personal services, dry cleaning plant, daycare, vet clinic, car repair & service, boat repair, social services, kennel, medical lab, school support facility, food processing, marijuana processing, winery/brewery, light manufacturing, printing and publishing, chemical production, petroleum refining, motor vehicle and bicycle manufacturing, aircraft and boat building, tire retreading, movie production, park, trail, marina, sports club, archery range, ADUlt entertainment, library, museum, arboretum, conference center, house of worship, animal control facility, transfer station, interim recycling Facility, wastewater treatment facility, transit base, park & ride, school bus base, houseboat, ADU, marijuana production, mining, mineral processing, mobile home sales, hardware & garden store, grocery store, car dealer, auto supply store, gas station, boat dealer, restaurant, drug store, auction house, fuel dealer, bank, petroleum refining N/A Street ROW: 10 ft Side Yard: N/A Rear Yard: N/A Corner Lot Rear Yard: N/A 85% Impervious Surface 33 ft Light Industrial N/A Clothing and textile manufacturing, craft shop, food and beverage processing, light manufacturing, pharmaceutical or medical supply manufacturing, welding shop, sheet metal shop, furniture manufacturing, social services, continuing education, public use, jail, utilities, shooting range, special event facility, marina, 7,000 sq ft Primary Street: 20 ft Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 10 ft 70% Hard Surface 3 stories/35 ft 15 of 128 Port Orchard Zoning Code Comparison of Current and Proposed Zoning Categories Building Types Allowed Land Uses Min Lot Size Min Setbacks Max Impervious Surface / Hard Surface Max Bldg Height industrial office, crematorium, surface parking, outdoor animal care, animal shelter, vehicle and equipment sales and rental, vehicle repair, light manufacturing, dry cleaning and carpet cleaning, craft shop, research and development, warehouses, recreational marijuana processing, agricultural processing, winery, drive through facility, outdoor display, outdoor storage Rear: 10 ft Heavy Industrial (new; no current equivalent) Public use, jail, utilities, shooting range, adult entertainment, marina, industrial office, crematorium, animal shelter, vehicle and equipment sales and rental, vehicle repair, all heavy industrial uses, food and beverage processing, recreational marijuana production, research and development, resource extraction, stockpiling, machine shop, welding, equipment manufacturing, warehouses, waste-related services, recreational marijuana processing, agricultural processing, outdoor display, outdoor storage 7,000 sq ft Primary Street: 20 ft Side Street: 10 ft Side Interior: 10 ft Rear: 10 ft 70% Hard Surface 3 stories/35 ft 16 of 128 Chapter 20.30 Introduction to Zoning, Land Uses, and Building Types. Sections: 20.30.010 Purpose 20.30.020 Application 20.30.010 Purpose. (1) This subtitle is adopted for the purpose of guiding development in accordance with the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan and to protect, promote, and improve the public health, safety, and general welfare. (2) This subtitle is enacted to exercise the full range of authority under Washington law to establish standards to regulate and restrict the: (a) Height, number of stories, size, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, or use of buildings and structures; (b) Percentage of lot occupancy, size of courts, yards, and open spaces; (c) The dimensions of lots and density of development; (d) The location and use of buildings and structures. (3) This subtitle is enacted for the following purposes: (a) To ensure that important environmental features are protected; (b) To encourage the urban development within the City of Port Orchard consistent with the Growth Management Act, the Countywide Planning Policies, and the Regional Growth Strategy; (c) To protect life and property in areas subject to natural hazards and disasters; (d) To protect fish, wildlife, and recreation resources; (e) To avoid undue water and air pollution; (f) To provide standards for the subdivision of land in addition to those listed in Subtitle V of this Title. (g) To encourage economically sound, fiscally sustainable, orderly, and compatible land development practices in accordance with the comprehensive plan; (h) To ensure that adequate public facilities and services are provided to Port Orchard residents at a reasonable cost; (i) To ensure that development on land is commensurate with the physical characteristics of the land; (j) To assure the provision of needed open spaces and public facility sites. (4) This Subtitle is intended to provide a mechanism for achieving the following goals: (a) Mix of land uses; (b) Compact building design; (c) Creating a range of housing opportunities and choices; (d) Creating walkable neighborhoods; (e) Fostering distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place; (f) Preserving open spaces and natural beauty; (g) Providing a variety of transportation choices; and (h) Making development decisions predictable, fair, and cost effective; 20.30.020 Application (1) Territorial Application. This Subtitle applies to all land, uses, buildings and structures within Port Orchard. 17 of 128 (2) General Application. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this subtitle are the minimum requirements necessary to meet the purpose and intent of these regulations. (3) Required Conformance. All buildings, structures or land, in whole or in part, must be used or occupied in accordance with this subtitle. (4) Control over less restrictive laws and regulations. If any condition or requirement imposed by this subtitle is more restrictive than a condition or requirement imposed by any other law, rule or regulation of any kind, the more restrictive condition or requirement governs. (5) Conflict. If any condition or requirement imposed by this subtitle contains an actual, implied, or apparent conflict, the more restrictive condition or requirement controls. (6) References to Other Laws. Whenever a provision of this subtitle refers to any other part of the Port Orchard Municipal Code or to any other law, the reference applies to any subsequent amendment of that law. (7) Text and Graphics. Illustrations and photographs are included in this Subtitle to illustrate the intent and requirement of the text. In cases of a conflict between the text and illustrations, photos, and graphics, the text controls. 18 of 128 Chapter 20.31 ZONES AND ZONING MAP Sections: 20.31.010 Zones established. 20.31.020 Boundary questions. 20.31.021 Interpretation – Right-of-way. 20.31.030 Changes. 20.31.040 Annexed land. 20.31.010 Zones established. (a) The following zones are hereby established: (1) Greenbelt (GB) (2) Residential 1 (R1) (3) Residential 2 (R2) (4) Residential 3 (R3) (5) Residential 4 (R5) (6) Residential 5 (R5) (7) Residential 6 (R6) (8) Residential Mixed-Use (RMU) (9) Neighborhood Mixed-Use (NMU) (10) Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU) (11) Business Professional Mixed-Use (BPMU) (12) Downtown Mixed-Use (DMU) (13) (Downtown) Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU) (14) Commercial Corridor (CC) (15) Commercial Heavy (GH) (16) Industrial Flex (IF) (17) Light Industrial (LI) (18) Heavy Industrial (HI) (19) Civic Institutional (CI) (20) Parks and Recreation (PR) (21) Public Facilities (PF) (b) The following Overlay Districts are hereby established: (1) View Protection Overlay District (VPOD) (2) Downtown Height Overlay District (DHOD) (3) Self-Storage Overlay District (SSOD) (c) The location and boundaries of the various zones are shown on the city’s adopted zoning map and are codified in this title and made a part of this title. Overlay District Boundaries may be shown on the City’s adopted zoning map, may be codified elsewhere in this code, or be adopted as a standalone map. Changes in the boundaries of the zones or overlay districts, including application or amendment or interim zoning, shall be made by ordinance adopting or amending the zoning map or alternatively in the case of an overlay district, by amending the standalone overlay district map or code section. 19 of 128 (d) Maps may be kept electronically in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Copies published online or electronically do not constitute originals. Map originals must be kept on file with the Port Orchard City Clerk and must indicate the date of the adoption and most recent amendment. 20.31.020 Boundary questions. Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of any zone or overlay district, the following rules of construction, listed in priority order, shall apply: (1) Where boundaries are indicated as following approximate lot lines, the actual lot lines shall be considered the boundaries. (2) Where boundaries are indicated as following lines of ordinary high water, or government meander lines, the lines shall be considered to be actual boundaries. If these lines should change, the boundaries shall be considered to move with them. (3) If none of the rules of interpretation described in the above subsections apply, then the zoning boundary shall be determined by map scaling. 20.31.030 Interpretation – Right-of-way. (1) Except when such areas are specifically designated on the zoning map as being classified in one of the zones provided in this title, land contained in rights-of-way for streets or alleys shall be considered unclassified. (2) Within street or alley rights-of-way, uses shall be limited to street purposes as defined by law. (3) Where such right-of-way is vacated, the vacated area shall have the zone classification of the adjoining property with which it is first merged. 20.31.040 Changes. No change shall be made to a zoning map except by authority of an amending ordinance. Any changes made otherwise shall be in violation of this title. 20.31.050 Annexed land. (1) The City’s Comprehensive Plan has predesignated land use and zoning designations for all areas of the Port Orchard Urban Growth Area as shown on the Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan and on the City’s adopted zoning map. Upon annexation, these predesignated land use and zoning designations shall apply unless the City Council designates some other zoning designation in the annexation ordinance. (2) Any lot subdivided under authority of the county and recognized by the county as a buildable lot will, upon annexation to the city, be considered a buildable lot, even though it may be smaller than the city zoning requires for that vicinity and zone. 20 of 128 CHAPTER 20.33 GREENBELT DISTRICT 20.36.010 Greenbelt. (1) Intent. The Greenbelt district is intended to protect sensitive natural resources. Residential development not exceeding 1 single-family residential unit per 2 acres, and certain other compatible land uses, are allowed to supplement the protection of these resources in exchange for preserving open space. (2) Building Types Allowed. The following building types are allowed: Detached single-family house Backyard Cottage General Building Greenbelt Buildings (3) Lot Dimensions. Gross Density: 1 unit/2 acres maximum Area (A) Width (B) Detached house 2 acres min No Minimum 21 of 128 (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 15%. Greenbelt Lot Dimensions (5) Building Placement. Principal building setbacks. Primary street 15 ft min (A) Side street 10 ft min (B) Side interior 5 ft min (C) Rear 10 ft min (D) 22 of 128 Greenbelt Building Placement (6) Building height. Principal building 3 stories/35 ft max (A) Accessory structure 24 ft max (B) Greenbelt Building Height 23 of 128 CHAPTER 20.34 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Sections: 20.34.010 Residential 1 (R1) 20.34.020 Residential 2 (R2) 20.34.030 Residential 3 (R3) 20.34.040 Residential 4 (R4) 20.34.050 Residential 5 (R5) 20.34.060 Residential 6 (R6) 20.34.010 Residential 1 (R1) (1) Intent. The R1 district is intended to accommodate single-family detached houses with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. R1 may be applied in areas designated as Residential Low in the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. Uses and building types that would substantially interfere with the single family residential nature of the district are not allowed. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types in the R1 zone are as follows: a. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020) b. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030) c. Accessory Buildings (POMC 20.32.010 (16)) R1 Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. 24 of 128 a. Minimum lot size: 6,000 square feet. b. Minimum lot width: 50 feet. (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 50%. (5) Principal building setbacks. (a) Primary Street: 15 feet minimum or average front setback (See POMC 20.40.020) (b) Side Street: 10 feet minimum (c) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (d) Rear: 10 feet minimum (6) Accessory Structure Setbacks (e) Primary Street: 40 feet minimum (f) Side Street: 10 feet minimum (g) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (h) Rear: 3 feet minimum (Rear setback for an accessory structure abutting an alley may be reduced to 2 feet) R1 Building Placement 25 of 128 (7) Building height. (a) Principal building: 3 stories/35 ft max (b) Accessory structure: 24 ft max R1 Building Height 26 of 128 20.34.020 Residential 2 (R2) (1) Intent. The R2 district is primarily intended to accommodate detached house, duplex, and townhome development with a minimum lot size that varies based on building type. The R2 district is intended to implement the residential medium density Comprehensive Plan designation. Additional building types that are allowed include backyard cottage (detached accessory dwelling unit), cottage court, duplex and attached house. Uses that would substantially interfere with the residential nature of the district are not allowed. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types in the R2 zone are as follows: a. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020) b. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030) c. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040) d. Duplex: side by side (POMC 20.32.050) e. Duplex: back to back (POMC 20.32.060) f. Attached House (POMC 20.32.070) g. Accessory Buildings (POMC 20.32.010 (16)) R2 Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. 27 of 128 R2 Lot Dimensions a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020): (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 5,000 square feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 3,000 square feet ii. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030): Not Applicable. iii. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040): 1,200 square feet iv. Duplex: side by side (POMC 20.32.050): 5,000 square feet v. Duplex: back to back (POMC 20.32.060): 5,000 square feet vi. Attached House (POMC 20.32.070): 2,500 square feet b. Minimum Lot Width: i. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020): (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 50 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 30 feet ii. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030): Not Applicable iii. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040): 20 feet iv. Duplex: side by side (POMC 20.32.050): (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 60 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 40 feet v. Duplex: back to back (POMC 20.32.060): 40 feet vi. Attached House (POMC 20.32.070): (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 30 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 20 feet (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 70%. (5) Principal building setbacks. 28 of 128 (a) Primary Street: 15 feet minimum or average front setback (See POMC 20.40.020) (b) Side Street: 10 feet minimum (c) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (Except attached housing types with dwellings on individual lots such as townhomes or attached houses which do not require a side interior setback.) (d) Rear: 10 feet minimum (Rear setback for an accessory structure abutting an alley may be reduced to 2 feet) (6) Accessory Structure Setbacks (e) Primary Street: 40 feet minimum (f) Side Street: 10 feet minimum (g) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (h) Rear: 10 feet minimum (Rear setback for an accessory structure abutting an alley may be reduced to 2 feet) R2 Building Placement (7) Building height. Principal building 3 stories/35 ft max (A) Accessory structure 24 ft max (B) R2 Building Height 29 of 128 20.34.030 Residential 3 (R3) (1) Intent. The R3 district is intended to accommodate a variety of residential options limited to 3 stories in height. The R3 zone should be applied in areas designated as residential medium density in the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. Uses that would substantially interfere with the residential nature of the district are not allowed. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types in the R3 zone are as follows: a. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020) b. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030) c. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040) d. Duplex: side by side (POMC 20.32.050) e. Duplex: back to back (POMC 20.32.060) f. Attached House (POMC 20.32.070) g. Four-plex (POMC 20.32.080) h. Townhouse (POMC 20.32.090) i. Apartment (POMC 20.32.100) j. Accessory Buildings (POMC 20.32.010 (16)) R3 Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020): (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 4,000 square feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 2,500 square feet ii. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030): Not Applicable. iii. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040): 1,200 square feet 30 of 128 iv. Duplex: side by side (POMC 20.32.050): 5,000 square feet v. Duplex: back to back (POMC 20.32.060): 5,000 square feet vi. Attached House (POMC 20.32.070): 2,500 square feet vii. Four-plex: 7,000 square feet viii. Townhouse (POMC 20.32.090): 1,000 square feet ix. Apartment (POMC 20.32.100): 10,000 square feet b. Minimum Lot Width: i. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020): (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 40 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 26 feet ii. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030): Not Applicable iii. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040): 20 feet iv. Duplex: side by side (POMC 20.32.050): (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 60 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 40 feet v. Duplex: back to back (POMC 20.32.060): 40 feet vi. Attached House (POMC 20.32.070): (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 30 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 20 feet vii. Four-plex (POMC 20.32.080): 60 feet viii. Townhouse: (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 30 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 16 feet ix. Apartment: 80 feet R3 Lot Dimensions (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 80%. (5) Principal building setbacks. (a) Primary Street: 15 feet minimum or average front setback (See POMC 20.40.020) (b) Side Street: 10 feet minimum 31 of 128 (c) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (Except attached housing types with dwellings on individual lots such as townhomes or attached houses which do not require a side interior setback.) (d) Rear: 10 feet minimum (6) Accessory Structure Setbacks (e) Primary Street: 40 feet minimum (f) Side Street: 10 feet minimum (g) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (h) Rear: 10 feet minimum (Rear setback for an accessory structure abutting an alley may be reduced to 2 feet) R3 Building Placement (7) Building height. Principal building 3 stories/35 ft max (A) Accessory structure 24 ft max (B) R3 Building Height 32 of 128 Residential 4 (R4) (1) Intent. The R4 district is intended to accommodate a variety of multifamily residential options at heights of 45 feet or less. Uses that would substantially interfere with the residential nature of the district are not allowed. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types in the R4 zone are as follows: a. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040) b. Four-plex (POMC 20.32.080) c. Townhouse (POMC 20.32.090) d. Apartment (POMC 20.32.100) e. Accessory Buildings (POMC 20.32.010 (16)) R4 Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040): 1,200 square feet ii. Four-plex: 7,000 square feet iii. Townhouse (POMC 20.32.090): 1,000 square feet iv. Apartment (POMC 20.32.100): 10,000 square feet b. Minimum Lot Width: i. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040): 20 feet ii. Four-plex (POMC 20.32.080): 60 feet iii. Townhouse: (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 30 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 16 feet iv. Apartment: 80 feet 33 of 128 R4 Lot Dimensions (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is: 80%. (5) Principal building setbacks. (a) Primary Street: 15 feet minimum or average front setback (See POMC 20.40.020) (b) Side Street: 10 feet minimum (c) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (Except attached housing types with dwellings on individual lots such as townhomes which do not require a side interior setback.) (d) Rear: 10 feet minimum (4 feet minimum where abutting an alley). (6) Build-to-Zone (BTZ) (e) Building façade in primary street: 60% min BTZ (% of lot width) (f) Building façade in side street: 30% min BTZ (% of lot width) 34 of 128 R4 Building Placement (7) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 4 stories/45 feet maximum R4 Building Height Residential 5 (R5) (1) Intent. The R5 district is intended to accommodate a variety of multifamily residential options at heights of 55 feet or less. Uses that would substantially interfere with the residential nature of the district are not allowed. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types in the R5 zone are as follows: f. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040) g. Four-plex (POMC 20.32.080) h. Townhouse (POMC 20.32.090) i. Apartment (POMC 20.32.100) j. Accessory Buildings (POMC 20.32.010 (16)) 35 of 128 R5 Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. c. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040): 1,200 square feet ii. Four-plex: 7,000 square feet iii. Townhouse (POMC 20.32.090): 1,000 square feet iv. Apartment (POMC 20.32.100): 10,000 square feet d. Minimum Lot Width: i. Cottage Court (POMC 20.32.040): 20 feet ii. Four-plex (POMC 20.32.080): 60 feet iii. Townhouse: (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 30 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 16 feet iv. Apartment: 80 feet 36 of 128 R5 Lot Dimensions (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 80%. (5) Principal building setbacks. (a) Primary Street: 15 feet minimum or average front setback (See POMC 20.40.020) (b) Side Street: 10 feet minimum (c) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (Except attached housing types with dwellings on individual lots such as townhomes which do not require a side interior setback.) (d) Rear: 10 feet minimum (4 feet minimum where abutting an alley). (6) Build-to-Zone (BTZ) (e) Building façade in primary street: 60% min BTZ (% of lot width) (f) Building façade in side street: 30% min BTZ (% of lot width) R5 Building Placement (7) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 5 stories/55 feet maximum b. TDR height bonuses may be approved in accordance with POMC 20.41. 37 of 128 R5 Building Height 20.34.020 Residential 6 (R6) (1) Intent. The R6 district is primarily intended to accommodate detached house, duplex, and townhome development with a minimum lot size that varies based on building type. The R6 district is intended to implement the residential medium density Comprehensive Plan designation in selected parts of the McCormick Woods master planning area. Additional building types that are allowed include backyard cottage (detached accessory dwelling unit), cottage court, duplex and attached house. Uses that would substantially interfere with the residential nature of the district are not allowed. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types in the R6 zone are as follows: a. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020) b. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030) c. Accessory Buildings (POMC 20.32.010 (16)) 38 of 128 R6 Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. R6 Lot Dimensions c. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020): 4,000 square feet ii. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030): Not Applicable. d. Minimum Lot Width: i. Detached house (POMC 20.32.020): 40 feet ii. Backyard Cottage (detached ADU) (POMC 20.32.030): Not Applicable 39 of 128 (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 75%. (5) Principal building setbacks. (a) Primary Street: 10 feet minimum or average front setback (See POMC XXXX) (b) Side Street: 10 feet minimum (c) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (d) Rear: 10 feet minimum (Rear setback for an accessory structure abutting an alley may be reduced to 2 feet) (6) Accessory Structure Setbacks (e) Primary Street: 40 feet minimum (f) Side Street: 10 feet minimum (g) Side Interior: 5 feet minimum (h) Rear: 10 feet minimum (Rear setback for an accessory structure abutting an alley may be reduced to 2 feet) R6 Building Placement (7) Building height. a. Principal building: 3 stories/35 ft max b. Accessory structure: 24 ft max 40 of 128 R6 Building Height 41 of 128 CHAPTER 20.35 COMMERCIAL AND MIXED-USE DISTRICTS Sections: 20.35.010 Residential Mixed Use (RMU). 20.35.020 Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU). 20.35.025 Business Professional Mixed Use (BPMU). 20.35.030 Commercial Mixed Use (CMU). 20.35.040 Downtown Mixed Use (DMU). 20.35.050 Gateway Mixed Use (GMU). 20.35.060 Commercial Corridor (CC). 20.35.070 Commercial Heavy (CH). 20.35.080 Industrial Flex (IF). 20.35.010 Residential Mixed Use (RMU). (1) Intent. The RMU district is intended to accommodate working and living in close proximity to one another, including in the same physical space. Building type options include townhouse and live-work. The RMU zone should be applied in areas where the existing or proposed land use pattern promotes live-work uses and in areas designated as Commercial in the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. This designation may also be applied in areas designated residential high density in the comprehensive plan provided that the area abuts areas designated commercial and residential high density such that the application of the RMU district acts as a transitional zoning district. Uses that would substantially interfere with the live-work nature of the district are not allowed. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types in the RMU zone as follows: a. Townhouse (POMC 20.32.020) b. Live Work (POMC 20.32.110) RMU Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. 42 of 128 RMU Zone Lot Dimensions a. Minimum lot size: i. Townhouse: 1,000 square ft. ii. Live Work: 1,000 square ft b. Minimum lot width: i. Townhouse: i. Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 30 feet ii. Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 16 feet ii. Live Work: 16 feet (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 90% (5) Building Setbacks: a. Primary Street: 0 ft min/10 ft maximum (See Design Standards?) b. Side Street: 0 ft min/10 ft max c. Side Interior: 0 or 5 ft min d. Rear: 10 ft (4 ft if abutting an alley) RMU Building Setback and Build to Zone (6) Build to Zone: 43 of 128 e. Building Facing Primary Street: 70% minimum (% of lot width) f. Building Facing Side Street: 35% minimum (% of lot width) (7) Building height: a. 3 stories/35 ft max RMU Zone Building Height 44 of 128 20.35.020 Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU) (1) Intent. The NMU district is intended to accommodate neighborhood-oriented commercial facilities. The intent of the district is to provide small-scale service establishments close to residential uses, and to ensure that buildings and uses are compatible with the character of nearby neighborhoods. Building type options include: detached house, duplex, backyard cottage, four-plex, townhouse, and shopfront house. NMU zones should be applied in areas where the existing or proposed land use pattern has commercial activity close to established residential areas and may be applied in areas designated commercial in the comprehensive plan. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types for the NMU zone are as follows: a. Detached house (20.32.020) b. Duplex (20.32.040-050) c. Backyard Cottage (Detached Accessory dwelling unit) (20.32.030) d. Four-plex (POMC 20.32.080) e. Townhouse (POMC 20.32.090) f. Shopfront house (20.32.120) g. Accessory Buildings (POMC 20.32.010 (16)) NMU Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Detached House: 7,000 square feet ii. Duplex: 7,000 square feet iii. Backyard Cottage: 7,000 iv. Four-plex: 7,000 square feet v. Townhouse: 1,000 square feet vi. Shopfront House: 7,000 square feet vii. Accessory Building: N/A b. Minimum Lot Width: i. Detached House: 60 feet ii. Duplex: 60 Feet. iii. Backyard Cottage: N/A 45 of 128 iv. Four-plex: 60 feet v. Townhouse: (a) Lots that take vehicular access from primary street: 30 feet (b) Lots that do not take vehicular access from primary street: 16 feet vi. Shopfront House: 65 feet NMU Lot Dimensions (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 70% (5) Principal building setbacks. a. Primary Street: 10 ft minimum/30 ft maximum b. Side Street: 10 ft minimum/30 ft maximum c. Side Interior: 5 ft minimum d. Rear: 10 ft minimum (6) Build to Zone: e. Building façade in primary street: 50% minimum (% of lot width) f. Building façade in side street: 25% (% of lot width) (c) Accessory Structure Setbacks g. Primary Street: 40 ft minimum h. Side Street: 10 ft minimum i. Side Interior: 5 ft minimum j. Rear: 3 ft (Rear if abutting an alley: 4 ft) 46 of 128 NMU Building Placement (7) Building height. a. Principal Building Height: 3 stories/35 ft max b. Accessory Building Height: 2 stories/24 ft max NMU Building Height 47 of 128 20.35.025 Business Professional Mixed Use (BPMU) (1) Intent. The BPMU district is intended to accommodate mixed use development as well as a mix of uses that are oriented around the existing areas of medical, business professional, and residential uses and structures. Development in this zone is sought at a scale appropriate for uses ranging from single family detached to large medical buildings with larger buildings to be designed to be more compatible with smaller structures. Building type options include: detached house, duplex, backyard cottage, live work, shopfront house, mixed use shopfront, and general building. BPMU zones should be applied in areas in the vicinity of the Tremont medical facilities and near downtown Port Orchard and the Kitsap County Campus on properties designated as Commercial in the comprehensive plan. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types for the BPMU zone are as follows: a. Detached house (20.32.020) b. Duplex (20.32.040-050) c. Backyard Cottage (Detached Accessory dwelling unit) (20.32.030) d. Attached House (POMC 20.32.070) e. Live Work (POMC 20.32.110) f. Shopfront House (POMC 20.32.120) g. Mixed-Use Shopfront (POMC 20.32.140) h. General Building (POMC 20.32.150) i. Accessory Buildings (POMC 20.32.010 (16)) NMU Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Detached House: 6,000 square feet ii. Duplex: 7,000 square feet iii. Backyard Cottage: 6,000 square feet iv. Attached House: 3,500 square feet v. Live Work: 1,500 square feet vi. Shopfront House: 6,000 square feet vii. Mixed-Use Shopfront: 10,000 square feet viii. General Building: 10,000 square feet 48 of 128 b. Minimum Lot Width: i. Detached House: 60 feet ii. Duplex: 60 feet Backyard Cottage: N/A iii. Attached House: 30 feet iv. Live Work: 16 feet v. Shopfront House: 60 feet vi. Mixed Use Shopfront: 80 feet vii. General Building: 100 feet NMU Lot Dimensions (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 75% (5) Principal building setbacks. a. Primary Street: 10 ft minimum/30 ft maximum b. Side Street: 10 ft minimum/30 ft maximum c. Side Interior: 5 ft minimum d. Rear: 10 ft minimum (6) Build to Zone: e. Building façade in primary street: 50% minimum (% of lot width) f. Building façade in side street: 25% (% of lot width) (7) Accessory Structure Setbacks g. Primary Street: 40 ft minimum h. Side Street: 10 ft minimum i. Side Interior: 5 ft minimum j. Rear: 20 ft (Rear if abutting an alley: 4 ft) 49 of 128 NMU Building Placement (7) Building height. a. Principal Building Height (except detached house, duplex, attached house): 3 stories/40 ft max b. Accessory Building Height: 2 stories/24 ft max NMU Building Height 50 of 128 20.35.030 Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU). (1) Intent. The Commercial Mixed-Use district is intended to accommodate a broader range of residential and non-residential activity than Neighborhood Mixed Use. To promote walkability and compatibility, auto-oriented uses are restricted. Building type options include: townhouse, apartment, live-work, shopfront house, single-story shopfront, mixed-use shopfront and general building. Commercial Mixed Use should be applied in areas where the existing or proposed land use pattern promotes mixed use and pedestrian-oriented activity and may be applied in areas designated commercial in the comprehensive plan. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types are as follows: a. Townhouse b. Apartment c. Live-work unit d. Shopfront house e. Single-story shopfront f. Mixed use shopfront g. General building CMU Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Townhouse: 1,000 square feet ii. Apartment: 5,000 square feet iii. Live-work Unit: 1,000 square feet iv. Shopfront House: 7,000 square feet v. Single-story shopfront: 5,000 square feet vi. Mixed-use shopfront: 5,000 square feet vii. General Building: 5,000 square feet b. Minimum Lot Width: i. Townhouse: 16 feet ii. Apartment: 50 feet iii. Live-work Unit: See POMC 20.32.110 (3) (d). iv. Shopfront House: 50 feet v. Single-story shop front: 50 feet 51 of 128 vi. Mixed-use shopfront: 50 feet vii. General Building: 50 feet (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 80%. CMU Lot Dimensions (5) Principal building setbacks. a. Primary Street: 0 ft minimum / 10 ft maximum b. Side Street: 0 ft minimum / 10 ft maximum c. Side Interior: 0 ft minimum d. Rear: 20 ft minimum (Rear if abutting an alley: 4 ft minimum) (6) Build to Zone: e. Building façade in primary street: 70% minimum (% of lot width) f. Building façade in side street: 30% minimum (% of lot width) CMU Building Placement (7) Parking location. Parking shall be allowed as followed except where another standard is specified in POMC 20.127): a. Front Yard: Not Allowed b. Corner Yard: Not Allowed c. Side Yard: Allowed d. Rear Yard: Allowed (8) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 3.5 stories/ 40 ft maximum 52 of 128 b. TDR height bonuses may be approved in accordance with POMC 20.41. CMU Building Height 53 of 128 20.35.040 Downtown Mixed Use (DMU). (1) Intent. The Downtown Mixed-Use district is intended to provide for mixed use, pedestrian-oriented development in downtown. To promote walkability and to encourage street-level retail activity, auto- oriented uses and ground-floor residential uses are restricted. Building type options include live-work, single-story shopfront and mixed-use shopfront. Downtown Mixed Use should be applied in areas where the existing or proposed land use pattern promotes the highest levels of pedestrian and mixed- use activity in the community and may be applied in areas designated commercial in the comprehensive plan. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types are as follows: a. Live-work unit b. Single-story shopfront c. Mixed-use shopfront DMU Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. a. There are no minimum or maximum lot sizes in the DMU district. b. There is no minimum lot width in the DMU district. DMU Lot Dimensions (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 100%. (5) Principal building setbacks. a. Primary Street: Not applicable b. Side Street: Not applicable 54 of 128 c. Side Interior: Not applicable d. Rear: not applicable (6) Build to Zone: e. Building façade in primary street: 80% minimum (% of lot width) f. Building façade in side street: 40% minimum (% of lot width) DMU Building Placement (7) Parking location. Parking shall be allowed as followed except where another standard is specified in POMC 20.127): a. Front Yard: Not Allowed b. Corner Yard: Not Allowed c. Side Yard: Allowed Rear Yard: Allowed (8) Building height: a. Maximum building height shall be measured pursuant to the Downtown Height Overlay District (POMC 20.38.600-670. DMU Building Height 20.35.050 Gateway Mixed Use (1) Intent. The Gateway Mixed Use district is intended to provide transitional districts in the east and west gateways to downtown Port Orchard. The district allows both mixed use, pedestrian-oriented development such as what is allowed in the GMU district along with other moderately more auto dependent uses. Building type options include townhouse, apartment, live-work, shopfront house, 55 of 128 single-story shopfront, mixed-use shopfront, and general buildings. Gateway Mixed Use should be applied to the east and west of downtown and may be applied in areas designated commercial in the comprehensive plan. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types are as follows: a. Townhouse b. Apartment c. Live-work unit d. Shopfront house e. Single-story shopfront f. Mixed-use shopfront g. General Building GMU Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. c. There are no minimum or maximum lot sizes in the GMU district. d. There is no minimum lot width in the GMU district. GMU Lot Dimensions (4) The maximum hard surface coverage is is 90%. (5) Principal building setbacks. g. Primary Street: Not applicable h. Side Street: Not applicable i. Side Interior: Not applicable j. Rear: not applicable 56 of 128 (6) Build to Zone: k. Building façade in primary street: 80% minimum (% of lot width) l. Building façade in side street: 40% minimum (% of lot width) GMU Building Placement (7) Parking location. Parking shall be allowed as followed except where another standard is specified in POMC 20.127): d. Front Yard: Not Allowed e. Corner Yard: Not Allowed f. Side Yard: Allowed Rear Yard: Allowed (8) Building height: a. Maximum building height shall be measured pursuant to the Downtown Height Overlay District (POMC 20.38.600-670). GMU Building Height 57 of 128 20.35.060 Commercial Corridor (CC) (1) Intent. The Commercial Corridor district is intended to serve as a commercial gateway and to take advantage of proximity to major roadways. Therefore, the quality and aesthetics of new development is very important. Building type options include live-work units, shopfront house, single-story shopfront, mixed-use shopfront and general building. The Commercial Corridor district should be applied along commercial corridors that serve as entrances to downtown or other pedestrian-oriented activity areas. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types are as follows: a. Live-work unit b. Shopfront house c. Single-story shopfront d. Mixed-use shopfront e. General building CC Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Live Work Unit: 1,000 square ft ii. Shopfront House: 5,000 square ft iii. Single Story Shopfront: 5,000 square ft iv. Mixed use shopfront: 5,000 square ft v. General building: 5,000 square ft b. Minimum Lot Width: i. Live Work Unit: 25 ft ii. Shopfront House: 50 ft iii. Single Story Shopfront: 50 ft iv. Mixed use shopfront: 50 ft v. General building: 50 ft (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 70%. 58 of 128 CC Lot Dimensions (5) Principal building setbacks. a. Primary Street: 15 ft minimum (from planned ROW acquisition area) / 50 ft maximum b. Side Street: 0 ft minimum / 50 ft maximum c. Side Interior: 10 ft minimum d. Rear: 10 ft minimum (6) Build to Zone: e. Building façade in primary street: 50% minimum (% of lot width) f. Building façade in side street: 25% minimum (% of lot width) CC Building Placement (7) Parking location. Parking shall be allowed as followed except where another standard is specified in POMC 20.127): a. Front Yard: Not Allowed b. Corner Yard: Not Allowed c. Side Yard: Allowed d. Rear Yard: Allowed (8) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 3 stories/ 35 ft maximum 59 of 128 CC Building Height 60 of 128 20.35.070 Commercial Heavy (CH) (1) Intent. Commercial Heavy is intended for auto-oriented and heavy commercial uses. To help ensure compatibility, residential uses are not allowed. Building type options include single-story shopfront and general building. The Commercial Heavy district should be applied in areas where the existing or proposed land use pattern contains a variety of auto-oriented and heavy commercial uses and in areas designated as Commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. (2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types are as follows: a. Single-story shopfront b. General building CH Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Single Story Shopfront: 7,000 square ft ii. General building: 7,000 square ft b. Minimum Lot Width: i. Single Story Shopfront: 70 ft ii. General building: 70 ft (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 70%. 61 of 128 CH Lot Dimensions (5) Principal building setbacks. a. Primary Street: 20 ft minimum (from planned ROW acquisition area) b. Side Street: 20 ft minimum / 50 ft maximum c. Side Interior: 20 ft minimum d. Rear: 20 ft minimum CH Building Placement (7) Parking location. Parking shall be allowed as followed except where another standard is specified in POMC 20.127): Front yard Allowed Corner yard Allowed Side yard Allowed Rear yard Allowed (8) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 3 stories/ 35 ft maximum 62 of 128 CH Building Height 63 of 128 20.35.080 Industrial Flex. (1) Intent. IF is intended to accommodate a variety of light industrial, commercial and residential uses. To help ensure that land is reserved for employment purposes, residential uses are limited to the upper stories. Building type options include live-work, single-story shopfront, mixed use shopfront and general building. IX should be applied in industrial areas where commercial and residential uses are also desired, or where such pattern is desired in the future and in areas where designated as Commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. 2) Building Types Allowed. The allowed building types are as follows: a. Live-work unit b. Shopfront house c. Single-story shopfront d. Mixed use building e. General building IF Building Types (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: i. Live Work Unit: ii. Shopfront House: 5,000 square ft iii. Single-story shopfront: 5,000 square ft iv. Mixed-use shopfront v. General building: 7,000 square ft b. Minimum Lot Width: i. Live Work Unit: ii. Shopfront House: 50 ft iii. Single-story shopfront: 50 ft iv. Mixed-use shopfront: 50 ft v. General building: 50 ft (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 70%. 64 of 128 IF Lot Dimensions (5) Principal building setbacks. a. Primary Street: 5 ft minimum b. Side Street: 5 ft minimum c. Side Interior: 10 ft minimum d. Rear: 10 ft minimum IF Building Placement (6) Parking location. Parking shall be allowed as followed except where another standard is specified in POMC 20.127): a. Front yard: Allowed b. Corner yard: Allowed c. Side yard: Allowed d. Rear yard: Allowed (8) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 3 stories/ 35 ft maximum 65 of 128 IF Building Height 66 of 128 CHAPTER 20.36 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS 20.36.010 Light Industrial (LI) 20.36.020 Heavy Industrial (HI) 20.36.010 Light Industrial. (LI) (1) Intent. The Light Industrial district is intended to accommodate manufacturing and light industrial uses in order to promote economic viability, encourage employment growth, and limit the encroachment of non- industrial development within established industrial areas. Development should be operated in a relatively clean and quiet manner, and should not be obnoxious to nearby residential or commercial uses. The Light Industrial designation should be applied in established light industrial or manufacturing areas or where such land use pattern is desired in the future and in areas designated Industrial in the Comprehensive Plan. (2) Building Types Allowed. Building types (POMC 20.32) are not applicable in the Light Industrial district. Light Industrial Buildings (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: 7,000 square ft b. Minimum Lot Width: 70 ft (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 70% 67 of 128 Light Industrial Lot Dimensions (5) Principal building setbacks. a. Primary Street: 20 ft minimum b. Side Street: 10 ft minimum c. Side Interior: 10 ft minimum d. Rear: 10 ft minimum (6) Parking location. Parking shall be allowed as followed except where another standard is specified in POMC 20.127): a. Front yard: Allowed b. Corner yard: Allowed c. Side yard: Allowed d. Rear yard: Allowed Light Industrial Building Placement (7) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 3 stories/ 35 ft maximum 68 of 128 Light Industrial Building Height 69 of 128 20.36.020 Heavy Industrial. (HI) (1) Intent. The Heavy Industrial district is intended to accommodate a broad range of high-impact manufacturing or industrial uses that by their nature create a nuisance, and that are not properly associated with or are not compatible with nearby residential or commercial uses. The Heavy Industrial designation should be applied in established heavy industrial areas or where such land use pattern is desired in the future and in areas designated as Industrial in the Comprehensive Plan. (2) Building Types Allowed. Building types (POMC 20.32) are not applicable in the Heavy Industrial district. Heavy Industrial Buildings (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: 7,000 square ft b. Minimum Lot Width: 70 ft (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 70% Heavy Industrial Lot Dimensions (5) Principal building setbacks. 70 of 128 e. Primary Street: 20 ft minimum f. Side Street: 10 ft minimum g. Side Interior: 10 ft minimum h. Rear: 10 ft minimum (6) Parking location. Parking shall be allowed as followed except where another standard is specified in POMC 20.127): e. Front yard: Allowed f. Corner yard: Allowed g. Side yard: Allowed h. Rear yard: Allowed Heavy Industrial Building Placement (7) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 3 stories/ 35 ft maximum Heavy Industrial Building Height 71 of 128 CHAPTER 20.37 CIVIC AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS 20.37.010 Civic and Institutional (CI) 20.37.020 Parks and Recreation (PR) 20.37.030 Public Facilities (PF) 20.37.010 Civic and Institutional. (CI) (1) Intent. The Civic and Institutional district is intended to protect for civic uses that serve the surrounding neighborhoods or produce intense civic activities that do not readily assimilate into other zoning districts. Activities may include, but are not limited to, religious facilities, fraternal organizations, and schools. The Civic and Institutional district intends to provide for compliance with the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). The Civic and Institutional district may be applied in any area of the City regardless of Comprehensive Plan designation. (2) Building Types Allowed. Building types are not applicable in the Civic and Institutional district. Civic and Institutional Buildings (3) Lot Dimensions. a. Minimum Lot Size by building type: 7,000 square ft b. Minimum Lot Width: 70 ft (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 70% 72 of 128 Civic and Institutional Lot Dimensions (5) Principal building setbacks. a. Primary Street: 15 ft minimum (may be reduced on designated storefront and mixed designation streets POMC 20.127) b. Side Street: 10 ft minimum (may be reduced on designated storefront and mixed designation streets POMC 20.127) c. Side Interior: 10 ft minimum d. Rear: 10 ft minimum Civic and Institutional Building Placement (6) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 3 stories/ 55 ft maximum Civic and Institutional Building Height 73 of 128 20.37.020 Parks and Recreation. (PR) (1) Intent. The Parks and Recreation district is intended to create, preserve and enhance park land to meet the active and recreational needs of residents. The Parks and Recreation district is intended to provide for both improved and unimproved park land. Activities may include, but are not limited to, structures or other active, player-oriented facilities such as playgrounds, recreational fields, ballfield, sport courts, dog parks, and associated accessory facilities such as parking areas and restrooms. The Parks and Recreation district is also intended to accommodate buildings of a public nature such as community and recreation centers. The Parks and Recreation District may be applied in any area of the City regardless of Comprehensive Plan designation. (2) Building Types Allowed. Building types are not applicable in the Parks and Recreation district. Parks and Recreation Buildings (3) Lot Dimensions. a. There shall be no minimum lot size within the Parks and Recreation District. b. There shall be no minimum lot width within the Parks and Recreation District. Parks and Recreation Lot Dimensions (4) Building Setbacks. a. Primary Street: 10 ft minimum b. Side street: 10 ft minimum c. Side interior: 10 ft minimum d. Rear: 10 ft minimum 74 of 128 Parks and Recreation Building Placement (5) Building height. a. All buildings and structures: 35 ft maximum Parks and Recreation Building Height 75 of 128 20.37.030 Public Facilities (PF) (1) Intent. The Public Facilities district is intended to provide for public facility uses that serve the city and which may not readily assimilate into other zoning districts. The Public Facilities district may be applied in any area of the City regardless of Comprehensive Plan designation. The Public Facilities district intends to accommodate buildings of a public nature such as police, fire or EMS stations and government offices. (2) Building Types Allowed. Building types are not applicable in the Public Facilities district. (3) Lot Dimensions. c. Minimum Lot Size by building type: 7,000 square ft d. Minimum Lot Width: 70 ft (4) Maximum hard surface coverage is 95% Civic and Institutional Lot Dimensions (5) Principal building setbacks from ground level up to 40 feet: a. Primary Street: 20 ft minimum (may be reduced on designated storefront and mixed designation streets POMC 20.127) b. Side Street: 20 ft minimum (may be reduced on designated storefront and mixed designation streets POMC 20.127) c. Side Interior: 20 ft minimum d. Rear: 20 ft minimum (6) Principal building setbacks for building areas located higher than 40 feet above the grade plane: a. Primary Street: 40 ft minimum (may be reduced on designated storefront and mixed designation streets POMC 20.127) b. Side Street: 40 ft minimum (may be reduced on designated storefront and mixed designation streets POMC 20.127) c. Side Interior: 40 ft minimum d. Rear: 40 ft minimum 76 of 128 Civic and Institutional Building Placement (6) Building height. b. All buildings and structures: 5 stories/ 85 ft maximum (it is recognized that public buildings may have higher per story heights than other building types hence the 85-foot height limit). Civic and Institutional Building Height 77 of 128 20.38 Overlay Districts 20.38.600 Downtown Height Overlay District (DHOD) 20.38.610 DHOD Intent 20.38.620 DHOD Applicability 20.38.630 DHOD Conflicts 20.38.640 DHOD Height Limits 20.38.650 DHOD Height Measurement 20.38.660 DHOD Variances 20.38.670 DHOD Map Amendments 20.38.700 View Protection Overlay District (VPOD) 20.38.710 VPOD Intent 20.38.720 VPOD Applicability 20.38.730 VPOD Conflicts 20.38.740 VPOD Height Limits 20.38.750 VPOD Height Measurement 20.38.760 VPOD Variances 20.38.770 VPOD Map Amendments 20.38.780 VPOD Landscaping 20.38.600 Downtown Height Overlay District (DHOD) A Downtown Height Overlay District (DHOD) is hereby established with boundaries to be shown on the City’s Zoning Map pursuant to POMC 20.31. 20.38.610 DHOD Intent The intent of the Downtown Height Overlay District (DHOD) is to protect scenic views on north facing slopes in the vicinity of Sinclair Inlet and Downtown, protect property values, provide access to light, ensure that the scale of development in downtown Port Orchard does not negatively impact the historic character of the community, and otherwise protect the general health, safety, and welfare of the community. The intent of the DHOD is to be achieved by establishing height limits for buildings and by establishing a method of measuring buildings that is different than the methods used elsewhere in this title to recognize the generally sloping characteristics of the overlay district. 20.38.620 DHOD Applicability No new building or modification of an existing building may be permitted in the DHOD unless it complies with the height limits established in this chapter. 20.38.630 DHOD Conflicts Where the requirements of this chapter conflict with another chapter, the more restrictive requirement shall control. 20.38.640 DHOD Height Limits 78 of 128 (a) DHOD Height Zones Established. Within the DHOD as shown on the Zoning Map, there are four different DHOD height zones with height limits established as follows: (1) DHOD 2: 28 feet – 2 Stories (2) DHOD 3: 38 feet – 3 Stories (3) DHOD 4: 48 feet – 4 Stories (4) DHOD 5: 58 feet – 5 Stories (b) DHOD Height Bonus: A ten-foot (one story) height bonus not to exceed 20,000 feet in area may be granted to exceed the applicable maximum height provided in 20.38.640 (a) (1) if the applicant agrees to construct and operate (or lease to an operator) a grocery store in the same building for which the bonus is sought, with the grocery store space measuring at least 10,000 square feet in area. In addition to the 20,000-square foot bonus limit, the area of this additional ten feet of building height shall not exceed 95% of the area of the floor immediately below this bonus height (floor). Any height bonus shall require a development agreement between the developer and the city that provides assurances to the City guaranteeing that the ground floor commercial space will be developed and operated as a grocery store upon project completion. (c) DHOD Height Zone Map. The height zones described in this section shall be applied as reflected on the DHOD Height Zone Map as shown in figure 1. Figure 1: DHOD Height Zone Map 20.38.650 DHOD Height Measurement (1) Building heights shall be measured one of two ways based on whether the parcel to be developed abuts Bay Street or whether it does not abut Bay Street. 79 of 128 a. Building heights for lots abutting Bay Street shall be measured from the average grade of the property line that abuts Bay Street rather than from the grade plane as defined in POMC 20.12 (see “building height” and “grade plane.”) b. Building heights for lots not abutting bay street shall be measured in accordance with the definition of building height as found in POMC 20.12. 20.38.660 DHOD Variances Property owners may seek variances from the building height standards imposed under the DHOD pursuant to POMC 20.28 Variances. 20.38.670 DHOD Map Amendments Property owners seeking to modify the boundaries of the DHOD or the DHOD Height Zone Map in Section 20.38.040 (c) (Figure 1) may do so by site-specific rezone pursuant to POMC 20.42 Site-Specific Rezones. 20.38.700 View protection overlay district (VPOD). A View Protection Overlay District is hereby established to include certain property as shown on Figure 2 below. Figure 2: View Protection Overlay District included parcels. 20.38.710 VPOD Intent 80 of 128 The intent of the View Protection Overlay District (VPOD) is to protect scenic views on north facing slopes in the vicinity of Sinclair Inlet, protect property values, provide access to light, and otherwise protect the general health, safety, and welfare of the community. The intent of the VPOD is to be achieved by establishing height limits for buildings and by establishing a method of measuring buildings that is different than the methods used elsewhere in this title to recognize the generally sloping characteristics of the overlay district. 20.38.720 VPOD Applicability No new building or modification of an existing building may be permitted in the VPOD unless it complies with the height limits established in this chapter. 20.38.730 Conflicts Where the requirements of this chapter conflict with another chapter, the more restrictive requirement shall control. 20.38.740 VPOD Height Limits Building heights in the VPOD shall be restricted by building type as follows: Detached House: 15 Feet Backyard Cottage: 15 Feet Cottage Court: 15 Feet Duplex: Side by Side: 15 Feet Duplex: Front to Back: 15 Feet Attached House: 15 Feet Four Plex: 15 Feet Townhome: 15 Feet Apartment: 15 Feet Live Work: 15 Feet Shopfront House: 15 Feet Single Story Shopfront: 15 Mixed Use Shopfront: 27 General Building: 27 Accessory Building: 15 20.38.750 VPOD Height Measurement Building height in the VPOD shall be measured from the average uphill property line elevation rather than from the grade plane as described in POMC 20.12 Definitions (see definitions for “building height” and “grade plane.”) 20.38.760 VPOD – Variances Property owners may seek variances from the building height standards imposed under the VPOD pursuant to POMC 20.28 Variances. 81 of 128 20.38.770 VPOD Map Amendments Property owners seeking to modify the boundaries of the VPOD may do so by site-specific rezone pursuant to POMC 20.42 Site-Specific Rezones. 30.38.080 VPOD Landscaping When landscaping (excluding street trees in the right of way) is required as a condition of development on a project located within the VPOD, plant selections as reflected on a landscaping plan shall not exceed a height of 15 feet as measured from the average elevation of the uphill property line based on the expected mature height of the plans selected. The preparer of a landscaping plan for a project within the VPOD shall provide information on the expected mature plant heights for all species proposed to be planted pursuant to that landscaping plan. 82 of 128 20.39 Zoning Designation Provisions Article I Introduction to Zoning Designations and Provisions 20.39.010 Use Classification 20.39.020 Use Table Key 20.39.010 Use Classification (a) Classification of Uses (1) Organization of Use Tables. The use table in Article II of Chapter 20.39 is organized into principal uses, accessory uses, and temporary uses. (2) Principal Uses. i. In order to regulate a variety of similar uses, use categories have been established for principal uses. Use categories provide a systematic basis for assigning uses to appropriate categories with other, similar uses. Use categories classify principal uses and activities based on common functional, product, or physical characteristics. ii. Where a use category contains a list of included uses, the list is to be considered example uses, and not all-inclusive. The Director has the responsibility for categorizing all uses. iii. The allowed use tables in POMC 20.39 Article II establishes permitted uses by district. No building or lot may be used except for a purpose permitted in the district in which it is located. iv. Use Definitions and standards for permitted principal uses are specified in POMC 20.39 Articles III through VII. (3) Accessory Uses. i. An accessory use is any use that is subordinate in both purpose and size, incidental to and customarily associated with a permitted principal use located on the same lot. ii. The allowed use tables in POMC 20.39 Article II establishes permitted accessory uses by district. Standards for allowed accessory uses are specified in POMC 20.39 Article VIII. (4) Temporary Uses. i. A temporary use is a use that is in place for a limited period of time only. Temporary uses are specified in POMC 20.39 Article IX. (5) Principal Uses Not Listed. i. A principal use not specifically listed is prohibited unless the director determines the use to be part of the use category as described below. ii. The Director is responsible for categorizing all principal uses. If a proposed use is not listed in a use category, but is similar to a listed use, the Director may consider the proposed use as part of that category. When determining whether a proposed use is similar to a listed use, the Director must consider the criteria in POMC 20.39.010 (a) (6). Determinations whether a proposed principal use is a similar use may be made using the process found in POMC 20.10. The Director shall determine whether a code interpretation for a proposed principal use shall require a code interpretation pursuant to POMC 20.10. 83 of 128 iii. Where a principal use not listed is found by the Director not to be similar to any other use category, the use is only permitted following a code amendment (see POMC 20.06). (6) Criteria for determining whether a proposed use is a similar use: i. The actual or projected characteristics of the proposed use; ii. The relative amount of site area or floor area and equipment devoted to the proposed use; iii. Relative amounts of sales; iv. Relative number of employees; v. Hours of operation; vi. Building and site arrangement; vii. Types of vehicles used and their parking requirements; viii. The number of vehicle trips generated; ix. How the proposed use is advertised; x. The likely impact on surrounding properties; and xi. Whether the activity is likely to be found independent of the other activities on the site; (7) Accessory Uses Not Listed. i. An accessory use not listed is prohibited unless the Director determines that the accessory use meets the criteria listed in POMC 20.39.010 (a) (8). ii. Determinations whether a proposed accessory use is a similar use may be made using the process found in POMC 20.10. The Director shall determine whether a code interpretation for a proposed accessory use shall require a code interpretation pursuant to POMC 20.10. iii. Where a principal use not listed is found by the Director not to be similar to any other use category, the use is only permitted following a code amendment (see POMC 20.06). (8) Criteria for determining whether a proposed accessory use may be permitted. The Accessory use may be permitted when the Director determines the proposed accessory use: i. Is clearly incidental to and customarily found in connection with an allowed principal use; ii. Is subordinate to an serving an allowed principal use; iii. Is subordinate in area, extent, and purpose to the principal use served; iv. Contributes to the comfort, convenience or needs of the occupants, business or industry in the principal use served; and v. Is located on the same lot as the principal use served. (b) Use Table Key. (1) Permitted Use (P). Indicates a use is permitted in the respective district. The use is also subject to all other requirements of this code. (2) Conditional Use (C). Indicates that the use may be permitted in the respective district only after issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with POMC 20.50. Conditional uses are subject to all other applicable requirements of the code, including applicable use standards, except whether the use standards are specifically modified are part of the approval process. (3) Use Not Permitted (--). Indicates that a use is not permitted in the respective district. 84 of 128 CHAPTER 20.39 USE TABLE Sections: 20.39.010 Establishment of uses. 20.39.020 Use table key. 20.39.030 Use table. 20.39.010 Establishment of uses. The use of a property is defined by the activity for which the building or lot is intended, designed, occupied, or maintained. The use is considered permanently established when that use will or has been in continuous operation for a period exceeding 60 days. A use which will operate for less than 60 days is considered a temporary use, and subject to the requirements of this title. All applicable requirements of this title, or other applicable state or federal requirements, shall govern a use located within the Port Orchard incorporated area. 20.39.020 Use table key. Permitted Use (P) Indicates a use is permitted in the respective zoning district. The use is also subject to all other applicable requirements of this code. Conditional Use (C) Indicates a use may be permitted in the respective zoning district only after a conditional use permit has been issued per Chapter 20.50. Conditional uses are subject to all other applicable requirements of this Title, including any applicable use standards, except where the use standards are expressly modified in the conditional use permit. Use Not Permitted (--) Indicates that a use is not permitted in the respective zoning district. 85 of 128 20.39.020 Use table. (Gray shading separates categories into Residential, Commercial & Industrial, & Civic/Parks) Use Category Specific Use R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 GB RMU NMU CMU DMU GMU BPMU CC CH IF IL IH CI PR PF Definition/ Standards Residential Uses All household living, as listed below: Single-family detached (including new manufactured homes) P P P -- -- P P P P -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Designated Manufactured Home, Manufactured or Mobile Home (except for new manufactured homes) P P P -- -- P P P P -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Two-family -- P P -- -- P -- P P -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Single-family attached (2 units) -- P P -- -- P -- P P -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Single-family attached (3 or 4 units) -- -- P P P P -- P P P P P P P -- P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Single-family attached (5 or 6 units) -- -- P P P P -- P P P P P P P -- P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Multi-family (3 or 4 units) -- -- P P P -- -- P P P P P P P -- P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Multi-family (5 or more units) -- -- P P P -- -- P P P P P P P -- P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Manufactured or Mobile Home Park -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Boarding House -- -- -- C C -- C P C Congregate Living Facilities -- -- C C C C P C Lodging House -- -- C C C C P C Group home (up to 8 residents), except as follows: P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.600-615 Adult Family Home P P P P P P P P All group living (9 or more residents) -- -- -- C C -- -- P C P C -- P P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.610 All social service -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P -- -- -- 20.39.615 Public Uses All civic uses, as listed below: Community college, university, trade or technical school (8,000 square feet or less). -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P -- -- -- -- 20.39.405 Commented [NB1]: Restricted to upper story? 86 of 128 Use Category Specific Use R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 GB RMU NMU CMU DMU GMU BPMU CC CH IF IL IH CI PR PF Definition/ Standards Community college, university, trade or technical school (more than 8,000 square feet). -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C -- C -- C 20.39.405 Club or lodge -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P -- P P P -- -- -- -- P -- -- 20.39.405 Public use -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P P P P P P P P P 20.39.405 Museum, library -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P -- -- -- -- -- -- P 20.39.405 Place of worship C C C C C -- -- -- -- P -- P P P -- -- -- -- P -- -- 20.39.405 School (K-12) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C -- -- 20.39.405 Jail or Detention Center -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C -- C 20.39.405 All open space and park uses, as listed below: Cemetery C -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- 20.39.410 Golf course C C C -- -- C -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C -- -- -- -- -- P P 20.39.410 Park, recreation field -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- P P 20.39.410 All utilities, as listed below: Minor utilities P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 20.39.415 Major utilities -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P -- P 20.39.415 Wireless telecommunication facility, as listed below Amateur radio operator Tower P P P -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.420 Wireless telecommunication tower C C C C C C C C C C C C P P P P P P -- -- 20.39.420 Building- mounted wireless telecommunication facility -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P P P P P P -- -- 20.39.420 Small cell wireless facility C C C C C C -- C C C C C C C P P P P P C P 20.39.420 Commercial Uses All day care, as listed below: Family day care (6 children or fewer) P P P -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.505 Group day care (7 to 12) C C C -- -- C C C P P -- P P P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.505 87 of 128 Use Category Specific Use R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 GB RMU NMU CMU DMU GMU BPMU CC CH IF IL IH CI PR PF Definition/ Standards Day care center (13 or more) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C -- P C P P -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.505 All indoor recreation, except as listed below: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C P C P -- P P -- -- -- -- C -- Shooting range -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C -- -- C 20.39.510 Special event facility -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C C C C C C -- C C C 20.39.510 Commercial Entertainment, except as follows: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P P P -- -- -- -- -- Adult Entertainment -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C -- -- -- 20.39.515 All outdoor recreation, except as listed below: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C- C P -- P P -- -- -- -- C C Campground, travel trailer park, RV park (does not include mobile home park) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C -- -- -- -- C C 20.39.530 Horse stable, riding academy, equestrian center -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C 20.39.530 Shooting range -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C 20.39.530 Marina (upland areas) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C -- C C C C C C C C 20.39.575 All overnight lodging, as listed below: Level 1: Vacation rentals or similar short- term house/room rentals P P P P P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- 20.39.535 Level 2: Bed and breakfast (up to 6 rooms) C C C -- -- C C -- P -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.535 Level 3: Hostel -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.535 Level 4: Motel -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.535 Level 5: Hotel P P P -- P P 20.39.535 All medical, except as listed below: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C P P P P P -- -- -- -- P Hospital -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C C -- -- -- -- C 20.39.520 All office, except as listed below: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C P P P P P P P -- -- -- -- -- Bail bonds -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C C P P -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.525 Surface parking: commercial parking, commuter lease parking or park and ride, remote parking -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C P P P P P P -- P -- C 20.39.540 Commented [NB2]: Above ground floor. 88 of 128 Use Category Specific Use R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 GB RMU NMU CMU DMU GMU BPMU CC CH IF IL IH CI PR PF Definition/ Standards Commercial parking garage – standalone -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C C P P P -- -- -- -- C 20.39.540 All personal service, except as listed below: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C P C P P P P C -- -- -- -- -- Funeral home -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P -- P P P P -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.545 Crematorium -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P P -- -- 20.39.545 Indoor animal care -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C P -- P -- P P P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.550 Outdoor animal care -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C C -- C -- -- 20.39.555 Animal shelter or adoption center -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C C C -- -- 20.39.550-555 Business services -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C P P P P P P P P -- -- C -- -- 20.39.570 All restaurants except as listed below: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P P P P -- -- -- -- -- -- Food truck -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P P P P P -- -- P -- -- 20.39.562 All retail sales, as listed below: Retail establishment (up to 5,000 gross floor area) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P P P P P -- -- P -- -- 20.39.565 Retail establishment (5,001 - 15,000 gross floor area) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P -- P P P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.565 Retail establishment (15,001 - 50,000 gross floor area) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P -- P P P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.565 Retail establishment over (50,000 gross floor area) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C P P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.565 Recreational marijuana sales -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P -- P -- 20.64 Convenience store with fuel pumps -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.565 Convenience store without fuel pumps -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C C -- -- P P P -- -- P -- -- 20.39.565 Fuel pumps and sales without convenience store -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- All vehicle and tool/construction equipment sales and rental, as listed below: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P -- -- -- -- 89 of 128 Use Category Specific Use R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 GB RMU NMU CMU DMU GMU BPMU CC CH IF IL IH CI PR PF Definition/ Standards Light vehicle and light tool or construction equipment sales and rental -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P -- -- -- -- 20.39.565 Heavy vehicle and heavy tool or construction equipment sales and rental -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P -- -- -- 20.39.565 All vehicle service and repair, as listed below: Car wash -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.625 Vehicle service and repair, minor -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P -- -- -- -- 20.39.640 Vehicle service and repair, major -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P -- -- -- 20.39.645 Vehicle service and repair, commercial vehicle -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P -- -- -- 20.39.650 Industrial Uses All heavy industrial -- ` -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- 20.39.605 All light manufacturing, except as listed below: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P -- -- -- Commercial laundry, dry cleaning or carpet cleaning facility -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P -- -- -- 20.39.610 Brewery, Distillery under 5,000 square feet P P P P Brewery, Distillery 5,001- 15,000 square feet C C C P P Brewery, Distillery over 15,000 square feet P P Craft shop -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P -- P P P P P -- -- -- 20.39.610 Food and beverage processing, boutique (area used for processing less than 3,000 SF) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P -- P P P P P -- -- -- 20.39.610 Food and beverage processing, industrial -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P -- -- -- 20.39.610 Recreational marijuana production -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P -- -- -- 20.64 All research and development -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P P -- -- -- 20.39.615 90 of 128 Use Category Specific Use R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 GB RMU NMU CMU DMU GMU BPMU CC CH IF IL IH CI PR PF Definition/ Standards Resource extraction – mining, dredging, raw mineral processing, except: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C -- -- -- 20.39.620 Timber harvesting in the absence of concurrent development -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sand and Gravel Mining -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C -- -- -- Stockpiling of sand, gravel or other aggregate materials -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C P -- -- P 20.39.620 Sheet metal, welding, machine shop, tool and equipment manufacturing, vehicle painting facility -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C P P P -- -- P 20.39.610 All warehouse, storage and distribution, as listed below: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C C P P -- -- -- Enclosed storage -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P -- -- 20.39.655 Self-service storage, mini-warehouse -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.655 All waste-related service, including sewage treatment facilities, decant facilities and recycling centers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C -- -- P 20.39.660 Recreational marijuana processing -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P -- -- -- 20.64 Agricultural Uses All agriculture, as listed below: Agricultural processing, excluding marijuana processing -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C P P -- -- -- 20.39.705 Community garden P P P P P P -- P P P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P 20.39.705 Nursery -- -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P -- -- -- -- 20.39.705 Winery -- -- -- -- -- -- C -- -- C C C -- P P P P -- -- -- -- 20.39.705 Accessory Uses Accessory uses not otherwise listed below, as determined by the [Administrator]: Accessory apartment, attached dwelling P P P -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.805 Backyard cottage dwelling P P P -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.805 91 of 128 Use Category Specific Use R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 GB RMU NMU CMU DMU GMU BPMU CC CH IF IL IH CI PR PF Definition/ Standards Drive-thru facility -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P -- -- -- -- 20.39.870 Home occupation P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.830 Home business P P P -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.835 Livestock keeping P P P -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.845 Outdoor display -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- 20.39.850 Outdoor storage as listed below: Low-impact -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P P P -- -- -- 20.39.855 High-impact -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P P -- -- -- 20.39.855 Self-Storage as accessory use to Apartment Building -- -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.860 Vehicle service and repair, accessory to a residential use P P P P P P P P -- -- -- -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- -- 20.39.900 Park as accessory use to residential development P P P P P P -- P P P P P P -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Medical marijuana cooperative P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- -- Ch. 20.64 Key: P = Permitted Use C = Conditional Use -- = Use Not Permitted 92 of 128 City of Port Orchard Work Study Session Executive Summary Issue Title: 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Meeting Date: June 19, 2018 Time Required: 30 Minutes Attendees: Nick Bond, Community Development Director Background/Issue: Pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 20.04 POMC, the City accepted applications for 2018 amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan through January 31, 2018. Three land use map amendments and two text amendments were submitted by that deadline; all of the amendments except for one (the Overlook land use map change) were City-initiated. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 5, 2018 and recommended that the City Council adopt the 2018 amendment package as submitted. Site-specific amendments: • Crawford Rd Amendment: City-initiated amendment to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning of 15 lots and one tract (private access road) along Crawford Rd E totaling approximately 2.64 acres, from Commercial/Commercial to Residential Low/R4.5. This amendment is proposed to address the issues that have resulted from the single-family houses on Crawford Road being designated as a “nonconforming use” according to the current Commercial zoning. At present, the property owners cannot improve or expand the homes, rebuild, or develop a home on an empty lot. There is little incentive to maintain the homes, and financing for purchase or maintenance needs is difficult because of the nonconformity. The neighborhood has become a constant code enforcement issue for the City. Given the small lot sizes, and the fact that Crawford Road is a privately-owned dead-end road with substandard width, it is not anticipated that this area will redevelop with commercial uses anytime in the near future. It is hoped that if the zoning is changed to reflect the current single-family residential uses, the property owners will have both the opportunity and incentive to improve and maintain the existing homes. At the Planning Commission hearing on June 5, two Crawford Road property owners provided testimony. One was supportive of the rezone, and one was neutral with concerns about whether the rezone could help improve the neighborhood. Action Requested at this Meeting: Provide staff with direction on any final changes that should be made to the 2018 Comprehensive Plan amendment package prior to Council consideration. 93 of 128 • Old Clifton Rd Amendment: City-initiated amendment to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning of 8 parcels along Old Clifton Rd totaling approximately 12.49 acres, from Urban Industrial/Employment Industrial & Office to Residential High/R20. These parcels that front along Old Clifton Road are bisected by a stream located in a ravine (Anderson Creek). Access to and use of the east side of the properties is highly constrained by the creek and its buffers and associated steep slopes and is not suited to industrial development. Therefore, the City Council requested that staff prepare an amendment which would allow these properties to be developed with residential uses, such as apartments, townhomes and other uses of similar intensity. One property owner provided written testimony supporting the proposed rezone. • Overlook Apartments Amendment: Requested by Overlook Apartments Phase II, to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning of 7 undeveloped parcels at SE Orlando St and Wendell Ave SE totaling 3.51 acres, from Residential Medium/R12 to Residential High/R20. The Overlook Apartments developer has requested this change to allow more of the approved apartment project density to be concentrated on the subject parcels, due to constraints from steep slopes that may result in a need to move intense development away from these areas on certain parcels to less-constrained areas on other parcels. The developer does not propose an increase in the total number of units. One adjacent property owner spoke at the June 5 public hearing about potential access and traffic issues that could result if the project design is changed; the owner was informed that a redesign to take advantage of the changed zoning will undergo a full review by the City and will consider potential increased impacts to the surrounding neighborhood. Text amendments: • A right-of-way acquisition plan for the Bethel and Sedgwick corridors has been prepared and is proposed as an addition to Appendix B of the Comprehensive Plan (Plans Incorporated by Reference). • The City’s Transportation Improvement Plan has been updated to 2020-2025, and the reference in Appendix B will be revised accordingly. • The inventory in the Parks Element of the Comprehensive Plan has been updated to include Rockwell Pocket Park and the Waterfront Park Expansion, located on the downtown shoreline. Alternatives: Revise some or all of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan amendments; do not adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: Per RCW 36.70A.120(2)(a), the City’s Comprehensive Plan may be amended once per year. The proposed amendments will further the goals of the City’s Comprehensive Plan for land use and housing. Recommendations: Staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to place the 2018 Comprehensive Plan amendment package on the June 26 Council meeting agenda for adoption. Attachments: 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Package 94 of 128 BETHEL RD SERAMSEY RD SESE SALMONBERRY RD SE BLUEBERRY RDREDEMPTION AVE SECORONET PL SESE BELFORD LNRHAPSODY DR SE ANDASIO LOOP SESE CRAWFORD RD THIMBLEBERRY PL SESE SALMONBERRY RD Crawford Road Amendment AreaProposed Change from Commercial to Residential Low (R4.5) ± Crawford Rd Parcels COM R12 R4.5 R8 95 of 128 BETHEL RD SESE SALMONBERRY RD SE CRAWFORD RD THIMBLEBERRY PL SESE SALMONBERRY RD Crawford Road Amendment AreaProposed Change from Commercial to Residential Low (R4.5) ± Crawford Rd Parcels 96 of 128 SW OLD CLIFTON RDS T A T E H W Y 1 6 SWTREMONT ST WL IESEKE LN SW SW C H A W L A C T ADVANTAGE AVEL LO YD P KW Y W STATE HWY 16 ST A T E H W Y 1 6 E B O N R A M P S W MCCOOL PL SWSW DURFEY LN ROSS STSTATE HWY 16 WB OFF RAMP SW SW HANSON RD INDEPENDENCE PL SWSTATE HWY 16 SW SW OLD C LI F T O N R D W STATE HWY 16 Old Clifton Road Amendment AreaProposed Change from Urban Industrial to Residential High (R20) ± Subject Parcels CF COM GB IND MXD R12 R20 R4.5 R8 97 of 128 SW OLD CLIFTON RDSW C H A W L A C T MCCOOL PL SWINDEPENDENCE PL SWL IESEKE LN SW SW DURFEY LN Old Clifton Road Amendment AreaProposed Change from Urban Industrial to Residential High (R20) ± Subject Parcels 98 of 128 SE MILE HILL DR SE HORSTMAN RD OLNEY AVE SELIDSTROM RD SESE LOVELL STWHITTIER AVE SEORLANDO ST SE MAPLE ST RUSSELL AVE SEE CALISTO G A C T SPRAGUE ST KIDD AVE SEHIGGINS RD SEHOLMES AVE SETIDEPOOL PL EFRE E D O M C T S E SE ORLANDO ST HUNTINGTON ST JACKSON AVE SEFIRCREST DR SEPAYSENO LN SEROOSEVELT AVE SEHARRISON AVE SETUFTS AVE EKELP PL EWENDELL AVE SELOWREN LOOP MEDALLION PL E COURAGE CT SEGLENMORE LOOP SE LOVELL ST Overlook Apartments Amendment AreaProposed Change from Residential Medium (R12) to Residential High (R20) ± Selected Parcels CF COM GB IND MXD R12 R20 R4.5 R8 99 of 128 SE MILE HILL DROLNEY AVE SEWHITTIER AVE SESE HORSTMAN RD SE LOVELL ST ORLANDO ST RUSSELL AVE SEHOLMES AVE SESE ORLANDO ST FR E E D O M C T S E SPRAGUE ST HUNTINGTON ST WENDELL AVE SEE CALISTOGA CT COURAGE CT SEGLENMORE LOOPOverlook Apartments Amendment AreaProposed Change from Residential Medium (R12) to Residential High (R20) ± Selected Parcels 100 of 128 4.4 Existing Conditions Port Orchard is a community which provides a full range of parks, recreation, open space, and ecosystem services by protecting native wildlife habitat, restoring and preserving natural systems, enjoying majestic marine and mountain views, and ensuring new development enhances the natural environment. The existing City parks system is supplemented by the schools of the South Kitsap School District, and the Kitsap County Parks and Recreation Department. Current Parks Facilities Park Name Size Facilities Van Zee 8.3 Acres Picnic Areas and shelters, trails, two baseball diamonds, playground, sports field, lighted tennis courts, horseshoe court, restroom Central/Clayton Park 1.4 Acres Picnic tables, playground, sports field, basketball court, picnic shelter Givens Field 6.7 Acres 2 Baseball Diamonds (under lease, not available for public use), lighted tennis courts, lighted horseshoe courts, restrooms, picnic area, playground, Active Club Lundberg Park 4.8 Acres Not open to the public, no facilities Paul Powers, Jr. Park 3.75 Acres Field, playground, basketball court Boat Ramp 0.3 Acres Municipal boat ramp, restroom, parking DeKalb Pedestrian Pier 4.1 Acres 169 feet of pier, 359 feet of floats, picnic tables Etta Turner Park 0.6 Acres Gazebo, benches, view of Sinclair Inlet, trail connection McCormick Village Park 28.6 Acres Trails, restrooms Seattle Ave Waterway Property 1.88 Acres *tidelands included Trail connection Waterfront Park 1.9 Acres Sidewalks, picnic table, bench, viewing platform Waterfront Park Expansion .5 acre Trail connection, farmers market area, viewing and picnic areas, public restroom Westbay Easements N/A Trail connection, beach access Rockwell Park .29 acre (not including tidelands) Trail connection, beach access, picnic and viewing areas, small boat launch Bethel South Property 5.3 Acres Not open to the public, no facilities 101 of 128 PLAN OR DOCUMENT South Kitsap School District 2014-2019 Capital Facilities Plan West Sound Utility District / Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility 2009 Capital Facilities Plan West Sound Utility District 2007 Sewer Plan West Sound Utility District 2013 Water Plan Kitsap County 2003 South Kitsap UGA/ULID#6 Sub-Area Plan & EIS Kitsap County 2012 Port Orchard/South Kitsap Sub-Area Plan 2016 Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan 10-Year Update City of Port Orchard 1987 Blackjack Creek Comprehensive Management Plan City of Port Orchard 1994 Ross Creek Comprehensive Management Plan City of Port Orchard 2005 Economic Development Plan City of Port Orchard 2010 McCormick Village Park Plan City of Port Orchard 2012 Shoreline Master Program City of Port Orchard 2013 Public Art Program City of Port Orchard 2014 – 2020 Capital Facilities Plan City of Port Orchard 2015 Water System Plan City of Port Orchard 2015 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan Update City of Port Orchard 2016 Transportation Plan Update City of Port Orchard 2016 Comprehensive Parks Plan City of Port Orchard 2016 Transportation Impact Fee Project List City of Port Orchard 2018-2023 2020-2024 – 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan City of Port Orchard Bethel/Sedgwick Right-of-Way Acquisition Plan 102 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost Spent Prior to 2018 2018 Future Expenditures 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds 1.1 0.67 10,000,000 2,000,000 6,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2017 S CN STP(U)1,680,000 6,300,000 Widen Tremont from two travel lanes to four travel lanes with; median, sidewalks, bike lanes, street lighting, Schedule 74 Undergrounding, (2) roundabouts and stormwater improvements. 8,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2017 P CN TIB,LP 10,000,000 1.2 1.2 2,223,802 2,223,802 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 S ROW STP(U)1,923,590 0 300,212 600,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 2018 P ROW 0 600,000 1.3A 2.5 500,000 0 0 500,000 250,000 250,000 0 0 0 0 2019 P PE 0 0 500,000 1.3B 0 500,000 0 0 500,000 250,000 250,000 0 0 0 0 2019 P PE & ROW 0 0 500,000 1.4 0 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2016 S PE 0 0 200,000 1,500,000 0 0 1,500,000 750,000 750,000 0 0 0 0 2019 P CN 0 TIB 750,000 750,000 1.5A 0.75 250,000 0 0 250,000 125,000 125,000 0 0 0 0 2019 P PE 0 0 250,000 1.5B 0 200,000 0 0 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 2019 P PE 0 0 200,000 1.5C 0 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 2020 P PE 0 0 200,000 1.6 1.2 610,000 80,000 530,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018 S CN 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 0 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 0 2020 S CN 0 Other 3,000,000 0 1.7 0.25 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 2021 P PE & ROW 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 2022 P CN 0 0 1,000,000 1.8 1.5 566,474 0 0 566,474 0 0 0 566,474 0 0 2022 P PL 490,000 0 76,474 Total Capital Projects 30,350,276 5,503,802 ##########13,016,474 5,875,000 1,575,000 1,500,000 3,066,474 1,000,000 0 4,093,590 13,750,000 11,876,686 Maintenance Projects 1.10 Includes patching, crack-sealing , striping, and other activities 500,000 0 0 500,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 2018 S CN 500,000 1.11 * Repair and replace concrete sidewalks and curb ramps as identified in the program 900,000 0 0 900,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 0 2018 S CN ? 1.12 ** Pavement replacement projects as identified in the pavement management system program 2,500,000 0 0 2,500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 2018 S CN ? 1.13 Pavement resurfacing to complete the surfacing of Tremont from SR-16 to the eastern city limits Tremont St: Port Orchard Blvd to Lund bridge 0.5 500,000 0 0 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 2019 P PE,CN 500,000 4,400,000 0 0 4,400,000 1,280,000 780,000 780,000 780,000 780,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 *Per 2016 ADA transition plan: $180,000 annually over 20 years to comply on arterial streets. **Per 2016 Pavement Management Analysis Report: $1.45 million annually to maintain network condition (PCI of 70), $500k to keep network PCI above 65 after 5 years. Old Clifton Rd - Campus Parkway Intersection - 60%Old Clifton Road / Campus Parkway Intersection Intersection Improvements (roundabout) identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Design to 60% level. Bethel Road Corridor Design - Salmonberry Intersection Intersection of Bethel and Salmonberry Completion of design and ROW acquisition for intersection improvements. Old Clifton Rd Design - Feigley Intersection - 60%Old Clifton Road / Feigley IntersectionIntersection Improvements (roundabout) identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Design to 60% level. Anderson Hill/Old Clifton Rd Intersection Improvements Old Clifton Road / Anderson Hill Intersection Intersection Improvements (roundabout) as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan and partially funded by Bayside Mit Funds. Old Clifton Rd Design - 60%Old Clifton Road: Feigley to McCormick Woods Drive Rodway Improvements identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Design to 60% level. Annual Pavement Maintenance Annual Sidewalk & ADA Upgrade Program Tremont Overlay Total Maintenance Projects Vallair Ct Connector Road extension and intersection improvements previously included in the Bethel Road Corridor ROW & Construction project. Annual Pavement Management System Paving Projects Bethel Road / Walmart Drive Intersection Port Orchard Blvd and Bay St: Tremont to Foot Ferry Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Construction The CN phase for the 14-ft Multi-Modal (bike & ped) waterfront pathway/cantilevered retailing wall following the historic Mosquito Fleet trail. Includes the demolition/removal of (5) overwater structures. Includes Seg #3 Ad Ready Doc Prep. Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway West Situational study Bethel Road Corridor Design - 60%Bethel Avenue: Mile Hill Drive (SR 166) to Sedgwick (SR-160) Intersection City sponsored re-engineering of previous design w/reduced cross-section to 30k ADT, Complete Street standards, plus Schedule 74 Undergrounding & controlled intersection improvements. Design to 60% level for entire corridor. Project Title/Project Description Capital Projects Tremont St Widen./SR16 - Port Orchard Blvd. CN Phase Tremont Street: SR16 to Port Orchard Blvd. Bay Street Ped. Pathway ROW Phase PO Shoreline: Sidney Ave. Foot Ferry to Annapolis Foot Ferry Add 14-ft Multi-Modal (bikes & pedestrians) waterfront pathway & cantilevered retaining wall following historic Mosquito Fleet trail and pedestrian bridge across Black Jack Creek. 103 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost 2024-2029 2030-2037 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code Federal Funds State Funds Local Funds 2.1 0.4 462,428 462,428 0 2024 P PE STP(U)400,000 0 0 62,428 The design, permitting and right-of-way acquisition phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) 693,642 693,642 0 2026 P RW STP(U)600,000 0 0 93,642 2.2 0.4 3,468,208 3,468,208 0 2028 P CN STP(U)3,000,000 0 0 468,208 The construction phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) 2.3 2.25 3,468,208 3,468,208 0 2025 P RW STP(U)3,000,000 0 0 468,208 31,500,000 31,500,000 0 2027 P CN STP(U)27,045,000 0 0 4,455,000 2.4 0 1,481,481 1,481,481 0 2024 P CN STP(U)1,281,481 0 0 200,000 The Construction of a Roundabout located between Bravo Terrace and Geiger Road along Sedgwick (SR160.) 2.5 0 1,481,481 1,481,481 0 2029 P CN STP(U)1,281,481 0 0 200,000 2.6 0.9 500,000 500,000 0 2024 P PE 0 0 0 500,000 2.7 0.9 10,000,000 10,000,000 0 2025 P CN 0 0 0 10,000,000 Construction phase of City sponsored Corridor Plan between SR 16 and Bethel Road. 2.8 0.95 500,000 500,000 0 2025 P PE 0 0 0 500,000 5,761,850 5,761,850 0 2026 P CN STP(U)3,600,000 TIB 0 1,600,000 561,850 2.9 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.3 1,600,000 1,600,000 0 2027 P ALL 0 0 0 1,600,000 2.10 Design and construction of shoulder widening, street lighting, watermain extension and grade- seperated Pedestrian Path as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. 2.11 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 2029 P ALL 0 0 0 2,000,000 2.11 0 250,000 0 250,000 2030 P PE 0 0 0 250,000 750,000 0 750,000 2031 P CN 0 0 0 750,000 Pottery Avenue Widening Pottery Avenue: Tremont Street to Melcher Street Old Clifton Rd Shoulder & Pedestrian Improvements Old Clifton Road: SR 16 Overpass to Westerly City Limits Old Clifton Rd & McCormick Woods Drive Intersection Old Clifton Rd/ McCormick Woods Dr. Intersection Design and construction of intersecion (roundabout) improvements including street lighting, as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Sidney Avenue (South of SR 16 Overpass) Widening Sidney Avenue: SR 16 Overpass to Sedgwick Road Sidney Avenue is currently two lanes wide, it needs to be widened to three lanes (additional TWTL) including bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic calming, and stormwater system improvements. Bethel Road Corridor ROW & Construction Bethel Avenue: Mile Hile Drive (SR 166) to 1,000 feet south of Sedgwick (SR-160) Intersection The ROW acquisition and construction phase (in segments) for the re-designed Complete Street/Sch. 74 corridor project. Intersection at Salmonberry moved to Tier 1. SR 160 Roundabout #1 Sedgwick Road (SR 160) SR 160 Roundabout #2 Sedgwick Road (SR 160) The Construction of a Roundabout located between Geiger Road and Ramsey Road along Sedgwick (SR160) Prior to Fed$: None Sedgwick Road (SR 160) Corridor Final Design Sedgwick: SR-16 to Bethel AveFinal design documentation and PS&E for City- sponsored Corridor Plan defining intersections, commercial access & road-sections. Sedgwick Road (SR 160) Corridor Construction Sedgwick: SR-16 to Bethel Ave Project Title/Project Description Capital Projects Sedgwick Road West - Design, Permitting & ROW SR 16 Interchange to Sidney Avenue Sedgwick Road West - Construction SR 16 Interchange to Sidney Avenue 104 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost 2024-2029 2030-2037 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code Federal Funds State Funds Local FundsProject Title/Project Description 2.12 Melcher Street West is currently a narrow two- lane road. The reconstruction would widen the road to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. Melcher Street: Pottery Avenue to Sherman Avenue 0.4 600,000 0 600,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 750,000 3.3 Fireweed is currently a narrow two lane road. The reconstruction would widen the road to allow for safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. Fireweed Road: Sidney Avenue to South Flower Avenue 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2033 P ALL 0 0 0 750,000 3.4 Complete Street improvements within city limits, associated with SKIA access from SW Lake Flora Road. Sedgwick West: SR-16 to Glenwood 0.77 15,000,000 0 15,000,000 2035 P ALL 0 0 0 15,000,000 3.5 Sherman Avenue is currently a narrow two-lane road. The reconstruction would widen the road to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. 0.35 525,000 0 525,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 750,000 3.6 1.1 809,250 0 809,250 2031 P PE STP(U)700,000 0 0 109,250 520,231 0 520,231 2033 P RW STP(U)450,000 0 0 70,231 7,225,434 0 7,225,434 2035 P CN STP(U)6,250,000 0 0 975,434 3.5 0.95 500,000 500,000 0 2024 P PE STP(U)432,500 67,500 750,000 750,000 0 2025 P RW STP(U)648,750 101,250 2,950,000 2,950,000 0 2026 P CN STP(U)2,292,250 0 0 657,750 3.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Intersection Improvement by Kitsap County 3.7 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.5 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 0 0 3.8 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.4 600,000 0 600,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 0 3.9 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 0 3.10 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.15 225,000 0 225,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 0 3.11 Contruct road north of and parallel to Sedgwick Road with two travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 0 0 97,247,213 67,117,298 30,129,915 50,981,462 0 1,600,000 41,340,751 New Collector Geiger Road to Ramsey Road Total Tier 2 Capital Projects Blueberry Road Widening Geiger Road to Bethel Road Geiger Road Widening Sedgwick Road to Blueberry Road Salmonberry Road Widening Ramsey Road to Bethel Road Ramsey Road Widening Sedgwick Road to Salmonberry Road Melcher Street Widening Fireweed Road Widening Sedgwick Road West to Glenwood Sherman Avenue Widening Sherman Avenue: Fireweed Road to Terminus at SR 16 Tremont St Widening - Port Orchard Blvd (Ph. 2)Port Orchard Blvd. Tremont Street to Bay Street (SR166) Construct roundabouts at Tremont Street/PO Blvd. and Bay Street (SR166)/PO Blvd. and curb, gutter, bike lanes, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage and Schedule 74 Undergrounding. Pottery Avenue Widening Tremont to SR16 Pottery Avenue Tremont Street SR 16 Overpass Pottery is currently a two-lane road, it needs to be widened to a four-lane road, with sidewalks, traffic calming and upgrades to the stormwater system. Old Clifton Berry Lake Road Intersection 105 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost 2024-2029 2030-2037 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code Federal Funds State Funds Local FundsProject Title/Project Description 2.9 Mill/fill repair and overlay of Pottery/Sidney Avenue and reconstructed curb, gutter, sidewalk, curbramps and bike lane. Prior Fed$: None Pottery/Sidney Avenue: Lippert Drive to SR 16 0.5 500,000 0 0 P ALL 500,000 2.10 0.13 200,000 0 0 P ALL 200,000 700,000 0 0 0 0 0 700,000 Cline Avenue Repairs - continued Replace sidewalk and parking strip on the west side of the road, the east side has already been replaced. Cline Avenue: Kitsap Street to Dwight Street Total Tier 2 Maintenance Projects Maintenance Project Sidney Avenue (North of SR 16) Overlay 106 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost Spent Prior to 2017 2017 Future Expenditures 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds 1.1 0.67 10,000,000 0 6,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2017 S CN STP(U)1,680,000 6,300,000 Widen Tremont from two travel lanes to four travel lanes with; median, sidewalks, bike lanes, street lighting, Schedule 74 Undergrounding, (2) roundabouts and stormwater improvements. 8,000,000 0 3,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2017 P CN TIB,LP 10,000,000 1.2 1.2 2,223,802 1,334,282 889,520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 S ROW STP(U)1,923,590 0 300,212 600,000 0 600,000 600,000 0 0 0 0 0 2018 P ROW 0 600,000 1.3 3.15 150,000 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 2017 P Prelim 0 0 150,000 1.4 2.25 1,250,000 0 0 1,250,000 0 625,000 625,000 0 0 0 2017 P PE(rev)0 0 750,000 1.5 0 200,000 150,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2016 S PE 0 0 200,000 1,500,000 0 0 1,500,000 0 0 750,000 750,000 0 0 2020 P CN 0 0 1,500,000 1.6 0 250,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 2020 S PE 0 0 250,000 750,000 0 750,000 0 0 0 0 750,000 0 2022 P CN 0 0 750,000 1.7 1.2 500,000 60,000 0 440,000 440,000 0 0 0 0 0 2018 S CN 0 Other 500,000 0 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 0 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 0 2020 S CN 0 Other 3,000,000 0 1.8 0.25 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 2021 P PE & ROW 0 Other 0 500,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 2022 P CN 0 Other 0 2,500,000 30,423,802 1,544,282 10,014,520 18,865,000 10,115,000 625,000 3,125,000 3,250,000 1,750,000 0 3,603,590 13,500,000 13,800,212 1.10 Includes repairing (mill/fill), replacing and/or 1,470,000 720,000 0 750,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 2016 S CN 1,470,000 1.11 Repair and replace concrete sidewalks and curb ramps as needed. 70,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 2016 S CN 70,000 1.12 Preparation of a PMS and ADA Trans. Plan to inventory/rate streets, walks/curb ramps for funding support and ADA/DOJ compliance. City's UGA Limits 262,000 212,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2016 S Prelim 0 0 0 262,000 Project Title/Project Description Capital Projects Tremont St Widen./SR16 - Port Orchard Blvd. CN Phase Tremont Street: SR16 to Port Orchard Blvd. Bay Street Ped. Pathway ROW Phase PO Shoreline: Sidney Ave. Foot Ferry to Annapolis Foot Ferry Add 14-ft Multi-Modal (bikes & pedestrians) waterfont pathway & cantilevered retaining wall following historic Mosquito Fleet trail and pedestrian bridge across Black Jack Creek. Sedgwick Rd (SR-160) and Bethell Corridor Plan Sedgwick: SR-16 to Bethel Ave. Bethel: Sedgwick to Mile Hill Drive City sponsored Corridor Plan to define future intersections, commercial access and road-section improvement requirements. Bethel Road Corridor Design Bethel Avenue: Mile Hill Drive (SR 166) to 1,000 feet south of Sedgwick (SR-160) Intersection City sponsored re-engineering of previous design w/reduced cross-section to 30k ADT, Complete Street standards, plus Schedule 74 Undergrounding & controlled intersection improvements. Anderson Hill/Old Clifton Rd Intersection Improvements Old Clifton Road / Anderson Hill Intersection Intersection Improvements (roundabout) as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan and partially funded by Bayside Mit Funds. Old Clifton Rd/Campus Parkway Intersection Old Clifton Road / McCormick Wood Drive Intersection Intersection Improvements (roundabout) identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Vallair Ct Connector Bethel Road / Walmart Drive Intersection Road extension and intersection improvements previously included in the Bethel Road Corridor ROW & Construction project. Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Construction The CN phase for the 14-ft Multi-Modal (bike & ped) waterfront pathway/cantilevered retailing wall following the historic Mosquito Fleet trail. Includes the demolition/removal of (5) overwater structures. Includes Seg #3 Ad Ready Doc Prep. Total Capital Projects Maitenance Projects Annual Residential Paving Program Annual Sidewalk & ADA Upgrade Program Pavement Management System/ADA Transition Plan 107 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost 2024-2029 2030-2037 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code Federal Funds State Funds Local Funds 2.1 0.4 462,428 462,428 0 2024 P PE STP(U)400,000 0 0 62,428 The design, permitting and right-of-way acquisition phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) 693,642 693,642 0 2026 P RW STP(U)600,000 0 0 93,642 2.2 0.4 3,468,208 3,468,208 0 2028 P CN STP(U)3,000,000 0 0 468,208 The construction phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) 2.3 2.25 3,468,208 3,468,208 0 2025 P RW STP(U)3,000,000 0 0 468,208 31,500,000 31,500,000 0 2027 P CN STP(U)27,045,000 0 0 4,455,000 2.4 0 1,481,481 1,481,481 0 2024 P CN STP(U)1,281,481 0 0 200,000 The Construction of a Roundabout located between Bravo Terrace and Geiger Road along Sedgwick (SR160.) 2.5 0 1,481,481 1,481,481 0 2029 P CN STP(U)1,281,481 0 0 200,000 2.6 0.9 500,000 500,000 0 2024 P PE 0 0 0 500,000 2.7 0.9 10,000,000 10,000,000 0 2025 P CN 0 0 0 10,000,000 Construction phase of City sponsored Corridor Plan between SR 16 and Bethel Road. 2.8 0.95 500,000 500,000 0 2025 P PE 0 0 0 500,000 5,761,850 5,761,850 0 2026 P CN STP(U)3,600,000 TIB 0 1,600,000 561,850 2.9 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.3 1,600,000 1,600,000 0 2027 P ALL 0 0 0 1,600,000 2.10 Design and construction of shoulder widening, street lighting, watermain extension and grade- seperated Pedestrian Path as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. 2.11 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 2029 P ALL 0 0 0 2,000,000 2.11 0 250,000 0 250,000 2030 P PE 0 0 0 250,000 750,000 0 750,000 2031 P CN 0 0 0 750,000 2.12 Melcher Street West is currently a narrow two- lane road. The reconstruction would widen the road to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. Melcher Street: Pottery Avenue to Sherman Avenue 0.4 600,000 0 600,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 750,000 3.3 Fireweed is currently a narrow two lane road. The reconstruction would widen the road to allow for safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. Fireweed Road: Sidney Avenue to South Flower Avenue 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2033 P ALL 0 0 0 750,000 3.4 Complete Street improvements within city limits, associated with SKIA access from SW Lake Flora Road. Sedgwick West: SR-16 to Glenwood 0.77 15,000,000 0 15,000,000 2035 P ALL 0 0 0 15,000,000 3.5 Sherman Avenue is currently a narrow two-lane road. The reconstruction would widen the road to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. 0.35 525,000 0 525,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 750,000 3.6 1.1 809,250 0 809,250 2031 P PE STP(U)700,000 0 0 109,250 520,231 0 520,231 2033 P RW STP(U)450,000 0 0 70,231 7,225,434 0 7,225,434 2035 P CN STP(U)6,250,000 0 0 975,434 3.5 0.95 500,000 500,000 0 2024 P PE STP(U)432,500 67,500 750,000 750,000 0 2025 P RW STP(U)648,750 101,250 2,950,000 2,950,000 0 2026 P CN STP(U)2,292,250 0 0 657,750 3.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Intersection Improvement by Kitsap County 3.7 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.5 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 0 0 3.8 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.4 600,000 0 600,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 0 3.9 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 0 3.10 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.15 225,000 0 225,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 0 3.11 Contruct road north of and parallel to Sedgwick Road with two travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 0 0 97,247,213 67,117,298 30,129,915 50,981,462 0 1,600,000 41,340,751 2.9 Mill/fill repair and overlay of Pottery/Sidney Avenue and reconstructed curb, gutter, sidewalk, curbramps and bike lane. Prior Fed$: None Pottery/Sidney Avenue: Lippert Drive to SR 16 0.5 500,000 0 0 P ALL 500,000 2.10 0.13 200,000 0 0 P ALL 200,000 700,000 0 0 0 0 0 700,000Total Tier 2 Maintenance Projects Total Tier 2 Capital Projects Maintenance Project Sidney Avenue (North of SR 16) Overlay Cline Avenue Repairs - continued Replace sidewalk and parking strip on the west side of the road, the east side has already been replaced. Cline Avenue: Kitsap Street to Dwight Street Pottery Avenue Widening Tremont to SR16 Pottery Avenue Tremont Street SR 16 Overpass Pottery is currently a two-lane road, it needs to be widened to a four-lane road, with sidewalks, traffic calming and upgrades to the stormwater system. Old Clifton Berry Lake Road Intersection Tremont St Widening - Port Orchard Blvd (Ph. 2)Port Orchard Blvd. Tremont Street to Bay Street (SR166)Construct roundabouts at Tremont Street/PO Blvd. and Bay Street (SR166)/PO Blvd. and curb, gutter, bike lanes, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage and Schedule 74 Undergrounding. Pottery Avenue Widening Pottery Avenue: Tremont Street to Melcher Street Old Clifton Rd Shoulder & Pedestrian Improvements Old Clifton Road: SR 16 Overpass to Westerly City Limits Old Clifton Rd & McCormick Woods Drive Intersection Old Clifton Rd/ McCormick Woods Dr. Intersection Design and construction of intersecion (roundabout) improvements including street lighting, as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Melcher Street Widening Fireweed Road Widening Sedgwick Road West to Glenwood Sherman Avenue Widening Sherman Avenue: Fireweed Road to Terminus at SR 16 Sedgwick Road (SR 160) Corridor Final Design Sedgwick: SR-16 to Bethel AveFinal design documentation and PS&E for City- sponsored Corridor Plan defining intersections, commercial access & road-sections. Sedgwick Road (SR 160) Corridor Construction Sedgwick: SR-16 to Bethel Ave SR 160 Roundabout #1 Sedgwick Road (SR 160) SR 160 Roundabout #2 Sedgwick Road (SR 160) The Construction of a Roundabout located between Geiger Road and Ramsey Road along Sedgwick (SR160) Prior to Fed$: None Salmonberry Road Widening New Collector Ramsey Road to Bethel Road Geiger Road to Ramsey Road Project Title/Project Description Capital Projects Sedgwick Road West - Design, Permitting & ROW SR 16 Interchange to Sidney Avenue Sedgwick Road West - Construction SR 16 Interchange to Sidney Avenue Sidney Avenue (South of SR 16 Overpass) Widening Sidney Avenue: SR 16 Overpass to Sedgwick Road Sidney Avenue is currently two lanes wide, it needs to be widened to three lanes (additional TWTL) including bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic calming, and stormwater system improvements. Bethel Road Corridor ROW & Construction Bethel Avenue: Mile Hile Drive (SR 166) to 1,000 feet south of Sedgwick (SR-160) Intersection The ROW acquisition and construction phase (in segments) for the re-designed Complete Street/Sch. 74 corridor project. Intersection at Salmonberry moved to Tier 1. Blueberry Road Widening Geiger Road to Bethel Road Geiger Road Widening Sedgwick Road to Blueberry Road Ramsey Road Widening Sedgwick Road to Salmonberry Road 108 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost Previously Spent Future Expenditures 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds 1.1 0.67 8,000,000 0 10,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 2017 S CN STP(U)1,680,000 6,300,000 Widen Tremont from two travel lanes to four travel lanes with; median, sidewalks, bike lanes, street lighting, Schedule 74 Undergrounding, (2) roundabouts and stormwater improvements. 10,000,000 0 8,000,000 3,000,000 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 2017 P CN TIB,LP 10,000,000 1.2 1.2 2,223,802 1,334,282 889,520 889,520 0 0 0 0 0 2013 S ROW STP(U)1,923,590 0 300,212 600,000 600,000 0 600,000 0 0 0 0 2018 P ROW 0 600,000 1.3 0.9 100,000 0 100,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 2017 P Prelim 0 0 100,000 1.4 2.25 750,000 0 750,000 375,000 375,000 0 0 0 0 2017 P PE(rev)0 0 750,000 1.5 0 200,000 150,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 2016 S PE 0 0 200,000 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 0 0 0 750,000 750,000 0 2020 P CN 0 0 1,500,000 1.6 0 250,000 0 250,000 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 2020 S PE 0 0 250,000 750,000 0 0 0 0 0 750,000 2022 P CN 0 0 750,000 1.7 0.01 100,000 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 2021 P PE 0 0 100,000 300,000 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 2022 P CN 0 0 300,000 1.8 1.2 500,000 60,000 440,000 0 440,000 0 0 0 0 2018 S CN 0 Other 500,000 0 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 0 0 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 2020 S CN 0 Other 3,000,000 0 28,273,802 1,544,282 25,979,520 10,364,520 10,465,000 0 2,500,000 2,350,000 1,050,000 3,603,590 13,500,000 11,150,212 1.9 Includes repairing (mill/fill), replacing and/or 1,470,000 720,000 750,000 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 2016 S CN 1,470,000 1.10 Repair and replace concrete sidewalks and curb ramps as needed. 70,000 10,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2016 S CN 70,000 1.11 Preparation of a PMS and ADA Trans. Plan to inventory/rate streets, walks/curb ramps for funding support and ADA/DOJ compliance. City's UGA Limits 262,000 212,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 2016 S Prelim 0 0 0 262,000 Annual Sidewalk & ADA Upgrade Program Pavement Management System/ADA Transition Plan Old Clifton Road / McCormick Wood Drive Intersection City sponsored public outreach/re-engineering of previous design w/reduced cross-section to 30k ADT, Complete Street standards, plus Schedule 74 Undergrounding & controlled intersection improvements. Intersection Improvements (roundabout) as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan and partially funded by Bayside Mit Funds. Annual Residential Paving Program Anderson Hill/Old Clifton Rd Intersection Improvements Maitenance Projects Replace wooden span under Bay Street East at Arnold Creek with Concrete Box Culvert. Old Clifton Road / Anderson Hill Intersection Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Construction PO Shoreline: Sidney Ave. Foot Ferry to Annapolis Foot Ferry Total Capital Projects The CN phase for the 14-ft Multi-Modal (bike & ped) waterfront pathway/cantilevered retailing wall following the historic Mosquito Fleet trail. Includes the demolition/removal of (5) overwater structures. Includes Seg #3 Ad Ready Doc Prep. Project Title/Project Description Arnold Creek Crossing @ Bay Street East Tremont St Widen./SR16 - Port Orchard Blvd. CN Phase Bay Street Ped. Pathway ROW Phase Tremont Street: SR16 to Port Orchard Blvd. Add 14-ft Multi-Modal (bikes & pedestrians) waterfont pathway & cantilevered retaining wall following historic Mosquito Fleet trail and pedestrian bridge across Black Jack Creek. Capital Projects Bay Street East At Arnold Creek Crossing PO Shoreline: Sidney Ave. Foot Ferry to Annapolis Foot Ferry Bethel Road Corridor Plan/Re-Engineering Bethel Avenue: Mile Hile Drive (SR 166) to 1,000 feet south of Sedgwick (SR-160) Intersection Sedgwick: SR-16 to Bethel Ave Sedgwick Rd (SR-160) Corridor Plan & Pre-Engineering City sponsored Corridor Plan to define future intersections, commercial access and road-section improvement requirements. Old Clifton Rd/Campus Parkway Intersection Intersection Improvements (roundabout) identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. 109 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds 1.1 Widen Tremont from two travel lanes to four travel lanes with; median, sidewalks, bike lanes, street lighting, Schedule 74 Undergrounding, (2) roundabouts and stormwater improvements. 0.67 17,500,000 0 1,182,432 3,547,297 12,770,271 0 0 2017 P CN STP(U)14,800,000 2,700,000 1.2 1.2 2,223,804 1,723,804 500,000 0 0 0 0 2016 S ROW STP(U)1,923,590 0 300,214 60,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 2016 S PE(rev)90,650 1.3 0.9 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 2016 P Prelim 0 0 100,000 1.4 2.25 750,000 0 0 375,000 375,000 0 0 2018 P PE(rev)0 0 750,000 1.5 0 250,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 2018 S PE 0 0 250,000 750,000 0 0 0 0 750,000 0 2020 P CN 0 0 750,000 1.6 0 250,000 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 2019 S PE 0 0 250,000 750,000 0 0 0 0 0 750,000 2021 P CN 0 0 750,000 1.7 0.01 100,000 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 2020 P PE 0 0 100,000 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 2021 P CN 0 0 300,000 1.8 1.2 3,468,208 0 0 0 0 3,468,208 - 2020 P CN STP(U)3,000,000 0 468,208 26,502,012 1,853,804 1,712,432 4,172,297 13,395,271 4,318,208 1,050,000 0 19,723,590 0 0 6,809,072 1.9 Includes repairing (mill/fill), replacing and/or overlaying 2,050,000 700,000 500,000 400,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 2015 s CN 2,050,000 1.10 Repair and replace concrete sidewalks and curb ramps as needed. 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2015 S CN 60,000 1.11 Preparation of a Pavement Management System and Transition Plan to inventory and rate all streets, sidewalks and curb ramps for funding support and ADA/DOJ compliance, and to provide annexation descision data for the UGA. City's UGA Limits 250,000 0 125,000 125,000 0 0 0 2016 P Prelim 0 0 250,000 2,360,000 710,000 635,000 535,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 0 0 2,360,000Total Tier 1 Maintenance Projects Arnold Creek Crossing @ Bay Street East Bay Street East At Arnold Creek Crossing Replace wooden span under Bay Street East at Arnold Creek with Concrete Box Culvert. Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Construction PO Shoreline: Sidney Ave. Foot Ferry to Annapolis Foot Ferry The construction phase for the 14-ft Multi-Modal (bikes & pedestrians) waterfront pathway & cantilevered retailing wall following the historic Mosquito Fleet trail. Includes the demolition/removal of (5) overwater structures. Total Tier 1 Capital Projects Maitenance Projects Annual Residential Paving Program Annual Sidewalk Improvement Program Pavement Management System/ADA Transition Plan Anderson Hill/Old Clifton Rd Intersection Improvements Old Clifton Road / Anderson Hill Intersection Intersection Improvements (roundabout) as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan and partially funded by Bayside Mit Funds. Old Clifton Rd/Campus Parkway Intersection Improvements Old Clifton Road / McCormick Wood Drive Intersection Intersection Improvements (roundabout) identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Sedgwick Rd (SR-160) Corridor Plan & Pre-Engineering Sedgwick: SR-16 to Bethel AveCity sponsored Corridor Plan to define future intersections, commercial access and road-section improvement requirements. Bethel Road Corridor Plan/Re-Engineering Bethel Avenue: Mile Hile Drive (SR 166) to 1,000 feet south of Sedgwick (SR-160) Intersection City sponsored re-engineering of previous County Corridor Plan design, reduced cross-section to 30,000 ADT & Complete Street design standards, plus Schedule 74 Undergrounding & controlled intersection improvements. Project Title/Project Description Capital Projects Tremont St Widening/SR16 to Port Orchard Blvd. (Ph. 1)Tremont Street: SR16 to Port Orchard Blvd. Bay Street Ped. Pathway ROW & Re-Engineering/NEPA Rev PO Shoreline: Sidney Ave. Foot Ferry to Annapolis Foot Ferry Add 14-ft Multi-Modal (bikes & pedestrians) waterfont pathway & cantilevered retaining wall following historic Mosquito Fleet trail and pedestrian bridge across Black Jack Creek. 110 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost 2022-2027 2028-2035 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds 2.1 0.4 462,428 462,428 2023 P PE STP(U)400,000 0 62,428 The design, permitting and right-of-way acquisition phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) 693,642 693,642 2025 P RW STP(U)600,000 0 93,642 2.2 0.4 3,468,208 3,468,208 2028 P CN STP(U)3,000,000 0 468,208 The construction phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) 2.3 2.25 3,468,208 3,468,208 0 2025 P RW STP(U)3,000,000 0 468,208 33,000,000 16,500,000 16,500,000 2027 P CN STP(U)28,545,000 0 4,455,000 2.4 0 1,481,481 1,481,481 0 2021 P CN STP(U)1,281,481 0 200,000 The Construction of a Roundabout located between Bravo Terrace and Geiger Road along Sedgwick (SR160.) 2.5 0 1,481,481 0 1,481,481 2029 P CN STP(U)1,281,481 0 200,000 2.6 0.9 500,000 500,000 0 2024 P PE 0 0 500,000 2.7 0.9 10,000,000 10,000,000 0 2025 P CN 0 0 10,000,000 Construction phase of City sponsored Corridor Plan between SR 16 and Bethel Road. 2.8 0.95 500,000 500,000 0 2025 P PE 0 0 500,000 5,761,850 5,761,850 0 2026 P CN STP(U)3,600,000 TIB 1,600,000 561,850 2.9 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. 0.3 1,600,000 1,600,000 0 2027 P ALL 0 0 1,600,000 2.10 Design and construction of shoulder widening, street lighting, watermain extension and grade- seperated Pedestrian Path as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. 2.11 2,000,000 0 2,000,000 2029 P ALL 0 0 2,000,000 2.11 0 250,000 0 250,000 2030 P PE 0 0 250,000 Pottery Avenue Widening Pottery Avenue: Tremont Street to Melcher Street Old Clifton Rd Shoulder & Pedestrian Improvements Old Clifton Road: SR 16 Overpass to Westerly City Limits Old Clifton Rd & McCormick Woods Drive Intersection Old Clifton Rd/ McCormick Woods Dr. i Design and construction of intersecion Sidney Avenue (South of SR 16 Overpass) Widening Sidney Avenue: SR 16 Overpass to Sedgwick Road Sidney Avenue is currently two lanes wide, it needs to be widened to three lanes (additional TWTL) including bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic calming, and stormwater system improvements. Bethel Road Corridor ROW & Construction Bethel Avenue: Mile Hile Drive (SR 166) to 1,000 feet south of Sedgwick (SR-160) Intersection The ROW acquisition and construction phase (in segments) for the re-designed Complete Street/Sch. 74 corridor project. SR 160 Roundabout #1 Sedgwick Road (SR 160) SR 160 Roundabout #2 Sedgwick Road (SR 160) The Construction of a Roundabout located between Geiger Road and Ramsey Road along Sedgwick (SR160) Prior to Fed$: None Sedgwick Road (SR 160) Corridor Final Design Sedgwick: SR-16 to Bethel AveFinal design documentation and PS&E for City- sponsored Corridor Plan defining intersections, commercial access & road-sections. Sedgwick Road (SR 160) Corridor Construction Sedgwick: SR-16 to Bethel Ave Project Title/Project Description Capital Projects Sedgwick Road West - Design, Permitting & ROW SR 16 Interchange to Sidney Avenue Sedgwick Road West - Construction SR 16 Interchange to Sidney Avenue 111 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost 2022-2027 2028-2035 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local FundsProject Title/Project Description 750,000 0 750,000 2031 P CN 0 0 750,000 2.12 Melcher Street West is currently a narrow two- lane road. The reconstruction would widen the road to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. Melcher Street: Pottery Avenue to Sherman Avenue 0.4 750,000 0 750,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 750,000 3.3 Fireweed is currently a narrow two lane road. The reconstruction would widen the road to allow for safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. Fireweed Road: Sidney Avenue to South Flower Avenue 0.25 750,000 0 750,000 2033 P ALL 0 0 750,000 3.4 Complete Street improvements within city limits, associated with SKIA access from SW Lake Flora Road. Sedgwick West: SR-16 to Glenwood 0.77 15,000,000 0 15,000,000 2035 P ALL 0 0 15,000,000 3.5 Sherman Avenue is currently a narrow two-lane road. The reconstruction would widen the road to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a stormwater system. 0.35 750,000 0 750,000 2030 P ALL 0 0 750,000 3.6 1.1 809,250 0 809,250 2031 P PE STP(U)700,000 0 109,250 520,231 0 520,231 2033 P RW STP(U)450,000 0 70,231 7,225,434 0 7,225,434 2035 P CN STP(U)6,250,000 0 975,434 3.5 0.95 500,000 500,000 0 2024 P PE STP(U)432,500 67,500 750,000 750,000 0 2025 P RW STP(U)648,750 101,250 2,950,000 2,950,000 0 2026 P CN STP(U)2,292,250 0 657,750 3.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95,422,213 45,167,609 50,254,604 52,481,462 1,600,000 41,340,751 2.9 Mill/fill repair and overlay of Pottery/Sidney Avenue and reconstructed curb, gutter, sidewalk, curbramps and bike lane. Prior Fed$: None Pottery/Sidney Avenue: Lippert Drive to SR 16 0.5 500,000 0 0 P ALL 500,000 2.10 0.13 200,000 0 0 P ALL 200,000 Total Tier 2 Capital Projects Maintenance Project Sidney Avenue (North of SR 16) Overlay Cline Avenue Repairs - continued Replace sidewalk and parking strip on the west Cline Avenue: Pottery Avenue Widening Tremont to SR16 Pottery Avenue Tremont Street SR 16 Overpass Pottery is currently a two-lane road, it needs to be widened to a four-lane road, with sidewalks, traffic calming and upgrades to the stormwater system. Old Clifton Berry Lake Road Intersection Intersection Improvement by Kitsap County Tremont St Widening - Port Orchard Blvd (Ph. 2)Port Orchard Blvd. Tremont Street to Bay Street (SR166) Construct roundabouts at Tremont Street/PO Blvd. and Bay Street (SR166)/PO Blvd. and curb, gutter, bike lanes, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage and Schedule 74 Undergrounding. Intersection (roundabout) improvements including street lighting, as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. Melcher Street Widening Fireweed Road Widening Sedgwick Road West to Glenwood Sherman Avenue Widening Sherman Avenue: Fireweed Road to Terminus at SR 16 112 of 128 Priority Number Road Name Begin Termini End Termini Total Project Length Total Est. Cost 2022-2027 2028-2035 Phase Start Year Funding Status Phase Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local FundsProject Title/Project Description 700,000 0 0 0 0 700,000Total Tier 2 Maintenance Projects side of the road, the east side has already been replaced. Kitsap Street to Dwight Street 113 of 128 Project ID Project Description Total Cost Phase 1.1 Tremont Street Widening 17,500,000$ CN 1.3 SR 160 Corridor Pre-Design 100,000$ PE 1.4 Bethel Corridor Re-Engineering 750,000$ PE 1.5 Anderson Hill/Clifton Intersection 1,000,000$ PE, RW & CN McW 1.6 Old Clifton/Campus Parkway Intersection 1,000,000$ PE, RW & CN McW 1.8 Bay Street Pedestrian Seg#3B (Bay Ford Redevelopment)346,821$ CN 2.1 Sedgwick West 1,156,070$ PE & RW 2.2 Sedgwick West 3,468,208$ CN 2.3 Bethel Corridor 36,468,208$ RW & CN 2.4 SR 160 Roundabout #1 1,481,481$ PE, RW & CN 2.5 SR 160 Roundabout #2 1,481,481$ PE, RW & CN 2.6 SR 160 Corridor Final design 500,000$ PE 2.7 SR 160 Corridor 10,000,000$ CN 2.8 Sidney Avenue South Widening 6,261,850$ PE, RW & CN 2.9 Pottery Avenue Widening 1,600,000$ PE, RW & CN 2.10 Old Clifton Shoulder & Pedestrian 2,000,000$ PE, RW & CN McW 2.11 Old Clifton/McCormick Woods Drive Intersection 1,000,000$ PE, RW & CN McW 86,114,119$ McCormick Projects TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE PROJECT LIST 114 of 128 2520930ROLAND & ROLAND2420891ROLAND & ROLAND2420909ROLAND & ROLAND2520906ROLAND AND ROLAND1048875GILMORE2520922ROLAND & ROLANDBRAVO TERRACE SESEDGWICK ROAD2420974ROLAND & ROLAND1048867ANDRADE SERGIOOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUEROLAND & ROLAND2520930116416.0520263.36964.50.089188.26$483,370.00ROLAND & ROLAND242090934727.221798.40.00.032928.82$1,051,790.00ROLAND & ROLAND242089149757.626892.21109.70.041755.70$233,820.00ROLAND & ROLAND242097427694.58140.979.40.027474.22$0.00ROLAND & ROLAND2520906221256.472678.04834.60.0213743.90$259,050.00GILMORE104887573412.782686.15270.00.065456.73$164,690.00ROLAND & ROLAND2520922337393.821125.282832.970.0333435.57$1,039,310.00GILMORE104892515943.400.004037.530.011905.87$88,050.00ANDRADE SERGIO104886763476.400.005.600.063470.80$232,460.00LEGENDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-11SCALE IN FEET04080SEDGWICK ROADFIVE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--14KEY MAPMATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-14MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-2115 of 128 1039817KUSHAL1040161RYAN1048776GREENWAY MERCHANDISE LLCGEIGER ROAD SESEDGWICK ROADSEDGWICK ROAD1048768ANDERSON1048750SHADBOLTOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUEKUSHAL1039817175897.4310807.709388.670.0155701.06$470,500.00GREENWAYMERCHANDISE LLC1048776123967.7912072.117051.690.0104843.99$418,430.00RYAN104016135167.813716.614554.330.026896.88$244,830.00ANDERSON104876885934.754117.765475.050.076341.94$291,150.00SHADBOLT104876087411.130.006142.800.081268.33$353,290.00LEGENDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-22SCALE IN FEET04080SEDGWICK ROADFIVE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--14MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-3MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-3KEY MAP116 of 128 1040146TOM & LAURIE LLC2075299RKCM CORP1048735BEATY1048727WARRINGTON1048743B & J IP LLCBETHEL ROAD SESEDGWICK ROAD2075307RANEY GROUP LLC2360634ROUNDUP CO DBAFRED MEYER INC2193431BMS 2 LLC ATTN BONG SIN2360592FRED MEYERSTORES INC2360592FRED MEYERSTORES INC2507291PBH GROUP LLCOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUETOM & LAURIE LLC1040146108527.925334.051163.310.0102030.56$545,440.00B & J IP LLC104874381425.217311.603950.100.070163.51$412,160.00BEATY104873521346.792037.44172.700.019136.65$140,380.00WARRINGTON104872736953.353188.050.000.033765.30$209,140.00PETERSON104871939846.533334.830.0036511.70.00$115,452.00ROUNDUP CO DBAFRED MEYER INC236063424895.802387.410.000.022508.39$1,514,360.00FRED MEYERSTORES INC2360592636874.990.000.000.0636874.99$16,493,430.00TWAE JI 4 INC.207529931181.874924.600.000.026257.27$1,033,500.00BMS 2 LLC ATTNBONG SIN219343138241.55484.590.000.037756.96$1,117,360.00PBH GROUP LLC250729130600.330.000.000.030600.33$8,360.00RANEY GROUP207530730676.412837.440.000.027838.97$440,370.00LEGENDNOTE:2360592FRED MEYERSTORES INCDRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-33SCALE IN FEET04080SEDGWICK ROADFIVE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--14MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-4MATCH LINE - SEE THIS SHEETMATCH LINE - SEE THIS SHEETMATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-2KEY MAPMATCH LINE - SEE THIS SHEETMATCH LINE - SEE THIS SHEET117 of 128 OWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUEKRECKERENTERPRISES LLC104012069666.933811.200.000.065855.73$331,550.00PACIFIC SHORELINEMORTGAGE INC /PELASCINI104010429703.351582.271081.870.027039.21$217,830.00STATSON1035914206511.730.001539.860.0204971.87$687,110.00BETHEL CENTREASSOCIATION243098173465.983832.26854.890.068778.83$0.00BAYNE103587229699.81572.361370.820.027756.63$269,360.00DAVISON103586483497.38614.381594.740.081288.26$215,170.00DAVISON103584961910.7377.32223.990.061609.42$96,280.00MCCOWN /BROCKETT103585625725.19612.391715.000.023397.80$178,850.00MENEES103608619999.99423.230.000.019576.76$118,400.00BRUMMET103607819999.7475.150.000.019924.59$122,250.00FINELINE PARTNERSLLC2298586117621.521213.51533.940.0115874.07$4,025,440.00VANDENBOS103528635852.101181.44567.340.034103.32$271,400.00DELAGRANGE103581539626.08121.78268.560.039235.74$281,870.00UNKNOWN24080035443.950.000.000.05443.95$0.00MCCARY104001337139.346222.401598.540.029318.40$336,210.00CHINSUN LLC245353843421.680.000.000.043421.68$1,382,670.00MCCARY103987475340.87416.51152.370.074771.99$126,360.00BLUEBERRY ROAD1039874MCCARY1040013MCCARY2453538CHINSUN LLC2408003 UNKNOWN1035815DELAGRANGE1035286VANDENBOS1036086MENEES1036078BRUMMET2430981 BETHEL CENTRE ASSOCIATIONSYLVIS LANE1035856MCCOWN /BROCKETT1035864DAVISON1035872BAYNE1040104PACIFICSHORELINEMORTGAGE INC /PELASCINI1040120KRECKERENTERPRISES LLCBETHEL ROADPIPERBERRY WAY2298586FINELINE PARTNERS LLC2430981BETHEL CENTREASSOCIATION1039874MCCARY1035914STATSONLEGENDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-44BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-3MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-5KEY MAP118 of 128 OWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUESMITH1040005197999.854923.263833.250.0189243.34$297,630.00HE DEVELOPMENTLLC2453546911032.37865.093539.370.0906627.91$1,321,670.00JOHNSON104026025902.382342.641023.930.022535.81$66,290.00JOHNSON103994015698.201308.39329.320.014060.49$67,430.00MACLEAN103993210204.02805.149398.600.00.28$107,450.00BACON10357164660.19244.08313.800.04102.31$51,600.00UNKNOWN243251616880.84130.01298.090.016452.74$0.00HIRT LOAN THITRUSTEE104022921961.621712.571023.060.019226.00$237,880.00BACON10357084661.26304.77891.580.03464.91$52,410.00HOVLAND103566623000.04350.62573.370.022076.05$146,570.00KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKS103565832144.623708.766391.420.022044.44$0.00MCKINNON10356335994.83290.441350.010.04354.38$80,620.00RAMSEY1039916166427.338372.921525.950.0156528.46$241,570.00BETHEL ROADPARTNERS1037084127327.2626366.472570.490.098390.30$571,800.00CLOUD103518754855.662061.500.000.052794.16$675,840.00SALMONBERRY ROADBETHEL ROAD1035716BACON1035708BACON1035666HOVLAND1035658KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKS1039916RAMSEY1040229HIRT LOAN THITRUSTEE1039932MACLEAN1039940JOHNSON1035187CLOUD1037084BETHEL ROAD PARTNERSCRAWFORD ROAD1040260JOHNSON2453546HE DEVELOPMENT LLC1040005SMITHLEGENDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-55BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-6MATCH LINE - SEE THIS SHEETMATCH LINE - SEE THIS SHEETMATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-4KEY MAP119 of 128 OWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUECLOUD23993501004.950.0044.560.0960.39$650.00HOME DEPOT USAINC1034917329088.271699.581409.900.0325978.79$532,400.00KEEHN103712625253.521720.05251.330.023282.14$132,700.00DEPLORABLES LLC103714262180.221814.11685.090.059681.02$254,430.00KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKS1037159217254.483726.764045.770.0209481.95$0.00HOME DEPOT USAINC103490939047.79758.05954.310.037335.43$190,450.00HOME DEPOT USAINC1035054154757.37231.9178.330.0154447.13$224,490.00HOME DEPOT USAINC103515358079.931022.34333.070.056724.52$223,320.00GANALON253527612535.471280.52269.810.010985.14$88,010.00TRAYLOR191915813008.66584.91444.200.011979.55$121,080.00GARCIA103489112598.79575.74512.840.011510.21$51,590.00TRAYLOR191917422094.46129.2248.930.021916.31$90,270.00CHOI103720922423.00913.33376.980.021132.69$119,330.00DYES INLETPROPERTIES LLC1037175203706.16195.3187.150.0203423.70$651,620.00LEGEND1034891GARCIA1919174TRAYLOR1919158TRAYLOR1035153HOME DEPOT USA INC2535276GANALON1037209CHOI1037175 LOONEY ESTATE1037159KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKSBETHEL ROAD1037126KEEHN1037142STEWART1034917HOME DEPOT USA INC1034909HOME DEPOT USA INC1035054 HOME DEPOT USA INC1037159KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKS2399350CLOUDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-66BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-5MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-7KEY MAP120 of 128 WALMARTVALLAIR COURT1761394PBJP ENTERPRISES LLC1037241POTTER HOLDINGS LLC1037233KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKSBETHEL ROAD2256667NATIONAL RETAILPROPERTIES LP2286045TSIMOURISKONSTANTINOSE1761600NELSON PORT ORCHARD2350908KITSAP BANK2475341BETHEL VALLEYDEVELOPMENT LLC1999663BETHEL GRF2 LLC C/OPARADIGM TAX GROUPLLCOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUEWALMART2286052779133.4413105.120.000.0766028.32$17,682,620.00LIBERTY BANK OFWASHINGTON103722538276.43356.230.000.037920.20$1,568,840.00KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKS103723324134.776746.162205.960.015182.66$0.00POTTER HOLDINGSLLC103724126322.333623.200.000.022699.13$328,480.00NATIONAL RETAILPROPERTIES LP225666749185.473789.500.000.045395.96$2,071,340.00KITSAP COUNTY206460889898.95340.99157.060.089400.90$0.00BETHEL VALLEYDEVELOPMENT LLC2475341280289.11371.57115.890.0279801.65$0.00PBJP ENTERPRISESLLC176139421398.782356.97402.470.018639.34$152,120.00NELSON PORTORCHARD176160021637.5913.45422.120.021202.02$1,141,390.00KITSAP BANK235090835252.5562.97329.140.034860.44$816,550.00LEGENDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-77BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-6MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-8KEY MAP121 of 128 BETHEL ROADSE LUND AVENUE1175934CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER1730175DAVISON1730191SUNSHINE HOLDINGS LLC1730167HUFF1730209SUNSHINE DEVELOPMENT LLC1730233PUERTO VALLARTA OF PORT ORCHARD LLC2374387LEASE FUND 2 LLC C/O WALGREEN CO1999663BETHEL GRF2 LLC C/O PARADIGM TAX GROUP LLC2350890BALDRIDGE PORT ORCHARDRITE AID/ THRIFTY PAYLESSOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUEKIYO LLC2351955151590.6136.1195.460.0151459.04$3,202,830.00BETHEL GRF2 LLC C/OPARADIGM TAX GROUPLLC1999663402503.078751.920.000.0393751.16$14,808,810.00BALDRIDGE PORTORCHARD RITE AID/THRIFTY PAYLESS235089088038.577402.56246.920.080389.08$3,687,370.00PUERTO VALLARTA OFPORT ORCHARD LLC1730233143557.789672.810.000.0133884.97$1,883,830.00LEASE FUND 2 LLC C/OWALGREEN CO237438777927.381933.200.000.075994.18$3,328,760.00DAVISON173017539876.802397.14213.880.037265.78$220,440.00CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER1175934208995.431722.681357.640.0205915.11$746,350.00SUNSHINEDEVELOPMENT LLC173020931501.70436.6030.000.031035.10$91,920.00SUNSHINE HOLDINGS LLC173019138815.481964.17255.480.036595.83$697,040.00HUFF173016799722.082351.66887.750.096482.67$471,120.00CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER117591878794.540.004.400.078790.14$363,640.00LEGENDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-88BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-9MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-7MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-14MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-14KEY MAP122 of 128 1935261ZAPATKA1730084KVINSLAND1176072SAINT VINCENT DE PAULST GABRIEL CONFERENCE1730043KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKS1730092KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKS2175800MISHKO1175876CLEARLY INVISION LLC1175918CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTERBETHEL ROADMITCHELL ROADLUNDBERG ROAD1730100LUNDBERG2605459GOODWIN FAMILYENTERPRISES LLC2605467PORT ORCHARD STORAGE LLC2605475MONSTER CARWASHOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUEMONSTER CAR WASH260547546890.850.00287.200.046603.65$663,330.00PORT ORCHARD STORAGELLC260546717759.340.0019.600.017739.74$121,090.00GOODWIN FAMILYENTERPRISES LLC2605459187147.41143.19158.120.0186846.10$624,930CLEARLY INVISION LLC117587628460.792816.830.000.025643.96$303,880.00MISHKO217580021598.44398.740.000.021199.71$126,350.00KITSAP COUNTY PUBLICWORKS1730092129447.5027379.014212.370.097856.11$0.00LUNDBERG173010046103.197279.371301.970.037521.85$122,360.00SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL /ST GABRIEL CONFERENCE1176072127077.514244.996174.630.0116657.88$1,367,030.00KITSAP COUNTY PUBLICWORKS173004349889.38980.45513.460.048395.47$0.00KVINSLAND173008424929.761019.65499.210.023410.90$23,200.00ZAPATKA193526199791.812007.28998.140.096786.39$90,010.00LEGENDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-99BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-8MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-10MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-14KEY MAP123 of 128 1730019HILLTOPFABRICATORS LLC1175561LA CHANGPROPERTIES LLC1175553MARIE DEE1175538BETHELDEVELOPMENTGROUP LLC1175496BETHELDEVELOPMENTGROUP LLC1172600BETHEL ROAD LLC1174994BRYFAM LLC2193894DAWN PLACE LLC2193902CARLTONBETHEL ROAD1176072SAINT VINCENT DE PAULST GABRIEL CONFERENCE1175009NASH1175033FERNIEOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUEHILLTOPFABRICATORS LLC1730019184761.673867.211996.270.0178898.20$680,050.00LA CHANGPROPERTIES LLC117556118920.951181.98581.570.017157.40$1,134,640.00MARIE DEE117555318720.21607.73211.870.017900.62$314,880.00BETHELDEVELOPMENTGROUP LLC117553820599.28438.09409.820.019751.37$1,360,350.00BETHELDEVELOPMENTGROUP LLC117549621091.581027.80242.760.019821.02$401,430.00BETHEL ROAD LLC1172600804472.5212000.658624.060.0783847.81$956,230.00FERNIE117503311931.580.0083.650.011847.93$530,430.00NASH117500913076.910.0072.470.013004.43$178,830.00BRYFAM LLC117499423718.75887.00451.890.022379.86$474,990.00DAWN PLACE LLC219389420158.86719.22783.390.018656.25$304,930.00CARLTON219390218610.77367.25371.370.017872.14$392,920.00LEGENDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-1010BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-11MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-9KEY MAP124 of 128 1172600BETHEL ROAD LLC1172667SKIBBS PROPERTIESLLC1174903KBSJDEVELOMPMENT LLC1174937KBSJDEVELOMPMENTLLC1174887PUGET SOUNDENERGY1174879JSS PROPERTIESLLC1174846SAIL INVESTORSGROUP LLC25282711130 ROSEWOODLANE LLCBETHEL ROAD1174820BUCHANANLINGENBRINK LLCOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUEKBSJ DEVELOPMENT LLC117493722479.73251.24222.700.022005.78$144,550.00KBSJ DEVELOPMENT LLC117490361096.06882.81934.480.059278.77$458,100.00SKIBBS PROPERTIES LLC117266725288.332251.26449.950.022587.12$819,390.00PUGET SOUND ENERGY117488769428.28933.72575.460.067919.10$0.00JSS PROPERTIES LLC117487953502.651683.491147.090.050672.08$504,360.00SAIL INVESTORS GROUPLLC117484631117.321131.77817.440.029168.11$391,610.00BUCHANANLINGENBRINK LLC117482035408.210.00304.910.035103.31$1,371,070.001130 ROSEWOOD LANELLC252827137933.90798.25646.760.036488.89$703,320.00LEGENDNOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-1111BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-10MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-12KEY MAP125 of 128 2528263SEASWIRL III LLC1175447PENINSULACOMMUNITYFEDERAL CREDIT1175348BONEWELL1175363US POST OFFICEBETHEL ROADLEGENDOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUESEASWIRL III LLC2528263142814.821207.101645.150.0139962.58$396,990.00BONEWELL117534822828.21424.08245.300.022158.83$144,550.00US POST OFFICE1175363124089.057438.902755.860.0113894.29$0.00PENINSULACOMMUNITYFEDERAL CREDIT117544717290.591935.62345.090.015009.88$348,810.00NOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-1212BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-11MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-13KEY MAP126 of 128 1175223TTKJ LLCBETHEL ROAD1175231ING ING & FOON LLPLEGENDOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUETTKJ LLC117522376312.36187.01158.98075966.36$2,290,110.00ING ING & FOON LLP1175231231536.61000231536.61$6,166,310.00NOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-1313BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-12KEY MAP127 of 128 LEGENDLUNDBERG ROADHAROLD DRIVE1730092KITSAP COUNTYPUBLIC WORKS2605459GOODWIN FAMILYENTERPRISES LLC2374379MCCANDLESS PORTORCHARD LLC2374395PORT ORCHARDGROUP LLCSE LUND AVENUE2351948AUTOZONE INCSE LUND AVENUESEDGWICK ROADOWNERTAX IDTOTAL AREA (SF)ROW TAKE (SF)SLOPE EASEMENTTAKE (SF)POTENTIAL FULLROW TAKE (SF)(DUE TO PROXIMITYDAMAGE)REMAINDER (SF)ASSESSED VALUEAUTOZONE INC235194848046.162584.300.000.045461.87$1,020,870.00MCCANDLESS PORTORCHARD LLC237437986532.51753.250.000.085779.26$3,278,010.00PORT ORCHARDGROUP LLC23743953053.22917.230.000.02135.99$0.00NOTE:DRAWING FILE No.:ISSUE DATE:DESIGNED BY:BYDATEREVISIONSDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NAME:OFDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:JOB No.:ALL DIMENSIONSSHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATEDSEDGWICK ROAD (SR 160) AND BETHEL ROADCORRIDOR STUDYCITY OF PORT ORCHARD-JANUARY 2018-0680.028730 TALLON LANE NE, SUITE 200, LACEY, WASHINGTON 98516P: 360-352-1465 F: 360-352-1509SCJALLIANCE.COMRIGHT OF WAY EXHIBITM. JOHNSON0680.02 ROW-ExhibitRW-1414BETHEL ROADTHREE LANE SECTIONWITH LANDSCAPE STRIPS--SCALE IN FEET0408014MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-9MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-8MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW-8MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET RW - 1KEY MAP128 of 128