049-21 - Administrative Office of the Courts - ContractPURCHASE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - PRA21OO1
AOC lnformation Technology Primary Purchase Agreement (ITPPA) Number: 14A05825
Purchase Reimbursement Agreement (PRA) Number: PRA21001
1, Purpose
This PRA Number PRA21001 is executed by the Washington State Administrative Office of
the Courts (AOC) and the Port Orchard Municipal Court (CUSTOMER) pursuant to the
terms and conditions of ITPPA Number 1A405825. The parties acknowledge they have
read and understand the terms and conditions therein. All rights and obligations of the
parties shall be subject to and governed by the terms of the ITPPA. This PRA sets forth the
obligations of the parties with respect to AOC's reimbursement to the CUSTOMER of funds
which have been expended by the CUSTOMER for the purchase of 3 desktop computers,
and 3 monitors.
2. Term and Termination
The term of the PRA is effective upon the date of execution by both parties through
Wednesday, June 30,2021. Termination of the PRA requires written notification to the
other party. Extensions to the PRA can only be executed by the AOC, with written
notification to the other party.
3. Responsibilities
3.1. The AOG will:
3.1.1. Provide specifications for the equipment covered by this agreement. (See
Exhibit A).
3.1.2. Provide funds to reimburse the CUSTOMER for costs associated with the
purchase of 3 desktop computers, and 3 monitors, pursuant to Subsection 3.2
below. The funding provided by AOC shall be at a maximum the amount
required for the purchase of the equipment meeting the provided specifications
or the actual cost, whichever is lower. Should the CUSTOMER acquire
equipment that exceeds the provided specifications, the CUSTOMER shall be
responsible for that portion of the acquisition costs which exceeds the
reimbursable amount as referenced above.
3.2. The CUSTOMER will:
3.2.1. Purchase equipment that meets the specifications referenced above. lnstall and
maintain the equipment purchased under this PRA, including providing network
connectivity to the new equipment as needed. lt is possible that a new network
line may need to be installed by the CUSTOMER to provide connectivity to the
equipment covered by this PRA.
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Contract No. 049-21
3.2.2. Be responsible for all costs not reimbursed by the AOC pursuant to Subsection
4 below.
3.2.3. Submit invoices to the AOC pursuant to Subsection 5 below.
3.2.4. Submit, with the invoice, a completed copy of the exhibit supplying the
specifications of the purchased equipment in the last column.
4. Reimbursement Amount
The AOC will reimburse the CUSTOMER up to $700 for each desktop computer, $150 for
each monitor, or the actual cost, whichever is lower. The actual cost shall include any tax
and shipping costs incurred by the CUSTOMER.
5. Billing/lnvoicing
Billing/invoicing will be in accordance with procedures outlined in the above-referenced
ITPPA (14405825) and additional terms and conditions listed below.
6. Treatment of Assets and Property
CUSTOMER shall be the owner of any and all fixed assets or personal property jointly or
cooperatively, acquired, owned, or disposed of pursuant to this PRA.
7. Modifications/Changes
This PRA may be modified at any time upon mutual written agreement of the parties. All
such modification will be made as an amendment to the PRA and will take precedence over
the original PRA.
8. Order of Precedence
lf there is a conflict between this PRA and the above-referenced ITPPA, the conflict will be
resolved by giving precedence first to this PRA and then to the ITPPA.
9. PRA Management
Unless otheruvise indicated, all correspondence regarding this PRA should be directed to:
AOC Program Manager Customer Program Manager
Ghristine Winslow
I nfrastructu re Project Coord inator
Administrative Office of the Courts
1206 Quince St SE
PO Box 41170
Olympia, WA 98504-1170
Ch risti ne. Wi nslow@cou rts.wa. gov
Sharon M. Ells
Port Orchard Municipal Court
216 Prospect St
Port Orchard, WA 98366-5326
sel ls@cityofportorchard. us
360-876-1 701
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1 0. Authorization/Acceptance
This PRA and the underlying ITPPA constitute the entire agreement between the parties
and supersedes all other communication, written or oral, related to the subject matter of the
PRA. Execution of this PRA by both parties constitutes an addendum to the underlying
ITPPA, which remains in full force and effect, except as may be specifically modified and
agreed to between the parties within this PRA. The parties hereby acknowledge and accept
the terms and conditions of this PRA.
Administrative Office of the Gourts Port Orchard Municipal Court
Phil Brady
Date Signature Date
ttJ,v*Qvl*rnv' rr
AOC Contracts Manager
Title Title
tAA05825 - PR421001 Page 3 of 3
Staff DesktoPCSecificationslicifficer'scifinExhibit "A"MonitorOperating SystemKevboardMouseNetwork Interface Card(Nic)Hard DriveRAMProcessorCOMPONENTAOC REQUiREMENT77" flat panel monitor or biggerWindows 7 (64-bit) or other latest release of MicrosoftWinclows for hrrsiness rrceStandard MS compatibleStandard MS compatibleEthernet minimum 10/100/1000250 GB or moreB GB or moreIntel or AMD and mav use a multi-core DrocessorPU RCHASED SYSTEM'S SPECIFICATIONSPrinterDisolavOperating SystemNetwork InterfaceHard DriveRAMProcessorCOMPONENTNo minimum specifications14" or biqqerWindows 7 (64-bit) or other latest release of MicrosoftWindows for brrsiness rrseEthernet minimum 10/100/1000125 GB or moreB GB or moreMobile Intel Pentium or equivalent, including AMDMobile ProcessorAOC REQUIREMENTPURCHASED SYSTEM'S SPECIFICATIONSPage 1 of 1