035-12 - Resolution - Establishing Snow and Ice Control PolicyIntroduced by: Public Works Director Requested by: Public Works Director Drafted by: Public Works Director Introduced: November 27, 2012 Adopted: November 27, 2012 RESOLUTION NO. 035-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, THEREBY ESTABLISHING SNOW ·AND ICE CONTROL POLICY BY DEFINING GUIDELINES USED TO MAINTAIN CITY ROADS DURING WINTER WEATHER EVENTS WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard's objective is to provide safe and orderly movement of emergency equipment and vehicle traffic through the city during winter weather events; and WHEREAS, the application of this policy depends on several factors, including weather conditions and availability of road maintenance staff and equipment; and WHEREAS, the Port Orchard City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the public to create procedures/policy relating to the safety and orderly movement of emergency equipment and vehicle traffic through the city during inclement weather; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: the City Council hereby approves the following policy for the safety and orderly movement of emergency equipment and vehicle traffic through the city during inclement weather. Section 1. REFERENCES 1.1 Snow Routes Priority Map 1.2 City of Port Orchard Municipal Code 10.66 Section 2. PRIORITIES 2.1 A prioritized system of roadway plowing is established and identified on the Snow Routes Priority Map. (Exhibit A) 2.2 When snow accumulates and plowing is needed, a prioritized plan is used to assign crews and equipment. These priorities are further identified and described in the Snow Routes Priority Map, Section 1.1 above. Resolution No. 035-12 Page 2 of4 2.2.1 Priority 1 Routes -Priority 1 routes are the top priority for snow and ice control. Work continues on Priority Route 1 Routes until they are cleared. 2.2.2 Priority 2 Routes -After Priority 1 Routes are cleared, work moves to Priority 2 Routes. Work continues on Priority 2 Routes until they are cleared. 2.2.3 Local access and residential roads -After Priority 1 and Priority 2 Routes are cleared, work moves to local access and residential roads, as time allows. Local access and residential roads will not usually cleared over weekends or as overtime tasks. The Public Works Director or his designee may authorize City staff to clear these roads over weekends or using overtime at their sole discretion. 2.3 When conditions are favorable for ice forming on roadways, sand and/ or salt brine may be applied to the road surface. Initial sanding and/ or brining operations prioritize hills, curves, intersections, bridges and elevated structures on Priority 1 and Priority 2 Routes. After initial sanding and/ or brining operations are completed, crews may continue to sand following plowing priorities shown in 2.2 above. 2.4 When a typical snow or ice event occurs, it is the goal of City staff to handle Priority 1 routes within the first o -36 hours and Priority 2 routes within the 36 -72 hour time-frame. If another event occurs during the first 72 hours, crews return to the Priority 1 route(s) schedule. Section 3. EQIDPMENT 3.1 Snow and ice equipment are inspected, calibrated, and ready to mount on trucks by November 1st. Crews establish temporary sand piles in strategic locations within the City to increase operational effectiveness during winter storm events. 3.2 City trucks are not used in areas with steep hills or other hazardous conditions. 3·3 A complete list of equipment available is maintained in the City of Port Orchard Public Works Incident Response Manual. Section 4. ROAD CREWS Resolution No. 035-12 Page 3 of4 4.1 The Public Works Supervisor establishes a crew list for day and night operations prior to November 1st. During prolonged snow removal and ice control, crews work a maximum of twelve (12) continuous hours. The shop supervisor splits the crews into two shifts. Shift hours are from 12 A.M. to 12 P.M. and from 12 P.M. to 12 A.M. 4.2 The Public Works Supervisor divides the City into sections, zones, or areas as needed. 4·3 City of Port Orchard may partner with Kitsap County to provide the most effective and efficient snow and ice response in "island" areas, annexed areas and areas of shared responsibilities. Section s. DRIVEWAYS AND PRIVATE ROADS 5.1 Public Works does not remove snow or ice from driveways or private roads, including portions of driveways and private roads within City owned rights-of-way. Snow and ice is removed from emergency agency approaches and/ or driveways only. 5.2 Snow and ice control activities may obstruct driveways and private road approaches. Public Works does not assume responsibility for clearing driveway and private road approaches obstructed with materials from snow and ice operations. Section 6. SIDEWALKS 6.1 Keeping sidewalks free from snow, ice and other obstructions is the responsibility of the person or entity whose property abuts the sidewalk per Chapter 12.12.050 of the City of Port Orchard Municipal Code. City of Port Orchard Public Works does not normally maintain and/or clear sidewalks during snow and ice operations. Section 7. MAILBOXES 7.1 Mailbox owners assume the risk of damage to mailboxes installed within City maintained rights-of-way, except when the mailbox is damaged by direct contact with snow removal vehicles or plow blades. When damage is caused by direct contact, the City repairs or replaces the mailbox with a standard metal mailbox acceptable for delivery of mail by the United States Post office, placed on a wood post. 7.2 Repairs for damage caused by indirect contact remains the mailbox owner's responsibility. This includes damage caused by the force of snow plowed by snow removal equipment or from deteriorated support posts. Section 8. LANDSCAPES Resolution No. 035-12 Page 4 of4 8.1 The City of Port Orchard does not assume responsibility for damage to landscaping, irrigation systems, or plants placed within City-owned rights- of-way. Section q. DEFINITIONS 9.1 The term "cleared" indicates that snow has been removed from the travel lanes. It does not indicate bare pavement. There may be compact snow and ice on roads that are "cleared." When practical, snow is also removed from the shoulder area to provide capacity for additional snow and to provide adequate drainage areas for melting snow. Plowed snow may be placed on roadway shoulders, over roadway slopes, into roadway ditches, onto sidewalks adjacent to the road, or into roadway planting areas. Section 10. Duties 10.1 The Policy established in the provisions above shall not be construed as creating a mandatory duty. The sole purpose of this policy is to assist City staff in prioritizing.the City's response to a weather event. It is understood that the City Public Works Supervisor and/or his/her designee must maintain discretion in prioritizing the City's response to the specific conditions of a weather event. It is further understood that staffing, equipment, supplies, and other factors may interfere with the City's ability to respond to a weather event in the manner set forth above. PASS ED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 27th day of November 2012. ~~~ Timothy C. atthes, Mayor Brandy Rinearson, CMC, City Clerk 0.11:7:::J0.01C,4:110·0-·2,K80=0==4=,2·0·0 -5-,600 Feet N W+E City of Port Orchard Public Works Department 2012-2013 Snow Routes Priority - -2 -3 0 City Limits IO .. ., :j Sinclair Inlet CilyofPortOn;hatdPianmr~~~O.p;u'l,....n! 2!&Proi~C1Stl'MlPort0.chlrd,WA96366 Phone:(360)874-5S33 Fa~~;(360)876-496 w.MJ.cilyorponortl!lrd.~s Thlo mlp \Oli S Crtllt ll !rem IXI5~ng m.ep ilQUfCK, no! from n.ld ~~rvays. Whlle greltctre wu taken in ,.;ng 1M most CYtanl map ~rt .. avtitblt, nowarrenbesor ~nysort,indudln"ae<:ur.cy.litness, ormerchlntabll<lyaccom~nytnloproduct.Thew•r ofl!lismapauum .. r .. pontlbilityl<><determiningu &uiUobililyforitt.iiWladu", Thosm•plonoti &UbsUMelorliftldsurwy. Updltad10107111