02/20/2009 - Retreat - PacketCITY OF PORT ORCHARD COUNCIL RETREAT 2008 Lona Term Goals Economic revitalization Growth through annexation Establish waterfront trail 2. Promote Port Orchard / Tourism Library relocation 3. Improve neighborhood streets and sidewalks Short Term Goals Sidney / Sedgwick planning 2. Downtown parking 3. Downtown Overlay District - Wings GENERAL FUND PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT Provide efficient, effective, and customer service oriented service and professional expertise regarding land use, permitting, and long range planning for the natural and built environment of Port Orchard, supporting the goals of the community, the Mayor, and City Council. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 1. Professional policy guidance. Provide professional policy guidance to the Mayor, City Council, Planning Commission, Design Review Board and other City departments on all matters related to land use, built environment, and long range comprehensive planning within the City and its unincorporated urban growth area (UGA). 2. Community planning activities. Provide direction for community planning efforts, including the development of neighborhood and sub -area plans, economic and community development, future capital facility needs and facilitation of community participation in City planning efforts. 3. Land use permit process. Administer the City of Port Orchard's land use permit process for the review and processing of. Developments under the City Zoning Code, Title 16 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC). Shoreline management permits under the State Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58) and City Shoreline Master Program. Subdivisions and short plats per RCW 58.17 and the Port Orchard subdivision codes, Environmental policy per RCW 43C.21 and design review, pursuant to the Land Use Regulatory Code. Review and update City land use development codes and maps, as appropriate. 4. Port Orchard Design Review Board. Provide staff support and professional guidance to the Port Orchard Design Review Board pertaining to the City's design standards, overlay districts, and land use application activities. 5. Port Orchard Planning Commission. Provide staff support and professional guidance to the City of Port Orchard Planning Commission, 6. Hearing Examiner. Provide administrative services for the office of the Hearing Examiner, Prepare staff reports, public noticing, distributions, and professional representation for public hearings. 7. Urban growth area project review. Review applications and environmental assessment reports on projects within unincorporated Kitsap County lying within the City's urban growth area in order to provide comment on the impacts and recommended mitigation measures to the Kitsap County Department of Community Development. 8. Annexation guidance. Provide guidance to landowners or interest groups who desire to annex unincorporated areas into the City of Port Orchard, consistent with State law and the City's annexation policy. This includes conducting the required census of newly annexed areas and the submittal of data to the Office of Financial Management. Process annexation petitions with Kitsap County, the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council, and the Kitsap Boundary Review Board. 9. Code enforcement. Provide enforcement of the City's land -use development, environmental and nuisance codes in a fair, equitable and timely manner. Code enforcement is an integral function of land - use planning management and it requires an almost singular focus to accomplish timely and efficiently. Enforcement teamed with a positive client -service attitude can significantly improve overall compliance efforts. The department strives to enhance the City's enforcement of land -use and nuisance codes. Planning coordinates with other departments in resolving complaints. 2007 BUDGET NARRATIVE page 55 PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON GENERAL FUND PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 10. Inter -governmental relations. Act as liaison between City, county, regional, state, tribal and federal governmental organizations and agencies, representing the interests of the City of Port Orchard and its citizens. This includes continued involvement in inter jurisdictional coordination under the Growth Management Act through participation and attendance at the Growth Management Coordinating Committee meetings. DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2009 1. Updating the Shoreline Master Program. This is a requirement of the State of Washington. Port Orchard's current shoreline regulations were developed in the 1970's and need to be revised for concurrency. 2. Annual Comprehensive Plan update. Annually consider amendments to the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan to include possible revisions to the land use element map based upon City Sub -Area Planning efforts or processing privately initiated amendments. 3. Technical planning assistance on special projects. Provide technical assistance on City projects, studies or proposals. For example Parking Garage proposal, Dckalb Public Pier update and construction, Waterfront Boardwalk / Mosquito Fleet Trail construction, Blackjack Creek Trail planning, etc. 4. Public Involvement in the implementation of development regulations. Explore new methods of encouraging and educating citizen and neighborhood groups in order that they may provide constructive input in the project review stage. Maintain integrity of development regulations through fair, equitable and reasonable enforcement of City standards. Increase the efficiency and quality of front counter assistance. 5. Training opportunities for City Council, Planning Commission, Design Review Board, and community organizations. Utilize publications, media, power point, and other technology to introduce citizens, council, boards, commission, and community organizations to new and existing land -use processes and concepts. 6. Business process evaluation. Continue to implement improved efforts for efficient processing of the land use and building permit processing system and provide excellent customer service. Continue to improve overall client relationship performance respective to permit application consultation, code familiarization, permit review and inspection services. Participate in refining permit -tracking processes to provide greater oversight and implementation of central permit coordination. Improve the efficiency of front counter assistance relative to the provision of accurate responses to inquiries and the receiving and organizing of permit applications. 7. Future capital facility needs projections. The planning staff will work closely with the engineering and operation divisions to develop projections for needed capital facilities. S. Economic Development. The City Council has expressed interest in exploring ways to provide economic development opportunities within the City. Staff will be working with private citizens, regional organizations, state and federal agencies to assist and implement the goals, policies regulations and potential projects that would promote economic development as identified in the 2003 Port Orchard Economic Development Plan. 9. Grant Funding. Pursue 2009 grant funding opportunities for Shoreline Management Plan update, City parks projects, community development fiends, downtown revitalization efforts, affordable housing, medical benefit districts, transportation improvements, parking garage design, annexation, and waterfront development. 10. Land use fees. Review land use fees to determine if they are current. 2009 BUDGET NARRATIVE Page 56 PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON Planning Department 2009 Docket Preliminary Draft: Work Plan Schedule City of Port Orchard 2009 Port Orchard Planning Department Docket - Preliminary Draft Schedule JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1.0 Update of Land Use Regulatory Code & CAD Codification Planning Commission Meeting 23-Jan Planning Commission Public Meeting for testimony 26-Feb Planning Commisision Deliberation & Recommendation 16-Mar City Council Public Hearin 24-Mar City Council Deliberation and Adoption I 14-Apr 2.0 Review and Update Department Fee Structure (Inc. Park Impact Fees) Department preparation of fee proposal (Council Workstudy) 20-Jan Council Review and deliberation of City Wide Fee Updates TBD TBD Pursue Grant Funding and Legeslative funding for all parks/planning projects Ongoing 3.0 Bethel Corridor Annexation and Corridor Plan Review Process Bethel Corridor citizen sponsored annexation Ongoing TBD Coordinate Kitsap County revenue sharing interlocal agreement Ongoing TBD Conduct Public Meetings and Planning Commission Input Include collected input into Draft 2009 Bethel Cooridor Plan Update TBD Incorporate into 2009 DRAFT Comp Plan Update and Capital Facilities Plan Draft 0 Sidney / Pottery Corridor Plan Development Conduct Public Meetings and Planning Commission Input TBD Include collected input into Draft Sidney/Pottery Cooridor Plan TBD Incorporate into 2009 DRAFT Comp Plan Update and Capital Facilities Plan Draft 5.0 Capital Facilities Plan Updates (in coordiantion with Public Works) Wastewater Capital Facilites Plan (Draft ready for release Jan 09) TBD Transportation Capital Facilites Plan Incl. Trans Impact Fees TBD Incorporate SK School District Cap Fac Plan (incl. School Impact Fees) TBD Stormwater Capital Facilites Plan (in coordination w/Kitsap County SSWM) TBD City Council deliberation and Adoption as part of 2009 Comp Plan Update Draft Final 6.0 Shoreline Management Plan Update Coordinate data collection with Kitsap County Ongoing Begin Grant Fundingprocess with Department of Ecology Ongoing Begin series of coordianted stakeholder public meetings I I Ongoing to 2010 Incorporate Comments & Input into Draft 2010 Document foragency input for 2010 7.0 Port Orchard Town Center Project / Parking Garage: Phase 1 Funding Pursue Grant Funding and Le eslative funding for project Ongoing Begin Phase 1: Design and parcel acquisition analysis I Ongoing Conduct Public Meetin s and Plannin Commission Input TBD Prepare Draft Document 60-Day Public Comment Period Draft Planning Commission Public Meeting for testimony I TBD Planning Commission Deliberation and Recommendation TBD Conduct Public Hearing on Final Document TBD City Council Deliberation and Decision Final Page 1 of 1 12/26/2008 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD w _ CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 City of (360) 876-4991 • FAX (360) 876-4980 Port Orchard �,� MEMORANDUM TO: MayorCoppola & City Council FROM: JamesR. Weaver, Development Director RE: 2008 Accomplishmentsand 2009 Planning Department Goals thank you forthe opportunity to submit a brief listing of the project accomplishmentsforthe Port Orchard Planning Department in 2008 and a concise description of the goalsand prioritization of Planning Department resources anticipated for2009. 7hisisa very brief list of the top 10 projectsthat were accomplished by the Planning Department in 2008, in addition to ongoing responsibilitiesand dutiessuch asprocessing permits, land use, Planning Commission, Economic Development, and code enforcement. p 1. Prepare and manage Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan 10-Year Update p 2. Interview & hire a Hearing Examinerand implementthe hearing process p 3. Institute DRBprocessand training for Design Review Board (DRB) p 4. Streamline the Port Orchard permit processand eliminate permit backlog. p 5. Processmultiple annexations including Bethel/ Sedgwick (Fred Meyer) annexation p 6. Prepare interlocal documents& reportsin support of McCormick Woodsannexation p 7. Prepare &adopt the 2008 Port Orchard Comprehensive Parks Plan p 8. Prepare and manage Paul Powers Parks Grant Applications p 9. Prepare SKIA Multi -Jurisdictional Plan and Technical Assessment Memo p 10. Prepare and coordinate Port Orchard Town Center Revitalization funding prospectus the Planning Department goalsfor2009 included an extensive public outreach in education and assistance in permit processing aswell asa further streamlining of the land use and building permit process. lhisisa very brief list of the top 10 projectsthat are anticipated to be the focus of resourcesforthe Planning Department in 2009 in addition to the regular responsibilities. 1. Update of the Land Use Regulatory Code and CAO Codification (State mandated) 2. Review & Update the Department Fee Structure (Including Impact Fees) 3. Bethel Corridor Annexation & Review/ Update Bethel Corridor Plan 4. Prepare Sidney/Pottery Corridor Sub -Area/ Master Plan 5. Prepare &Adopt Capital Facilities Pla ns (Wastewater, Transportation, Stormwater) 6. Update Port Orchard Shoreline Management Plan (State mandated) 7. Manage and secure Port Orchard Town Center Revitalization: Phase 1 funding 8. Prepare &adopt the 2009 Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Updates 9. Process multiple Annexations including Fred Meyer& McCormick Woods (ongoing) 10. Pursue grant and funding a pplic a tions for both Planning &Public Works (ongoing) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Public Works Department CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4991 • FAX (360) 876-4980 City of - " 1 Port Orchard MEMORANDUM Date: December 30, 2008 To: Mayor Coppola & City Council Members From: Mark R. Dorsey, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Subject: 2009 Public Works Department Goals Pursuant to the Mayor's request at the December 24 Department Head Meeting, please find the following list of projects/activities that are anticipated to be the focus of resources for the Public Works Department in 2009, outside of regular day-to-day responsibilities: 1. Finalize Water System Plan/Capital Facilities Plan - PACE 2. Finalize Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Plan — BHC 3. Finalize Transportation Plan/Capital Facilities Plan — Perteet 4. Finalize Storm & Surface Water Management Plan — JWM&A 5. Establish Traffic Impact Fees — Perteet 6. Review/Update Department Fee Structure 7. Update Developer's Handbook (Water, Sewer, Roads & Storm) 8. Port Orchard Town Center Revitalization (Continued) 9. Review Current Snow/Ice Removal SOP's + Potential McCormick Woods Impacts 10. Pursue Economic Stimulus $$ for Road "Repaving" Projects 11. Continued Surface Water Management/NPDES Compliance & Mapping 12. Tremont Street Widening — 100% Design Completion & ROW Plan Approval 13. Commence Tremont Street ROW Acquisition 14. Complete Bay Street Seawall Project 15. Complete Well #4 Decommissioning 16. Complete Well #10 Pre -Design Report 17. Complete Well #8 Chlorination Upgrades 18. Continue Sewer Pipe Lining & Telemetry Upgrade Projects 19. Commence GPS Mapping Updates (Water, Sewer & Storm) 20. Complete Well #5 Production (replaces McCormick Wells #1, #2 & #3) 21. Complete McCormick SS Pump Station #2 Upgrades 22. Complete Bay Street SS Pump Station Upgrades 23. Pursue McCormick Well #413 Water Rights Transfer Back to City 24. HR Security Door & Stairwell Mirrors Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Thank You