08/11/2009 - Regular - PacketCITY OF PORT ORCHARD Mayor: Lary Coppola Administrative Official Councilmembers: Fred Chang Chair: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Committee Staff: Clerk's Office Jerry Childs Chair: Tourism Committee Staff: Clerk's Office John Clauson Chair: Finance Committee Staff: City Treasurer Utilities Committee r Jim Colebank Tourism Committee Public Property Committee Fred Olin Utilities Committee Public Property Committee Carolyn Powers Chair: Public Property Committee Staff: Planning Department Finance Rob Putaansuu Chair: Utilities Committee Staff: Public Works Department Finance Department Director: Patti Kirkpatrick Administrative Services City Clerk Kris Tompkins City Treasurer Debbie Hunt Court Administrator James Weaver Development Director Al Townsend Police Chief Mark Dorsey Public Works/Engineering Director Contact us: 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 (36o)876-4407 City Council Meeting Agenda August 11, 2009 7:00 P.m. �. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS Please limit your comments to 3 minutes for items not up for Public Hearing. When recognized by the Mayor, please state your name and address for the official record (please complete the sign -in sheet located in the hallway). 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items listed below, which have been distributed to each Councilmember for reading and study. Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless a Councilmember so requests. In the event of such a request, the item is returned to Business Items.) A. Approval of Claim Warrants and Payroll B. Approval of the July 21, 2009, Work Study Session Meeting Minutes C. Approval of the July 28, 2009, Council Meeting Minutes D. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. oi9-o9, Adding a New Chapter 15.30 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (Dorsey) E. Adoption of Resolution No. o8o-o9, Correcting Scrivener's Error in Resolution No. o67-o9, Regarding Duplicate Numbers and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Local Agency Agreement Supplements for Bay Street Seawall and Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalks (Kirkpatrick) 5. PRESENTATION 6. PUBLIC HEARING A. First Reading and Public Hearing: Regarding the Proposed 2009 Water/Sewer Rate Increase (Dorsey) 7. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Adoption of Resolution No. o81-o9, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Local Agency Agreement Supplement for Tremont Street Widening (Dorsey) B. Adoption of Resolution No. o82-09, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Amendment No. 1 for Real Property Acquisition Agreement for Aid, GCA4265 (Dorsey) C. Approval of Public Event Application: Port Visit of S/V Lady Washington -Tall Ships (Kirkpatrick) Please turn off cell phones during meeting and hold your questions for staff until the meeting has been adjourned The Council may consider other ordinances and matters not listed on the Agenda, unless specific notification period is required Meeting materials are available on the City's website: www.dt3mofportorchard.us or by contacting the City Clerk's Office, 36o.876.4407 Meetings are broadcast on BKAT — visit: www.bkat.org for broadcast dates and times August u, 2009, Meeting Agenda Page 1 of 2 8. REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES 9. REPORT OF MAYOR 1o. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS 11. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Please limit your comments to g minutes for items not up for Public Hearing. When recognized by the Mayor, please state your name and address for the official record. It is asked that you do not speak on the same matter twice.) 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to RCW 42.30.11o, the City Council may hold an executive session. The topic(s) and the session duration will be announced prior to the executive session. 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Finance Committee Tourism Committee Utilities Committee Sewer Advisory Committee (SAC) Public Property Committee Work Study Session Date & Time Location August 7, 2009 Myhre's 7:30 a.m. August 12, 2009 City Hall 5:30 p.m. September 18, 2009 Myhre's 7:30 a.m. August 19, 2009 S.K.W.R.F 6:30 p.m. August 13, 2009 City Hall 3:00 p.m. August 18, 2009 City Hall 7:00 p.m. Please turn off cell phones during meeting and hold your questions for staff until the meeting has been adjourned The Council may consider other ordinances and matters not listed on the Agenda, unless specific notification period is required Meeting materials are available on the City's website at: www.cityofportorchard.us or by contacting the City Clerk's office, 36o.876.4407 Meetings are broadcast on BKAT — visit www.bkat.org for broadcast dates and times August u, 2009, Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of July 21, 2009 1. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers Carolyn Powers, Mayor Pro-Tem, Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Rob Putaansuu was present. Police Chief Townsend, City Treasurer Tompkins, City Treasurer Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, Assistant City Engineer Archer, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. 2. Presentation: 2009 Water System Plan Susan Boyd of Pace Engineers provided a brief presentation regarding the 2009 Water System Plan as follows: • State determination that McCormick Woods and the main City's system could not be treated as one system until they are connected; • Reconfirm water demands and sources; • Project goals consistent with planning for orderly development, provide tools for day to day use, and to comply with state and local requirements be updated; • Identify retail service area and demographic; • Develop realistic water demand projections; • Identify future system needs; • Develop a detailed Capital Facilities Plan; • Project analysis to establish the minimum criteria and define the storage capacity and pump station capacity; and • Recommendation to update older wells, increase water rights, establish a new well, and to replace wells 1, 2, and 3 in McCormick Woods. 3. Discussion: Surplus of Real Property City Attorney Jacoby provided an overview of the requirements for declaring City property surplus, noting there are very few regulations regarding this matter and that it is up to the Council to determine the process so long as the property sells for fair market value. After a brief discussion, the Council deferred the matter to the Public Property Committee to develop a process and criteria for a public/private partnership sale. 4. Update: Annexations Development Director Weaver reported that McCormick Woods is now officially a part of the City and as such, the Office of Finance Management's requires a population census be conducted of the newly annexed area. The Council directed staff to place this item on the July 28, 2009, Council meeting consent agenda to approve a contract with Calm River to complete the population census. 5. Update: Tremont Widening Public Works Director Dorsey reported that Berger Abam will be doing an additional survey on the storm drainage; working to update NEPA; and asking the City specific design questions with the hopes of finishing the right-of-way acquisitions by 2010 for the Tremont Widening Project. July 21, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 3 6. Discussion: Proclamation: 2010 Census Partner City Clerk Kirkpatrick reported that the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council was requesting the City of Port Orchard issue a proclamation in support of the 2010 Census. The Council voiced its support and directed a proclamation be brought forward at the next regular Council meeting. 7. Department of Emergency Management Location Police Chief Townsend explained that the current emergency management equipment was located in the Municipal Courtroom and stated it would be better if it could be relocated to the Council Chambers. After a brief discussion, the Council concurred and directed staff to begin moving the emergency management equipment to the Council Chambers. 8. West Sound Utility District Interlocal Agreement Regarding Boundary Adjustment Public Works Dorsey advised West Sound Utility District has proposed a change in the service boundary due to the inconsistency of water lines; their lines are larger than the City's lines. The Council directed staff to place this item on the July 28, 2009, Council meeting consent agenda. 9. Discussion: Adding a new Chapter 15.30 Port Orchard Municipal Code Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Assistant City Engineer Archer provided a draft ordinance that will meet the minimum requirements for the State mandated program for illicit discharge detection and elimination, which she explained would need to be adopted no later than August 15, 2009. The Council directed staff to place this item on the July 28, 2009, meeting for first reading with adoption at its August 11, 2009, Council meeting. io. Storm Utility Fee Ordinance Revision to Allow for Credit Public Works Director Dorsey reported that residents were upset with the storm utility fees being based on 85% impervious surface. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to create an ordinance providing for a credit to residents who have completed the rate variance request form prior to December 31, 2oo9, and to allow City staff to apply a retroactive credit to January 1, 2009. ii. Mayor's Salary The Council deferred this matter back to the Finance Committee for further review and consideration. 12. Chain Parking in Downtown City Clerk Kirkpatrick provided an email from Sugar Daddy's regarding chain parking. After a brief discussion, the Council directed the Police Chief to provide a draft ordinance outlining the proposed changes to the Port Orchard Municipal Code. July 21, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 3 13. West Bay Developers Agreement City Attorney Jacoby reported on the West Bay Developer's Agreement regarding accessing an easement to build a pedestrian board walk. The attorneys have agreed upon the language of the contract and only one issue remains regarding the City's intent to maintain the seawall. Once that issue is resolved, the City Attorney will bring the agreement forward for approval by the Council. 14. Community Council - McCormick Woods Councilmember Clauson proposed the formation of a Community Council in McCormick Woods and to use this guideline for other neighborhoods looking to partner with the City to work on various issues affecting their respective neighborhoods. The Council directed staff to: 1) schedule a work study session to be held at McCormick Woods to discuss formation of a Community Council; and 2) to work through any issues regarding the creation of a Community Council with Kitsap County. 15.Other Discussion Items In response to Councilmember Olin, City Clerk Kirkpatrick explained that the Clerk's office is responsible for ensuring taxicab licenses are up to date and that the Police Department ensures compliance. Mayor Coppola sought clarification from the Council as to whether or not the Public Property and Utilities Committees could be combined into one. The Council determined that these should remain two separate committees. 16. Next Work Study Session- Tuesday, August 18, 2oog At 9:30 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. Patricia J. Kirkpatrick, CMC, City Clerk Lary Coppola, Mayor City of Port Orchard nor T71,,on , :H � „RA., .,- Council Meeting Minutes -� �fi�'� Regular Meeting of July 28, 2009 i. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Lary Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers Mayor Pro- Tem Carolyn Powers, Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Rob Putaansuu were present and constituted a quorum. Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, Development Director James Weaver, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Brandy Rinearson, and Assistant City Attorney Jennifer Forbes were also present. A. Pledge of Allegiance James Kelsey led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CITIZENS COMMENT Evelyn Hetrick voiced concern with no residential parking for residents living above businesses on Bay Street. City Clerk Kirkpatrick requested Ms. Hetrick provide her with contact information and that either the Chief of Police or the Mayor would call and discuss the matter with her. Ron Rice provided four handouts to the Council and explained his concerns with the rate increase for storm water, noting that the original letter did not clearly explain that the first three months of the billing cycle were to be paid at the 85% of impervious surface. He did not feel that residents who did complete the necessary documentation calculating their impervious surface should have to pay any penalties and interest and urged the Council to waive the interest and penalties. Heather Cole provided a brief update on the Paint the Town event, noting they anticipate 300-500 volunteers over the weekend; Bay Street has been broken up into four quadrants; all participating building owners have chosen their paint colors; volunteers can still sign up at www.portorchardpaintthetown.com; and she thanked the Council for their continued support. Mayor Coppola and Councilmembers thanked Heather and the Paint the Town organizers for their hard work and efforts. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following items were added to Business Items: • Discussion: Advisory Vote for November Election • Discussion: Bay Street Parking • Discussion: Address a comment in the Finance Committee minutes The following item was moved from Consent to Business Items: Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 2 of 12 Adoption of Resolution No. 074-09, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract with the City of Forks for Jail Services Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to approve the Agenda as amended. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 4. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Claim Warrants #52004 through #52o64 in the amount of $72,354.95 B. Approval of the July 14, 2009, Council Meeting Minutes C. Setting Meeting for Work Study Session to August 18, 2oo9, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall D. Adoption of Resolution No. 073-09, Correcting Scrivener's Error in Resolution No. o68-o9, Regarding Duplicate Numbers and Authorizing the City Treasurer to Make an Inter -Fund Loan Transfer £L074 , F. Adoption of Resolution No. 075-o9, Authorizing Modification of the Water Retail Service Area G. Adoption of Resolution No. 076-o9, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract with Calm River Demographics Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion approving the Consent Agenda as amended. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 5. PRESENTATION A. Proclamation: 2010 Census The Kitsap Coordinating Regional Council requested the proclamation. It was read into the record by Councilmember Childs. It acknowledges the City of Port Orchard's participation in the 2010 Census. B. Presentation: Donation of Art Sculpture — James Kelsey James Kelsey, a local sculptor presented his idea of bringing art to the community that would be privately funded and once the funding goal is reached he would build the sculpture, and then donate it to the City. He anticipates the sculpture to be 15 feet tall and that it will take six months to a year to sculpt. Councilmembers voiced the following concerns: Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 3 of 12 • If funding goal not reached, what would happen with the funds? Mr. Kelsey assured the Council that if the goal was not reached all funding would be returned to the contributor. • How will he accommodate those contributors that do not utilize the internet? Mr. Kelsey explained that he would accept checks as well as on-line payment, however, all money will be returned if the goal is not reached. • Has he looked into grants from associations such as the Washington State Arts Association? Mr. Kelsey advised he has looked into that particular association, and would continue to seek out grants, but noted they were very limited and very competitive. Mr. Kelsey advised that the website would be up and running on Saturday, August 15, 2009, and donations would be accepted until September 15, 2009. He was encouraged to make his presentation to local service area clubs. C. Update: Branding Committee — Coreen Haydock-Johnson, Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce Bek Ashby, Shop SK First Chair, provided a brief update of the program, noting over 85 businesses have signed up. The Committee is creating display pieces for local area merchants to help prompt buyers to use their reward cards. Coreen Haydock-Johnson, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce, provided a brief update on the following three areas: • Legislative Committee. The Committee was created to strengthen the Chamber's relationships with state and local elected officials, and she noted that a round table discussion is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 8:oo a.m. at Bayview Java and Deli. Further, the Committee is seeking input from local businesses to help formulate legislative action on issues affecting our local area. • Tourism. Ms. Johnson provided a visitor's map and a walking map to the Council and explained the different types of ads the Chamber does each year to help bring tourism to Port Orchard, such as Sunset Magazine, from which they get their readership response by the number of mailings they do of local information. • Branding Committee. Ms. Johnson provided a brief history of the Committee, noting it was formed in September of 2oo8, and during that time the Committee came to the conclusion that Port Orchard is not a tourism destination and moved their focus as a great place to live, work, and open a business. Out of this process, the tagline, Come Visit, We have saved a place for you! was found and a positioning statement was created as well. Ms. Johnson provided a copy of the positioning statement as well as samples of how the logo could be incorporated for different types of businesses, such as Come Play, Come Shop, Come Dine, etc. Ms. Johnson wrapped up with inviting the Council to comment on the Brand's positioning statement, logo, and tagline. Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 4 of 12 6. PUBLIC HEARING There were no Public Hearings. 7. BUSINESS ITEMS A. First Reading of Ordinance No. oi9-o9, Amending Port Orchard Municipal Code by Adding a New Chapter 15.30 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Assistant City Engineer Archer presented the staff report, noting in January of 2007, the Washington State Department of Ecology issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II municipal storm water permit to the City of Port Orchard under its delegated authority to implement requirements of the federal Clean Water Act. The NPDES storm water permit pertains to municipal storm sewer systems that discharge surface waters (such as streams, lakes, and bays) and which are not part of a combined storm and sanitary sewer system. The permit also mandates that specific prohibition requirements and escalating enforcement provisions are to be included in the ordinance. Sections 15.30.07o and 15.30.14o(B) of the proposed code chapter address these requirements. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Powers seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. oi9-o9, amending the Port Orchard Municipal Code by adding Chapter 15.30 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination and move to second reading and adoption at the August 11, 2009, City Council Meeting. Upon vote, the motion passed with six affirmative votes and one dissenting vote. Councilmember Colebank cast the dissenting vote. B. Adoption of Ordinance No. 020-09, Establishing a Temporary Credit for Storm Drainage Service Charges for Commercial and Multifamily Accounts Public Works Director Dorsey presented the staff report, noting on November 25, 2oo8, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 037-o8, thereby establishing billing rates for the City's storm drainage utility (POMC 13.o6) to be effective January 1, 2009. For commercial and multifamily accounts the initial billing rate presumed that 85 % of the property was impervious surface but recognized that the service charge would be adjusted upon the City's determination of the actual percentage of impervious surface. In February 2009, in response to public comments, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 005-o9, allowing property owners to submit proof that their actual percentage of impervious surface was less than 85%. However, neither ordinance provided for a credit against prior charges in the event the actual percentage was less than 85%. Several property owners have since demonstrated to the staff s satisfaction that their actual percentage of impervious surface is less than 85%. As a result, their service charges have been adjusted prospectively but the Minutes of July 28, 2009 Pages of 12 property owners have requested a retroactive credit. This matter was discussed at the City Council's July 21, 2009, Work Study Session and the consensus was for staff to prepare for Council's consideration an ordinance that would provide a temporary credit retroactive to January 1, 2009. Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 020-09, establishing a temporary credit for storm drainage service charges for commercial and multifamily accounts. Councilmember Clauson voiced support of the temporary credit, noting it should be an incentive for property owners to complete the form prior to the end of the year. Public Works Director Dorsey explained that staff was purchasing a GPS unit, which they will begin using in the fall and that the storm water enterprise fund is showing a $26,000 deficit. Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Powers seconded the motion to amend Ordinance No. 020-09, to add language to eliminate penalties and fees for those property owners that have submitted their adjustments relating to storm water. Councilmembers held a brief discussion on the benefits of including a credit on interest and penalties; however, they indicated that staff could bring back an amendment in the future, if needed. Councilmember Olin, with the concurrence of the second Councilmember Powers, WITHDREW his motion. Upon vote, the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 020-09, passed unanimously. C. Adoption of Resolution No. 077-09, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract with Charon Drilling, Inc. for Well No. ii at McCormick Woods Public Works Director Dorsey presented the staff report, noting as a requirement of the Well No. 11 Rights (located at Mitchell Point), the Department of Ecology (DOE) required the reconstruction of existing Well Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4B located within the McCormick Well Field into the deeper, below sea level aquifer. Well No. 4B has already been completed. On June 29, 2009, the Notice to Bidders was published in the Port Orchard Independent for submittal of written proposals and quotations for the Well No. 11 Cable -Tool Drilling project (formerly Well No. 5) to replace existing Well Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 6 Of 12 On July 21, 2009, on or before 1:oo p.m. the City Clerk received a total of three (3) written proposals and quotations, with the lowest qualified bid being from Charon Drilling, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $272,314.50. The Engineers estimate for this project is $273,360. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Clauson seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 077-09, authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Charon Drilling, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $272,314.50 for the Well No. ii Cable -Tool Drilling Project (PW2oo9-oi) at McCormick Woods. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. D. Adoption of Resolution No. 078-09, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Memorandum of Understanding between City of Port Orchard, City of Bremerton, and the Port of Bremerton for Foot Ferry Services City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting based upon prior Council action authorizing use of Hotel/Motel Tax Funding to help offset the City's costs to ensure extended hours of operation for foot ferry service on five Sundays where festivals/event occur, staff negotiated a partnership and subsequent agreement with the City of Bremerton and the Port of Bremerton. The Memorandum of Understanding outlines the terms and conditions as to the responsible parties for payment of the foot ferry services and number of operating hours on an hourly rate of $146.25 per event day. Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 078-09, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Port Orchard, the City of Bremerton, and the Port of Bremerton. Councilmember Clauson stated that he is an employee of Kitsap Transit; however, he has no involvement with Kitsap Harbor Tours and inquired if anyone in the audience perceived a conflict with his voting on this matter. There were no objections. Upon vote, the motion to Adopt Resolution No. 078-09, passed unanimously. E. Adoption of Resolution No. 079-09, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract with the City's Finance Committee Chair Regarding Foot Ferry Festival Funding Reimbursement from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting at its June 23, 2009, meeting the Council approved a recommendation from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to use up to $1,90o in Hotel/Motel Tax Funds to pay for its portion of extended hours of operation for the foot ferry during festivals that occur on Sundays. Agreements with the City of Bremerton, the Port of Bremerton and Kitsap Harbor Tours have previously been approved by the Council. This is the final agreement regarding the foot ferry funding. The City Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 7 of 12 Attorney recommended that the Finance Committee Chair sign the Civic Festival Agreement as it would be a bit redundant to have the Mayor sign for the City twice. At its July 15, 2009, meeting the Finance Committee agreed with the City Attorney's recommendation. Councilmember Colebank MOVED and Councilmember Olin seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 079-09, authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with the City's Finance Committee Chair regarding foot ferry festival funding reimbursement from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund in an amount not to exceed $i,9oo. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. F. Confirmation of Mayoral Appointments to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting each year, the City Council is asked to approve the Mayor's recommendation for the appointments to the Lodging Tax Advisory Board (pursuant to Resolution No. 1780). RCW 67.28.1817 requires at least two members of the advisory committee be from establishments that collect Lodging Tax, with the remaining members being from organizations that are "involved in activities authorized to be funded" by the hotel/motel tax fund. Councilmember Chang is the current chair of this committee. The Mayor recommends appointment of members from Comfort Inn, Days Inn, and Hidden Treasures Bed and Breakfast as well as members from the following organizations: Kitsap Visitor and Convention Bureau, Fathoms O'Fun, Port of Bremerton, and Port Orchard Bay Street Association. Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to approve the Mayor's appointment of representatives from Comfort Inn, Days Inn, and Hidden Treasures Bed and Breakfast as well as members from the following organizations: Kitsap Visitor and Convention Bureau, Fathoms O'Fun, Port of Bremerton, and Port Orchard Bay Street Association. Councilmember Chang inquired if more members can be appointed to the Committee. After a review of RCW 67.28.1817, Assistant City Attorney Forbes clarified that there is a minimum of two hoteliers and two representatives from the recipients and that if the Council wants to increase the Committee that it would have to remain equal numbers from the hoteliers and recipients. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Olin seconded the motion to amend by removing the Kitsap Visitor and Convention Bureau from serving on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Upon vote, the motion to amend passed unanimously. Upon vote the main motion as amended passed unanimously. Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 8 of 12 G. Approval of Public Event Application: Mopar Alley Lounge Kickoff City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting Don Hoem submitted an application for Public Event, Mopar Alley Lounge Kickoff to be held on Saturday, August 8, 2009, in the Hi -Joy Bowl Parking lot. Race cars will be lined up for viewing in the parking lot and at approximately 7:00 p.m. the race cars will start and run their engines for about one (1) minute and then shut down. The City departments, as well as the Fire Department, have received the application and have attached their recommendations and/or comments for Council review. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Clauson seconded the motion to approve the Public Event application for the Mopar Alley Lounge Kicko,ffto be held on Saturday, August 8, 2009. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. H. Approval of Public Event Application: Concerts on the Bay City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting Al Mahaney submitted an application for a Public Event, Concerts on the Bay to be held on Thursdays of each month beginning July 8, 2009, at the Waterfront Marina and Gazebo Area. This event begins at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 8:30 p.m. The event has been occurring every summer for the last ten years. In 2oo8, Kitsap County announced it would no longer put on the Concert Series. A group of concerned citizens met in late December of 2oo8 and began the process of putting together a lo-concert series for the summer of 2009. One item that slipped by everyone is the approval of the public event application. So far there have been five successful concerts with over 500 people in attendance at each event. There are five concerts remaining as follows: July 3o, August 6, August 13, August 2o, and August 27. The City departments, as well as the Fire Department, have received the application and have attached their recommendations and/or comments for Council review. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Olin seconded the motion to approve the Public Event application for the Concerts on the Bay series, to be held on Thursday evenings through August 27, 2009 from 6:30 P.m. to 8:30 p.m., and to allow A -Board signs to be placed at the following locations: Top of Port Orchard Boulevard; at intersection of Port Orchard Boulevard and Bay Street; Harrison and Bay Street; and the Bethel Roundabout. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. I. Approval of Public Event Application: Art Walk City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting Darryl Baldwin, President of the Port Orchard Bay Street Association, submitted an application for public event, Art Walk to be held on the third Friday of each month. The first Art Walk began June 19, 2009, and the Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 9 of 12 next one will be held August 21, 2009. City departments, and the Fire Department, have received the application and have attached their recommendations and/or comment for Council review. Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to approve the Public Event application for the Art Walk to be held on the third Friday of each month. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. J. Discussion: Advisory Vote to be Placed on the November General Election Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded a motion to direct staff to prepare an advisory vote of the citizens of the City of Port Orchard regarding the Mayor being a full-time position with a full-time salary. Councilmember Olin voiced his support, noting that while he supports the work the current Mayor is doing, he would like to hear from the community regarding the Mayor's full-time salary, which would also allow future candidates to know exactly what the salary will be prior to running for office. Councilmembers Clauson, Putaansuu, Childs, Colebank, and Powers voiced their objections, noting the following: • Each Councilmember was elected to make decisions on behalf of the entire community • An advisory vote would not affect the Mayor's salary and would be confusing to the voters • The Council sets all other employee salaries and should make the decision regarding the Mayor's salary Councilmember Chang inquired if the Council was interested in holding a special election to move from a Council/Mayor to Council/Manager form of government, which would require a vote of the people. The roll call vote was Councilmembers Chang and Olin in favor. Councilmembers Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Powers, and Putaansuu opposed. The motion FAILED. K. Adoption of Resolution No. 074-09, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract with the City of Forks for Jail Services City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting this is a new contract between the City and the City of Forks. Currently, Kitsap County Jail (KCJ) is $8o per day and the Forks Jail is $6o per day. Only those serving longer commitments will be sent to Forks due to the transportation needs to get the prisoner to the Forks Jail. Transportation to the Forks Jail Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 10 of 12 will be arranged in concert with other agencies meeting to go to Forks and will occur only once per week. The transports will be handled by our court security office at a time outside of normal court hours. Those prisoners committed to the Forks Jail may have to spend a few days in the Kitsap County Jail awaiting their transport day. Like the Kitsap County Jail, all medical expenses are the responsibility of the City. Transport home for the prisoners at the completion of their sentence is via a bus taken from Forks and is provided as part of the fee paid to the City of Forks. This is not a replacement for the Kitsap County Jail; rather KCJ will be used for short-term commitments and for arrests in the field or when the prisoner is in jail due to charges/sentences of multiple jurisdictions. Councilmember Chang MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 074-09, authorizing the Mayor to execute contract with the City of Forks for Jail Services. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. L. Discussion: Two (2) Hour Parking on Bay Street Councilmember Chang explained that he brought this up for discussion in response to a request received from the owner of Recognition Plus. The request was to turn the parking along Bay Street by their business to 2-hours as currently there is no restriction. The Council directed that this item be discussed at the next Public Property Committee meeting. M. Discussion: Addressing a Comment in the Finance Committee Meeting Minutes Councilmember Chang wondered what was meant by the statement, "Departments are trying to implement budget reductions as requested but the Council approves items not in the budget which counteracts the savings." Councilmember Clauson explained that staff has been asked to reduce spending; however, the Council has approved non -budgeted items such as the snow plow, additional septic pumping, and repairs to the HVAC at City Hall. No further action was taken. 8. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizen comments. COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilmember Clauson noted that the next Finance Committee meeting will be held on August 7, 2009, at Myhre's; and reported that he attended the first meeting regarding revenue sharing with the Mayor and Councilmember Powers, noting there was good discussion on all of the issues. Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 11 of 12 Councilmember Childs reported the Flag Pole/Triangle project will be completed on Saturday, August 1, 20o9, and was recruiting volunteers. Councilmember Powers announced the Public Property Committee will be meeting on Thursday, August 13th at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall, and she advised that the City of Port Orchard would receive its funding for right-of-way acquisitions for the Tremont Widening Project. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Coppola reported on the following activities: • Receipt of $234,000 Federal COPS grant to fund one police officer, including all equipment, for three-year period. • Attended the revenue sharing meeting • Attended the McCormick Woods ribbon cutting and reception • Presented the Mayor's Award during the Mustangs on the Water front event • Met with Brian Sauer, Port of Bremerton regarding parking on water front, which he requested be discussed at the Public Property Committee meeting • Met with Mr. James Kelsey regarding his art project • Met with the Paint the Town committee and downtown merchants regarding the upcoming event • Met with Jim Kendall regarding Fiber optic cable for the whole City • Attended the Housing Authority budget review committee, noting the budget has been adopted though there will be amendments • Hosted a group of Chinese exchange students • Met with Mike Straub, incoming Chamber President • Attended the Gig Harbor Chamber Meeting to promote Port Orchard for economic development • Reported that it looked like a grocery store would be coming to downtown REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS Public Works Director Dorsey reported that the Paint the Town event coordinators were requesting street closures for delivery of dumpsters which will be placed in the parking stalls on Bay Street. Delivery is expected to be on Friday afternoon; however, staff has contacted Waste Management to work out an arrangement for Saturday delivery with pickup occurring before 6:3o a.m. on Monday, August 3rd. At this time, Waste Management is looking into this accommodation, but in the event they are unable to work around the schedule, staff requested direction from the Council regarding delivery of the dumpsters. Minutes of July 28, 2009 Page 12 of 12 Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion to allow the City Engineer, if necessary, to close parking along Bay Street on Friday, July 31, 2009, to allow for delivery of dumpsters in anticipation of the Paint the Town event being held that weekend. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Staff will work with Waste Management and the event coordinators to ensure all Bay Street merchants are aware of the delivery date, time, and location of the ten dumpsters. Development Director Weaver advised that staff was processing the documents for McCormick Woods received from Kitsap County in order to ensure no delays in permit processing; staff is working with Quadrant regarding the creation of an electronic permit process; and staff is working on three block grant applications for downtown improvement and revitalization. ADJOURNMENT At 9:40 p.m. Mayor Coppola adjourned the meeting. Patricia J. Kirkpatrick, CMC, City Clerk Lary Coppola, Mayor Introduced by: Asst City Engineer Requested by: Asst City Engineer Drafted by: Asst City Engineer Reviewed by: City Attorney First Reading: July 28, 2009 Second Reading: August 11, 2009 Adopted: ORDINANCE NO. oi9-o9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE PROTECTION AND ENHANCEMENT OF THE WATER QUALITY OF WATERCOURSES AND WATER BODIES THROUGH THE REGULATION OF NON -STORM WATER DISCHARGES TO THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY'S NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT; AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 15.30 "ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION" TO THE PORT ORCHARD MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard desires to reduce the public health and economic impacts of illicit discharges to the City's stormwater system and receiving waters, which includes creeks, streams, and Sinclair Inlet; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard desires to reduce the impact of pollutants on the wildlife and aquatic life associated with the receiving waters; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard is subject to the requirements of the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology which requires the City to adopt regulations to prohibit certain discharges into the City's stormwater system and encourages additional provisions to protect all surface and groundwater within the City; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section i. Title 15 of Port Orchard Municipal Code is hereby amended by addition of a new Chapter 15.30 "ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION" with sections as follows herein: 15.30 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION Section 15.30.010 Purpose Section 15.30.02o Definitions Section 15.30.03o Applicability Section 15.30.04o Administration Section 15.30.050 Compliance required Section 15.30.o6o Minimum standards Section 15.30.07o Discharge prohibitions Ordinance No.oig-og Page 2 of 21 Section 15.30.o8o Suspension of MS4 access Section 15.30.090 Industrial or construction activity discharges Section 15.30.1oo Requirement to prevent, control, and reduce stormwater pollutants by the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) Section 15.30.110 Watercourse protection Section 15.30.12o Notification of illicit discharges Section 15.30.130 Inspection and investigation Section 15.30.14o Enforcement and penalties Section 15.30.15o Appeals Section 15.30.16o Records retention Section 15.30.170 Construction -Intent SECTION 2. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide for the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Port Orchard and to protect and enhance the water quality of watercourses and water bodies through the regulation of non -storm water discharges to the storm drain system to the maximum extent practicable as required by federal and state law. This Chapter is established in compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act (Title 33 United States Code §1251 et seq.) and the requirements of the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The objectives of this Chapter are: A. To regulate the contribution of pollutants to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) by stormwater discharges by any user; B. To prohibit illicit connections and discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system; C. To establish legal authority to carry out all inspection, surveillance and monitoring procedures necessary to ensure compliance with this Chapter; and D. To establish enforcement processes and penalties for violations of this Chapter. SECTION 3. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.02o Definitions. The terminology in this Chapter shall have the meanings described as follows: 1. "AKART" means all known available and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment. 2. "Best Management Practices (BMPs)" means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, general good housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices Ordinance No.oig-og Page 3 of 21 to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants directly or indirectly to stormwater, receiving waters, or stormwater conveyance systems. BMPs also include treatment practices, operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or water disposal, or drainage from raw materials storage. 3. "City" means Port Orchard, Washington, or as indicated by the context, the Public Works Director, or other authorized representative of the governmental authority of the City of Port Orchard. 4. "Director' means the Public Works Director or designee(s). 5. "Discharge" means to throw, drain, release, dump, spill, empty, emit, or pour forth any matter or to cause or allow matter to flow, run, or seep from land or to be thrown, drained, released, dumped, spilled, emptied, emitted, or poured into water. 6. "Ground water" means water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the surface of the land or below a surface water body. 7. "Hazardous materials" means any material, including any substance, waste, or combination thereof, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause, or significantly contribute to, a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, safety, property, or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. 8. "Illicit connection" means (1) any drain or conveyance, whether on the surface or subsurface, which allows an illicit discharge to enter the storm drain system including, but not limited to, any conveyances which allow any non -storm water discharge including sewage, process wastewater, and wash water to enter the storm drain system and any connections to the storm drain system from indoor drains and sinks, regardless of whether said drain or connection had been previously allowed, permitted, or approved by the City; or (2) any drain or conveyance connected from a residential, commercial or industrial land use to the storm drain system which has not been documented in plans, maps, or equivalent records and approved by the City. 9. "Illicit discharge" means any direct or indirect non -storm water discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer or to surface or ground water that is not composed entirely of storm water, except discharges pursuant to an NPDES permit (other than the NPDES permit for discharges from the municipal separate storm sewer), discharges resulting from fire fighting activities, and those discharges expressly allowed conditionally by this Chapter. 1o. "Industrial waste" means any liquid, gaseous or solid substance or a combination thereof which is an undesired by-product waste resulting from any process of industry, manufacturing, trade or business or from the development or recovery of any natural resources, except garbage. Ordinance No.o19-og Page 4 of 21 11. "Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4)" means a conveyance or system of conveyances which is intended to convey only storm water (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains) and which are: (1) owned or operated by the City of Port Orchard; (2) designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater; (3) are not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (any device or system used in treatment of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature which is publicly owned); and (4) are not a combined sewer (a system that collects sanitary sewage and stormwater in a single sewer system). 12. "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit" means a permit issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or by the Washington State Department of Ecology that authorizes the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States, whether the permit is applicable to an individual, group, or general area -wide basis. 13. "Non-stormwater discharge" means any discharge to the storm drain system that is not composed entirely of storm water. 14. "Owner" or "Person" includes any individual, association, organization, partnership, firm, corporation, business, leasee, or other entity recognized by law; acting as either the owner or as the owner's agent, and/or having responsibility, charge, and/or control over any property that is subject to the provisions of this Chapter. 15. "Pollutant" means anything which causes or contributes to pollution. Pollutants may include, but are not limited to: paints, varnishes, and solvents; oil and other automotive fluids; non -hazardous liquid and solid wastes and yard wastes; refuse, rubbish, garbage, litter, or other discarded or abandoned objects, ordinances, and accumulations, so that same may cause or contribute to pollution; floatables; pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers; hazardous substances and wastes; sewage, fecal coliform and pathogens; dissolved and particulate metals; animal wastes; wastes and residues that result from constructing a building or structure; and noxious or offensive matter of any kind. 16. "Pollution" means such contamination, or other alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological properties, of any waters of the City, State, or United States, including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, or odor of the waters, or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive, or other substance into any waters as will or is likely to create a nuisance or render such waters harmful, detrimental, or injurious to the public health, safety, or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate beneficial uses, or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish, or other aquatic life. 17. "Premises" means any building, lot, parcel of land, or portion of land whether improved or unimproved. 18. "Sanitary sewer" means a conveyance system which transports sewage and to which storm, surface and ground waters are not intentionally admitted. Ordinance No.oig-og Page 5 of 21 19. "Sewage" means a combination of the water -carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions, and industrial establishments, together with such ground, surface and storm water as may be inadvertently present. The admixture of sewage with industrial wastes as defined above or other wastes also shall be considered "Sewage" within the meaning of this definition. 20. "Stop Work Order" immediate order posed at site halting all operations except those required to correct improper activities. 21. "Storm drainage system or storm drain system" means any publicly -owned facility, including the City's municipal separate storm sewer system, by which storm water is collected and/or conveyed, including but not limited to any roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, gutters, curbs, inlets, piped storm drains, pumping facilities, retention and detention basins, natural and human - made or altered drainage channels, reservoirs, and other drainage structures. 22. "Storm water" or "stormwater" means any surface flow, runoff, and drainage consisting entirely of uncontaminated water from any form of natural precipitation, including snowmelt, during and following precipitation, and resulting from such precipitation that meets the non -pollutant requirements. 23. "Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan" or "SWPPP" means a document which describes the Best Management Practices and activities to be implemented by a person to identify sources of pollution or contamination at a premises and the actions to eliminate or reduce pollutant discharges to stormwater, stormwater conveyance systems, and/or receiving waters to the maximum extent practicable. 24. "Wastewater" means any water or other liquid, other than uncontaminated storm water, discharged from a facility. 25. "Watercourse" means a depression formed by runoff moving over the surface of the earth; any natural or artificial channel through which water flows; a lake, river, creek, stream, wash, arroyo, channel or other topographic feature on or over which waters flow at least periodically. 26. "Waters of the State" means lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, underground waters, salt waters and all other surface waters and watercourses within the jurisdiction of the State of Washington as defined in RCW 90.48. SECTION 4. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.03o Applicability. This Chapter shall apply to all water entering the stormwater drainage system and waters of the state within the City's jurisdiction. SECTION ,. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: Ordinance No.oi9-o9 Page 6 of 21 15.30.04o Administration. The Public Works Director or designee shall administer, implement, and enforce the provisions of this Chapter. The Director shall have the authority to develop and implement procedures to administer and enforce this Chapter. SECTION 6. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.050 Compliance required. Property owners are responsible for the maintenance, operation and repair of stormwater systems and BMPs within their property. Property owners shall maintain, operate and repair these facilities in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter and the City's adopted codes and manuals. SECTION 7. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.o6o Minimum Standards. The standards set forth herein and promulgated pursuant to this Chapter are minimum standards; therefore, this Chapter does not intend nor imply that compliance by any person will ensure that there will be no contamination, pollution, nor unauthorized discharge of pollutants. SECTION 8. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.07o Discharge prohibitions. A. Prohibition of Illicit Discharges. It is unlawful for any person to throw, drain, or otherwise discharge, or cause or allow others under its control to throw, drain or otherwise discharge any materials other than stormwater into the municipal storm drain system and/or surface and ground waters of the City. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to, pollutants or waters containing any pollutants, that cause or contribute to a violation of applicable water quality standards. The commencement, conduct, or continuance of any illicit discharge to the storm drain system is prohibited. Examples of pollutants include, but are not limited to, the following: trash or debris; solid waste; construction materials; petroleum products including, but not limited to oil, gasoline, grease, fuel oil, heating oil; antifreeze and other automotive products; fixed and mobile vehicle washes; metals in either particulate or dissolved form in excess of naturally occurring amounts; flammable or explosive materials; radioactive materials; batteries; acids, alkalis, or bases; paints, stains, resins, lacquers, or varnishes; degreasers or solvents; drain cleaners; commercial and household cleaning materials; carpet cleaning wastes; pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers; steam cleaning wastes; laundry waste; soaps, detergents, or ammonia; swimming pool or spa filter backwash Ordinance No.oig-og Page 7 of 21 (diatomaceous earth); swimming pool cleaning wastewater; chlorine, bromine, and other disinfectants; heated water; chlorinated swimming pool or hot tub water; human and animal wastes; domestic or sanitary sewage; recreational vehicle waste; animal carcasses; food and food wastes; yard waste; bark and other fibrous materials (does not include large woody debris in approved restoration projects); collected lawn clippings, leaves, or branches; wastes associated with building construction; concrete and concrete by-products; silt, sediment, including dirt, sand, and gravel; dyes and ink (except as stated in Port Orchard Municipal Code 15.30.070(B)(5)); chemicals not normally found in uncontaminated water; any other process -associated discharge except as otherwise allowed in this section; and any hazardous material or waste not listed above. B. Conditional Discharges. The following types of discharges shall not be considered illicit discharges for the purposes of this Chapter if they meet the stated conditions or unless the Director determines that the type of discharge, whether singly or in combination with others, is causing or is likely to cause pollution of surface water or groundwater: 1. Discharges from potable water sources, including water line flushing, hyper - chlorinated (>iomg/liter chlorine) water line flushing, fire hydrant system flushing, and pipeline hydrostatic test water. Planned discharges shall be de - chlorinated to a concentration of o.1 ppm or less, pH -adjusted if necessary, and volumetrically and velocity controlled to prevent re -suspension of sediments in the stormwater system; 2. Discharges from lawn watering and other irrigation runoff; however, these shall be minimized through water conservation efforts; 3. De -chlorinated spa or swimming pool discharges. The discharges shall be de - chlorinated to a concentration of o.1 ppm or less, pH -adjusted and re -oxygenized if necessary, and volumetrically and velocity controlled to prevent re -suspension of sediments in the stormwater system. Swimming pool cleaning wastewater and filter backwash shall not be discharged to the storm drainage system; 4. Street and sidewalk wash water, water used to control dust, and routine external building wash down that does not use detergents. The amount of street wash, dust control, and building wash water shall be minimized. At active construction sites, street sweeping must be performed prior to washing the street; 5. Dye testing with verbal notification to the City a minimum of 24 hours prior to the time of the test. 6. Non-stormwater discharges covered by another NPDES permit, waiver, or waste discharge order issued to the discharger and administered under the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency or Washington State Department of Ecology, provided that the discharger is in full compliance with all requirements of the permit, waiver, or order and other applicable laws and Ordinance No.oig-og Page 8 of 21 regulations; and provided, that written approval has been granted for any discharge to the storm drain system; 7. Discharges resulting from maintenance, repair, or operation of firefighting equipment and facilities that are not directly associated with public fire fighting, including discharges from public fire fighting training exercises, unless City - approved best management practices are implemented. 8.Other non-stormwater discharges shall be in compliance with the requirements of a stormwater pollution prevention plan reviewed and approved by the City, which addresses control of such discharges by applying AKART to prevent contaminants from entering surface or ground water. C. Allowable Discharges. The following types of discharges shall not be considered illicit discharges for the purposes of this Chapter if they do not contain pollutants or unless the Director determines that the type of discharge, whether singly or in combination with others, is causing or is likely to cause pollution of surface water or groundwater. 1. Diverted stream flows, rising ground waters, uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 35.2005(20)), uncontaminated pumped ground water, foundation drains, air conditioning condensation, irrigation water from agricultural sources that is commingled with urban stormwater, springs, water from crawl space pumps, footing drains, flows from riparian habitats and wetlands, and discharges from emergency fire fighting activities in accordance with "S2. Authorized Discharges," of the City's NPDES permit. 2. Discharges specified in writing by the City as being necessary to protect public health and safety. 3. If a person can demonstrate that there are no additional pollutants being discharged from the premises above the background conditions of the water entering the site, that person shall not be in violation of subsection A of this section. D. Prohibition of Illicit Connections. 1. The construction, use, maintenance or continued existence of illicit connections to the storm drain system is prohibited. This prohibition expressly includes, without limitation, illicit connections made in the past, regardless of whether the connection was permissible under law or practices applicable or prevailing at the time of connection. 2. Any connection identified by the Director that could convey anything not composed entirely of surface and stormwater directly into municipal drainage facilities is considered an illicit connection and is prohibited with the following exceptions: connections conveying allowable discharges or connections conveying discharges pursuant to an NPDES permit or a State Waste Discharge Permit. Ordinance No.oi9-o9 Page 9 of 21 3. Illicit connections must be disconnected and redirected, if warranted, to an approved onsite wastewater management system or the sanitary sewer system upon approval of the City. 4. Any drain or conveyance that has not been documented in plans, maps or equivalent, and which is connected to the storm sewer system, shall be located by the owner or occupant of that property upon receipt of written notice of violation from the City requiring that such locating be completed. Such notice will specify a reasonable time period within which the location of the drain or conveyance is to be determined, that the drain or conveyance be identified as storm sewer, sanitary sewer, or other, and that the outfall location or point of connection to the storm sewer system, sanitary sewer system or other discharge point be identified. Results of these investigations are to be documented and provided to the City. E. Prohibition of Stormwater Discharge to Sanitary Sewer. Stormwater shall not be discharged into the sanitary sewer without written permission to do so from the City of Port Orchard. F. Prohibition of Waste Disposal. No person shall throw, deposit, leave, maintain, or keep in or upon any public or private property, the stormwater drainage system, or waters of the state, any refuse, rubbish, garbage, litter, or other discarded or abandoned objects, articles, or accumulations that may cause or contribute to pollution. Wastes deposited in proper non -leaking waste receptacles for the purposes of collection are exempt from this prohibition. SECTION 9. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.o8o Suspension of MS4 access. A. Suspension due to Illicit Discharges in Emergency Situations. The City may, without prior notice, suspend MS4 discharge access to a person when such suspension is necessary to stop an actual or threatened discharge which presents or may present imminent and substantial danger to the environment, or to the public health or welfare, or to the MS4, or Waters of the State. If the violator fails to comply with a suspension order issued in an emergency, the City may take such steps as deemed necessary to prevent or minimize damage to the MS4 or Waters of the State, or to minimize danger to persons. B. Suspension due to the Detection of Illicit Discharge. The City may terminate a person's MS4 access if such termination would abate or reduce an illicit discharge. The City will notify a violator of the proposed termination of its MS4 access. The violator may appeal such termination in accordance with Port Orchard Municipal Code 15.30.150. No person shall reinstate MS4 access to premises terminated pursuant to this Section, without the prior approval of the City. SECTION 10. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: Ordinance No.oig-og Page 10 of 21 15.30.090 Industrial or construction activity discharges. Any person subject to an industrial or construction activity NPDES storm water discharge permit shall comply with all provisions of such permit. The City may require proof of compliance with said permit in a form acceptable to the City prior to allowing discharges to the MS4. SECTION ii. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.1oo Requirement to prevent, control, and reduce storm water pollutants by the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs). A. General. The owner or operator of a commercial or industrial establishment shall provide, at its own expense, reasonable protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes into the municipal storm drain system, watercourses, surface water, or ground water through the use of structural and non-structural BMPs which have been approved by the City for any activity, operation, or facility which may cause or contribute to pollution or contamination of storm water, the storm drain system, or waters of the State. Further, any person responsible for a property or premise, which is, or may be, the source of an illicit discharge, may be required to implement, at said person's expense, additional structural and non-structural BMPs to prevent the further discharge of pollutants to the MS4. Compliance with all terms and conditions of a valid NPDES permit authorizing the discharge of storm water associated with industrial activity, to the extent practicable, shall be deemed in compliance with the provisions of this section. These BMPs shall be part of a stormwater pollution prevention plan as necessary for compliance with requirements of the NPDES permit. B. BMP descriptions. Approved BMPs are described in the stormwater management manual(s) adopted by the City. The manual(s) describes the types of regulated activities, the types of contaminants generated by each activity, the contaminant's affect on water quality, the required source control BMPs, and the available treatment BMPs. The manual(s) includes information on design, maintenance, and allowable use of additional or alternative BMPs. C. Priority of BMP implementation. In applying the BMP manual, the Director shall first require the implementation of source control BMPs unless the BMP manual specifically requires treatment BMPs. If source control BMPs (or treatment BMPs if required by the BMP manual) do not prevent contaminants from entering surface and stormwater or groundwater, the Director may require implementation of additional source control BMPs and/or treatment BMPs according to AKART. D. Prevention of pollution of surface and groundwater. BMPs shall be applied as required herein, so that when all appropriate combinations of individual BMPs are utilized, pollution of surface or groundwater is prevented. If all BMPs required herein, or by the Director are applied, and pollution still occurs, the discharger shall modify existing practices or apply further water pollution control Ordinance No.oi9-o9 Page 11 of 21 measures, as specified by the Director. In the absence of implementation of applicable BMPs, the Director shall be authorized to conclude that individual activities are causing pollution in violation of this article, and shall be authorized to enforce this Chapter accordingly. SECTION 12. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.110 Watercourse protection. Every person owning property through which a watercourse passes, or such person's lessee, shall keep and maintain that part of the watercourse within the property free of trash, debris, excessive vegetation, and other obstacles that would pollute, contaminate, or significantly retard the flow of water through the watercourse. In addition, the owner or lessee shall maintain existing privately owned structures within or adjacent to a watercourse, so that such structures will not become a hazard to the use, function, or physical integrity of the watercourse. SECTION 1�. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.12o Notification of illicit discharges A. Notwithstanding other requirements of law, as soon as any person, including any person responsible for a facility or operation, or responsible for emergency response for a facility or operation, who has information of any known or suspected release of materials which are resulting, or may result in, illicit discharges or pollutants discharging into storm water, the storm drain system, or waters of the State, said person shall take all necessary steps to ensure the discovery, containment, and cleanup of such release. 1. In the event of such a release of hazardous materials, said person shall immediately notify emergency response agencies of the occurrence via emergency dispatch services (911) and the Public Works Department (36o-876-4991)• 2. In the event of a release of non -hazardous materials, said person shall notify the Public Works Department in person or by phone (360-876-4991) or facsimile (36o-876-498o) within forty-eight (48) hours after said discharge. Notifications in person or by phone shall be confirmed by written notice addressed and mailed to the City within three business days of the phone notice. B. If the discharge of prohibited materials emanates from a commercial or industrial establishment, the owner or operator of such establishment shall also retain an on -site written record of the discharge and the actions taken to prevent its recurrence. Such records shall be retained in accordance with Port Orchard Municipal Code 15.30.16o. SECTION 14. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: Ordinance No.oig-og Page 12 of 21 15.30.130 Inspection and investigation. A. Authorization. 1. Whenever implementing the provisions of this Chapter or whenever there is cause to believe that a violation of this Chapter has been or is being committed, the Director is authorized to inspect during regular working hours and at other reasonable times all stormwater facilities within the City of Port Orchard to determine compliance with the provisions of this Chapter. 2. The Director may observe BMPs or examine and/or sample surface and stormwater or groundwater as often as may be necessary to determine compliance with this Chapter. The Director is further authorized, as set forth in subsection B and D below, to enter in or upon any public or private property for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the pollution of, or the possible pollution of, surface and/or groundwater. Whenever an on -site inspection of a property is made, the findings shall be documented. A copy of the inspection findings shall be furnished to the owner or the person in charge of the property after the conclusion of the investigation. B. Right -of -entry. The Director is authorized to enter at all reasonable times in or upon any property, public or private, for the purpose of inspecting and investigating any conditions relating to the provisions of this Chapter or any regulation adopted under this Chapter, provided that the City shall first obtain from the owner or person responsible for such premises, permission to enter. If entry is refused, the City shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry. The right -of -entry is subject to the provisions of subsection D below. 1. If a discharger has security measures in force which require proper identification and clearance before entry into its premises, the discharger shall make the necessary arrangements to allow access to the Director. 2. Any temporary or permanent obstruction to safe and easy access to the facility to be inspected and/or sampled shall be promptly removed by the operator at the written or oral request of the City and shall not be replaced. The costs of clearing such access shall be borne by the facility operator. 3. No person who is the owner or operator of a facility with an NPDES permit to discharge storm water associated with industrial activity shall deny the City reasonable access to the permitted facility for the purpose of conducting any activity authorized or required by this Chapter. Unreasonable delays in allowing the City access to a permitted facility is a violation of a stormwater discharge permit and of this Chapter. Ordinance No.oig-og Page 13 of 21 C. Obstructing the Director. No person shall obstruct the Director in the performance of his or her official duties in the enforcement of this chapter, including but not limited to: 1. Intentional use of, or threat to use, force to obstruct a person he or she knows, or should reasonably know, is the Director and is performing his or her official duties in the enforcement of storm water system regulations; or 2. Acting in a manner that he or she knows, or should reasonably know, will interfere with or obstruct a person known to be, or who should reasonably be known to be, responsible for the enforcement of storm water system regulations; or 3. Refusing to identify himself or herself and give his or her current address to the Director for the enforcement of this Chapter pursuant to an investigation of a violation upon request by the Director. D. Inspection requirements. The Director is authorized to develop inspection procedures and requirements for all stormwater facilities in the City of Port Orchard. In addition to any procedures for inspections developed by the Director, the following shall apply: 1. Prior to making any inspections on private property, the Director shall present identification credentials, state the reason for the inspection, and request entry. 2. If the property, or any building or structure on the property, is unoccupied, the Director shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person(s) having charge or control of the property or portions of the property and request entry. 3. Unless entry is consented to by the owner or person(s) in control of the property, or portion of the property, or unless conditions are reasonably believed to exist in the opinion of the Director which create immediate danger to public health or safety, the Director shall obtain a search warrant or other remedy, prior to entry, as authorized by the laws of the State of Washington. 4. Nothing in this section prevents the Director from inspecting a stormwater system without consent of the property owner or a search warrant, provided the inspection can be conducted while remaining on public property or other property on which permission to enter is obtained. E. Monitoring, sampling, and anal. 1. Whenever the Director determines that any person has violated or is violating the provisions of this Chapter, the Director may require the person responsible for the violation to sample and analyze any discharge, surface Ordinance No.oig-og Page 14 of 21 water, stormwater, groundwater, and/or sediment, in accordance with sampling and analytical procedures or requirements determined by the Director. When the Director has reason to believe that a connection is resulting in an illicit discharge, the Director may sample and analyze the discharge and recover the costs from a person in an enforcement proceeding. When the discharge is likely to contain illicit discharges on a recurring basis, the Director may conduct, or may require the person to conduct, ongoing monitoring (including sampling and testing) at the person's expense. 2. The City shall have the right to set up on any facility such devices as are necessary in the opinion of the City to conduct monitoring and/or sampling of the facility's stormwater discharge. 3. The City has the right to require the discharger to install monitoring equipment as necessary. The facility's sampling and monitoring equipment shall be maintained at all times in a safe and proper operating condition by the discharger at its own expense. When monitoring is required, the discharger shall sample and analyze any discharge, surface and stormwater, groundwater, and/or sediment, in accordance with sampling and analytical procedures or requirements determined by the Director. A copy of the analysis shall be provided to the Director. SECTION 15. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.14o Enforcement and penalties. A. Authorization. The Director is authorized to enforce this Chapter and any permit, order or approval issued pursuant to this Chapter, against any violation or threatened violation thereof. B. Compliance. The Director shall attain compliance with this Chapter by requiring the implementation of BMPs. The Director may initially rely on education and informational assistance to gain compliance with this Chapter, unless the Director determines a violation poses a hazard to public health, safety, or welfare, endangers any property, or adversely affects the safety and operation of City right-of-way, utilities and/or other property owned or maintained by the City, that should be addressed through immediate penalties. The Director may demand immediate cessation of discharges and assess penalties for violations that are an imminent or substantial danger to the health or welfare of persons or danger to the environment. Enforcement actions shall escalate for non- compliance. Enforcement shall include one or more of the following actions, singly or in combination. The Director may apply whatever enforcement action, or combination of actions, is determined appropriate within the following range of actions, regardless of the position in the range. 1. Written warning with voluntary compliance. May be applied to first time, minor violations. Educational materials and informational assistance will be provided to the violator. Ordinance No.oig-og Page 15 of 21 2. Compensatory actions such as community service related to stormwater education or mitigation in lieu of penalty or enforcement proceedings. Requires a formal written agreement between the Director and the violator. 3. Written notice of violation ordering compliance. 4. Civil or Criminal penalties. In accordance with subsections D and E below of this section. 5. Emergency Cease and Desist order. In circumstances where a violation poses a hazard to public health, safety, or welfare, endangers any property, or adversely affects the safety and operation of City right-of-way, utilities and/or other property owned or maintained by the City, the Director is authorized to issue cease and desist orders. The cease and desist order may require immediate compliance with this Chapter by halting operations and/or terminating discharges may be applied by means of the use of a stop work order. 6. Disconnection from the MS4. Applies to illicit connections to MS4, to illicit discharges in emergency situations, or continued failure of the property owner to comply. 7. Revocation of Permit. Where the violation of this chapter provides a nuisance or poses a hazard to public health, safety and welfare, and has not previously been abated, the Director may, upon written notice, revoke any and all permits associated with the site. Service of a written notice of revocation shall be in the same manner as service of a Notice and Order. Revocation of a permit by the Director may be appealed within 10 working days of service of written notice. The appeal must be in accordance with Section 15.30.150 below. C. Notice and Order. Contents. The Director shall have authority to issue to an owner or person responsible for a violation of this chapter an order to maintain or repair a component of a stormwater facility or BMP to bring it into compliance with this Chapter or other City regulations, to remove any illicit connection, to cease any illicit discharge, and to repair or remediate any damages to the environment caused by any such violation. The order shall include the following: a. The order identification number or permit number; and b. The street address, when available, and the tax parcel number of real property and/or description of personal property sufficient for identification of where the violation occurred or is located; and c. A description of the specific nature, extent and time of the violation and the damage that has occurred or potential damage that reasonably might occur; and Ordinance No.oi9-o9 Page 16 of 21 d. A notice that the violation or the potential violation cease and desist; and e. A statement of the corrective action required to be taken. If the Director has determined that corrective work is required, the order shall require that all required permits be secured, that work physically be commenced, and that the work be completed within such times as the Director determines are reasonable under the circumstances; and f. A statement advising that if any required work is not commenced or completed within the times specified, the Director may proceed to cause abatement of the violation and cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof as a lien against the property and as a joint and separate personal obligation of any person in violation; and g. Any requirements for monitoring, analyses and reporting; and h. A statement specifying the amount of any civil penalty assessed as a result of the violation and, if applicable, the conditions on which assessment of such civil penalty is contingent; and i. An order to the owner to provide the Director a detailed plan showing drawings and steps that will be taken to achieve compliance within a specific time. The plan is subject to the approval of the Director; and j. A statement advising that the order shall become final unless, no later than 10 working days after the notice and order are served, any person aggrieved by the order requests an appeal in accordance with Section 15.30.15o below. 2. Service. Service of the notice and order shall be made upon all persons identified in the notice and order either personally or by mailing a copy of such notice and order by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. If the address of any such person cannot reasonably be ascertained, a copy of the notice and order shall be mailed to such person at the address of the location of the violation. The failure of any such person to receive such notice shall not affect the validity of any proceedings taken under this chapter. Service by certified mail in the manner provided in this section shall be effective on the date of postmark. The notice and order may be, but is not required to be, posted on the subject property. 3. Appeal. Persons to whom the notice and order of the Director is issued may appeal the same within 10 working days of service. The appeal must be in accordance with Section 15.30.15o below. D. Civil Infraction. Conduct made unlawful by this Chapter shall constitute a Class One civil infraction and is subject to enforcement and fines as provided in Chapter 2.64 Port Orchard Municipal Code. Each day of noncompliance with any of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No.oig-og Page 17 of 21 1. In addition to any other available sanction or remedial procedure, any person engaging in conduct made unlawful by this chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty no greater than set by Port Orchard Municipal Code 2.64.030 per day for each violation from the date set for compliance until the date of compliance. 2. Payment of a monetary penalty pursuant to this Chapter does not relieve the person of the duty to correct the violation. 3. All civil penalties recovered during the enforcement of this Chapter shall be deposited into a fund which shall be used by the City for the protection of surface and storm water or ground water as set forth in this Chapter, through education or enhanced implementation. E. Criminal prosecution. Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction of, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor for the first offense and a gross - misdemeanor for any subsequent offense occurring within a five year period. Each day of noncompliance with any of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense. F. Recovery of Costs Incurred by the Citv. In addition to any costs for enforcement under this Chapter, any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be liable to the City for any expense, loss, or damage caused by such violation or discharge, including but not limited to the costs for bringing the City back into compliance with its NPDES permit associated with any violation of these regulations, and any fines levied for violations of the City's NPDES permit. G. Violations deemed a public nuisance. Any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter is a threat to public health, safety, and welfare, and is declared and deemed a nuisance, and may be summarily abated or restored at the violator's expense, and/or a civil action to abate, enjoin, or otherwise compel the cessation of such nuisance may be taken. H. Summary abatement. Whenever any violation of this Chapter causes or creates a condition, the continued existence of which constitutes, in the opinion of the Director, an immediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare or to the environment, the Director may summarily and without prior notice, at the cost of the owner, abate the condition. Notice of such abatement, including the reason for it, shall be given to the person responsible for the violation as soon as reasonably possible after the abatement. 2. Within 15 days after abatement of the violation, the owner of the property will be notified of the cost of abatement, including labor and materials, legal expenses, administrative costs, and interest to the extent such costs are known. Persons to whom the assessment of costs of abatement is issued may appeal the same within 10 working days of service. The appeal must be in accordance with Section 15.30.15o below. If the amount due is not paid Ordinance No.oi9-o9 Paee 18 of 21 within a timely manner as determined by the decision of the City or by the expiration of the time in which to file an appeal, the charges shall become a special assessment against the property and shall constitute a lien on the property for the amount of the assessment. I. The owner shall pay the abatement costs in not more than 12 equal payments. Such costs shall accrue interest at the rate set by the City's Finance Department per annum or the rate charged to the City for obtaining the funds necessary to abate, whichever interest is greater. J. Injunctive relief. In addition to any other remedy provided by this Chapter or the Port Orchard Municipal Code, the City may initiate injunction or abatement proceedings or any other appropriate action in courts against any person who violates or fails to comply with any provision of this Chapter and/or to restore a condition which existed prior to the violation. In any such proceeding, the person violating and/or failing to comply with any provisions of this Chapter shall be liable for the costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the City in bringing, maintaining, and/or prosecuting such action. K. Remedies not exclusive. The remedies listed in this Chapter are not exclusive of any other remedies available under any applicable federal, state, or local law and it is within the discretion of the City to seek cumulative remedies. SECTION 16. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.15o Appeals. A. The Director's notice and order, revocation of a permit, or assessment of costs of abatement may be appealed to the City Council by persons to whom the notice and order, revocation of a permit, or assessment of costs of abatement is issued. An appeal shall be considered timely if, but only if, it is filed in writing with the Director within io working days of service, and the appeal fee adopted by the City Council is paid in full. In addition to the appeal fee, if the Director determines that the services of an independent consultant are reasonably necessary in adjudicating the appeal, the appellant shall make an initial cash deposit to pay for an independent review as the same may be reasonably required by the Director. The initial deposit, which is only an estimate of the consultant's costs, shall be paid in advance of the hearing. If it is determined during any point in the appeal process that the initial deposit is insufficient to cover all reasonable consultant's costs, the appellant shall be required to make an additional deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the same. Any portion of the deposit that is not used to cover all reasonable consultant's costs shall be refunded to the appellant. The amount of the deposit shall be at least $5oo but not more than $15oo, and it shall be determined by the Director based upon a good faith estimate of permissible costs. The appellant shall be given equal access to any report prepared by the consultant. B. The Director shall accept appeals that meet the requirements of this section and shall schedule such appeals for consideration by the City Council. The City Ordinance No.oi9-o9 Page 19 of 21 Council hearing shall be scheduled within 6o days after the appeal is accepted. The Director shall reject any appeal that fails to meet the filing and submittal requirements of this section. The appeal fee shall be refunded in the event the Director rejects the appeal or in the event that the appellant files a statement with the Director withdrawing the appeal at least 15 calendar days before the scheduled hearing. In all other cases, the appeal fee shall be nonrefundable. C. The written appeal shall contain all of the following information and attachments: 1. A copy of the notice and order, revocation of a permit, or assessment of costs of abatement being appealed; 2. The name of the property owner and, if applicable, the owner's agent; 3. The name and signature of each appellant and a statement showing that each is entitled to file the appeal under subsection A of this section; and 4. A statement of appeal identifying each issue in the notice and order or assessment of costs of abatement that the appellant wishes to appeal, the reasons why each issue is in error as a matter of fact and/or law, and evidence relied upon. D. The City Council, under its quasi-judicial authority, shall hear the appeal in an open record hearing. At least ten business days before the hearing, notice of the same shall be mailed to parties who are entitled to notice of the decision. The notice of hearing does not need to be posted or published. The appeal shall be limited to those issues raised in subsection (C)(4), and shall be similar in format as other quasi-judicial matters that may from time to time come before the City Council. E. At least ten business days before the hearing, the Director and appellant shall each submit, as part of the record, separate reports to the City Council containing a statement of the issues and applicable laws, discussion and analysis, proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, and copies of any pertinent document referenced therein. The burden shall be on the City to support the order of the Director by a preponderance of the evidence. Reports, if any, prepared by the independent consultant referenced above in subsection (A) shall be part of the record. The City Council shall decide as follows, based upon the record made during the course of the public hearing: 1. Uphold the order, revocation, or assessment of costs of abatement of the Director in its entirety; or 2. Uphold the order, revocation, or assessment of costs of abatement of the Director in part and reverse the order, revocation, or assessment of costs of abatement in part; or 3. Reverse the order, revocation, or assessment of costs of abatement of the Director in its entirety. Ordinance No.oi9-o9 Page 20 of 21 F. The City Council shall issue a final decision on the appeal supported by written findings and conclusions within 10 business days of the hearing. The decision shall also include venue information and limitations on filing judicial appeal(s) of the decision. The Director shall serve a copy of the final decision to the appellant and other parties of record. Service shall be in the same manner as set forth in Section 15.30.140(C)(2). SECTION 17. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15.30.16o Records retention. If the discharge of prohibited materials emanates from a commercial or industrial establishment, the owner or operator of such establishment shall retain an on -site written record of the discharge and the actions taken to prevent its occurrence. Such records shall be kept and maintained on a permanent basis from the effective date of this Chapter. The record shall includes books, documents, memoranda, reports, and correspondence relating to any operation, maintenance, monitoring, sampling, and chemical analysis associated with the discharge and all records which pertain to matters which are the subject of any enforcement or litigation activities brought by the Director pursuant to this Chapter. Copies of any or all records shall be provided to the Director upon his request. SECTION 18. A new section of Chapter 15.30 of the Port Orchard Municipal code is added, as follows: 15-30.170 Construction - Intent. This Chapter is enacted as an exercise of the City's power to protect and preserve public health, safety, and welfare. Its provisions shall be liberally construed to give full effect to the objectives and purposes for which it was enacted. This Chapter is not enacted to create or otherwise establish or designate any particular class or group of persons who will, or should be, especially protected or benefited by the terms of this Chapter. The primary obligation of compliance with this Chapter is placed upon the person holding title to the property. Nothing contained in this Chapter is intended to be, or shall be, construed to create or form a basis for liability for the City, its officers, employees or agents for any injury or damage resulting from the failure of the person holding title to the property (owner of record) to comply with the provisions of this Chapter, or by reason or in consequence of any act or omission, to act in connection with the implementation or enforcement of this Chapter by the City, its officers, employees, or agents. Section 19 Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or any code section adopted or amended hereby should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or any code section adopted or amended hereby. Section 20. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) Ordinance No.oi9-o9 Page 21 of 21 days after posting and publication as required by law. A summary of this Ordinance may be published in lieu of the entire ordinance, as authorized by State Law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 11th day of August 2009. ATTEST: Patricia J. Kirkpatrick, CMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gregory A. Jacoby, City Attorney Lary Coppola, Mayor Sponsored by: Councilmember, Rob Putaansuu City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (36o) 876-4407 0 FAX (36o) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No. Consent Agenda 4D Subject: Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. oi9-o9, Adding a New Chapter 15.30 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Meeting Date: August 11, 2009 Prepared by: Andrea Archer, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Atty Routing No: too-o9 Atty Review Date: May 11, 2009 Summarv: In January of 2007, the Washington State Department of Ecology issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II municipal storm water permit to the City of Port Orchard under its delegated authority to implement requirements of the federal Clean Water Act. The NPDES storm water permit pertains to municipal storm sewer systems that discharge surface waters (such as streams, lakes, and bays) and which are not part of a combined storm and sanitary sewer system. The City's Phase II permit identifies minimum control measures that must be implemented in order to be compliant with this permit. One of the control measures includes passage of an ordinance to prohibit illicit discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer. Permit Section S5.C.3(b), Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, specifically requires that: "Each Permittee shall develop and implement an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to effectively prohibit non-stormwater, illegal discharges, and/or dumping into the Permittee's municipal separate storm sewer system to the maximum extent allowable under State and Federal law. The ordinance or other regulatory mechanism shall be adopted no later than 30 months from the effective date of this permit." The effective date of the City's permit is February 16, 2007; therefore, the ordinance must be adopted no later than August 15, 2009. The permit also mandates that specific prohibition requirements and escalating enforcement provisions are to be included in the ordinance. Sections 15.30.070 and 15.30.14o(B) of the proposed code chapter address these requirements. The proposed ordinance addresses all of the items required by the City's NPDES permit and conforms to the guidance document published by the Department of Ecology. Recommendation: First reading of Ordinance No. oi9-o9, was held on July 28, 20o9, and staff recommends adopting Ordinance No. oi9-o9, amending the Port Orchard Municipal Code by adding Chapter 15.30 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination. Motion for consideration: I move to adopt Ordinance No. o19-o9, amending the Port Orchard Municipal Code by adding Chapter 15.30 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination. Fiscal Impact: Budgeted item for 2009 within the Storm Drainage Utility Alternatives: None. Attachments: Ordinance No. o19-o9 Introduced by: Mark Dorsey, P.E. Requested by: Mark Dorsey, P.E. Drafted by: Andrea Archer, P.E. Introduced: June 23, 2009 Adopted: June 23, 2009 Amended: August 11, 2009 RESOLUTION NO. 080-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, CORRECTING SCRIVENER'S ERROR IN RESOLUTION NO. 067-09, REGARDING DUPLICATE NUMBERS AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENTS FOR BAY STREET SEAWALL AND PORT ORCHARD BOULEVARD SIDEWALKS. WHEREAS, on February 27, 2002, the Washington State Department of Transportation authorized the City to proceed with the Bay Street Seawall Project; and WHEREAS, on November 25, 2007, the Washington State Department of Transportation authorized the City to proceed with the Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalk Project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council Board Approval, the Puget Sound Regional Council Project Progress and Accountability Committee authorized the transfer of the Federal Funds from the Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalk Project to the Bay Street Seawall Project; and WHEREAS, to complete the Bay Street Seawall Project, the funding for the Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalk Project will need to be moved to the Seawall Project to complete the funding; and WHEREAS, on June 23, 2009, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 067-09, authorizing the Mayor to execute local agency agreement supplements de -obligating the funding from the Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalk Project and re -obligating the funding in the amount of $ioo,000 to the Bay Street Seawall Project; and WHEREAS, subsequently, staff discovered a scrivener's error in that Resolution No. 067-09, was assigned twice and this item should have been assigned to Resolution No. 080-09; now, therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: Repealer. Resolution No. 067-09, as adopted on June 24, 2009, authorizing the Mayor to execute local Resolution No. 080-09 Page 2 of 2 agency agreement supplements for Bay Street Seawall and Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalks is repealed in its entirety; and FURTHER THAT: The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Local Agency Agreement Supplements to de - obligate the funding from the Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalk Project and re -obligate the funding in the amount of $1oo,000 to the Bay Street Seawall Project. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this iith day of August 2009. Lary Coppola, Mayor ATTEST: Patricia J. Kirkpatrick, CMC, City Clerk rk , City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (36o) 876-4407 • FAX (36o) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No. Consent Agenda 4E Meeting Date: Subject: Adoption of Resolution No. o8o-o9, Prepared by: Correcting Scrivener's Error in Resolution No. o67-o9, Regarding Atty Routing No: Duplicate Numbers and Authorizing Atty Review Date: The Mayor to Execute Local Agency Agreement Supplements for Bay Street Seawall and Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalks August 11, 2009 Patti Kirkpatrick, CMC City Clerk NA NA Summary: On June 23, 2009, the Council adopted Resolution No. o67-09, authorizing the Mayor to execute local agency agreement supplements for Bay Street Seawall and Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalk Projects. Subsequently, staff discovered that duplicate numbers were issued for Resolution No. o67-09. In order to fix this scrivener's error, staff has prepared Resolution No. o8o-o9, which repeals the duplicate resolution number and reauthorizes the Mayor to execute the local agency agreement supplements. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Council adopt Resolution No. o8o-o9, correcting the scrivener's error regarding duplicate numbers. Motion for consideration: I move to adopt Resolution No. o8o-o9, correcting a scrivener's error in Resolution No. o67-09, relating to duplicate numbers and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Local Agency Agreement Supplements to de -obligate the funding from the Port Orchard Boulevard Sidewalk Project and re -obligating the funding in the amount of $1oo,000 to the Bay Street Seawall Project. Fiscal Impact: Budgeted item for 2009 within Arterial Streets Alternatives: None. Attachments: Resolution No. o8o-o9 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (36o) 876-4407 • FAX (36o) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No. Public Hearing 6A Meeting Date: Subject First Reading and Public Hearing: Prepared by: Regarding the Proposed 2009 Water / Sewer Rate Increase Atty Routing No: Atty Review Date: August 11, 2009 Mark Dorsey, P.E. Public Works Director NA NA Note: The Public Works Department did not properly notice the First Reading and Public Hearing held on July 14, 2009, therefore a second First Reading and Public Hearing must occur. Notice for this evening's reading and public hearing was published in the POI on July 24, 2009. Summary: On May 15, 2009, the Utility Committee received a copy of the Calculation of 50% Surcharge Loss in McCormick Woods for Water and Sanitary Sewer as prepared by the City Treasurer. On June 12, 2009, the Utility Committee received an update on the 2009 Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan from BHC Consultants and discussed the associated impacts to the sewer utility's financial viability given the systems future Capital Improvement Program (CIP) needs. The need for both water and sanitary sewer rate increases was further discussed at the June 16, 2009, City Council Work Study Session, with the proposed water and sanitary sewer rate increase(s) as follows: Capital Improvement Program — Sanitary Sewer $11.2o bimonthly McCormick Woods Annexation — Water $ 3.5o bimonthly McCormick Woods Annexation — Sanitary Sewer $ 1.5o bimonthly $22.2o bimonthly It was discussed and decided that the loss of the 50 % surcharge revenue from the McCormick Woods annexation for water and sanitary sewer would need to take priority over the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) sanitary sewer needs. Therefore, the rate increase associated with the McCormick Woods Annexation issue, being $11.00 bimonthly combined, will be resolved in 2oo9 and the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) need will be resolved in 2010. Recommendation: Open the Public Hearing Alternatives: Do not open the Public Hearing Attachments: Treasurer's McCormick Summary Page 9 — Sewer Comp Plan Monthly Water Rate Comparison - PACE Introduced by: Mark R. Dorsey, P.E. Requested by: Mark R. Dorsey, P.E. Drafted by: Andrea Archer, P.E. Introduced: August 11, 2009 Adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 081-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENT FOR TREMONT STREET WIDENING WHEREAS, on February 28, 2005, the Washington State Department of Transportation authorized the City to proceed with the Tremont Street Widening Project; and WHEREAS, to complete the the right-of-way acquisition for the Tremont Street Widening Project, the funding will need to be obligated by way of the Local Agency Agreement Supplement; now, therefore; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: The City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign the Local Agency Agreement Supplement for the Tremont Street Widening Project. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this iith day of August 2009. Lary Coppola, Mayor ATTEST: Patricia J. Kirkpatrick, CMC, City Clerk City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (36o) 876-4407 • FAX (36o) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No. Business Item No. 7A Meeting Date: Subject Adoption of Resolution No. o81-o9, Prepared by: Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Local Agency Agreement Supplement Atty Routing No: for Tremont Street Widening Atty Review Date: August 11, 2009 Mark R. Dorsey, P.E. Public Works Director NA NA Summary: In February of 2005, the City entered into a Local Agency Agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation for the Tremont Widening Project with design money. The project includes two roundabouts, one at South Kitsap Boulevard and one at Pottery Avenue, sidewalks down both sides of the street, storm drainage improvements if needed, and center island planter strip. Since February of 2005 the City has managed to secure money for acquiring right-of-way along the project corridor, including the funding obligation included here. Prior to this obligation the City has secured $700,000 in design funds and $1,130,161 in right-of-way funds. This obligation adds $1,485,462 to the right-of- way process. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Local Agency Agreement Supplement to obligate the right-of-way funding to the Tremont Street Widening Project. Motion for consideration: I move to authorize the Mayor to execute the Local Agency Agreement Supplement to obligate the money for right-of-way for the Tremont Street Widening Project. Fiscal Impact: Budgeted item for 2009 within Arterial Streets Alternatives: None Attachments: Resolution No. o81-o9 Local Agency Agreement Supplement No. 4 Introduced by: Mark R. Dorsey, P.E. Requested by: Mark R. Dorsey, P.E. Drafted by: Andrea Archer, P.E. Introduced: August 11, 2009 Adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 082-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AMENDMENT NUMBER i FOR REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION AGREEMENT FOR AID, GCA 4265 WHEREAS, on November 17, 2004, the Washington State Department of Transportation entered into a Government Agreement for Aid with the City; and WHEREAS, the amendment adds five years to the original agreement of five years, making the new expiration date November 17, 2014; now, therefore; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: The City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 for Real Property Acquisition Agreement for Aid, GCA 4265. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this lath day of August 2009. Lary Coppola, Mayor ATTEST: Patricia J. Kirkpatrick, CMC, City Clerk r city of Port Orchard j , ; �,��', 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (36o) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No. Business Item No. 7B Meeting Date: August 11, 2009 Subject Adoption of Resolution No. 082-09, Prepared by: Mark R. Dorsey, P.E. Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Public Works Director Amendment No. 1 for Real Property Atty Routing No: NA Acquisition Agreement for Aid, GCA Atty Review Date: NA 4265 Summary: In November of 2004 the City entered into a contract titled Government Agreement for Aid with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The agreement relates to right-of-way for land acquisition, relocation, and related services with respect to highways, roads and streets. The agreement is due to expire this November. WSDOT has proposed to extend the agreement another five years through amendment number 1 with a new expiration date of November 17, 2014. With this agreement City Staff is able to utilize the State Real Estate Services for right-of-way acquisition on road projects. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 for Real Property Acquisition Agreement for Aid, GCA 4265. Motion for consideration: I move to authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 for Real Property Acquisition Agreement for Aid, GCA 4265. Fiscal Impact: None Alternatives: None Attachments: Resolution No. o82-09 Amendment No. 1 for Real Property Acquisition Agreement for Aid, GCA 4265 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (36o) 876-4407 0 FAX (36o) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No. Business Item Subject: Approval of Public Event Application: Port Visit of S/V Lady Washington - Tall Shins Meeting Date: Prepared by: Atty Routing No: Atty Review Date: August 11, 2009 Patti Kirkpatrick, CMC Citv Clerk NA NA Summary: Jonathan Thomas, Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Authority, submitted an application for Public Event, Port Visit of Sailing/Vessel Lady Washington to be held starting Tuesday, August 25, 2009 and ending Thursday, August 27, 2009, in the Port Orchard Marina. This event will provide historical education, dockside ship tours, battle reenactments sails, marine time education and goodwill visits for our community. The City departments, as well as the Fire Department, have received the application and have attached their recommendations and/or comments for Council review. As part of the battle reenactments and entry into the Port, the applicant plans to do cannon salutes from the West entrance of Rich Passage north through Port Orchard Passage, and as far North as Agate Pass, and in the area of Bremerton and Port Orchard Marinas in Sinclair Inlet. The cannon salutes are by black powder and will not be fired after 9 p.m. on any given day. The ships have been inspected by the United States Coast Guard and are operated under CFR 46-16o.038 and CFR 49-176.150. The applicant has taken steps to insure the Navy, Coast Guard, Sheriffs office, local police, fire departments, as well as the Kitsap Sun will be notified well in advance of their arrival and cannon salutes. Recommendation: Staff recommends approving the Public Event application for the Port Visit of S/V Lady Washington to be held starting Tuesday, August 25, 2oo9 and ending Thursday, August 27, 2009, in the Port Orchard Marina. Motion for consideration: I move to approve the Public Event application for the Port Visit of S/V Lady Washington to be held starting Tuesday, August 25, 20o9 and ending Thursday, August 27, 2009, in the Port Orchard Marina. Alternatives: Deny the application or approve with conditions. Attachments: Public Event Application City Department and Fire Department Comments Bremerton Economic Development Study Richard Warren Corridor Planning Manager Urban Planning Office Paula Hammond Dave Dye Secretary of Transportation Deputy Secretary Port Orchard City Council August 18, 2009 AMIL M= Washington State FfflDepartment of Transportation Steve Reinmuth Chief of Staff Presentation Overview ■ Study goals and objectives ■ Background ■ Safety analysis ■ Traffic volumes ■ Traffic conditions ■ Summary of improvement projects ■ Segment 4 Cross Sections ■ Gorst Concept ■ Prioritized projects ■ Public outreach ■ Next steps Study Goals and Objectives ■ Identify and prioritize transportation improvements needed over the next 10 to 20 years to support and enhance safety, mobility and economic development ■ Identify and prioritize transportation improvements that could be implemented as funding becomes available Driving south on SR 16 from Gorst ■ Work with local jurisdictions and the Tribes ■ Engage citizens and underrepresented populations ■ Develop broad -based support of final recommendations " F. Gorst Interchange 3 Background Origin: July 7, 2004 Port of Bremerton Transportation and Economic Development Summit for SKIA Issues: Congestion, safety, economic development, lack of transit and non -motorized facilities Schedule: Spring 2008 — Summer 2009 Funding: Various parties = $675,500 Stakeholders: Cities, counties, transit agencies, ports, chambers of commerce, economic development commissions Bremerton Port Orchard Study Limits: ■SR 3: US 101 to Loxie Eagans Blvd ■SR 16: Sedgwick Rd (SR 160) to SR 3 ■SR 101: SR 3 to SR 102 (Dayton Airport Rd) Safety Analysis January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2008 2,194 collisions 24 fatalities 159 collisions and 4 fatalities were alcohol and / or drug related Pedestrian Turning vehicle 1% Head-on Entering -at -angle 30 ° 1% 7°% Sideswipe 9% Driveway 9% Fixed object 13% Segment four, 20% Segmentthree, 17% Segment two, 13% Segment one, 50% I Collisions by type Fatalities by segment Traffic Volumes 29 intersections analyzed Average volumes (2006*): ■Shelton: 111000 — 17,000 ■Allyn: 6,700 — 9,800 ■Belfair: 13,000 — 17,000 ■Bremerton: 44,000 — 73,000 ■Port Orchard: 42,000 — 67,000 Projected average volumes (2030): ■Shelton: 20,000 — 27,000 ■Allyn: 18,000 — 23,000 ■Belfair: 26,000 — 39,000 ■Bremerton: 58,000 — 100)000 ■Port Orchard: 79,000 — 110,000 *based on 2006 WSDOT Annual Traffic Report :1 LEGEND Study Route Belfair Area Widening & Safety Project r ■ Belfair Bypass Q Traffic Count Locations Kitsap County Lode Eagans Blvd , p. Q 1\I SR 304 Bremerton Gorst Port Orchard SR 166 Clifton Rd 1 $ Bremerton Sedgwick Rd National Airport Belfair • Belfair Bypass 16 • North Bay Rd • Lakeland Rd Allyn Grapeview Loop Rcl Sherwood Creek Rd Mason Benson Rd N Grapeview Ming un 3 Island View Rd 01 McEwan Prairie Rill Anthony Rd Mason Lake Rd Agate Rd McEwan Prairie Rdl SR 102 Brockdale Rd Pickering Rd Geer Creek Rd ))) 10 (� Cranberry Creek Rd Sanderson Field Mason Lake Rd 1 Airport helto 1 Wallace Kneeland Johns Prairie Rd \l Blvd Matlack Rd � � • a SIR 3 Pierce County fThurston County N :� Traffic Analysis r-xisl<iny ile..vnaMvns - cwo KirsaP corn,• o. ie Fn,r-s Blvd Q l Bremerton Sam Chns,opl,i Port Orchard t'. • r'. Clifton Rd 8renl %SunnyslopO Rol 16 Nations! Airport / Imperial Way Bedgwick Rd Bell Lake Flora Rd SR 300 BOW Bypass SR 106 l s SR 302 i�Wril Bay Rd Lakeland Rd Allyn 9nerwdoa Craw 3 Ol Island Yew Rd Anthony Rd Agate Rd Rd Pitkedng Rd e SR 102 Beer Crrek Re 10 ' CraeeCreek Rd Sanderson FNld Mason Lake Rd Airport Sheli0 Wallace Kneeland ' Blvd Mallotk Rd SR 3 \ 1 � — EMM �t Thurston County { N LEGEND Travel speed >85%d of posted speed Travel speed between 70% and 85% of posted speed Travel speed <70%p of posted speed Belfair Area Widening & Safety Project .. r . Belfair Bypass Intersection LOS A or B Intersection LOS C or D Intersection LOS E or F Note: Tral speedrefers to PMpeak hour [revel speed on the roadway segment 1 AingCourny / Pierce Courety cucu — witn nv imprvvememb LEGEND Travel speed >85% of posted speed Travel speed between 70% and 85% of posted speed Travel speed <70% of posted speed Belfair Area Widening & Safety Project a r .. Belfair Bypass Intersection LOS Aor B Intersection LOS C or D Intersection LOS E or F Note. Havel speed refers to PM peak hour travel speed on the roadway segment 1-1 1 Kitsap County O I � I Laxie Eagans BMd � :� 1\ Bremerton -7 ion Ave Part Orchard ClinnnRd / Bremerton Sunnyslope Rd National Alrpon Imperial Way Sedpwick Rd / Belfair Lake Flora Rd SR 1116 �6 f .t—Bellalr Bypass SR 302 I/ —orth Bay Rd — a � Lakeland Rd r Allyn Sherwood Creek Rd N Grapevlew Loop Rd _ �Klnp try, .. _ 1. 01 Island view Rd Anthony Rd Agate Rd SR 102 Johns Prairie Rd 14 k"rel Rd Beer Creek Rd a 1 O Merl Creek Rd Sanderson Field Mason Lake Rd Aupon Shelto Wallace Kneel rid BW h1, hock Rdit- i 1 Bfl 7 i✓ - ` Thurston County k NAtel A�. 4 Pierce County 7 Traffic Analysis (continued) 2030 Conditions - with no improvements LEGEND Travel speed >85% of posted speed — Travel speed between 70% and 85% of posted speed Travel speed <70% of posted speed — BeltairArea Widening & Safety Project .... Belfair Bypass Intersection LOS A or B Intersection LOS C or D Intersection LOS E or F Note; Travel speed refers to PM peak hour travel speed on The roadwaysegmenl 9 SR 102 l o \i ` Sanderson Field Airport Wallace Kneeland 1 � N Kitsap County Lurie Eaana Blv 9 1 Bremerton Sam ChFistopnerson Ave Port Orchard r CI'ihan R;: Rremerlan sunnyslnpe Rd 16 1 Nalidnat Alrpell Imperial Way 5edq-rl, Rd / Belfelf Lake Flora Rd H ..Ij NelralrR \ ypass , 6 SR 302 North Bey gay Rd LaNeland Rd — Allyn Sh--d!Creek Rd N Grap-ew Loop Rd Island Yew Rd\ � Anlhony Rd N�fY({Y� Agale Rd Johns Prame Rd Pickering Rd • , Oeer Creek Rd CranberryCreek Rd Mas a Lake Rd lelto Rl Matlockk Rd _ TNurston Counry N PWM CM* he 8 Summary of transportation improvements Projects: ■28 short-term projects ■ 17 long-term projects Prioritization process: ■WSDOT project team evaluated projects based on: — Safety — Constructability — Congestion / mobility — Environmental impact ■Stakeholders evaluated projects based on — Community issues LEGEND Bremerton Economic Development Study — Maintain existing roadway, install pedl non -motorized improvements Proposed limited access freeway Proposed 4-lane highway Proposed 2-lane highway Proposed intersection improvements ❑ Proposed interchange improvements Other related projects Belfair Area Nfidening 6 Safety Project Belfair Bypass Programmed intersedion improvements A�Ilpp' ' Kitsap County Loxie Sam Christopherson Ave gan Blvd �0 J Bremerton SR 304 Port Orchard Clifton Rd Gorst -mpenai my SeagwiCa MCI I rr,xaw°�,uvon Fair Bypass , T-SR 106 �. SR 302 North Bay Rd Mason County Lakeland Rd 3� Allyn , Sherwood CreekRd E Grapeview Loop Rd 01 E GrepevlePickering �lu�ason Benson Rd Loop Rd O, Agate Rd ` •/ Oeer Creek Rd 1 Cranberry Creek Rd Mason Lake Rd t nana�a- . Kneeland Blvd' ` Matlock Rd rr AL Lake Flora Rd Belfair Johns Prairie Rd ■ �/ Segment 1 , Long-term vision for Segment 4 SR 3 north of Belfair to Gorst Shoulder Travel Travel Shmilder Shnidder Travel Travel Shoulder � III III'• w io����i r 92M m�`� conceptual design ■ Eight -foot inside and outside shoulders with rumble strips, as needed ■ Left -turns allowed at intersections ■ Access improvements ■ North Belfair to Imperial Way: Divided highway with two 12-foot lanes in each direction ■ Imperial Way to Gorst: Divided highway with three 12-foot lanes in each direction (not shown) 11 Long-term vision for Segment 4 SR 3 from Gorst to Loxie Eagans Boulevard and SR 16 Limited -access freeway section Shoulder Travel Travel Travel HOV Shoulder Shoulder HOV Travel Travel Travel Should ane--lane Lane UUIIW::PLUal design ■ Three 12-foot travel lanes in each direction ■ One 12-foot HOV lane in each direction ■ Ten -foot inside and outside shoulders with rumble strips, as needed 11 Long-term vision for Segment 4 SR 3 / SR 16 Interchange - Gorst concept ■ Four -lane overspan crossing at SR 3 / AFT Christopherson Intersection ■ Channelization improvements for SR 3 / Christopherson Intersection p Bremerton ■ Rebuild SR 3 and SR 16 ramps Sam Christopherson Ave�1./' Bridges SR Belfair SIR conceptual design 12 DRAFT Gig Harbor Top three projects Belfair Bypass — Construct alternate 2-lane divided highway around Belfair; design will include 4-lanes with limited access Refer to Belfair but initially built to 2 lanes; access points at approximately one mile intervals; right of way acquired for 4-lane design Bypass report SR 3 / Johns Prairie Road - Intersection improvements; relocate intersection to the south, improve intersection angle and $18.5 add new roadway link Gorst Area Improvements - Widen all roadways through Gorst area to 6 lanes plus HOV lanes; grade separate Sam I Needs further Christopherson Road / SR 3 intersection study 13 Prioritization of short and mid -range (2020) projects SR 3 / Imperial Way - Intersection improvements; add additional channelization improvements $1.9 7 SR 3 Belfair Additional Non -motorized Improvements -Widen existing 2-lane roadway to include a bike lane and $2 6 sidewalk in each direction, and a closed drainage system. SR 3 / North Bay Road - Intersection improvements; install roundabout or traffic signal based on detailed traffic study and $1 9 warrants SR 3 / Lakeland Drive / Evans Street - Intersection improvements; install traffic signal based on detailed traffic study and $1 9 warrants US 101 NB Ramps / Wallace Kneeland Blvd. - Intersection improvements; install traffic signal or roundabout based on $1 9 detailed traffic study and warrants SR 3 / Sunnyslope Road - Intersection improvements; install roundabout or traffic signal based on detailed traffic study and $1 7 warrants SR 3 / Sam Christopherson Road - Interim improvements to meet 2008 demand: add extra left turn lanes from Sam Christopherson Road to SR 3, add right turn lane from SR 3 to Sam Christopherson Road, limit other access points to right- $1.8 in / right -out SR 3 / Sam Christopherson Road - 2020 intersection improvements and rechannelization: in addition to the interim improvements, add one through lane in each direction on SR 3 approaches, add a double left turn and a separate right turn $3.3 from the SR 16 spur to SR 3 SR 3 / Pickering Road - Intersection improvements; install roundabout or traffic signal based on detailed traffic study and $1.4 warrants US 101 / SR 102 - Intersection improvements; install roundabout or traffic signal based on detailed traffic study and warrants $1.3 Prioritization of short and mid -range (2020) projects • SR 3 /Agate Road - Intersection improvements; install roundabout or traffic signal based on detailed traffic study and $1.4 warrants SR 3 / Mason Lake Road - Intersection improvements; install roundabout or traffic signal based on detailed traffic study and $1.9 warrants US 101 NB Ramps / Shelton -Matlock Road - Intersection improvements; install roundabout or traffic signal, based on $1.4 detailed traffic study and warrants SR 3 Widening - Widen to 4 lanes from Imperial Way to Sunnyslope Road $38.2 New County Road and Improved SR 3 Intersection - Install new connector roadways to combine traffic from Cranberry Creek Road, Deer Creek Road and Agate Road; install roundabout or traffic signal at common point for traffic movements $8.5 with SR 3, limit access at other locations to right -in / right -out (project replaces SR 3 / Agate Road and SR 3 / Cranberry Creek Road projects) SR 16 Ramps / Tremont Street - Widen Tremont Street to 4 lanes, install new signals at both ramp interchanges $15.7 SR 3 Allyn Non -motorized Improvements - Install sidewalks within Allyn business zone $5.8 SR 3 Widening - Widen to 4 lanes $34.8 SR 3 / Grapeview Loop Road - Intersection improvements; install roundabout or traffic signal based on detailed traffic study $1 8 and warrants SR 16 Ramps / Sedgwick Road - Widen Sedgwick Road to 4 lanes plus turn lanes $15.1 SR 3 / Cranberry Creek Road - Intersection improvements; install roundabout or traffic signal based on detailed traffic study $1 9 and warrants US 101 SB Ramps / Shelton -Matlock Road - Intersection improvements; install new southbound off -ramp; install traffic $2 8 signal or roundabout based on detailed traffic study and warrants SR 3 Widening - Extend SR 3 lane over SR 16 north for longer merge area (interim) $16.1 5 Prioritization of short and mid -range (2020) projects M ' SR 3 Widening - Widen to 6 lanes plus HOV lanes from Gorst Spur to SR 304 $197 9 SR 16 Widening - Widen to 6 lanes from Sedgwick Road interchange to Gorst $125.7 US 101 Widening - Widen to 4 lanes; improvements for Matlock Road interchange; limited -access freeway section $54.8 US 101 Widening - Widen to 4 lanes; limited -access freeway section $57.5 SR 3 Safety Improvements - Widen shoulders, install southbound left turn lane at South Grapeview Loop Road, install $129 8 northbound right turn lane at North Grapeview Loop Road -• • Belfair Area Safety and Widening Improvements - Widen existing 2-lane roadway to 3-lane roadway (including two-way $18.6 left turn lane) with bike lane and sidewalk in each direction, and a closed drainage system I Long-range projects — beyond 2020 US 101 Widening — Widen to 4 lanes from SR 102 to Wallace Kneeland Boulevard SR 3 Widening — Widen to 4 lanes from US 101 to south city limits SR 3 Widening — Widen to 4 lanes from South of Johns Prairie Road to Mason Lake Road SR 3 Widening — Widen to 4 lanes from Mason Lake Road to Pickering Road SR 3 / Mason Benson Road — Intersection improvements; install roundabout, traffic signal, and / or additional channelization based on detailed traffic study and warrants SR 3 Improvements (Grapeview Loop Road to Belfair) — further study needed to investigate traffic flows through Allyn area SR 3 Widening — Widen to 4 lanes from Lake Flora Road to Imperial Way SR 3 / Imperial Way — Intersection improvements; additional channelization or grade separation is needed to meet level of service standards SR 3 Widening — Widen to 6 lanes from Imperial Way to Sunnyslope Road as divided highway, restrict access to right -in / right -out SR 3 Widening — Widen to 6 lanes from Sunnyslope Road to Gorst as divided highway, restrict access to right -in / right -out SR 3 Widening — Widen to 8 lanes plus HOV lanes from Gorst to SR 304 SR 3 / SR 16 Interchange — Reconstruct interchange SR 3 / SR 304 Interchange — Reconstruct interchange SR 3 Widening — Install northbound drop lane from SR 304 to Loxie Eagans interchange 7 Public Outreach Activities: ■Project Web site: www.wsdot.wa.gov/Projects/BremertonEcon/defauIt.htm ■Online comment form ■Posters / materials at community locations ■Fairs and festivals (938 visitors) What we heard: ■ Build the Belfair Bypass ■ Widen and install turn lanes, passing lanes, and signals ■ Fix the Gorst bottleneck ■ Provide bike and pedestrian facilities ■ Fix Johns Prairie Road / SR 3 intersection ■ Provide more and better coordinated transit service Taste of Hood Canal, Belfair — August 2008 Bremerton Blackberry Festival — September 2008 IN Next steps ■ Continue agency briefings ■ Stakeholders review draft plan document ■ Project kiosks with folios and fact sheets available to the public ■ Prepare and release final study document a CITY OF PORT ORCHARD City Clerk CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 city of —.— Port Orchard TO: Mark Dorsey Director of Public Works From: Dennis Muldrow Supervisorof Community Services Subject: Library renovation estimates Complete metal roof installation $110,000.00 New carpet installation $60,000.00 Remove and replace all light up front $50,000.00 New fire alarm system ($35.00 a month monitoring) $10,100.00 Window repair $860.00 Tota 1 $230,960.00 Dennis Muld row CITY OF PORT ORCHARD 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 Voice: (36o) 8'76-499 `. i •Fax: (360) 876-4980 IINYI planning@ cityofportorchard.us E iiu i-i�u= MEN _,a,k _ www.cityofportorchard.us �e'�_� ref Memorandum Date: August 18, 2009 From: James Weaver, Development Director Subject: CDBG Section 108 Loan Summary: This memorandum is regarding the preferred decision process and staff direction for the City of Port Orchard Community Development Block Grant - Section 108 Loan application submitted to KRCC in the amount of $ 2 Million dollars for the acquisition of property for the Port Orchard Town Center project. The Planning Department has been tasked with seeking funding for this project and in an effort to fulfill that task, has submitted a CDBG grant application ($50,000), and a CDBG Section 108 loan application ($ 2 Million). These applications were brought before the City Council at the June 16, 2009 Council Work Study meeting, with the direction to staff to proceed with the application process, on the stipulation that loan costs & repayment would not begin occurring until the funds were drawn and utilized. Port Orchard Staff prepared the CDBG Section 108 Loan application package and submitted it on July 18, 2009. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) reviewed the County wide Section 108 Loan applications on July 29th, 2009 and recommended approval and forwarding of the City's application for public comment and further review prior to final approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The KRCC did include an additional conditions for approval, requiring the loan to be approved by HUD before September 30, 2010 and reducing the loan repayment period from 20 years to 10 years. On August 3rd, 2009 the Kitsap County Block Grant Division issued the City of Port Orchard a letter detailing the requirements for the CDBG Section 108 Loan and requiring additional or updated items for a complete application submittal package for Block Grant Division review, and Board of County Commissioner approval. The items identified to be submitted are included below: • An Updated Section 108 Loan Application reflecting a repayment schedule of 10 years. (Requesting outside consultant or Treasurer Dept. assistance). • Documentation - (anticipate a Council Resolution or Ordinance) for a 10 year repayment schedule for the $2 Million dollar loan, including a confirmation of repayment rate, loan fees, terms & conditions. • Updated Sources & Uses Statement - regarding changes for commitments or in costs. • Operating Proforma - showing revenues & expenses for the facility 5 years after completion with associated debt servicing. (Outside Consultant estimate to prepare - $12,000 - $20,000). • Collateral - Documentation (anticipate a Council Resolution or Ordinance) of collateral for loan and clarification of HUD collateral types of commitments. • Independent Financial Review - conducted by an outside consultant and anticipated in the amount of $ 2,000 (Anticipate this would be sourced from Planning Department 2009 Budget) Request: Planning Staff is requesting staff direction and/or an approved course of action to allocate City resources to completion of the CDBG Section 108 Loan final application package. Upon Committee and Council direction, Planning would prepare applicable Resolutions/Ordinances, Update Section 108 Loan Application documents, and prepare a very conceptual preliminary Proforma for review by a financial professional. Additionally, upon Committee or Council direction to move forward, the Planning Department would utilize remaining 2009 Budgeted Planning Department Professional Services funds for provision of the required Independent Financial Review. As the majority of items are of a highly complex financial nature, the in-house Planning Department resources and expertise are presently lacking the financial capability to competently review the proposed documents. In order to prepare the requested materials, it is requested that staff direction regarding possible alternatives to conduct this work may be: 1. Obtaining Future Commitment from Kitsap County Commissioners for project funding and utilizing $50,000 CDBG GRANT(available February 2010) to fund project financial analysis and proforma for submission to HUD in September 2010. 2. Directing Planning staff to utilize an allocation of additional 2009 Budgeted Planning Department Professional Services funds for hiring a financial consultant to assist the department in preparation of the Town Center Revitalization Project Section 108 Loan financial package, or 3. Preparation of a conceptual Proforma and requested financial documents by Planning Department staff to the best of their ability, and inter -department requests of limited financial review of the documents by the Treasurer Department with a Treasurer level of commitment to be determined at their discretion. 4. Withdrawal of the CDBG Section 108 Loan application for re -submission at later CDBG funding round. 5. Other alternatives as directed by Committee or Council. The Port Orchard Finance Committee reviewed the alternatives and recommended the item be brought to the August 18th, 2009 City Council Work Study meeting for full council review and discussion. The Planning Department looks forward to the Committee and Council direction on these matters. *,.°pC Kitsap County Department of Administrative Services Shawn A. Gabriel, Director MBLOCBONNIE TUFTS, BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM MANAGER (360�337-4606 - FAX (360) 337-4609 w+sxixmos K GRANT DIVISION Location & Mailing Address: 345 — 6 " ST, SUITE 400, BREMERTON WA 98337 August 3, 2009 James Weaver City of Port Orchard 614 Division Street MS-4 Port Orchard WA 98366 RE: Section 108 Loan Dear Mr. Weaver: Thank you for the time you took to present your project to the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) on July 29, 2009. As you know, they approved the City of Port Orchard's proposal to apply for Section 108 funds for the Revitalization Project (Parking Garage/Library) with the contingency that the loan be approved by HUD before September 30, 2010 and be for a term of 10 years. A legal ad describing all the projects and opening a 30-day public comment period will be published in the Kitsap Newspaper Group this coming Friday. During the comment period we will work with you to put a final application together and have an independent financial review done. You will be responsible for the cost of the review which could be up to $2,000. Please work with our office on your schedule for final application submittal. At a minimum we will need the following: To put a complete package together for review, please submit the following items of information: • An updated application reflecting a repayment schedule of 10 years, rather than 20 years, as directed by the KRCC. • Documentation of approval by the City Council for a 10-year term on the repayment schedule for the $2 million loan. • Updated Sources and Uses Statements to reflect any changes in commitments or costs. • Operating Profonna— This should show the revenues and expenses for operating the facility, for a minimum of five years after completion, along with the debt service payments for the loan. • Collateral — Documentation of the collateral for loan. Page 2 August 3, 2009 Section 108 Ltr — City of Port Orchard Once a final application is received by our office, and a satisfactory financial review is completed, the application will go to the Board of County Commissioners for signature, then submittal to HUD. Please keep us informed of your progress in the coining months. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at (360) 337-4606. Sincerely, Bonnie Tufts Block Grant Program Manager City of Port Orchard Finance Committee Meeting Minutes August 7, 2009 Finance Committee Members John Clauson, Rob Putaansuu, and Carolyn Powers met on August 7, 2009, at 7:00 a.m. at Myhre's. Also present: Mayor Lary Coppola, City Treasurer Kris Tompkins, Incoming Treasurer Allan Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, and Planning Director Weaver. Sales Tax Revenue and Cash Flow: City Treasurer Tompkins reported that the City had an additional $20,000 deficit at the end of July for a total 2009 deficit of $260,000 or -9.3%; no revenue will be received from the Fred Meyer Annexation until the end of September. Finance staff is contacting the recently annexed businesses to ensure they will be reporting sales tax to the City. There did not need to be a draw on the interfund loan for Current Expense at the end of July as revenues from Puget Sound Energy and sales tax were sufficient to cover expenses. Mayor's Salary: Chair Clauson explained there were not too many options; however, he would like the Mayor to consider voluntarily giving up his salary if set goals were not reached. Goals that could be accomplished for the remainder of 2009 were discussed as amending the Revenue Sharing Agreement and start purchasing right-of-way for Tremont Widening Project. The Committee directed the Mayor to determine his goals/objectives for the next year for discussion during the 2010 budget cycle. Public Works (PWD) Director Dorsey reported that he had met with Berger Abam regarding the Tremont Widening final design and production of right-of-way map that would show those rights -of -way needing to be purchased. Further, he was looking into the possibility of entering into an Advance Use Agreement with the State, which would let the City obligate the funds in advance for purchasing right-of-way. Prisoner Medical Costs: A history of the cost to the City of incarceration for the last fifteen years was distributed. City Treasurer Tompkins noted that an inmate, in the City's custody, required medical treatment and was taken to Harrison Medical Center, who then sent an invoice in the amount of $10,500. The Finance Department checked with State DSHS and Dept. of Corrections to determine their responsibility and they had none. Subsequently, the Treasurer's office has been able get a reduction in the amount owed to $7,500 and staff recommends paying the $7,500 bill. The Committee directed staff to pay the bill no later than August 14, 2009, in order to receive the discount offered by Harrison Medical Center. Finance Committee Minutes Meeting of August 7, 2009 Page 2of3 Maintenance of McCormick Woods: PWD Dorsey explained that Kitsap County was not holding to their comment in regards to items such as finishing road striping and pond maintenance now that McCormick Woods was part of the City. He noted that several items will be forthcoming in the 2010 budget such as paying for street lights, pond maintenance, and road striping. PWD Dorsey noted that most of the maintenance items will be deferred to the 2010 budget. Public Works is just completing a McCormick Woods street light inventory. Prospect Street Property Rental Update: City Clerk Kirkpatrick reported that she had shown the newly vacated unit (215 Prospect #201) to the tenant in 213 Prospect Street #201, Ms. Lund, who would make a decision early next week. Should Ms. Lund decide not to switch units, Ms. Kirkpatrick will begin advertising the vacant unit. Business Licensing Through State: Incoming Treasurer Allan Martin explained that combining the City's business licensing process with the State's will reduce City staff time and would provide convenient one - stop shopping for businesses such as Lowe's and Fred Meyers' who have stores in other cities. There is a nominal fee of $9 per business license that is charged by the State. Mr. Martin also recommended the Council consider raising their business license fee from $30 to $50, bringing it inline with other jurisdictions. The Committee directed Mr. Martin to bring this item forward for a presentation at the September 15, 2009, Work Study Session. Request to Purchase ULID Foreclosure Property: City Treasurer Kris Tompkins presented a letter from Steve Nystrom requesting to purchase property that the City is holding in trust for ULID #1, along with a memo giving the particulars of the property. It is currently assessed at $26,030 and the amount owing at the time of foreclosure was $2,259.69. With this property the City does not have to advertise or request bids as the RCW states "The sale may be public or private and for such price and upon such terms as may be determined by resolution of the council." Any proceeds of the sale go to the Wastewater Treatment Facility Fund. Under committee reports the Council will be briefed and the Committee feels the price should be $26,030 unless the interested party does an appraisal and it comes in lower. DNR Lease: City Clerk Kirkpatrick reported that the City Attorney had communicated that our liaison at DNR, Lori Price, is no longer handling our lease and the attorney is still working to finalize the agreement. DNR does have the survey map, but the City remains unable to move forward until DNR has reviewed the legal descriptions and determines the lease amount to be paid. Finance Committee Minutes Meeting of August 7, 2009 Page 3of3 Section 108 Loan: Planning Development Director Weaver reviewed his memorandum on the Section 108 $2 million dollar Loan status and next requirements, which includes an independent financial review for about $2,000. The application deadline is September 30, 2009. A separate $50,000 CDBG grant application has been submitted that could be available in 2010 for site acquisition study & preliminary design. A financial feasibility study would also be beneficial and the cost would range from $12,500 - $20,000, which could be paid from the CDBG grant. The City debt capacity and ability to make the annual payments was also discussed. Schedule Audit Exit Conference: Treasurer Tompkins asked for a date that the Mayor, Councilmember Clauson, and City Clerk Kirkpatrick could meet with the State Auditors for the exit conference; it was set for Friday, August 21, 2009, at 8:00 a.m. in City Hall. City Treasurer Tompkins will invite Debbie Hunt, Court Administrator as the auditors had some suggestions for the Municipal Court. Next Meeting: September 4, 2009, 7:30 a.m. at Myhre's. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 a.m. cc: Mayor Council City Attorney Department Heads PORT ORCHARD TOWN CENTER REVITALIZATION PROJECT SOURCES Draft Funding Document: JULY 16, 2008 SECTION 108 HUD/CDBG LOAN PROGRAM Estimated Budget 5,280,000 24,027,094 7,335,938 36,643,032 COMMITTED NDITIONAL TENTATIVE INITIAL PHASE AQUISITION & DESIGN COSTS PHASE ONE TOTAL PROJECT COST PHASE TWO TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL PROJECT COST PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES FEDERAL CDBG Initial Phase 2009-2010 Request $ 50,000 $ 50,000 2010 Federal Appropriations Request $ 15,000,000 $ $ $ 15,000,000 6,000,000 2,000,000 New Market Tax Credits Program $ 6,000,000 HUD Section 108 Loan $ 2,000,000 USDA Community Facilities Grant $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 USDA Rural Community Development Direct Loan $ 750,000 $ 750,000 STATE LIFT Funding $ 3,000,000 LOCAL Port of Bremerton Partnership (100 parking spaces 0 $ 2,520,000 Kitsap Transit Partnership Kitsap Regional Library Partnershi APPLICANT City Parcel Acquisition Co Sale of Existing Library Bu PRIVATE Downtow (150. IN KIND Municp ers SUBTOTALS $ $ 484,4,000 ,0 3,7t ,032 643,032 $ $ 9,032 $ 493,032 $ 800,000 800,000 $ 550,000 $ 450,000 $ 3,780,000 $ 35,350,000 PRO, T ')IN( COMMITTED CONTINGENT TENTATIVE 'S $ 36,643,032 $ 493,032 $ 800,000 $ 35,350,000 ,ES $ 36,643,032 COMMITTED GAP PROJECT FUNDING GAP $ 36,150,000