040-21 - Resolution - Contract with Olson Brothers Pro-Vac LLCRESOLUTTON NO. 040-21.
WHEREAS, as performed annually since 20L3, the Municipal Research and Services
Center of Washington (MRSC) solicited on behalf of participating local government agencies
within Washington State (including the City of Port Orchard) for the 2021 MRSC Small Public
Works Roster; and
WHEREAS, on May IO, 2OZL, pursuant to RCW 39.04.155, the City's Public Works
Department established a roster of qualified contractors from the 202L Small Works Roster, a
copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, for the Main Category - Storm Drainage Facility
Construction, Repair and Maintenance and Sub-Category - Catch Basin Cleaning/Vactoringflet
Rodding; and
WHEREAS, on May tO, 202L, and pursuant to Resolution No. 019-17, Section 5.0 Bid
Procedures, the City's Public Works Department issued an email lnvitation to Bid for 2O2I
Stormwater Catch Basin and Pipe Maintenance Project to the contractors on the selected
roster; and
WHEREAS, on May 24,2O2L, the City's Public Works Department received two (2) bids
by the deadline, and Olson Brothers Pro-Vac, LLC submitted the apparent lowest, qualified Bid
for the 202L Stormwater Catch Basin and Pipe Maintenance Project; and
WHEREAS, on May 24,202I, the City's Public Works Department completed the MRSC
Mandatory Bidder Responsibility Checklist and confirmed Olson Brothers Pro-Vac, LLC as the
lowest, qualified bidder; and
WHEREAS, the Port Orchard City Council, at the 2015 recommendation of the State
Auditor's Office, wishes to document their selection/procurement process as described above
for this particular contract by Resolution; Now, Therefore,
THAT: lt is the intent of the Port Orchard City Council that the recitals set forth above
are hereby adopted and incorporated as findings in support of this Resolution.
THAT: The City Council approves and authorizes the Mayor to execute Contract No.
CO57-2I with Olson Brothers Pro-Vac, LLC for the 2027 Stormwater Catch Basin and Pipe
Resolution No. 040-21
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Maintenance Project, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated
herein by this reference.
THAT: The Resolution shall take full force and effect upon passage and signatures
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and
attested by the City Clerk in authentication of such passage on this 8th day of June 2021.
Robert Putaansuu, Mayor
Exhibit A to Resolution No. 040-21
Publlc Agency Name;
Roster Type:
Main Category:
City of Port Orchard
SmatlWorks Roster
lOl9 am
Storm Dralnage Facitity Construction, Repair, and Maintenance
Catch Basin Cleaning^r'actoring4et Rodding
A- Advanced Septic & Construction
Drain-Pro, lnc.
Otson Brothers P'o-Vac
Professional PipeSeruices (Pro-Pipe)
TFIIS Agreement is made effective as of the 8th day of June, 202l,by and betueerr
216 Praspect Slrcet
Port Orchanl, Washington 98366
Corrtact: Mayor Robert Pulaansuu Phonc: 360.876.44A7 Fax: 360.595.9A29
0lson Brofhers I\o-Vac, LLC
24l2lnter Avelrue
Puyalltrp, WA98372
Corttact: Melanie Ross Phone: 253.435.4328 Enrail: lnelanie.ross@pro-vac.conr
for the folloiving Pmject:
2021 Stornrrvater Catch lSasin & Pipc Maintenance (',PROJECT")
The City and Contractor agrce as follotvs:
l. Coufract Documents. The Corrtractor shall complete the Work described in the Contract
Documents for the l'r'oject. The follon,ing docunrents are collectively rcferred to as the
"Conlract Documents":
a. This Agreernent signed by the City and the Contractor;
b. Division I of WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal
Construction,20lS edition, togetlter n'itlt APWA Supplernent (l-99), subject to specific
provisions contained rvithin the Public Works Ternrs and Conditions;
c. The attached Special Provisions, Plans and Specifications;
d. 2015 International Building Codc (lBC) and 2015 Energy Code Compliance;
e. Written changc ordcrs or ordcrs for nrinor changes in the Work issued after execution of
this Agleement;
f. Public Works Terrns aud Conditions;
E. lnsurance and Bonding Requirernents;
h. l'he Invitatiott to llid, and bid prnposal submitted by the Contractor, except rvhen
inconsistent rvith Contract Documents a-g; and
CitS' o! Port Orchurtl antl Olson Bralhers Pro-l/ac, LLC
Puhlic lYorls Prqject No. Ptt/2021-020
Snall lYorks Controct No. C057-21
I'age I of 24
Rev 5/l/2020
i. City of Port Orchard Developrnent Guidelines.
The intent of thc Contmct Docunrents is to inclutlc all items nec€ssaly for the proper executioll
altd completion of the Work by the Contractor. These Contract Documents complenrcnt each other
in describing a contplcte s,ork. Any requirernenl in one document binds as if stated in all. The
Colttractot'shall provide any rvork ol materials cleally inrplied in the Contr'flct even if the Contract
does not rnention it specifically.
2. Date of Contmencernent and Substnnlial Completioll Date, The date of conrnrencelnent
shall be 7 davs affer Notice to Proccecl. The Contractor shall substantially complete the Work
not later tlran Scptcmhcr 10.2021. subjcct to adjustrnerrt by changc ordcr.
3, l'he Contractor shall do all rvork and furnish all tools, materials, and equipnrent irr accordancc
rvith the above described Cortstruction Conlract Documenls. The Contractor shall provide and
bear the expense of all equipnlent, n'ork, and labor of any sort rvhatsoevel that may be required
for thc transfcr of rnatelials and fol constructirrg and conrpleting of the rvork ploviclcd ibr in
tltese Cottslruction Contmct Docunrerrts, except those items rnentioned therein to be furnished
by the City.
4, Subject to additiorrs and decluctions b1. change order, thc construction Contract Sunr is the base
bid amotrnl of $[|ZJj! (including applicable sales tax). Thc construstion Contract Suln
shall inclucle all items and services necessary for the proper execulion arrcl cornpletion of the
rvork. 'l'he City hereby prortrises attd agrces rvith the Contractor to crnploy, and does enrploy
the Contractor to prCIvide the matelials and to do ancl cause to be done the u,ork described itr
flte Constlttction Contract Docurnents and to cornplete and finish the sanre according to the
plans and spccificatiorts and tlte lernts arrd conditions herein containcd; and hereby contracts
to pay for the same at the tinre and irr lhe rrranrrer and uporr the conclitions provided for in this
5. The Colrtractor agtees to conrply rvith all state ard federal larvs rclating to the employnrent of
labor ancl rvage mtcs to be paid. Ihe Contlactor agrces to filrnish insurance of the types and
in the amounts set forth in the Construction Contmct Docutnelrts.
6. The Contraclor aglees to tepair and leplace all property of the City and all property of others
damaged by hinrself, his employees, and sub-contractors.
7 . 'l'he Contractor for himself and for his heirs, executol's, administmtors, successors, and assigns,
does hereby agree to the full perfornrancc ol all the covenarrts hcrcin upon the part ol'the
L It is furfher provided lhat no liability shall attach to the City of Porr Orchard by reason of
entering into this constluction contract, except as exprrssly provided herein.
9. Tifle VI
Citl' of Port Orchard nnd Olson Brothers Pro-l/ac, LLC
Public ll'orks I'rojec{ No. PU/2021-020
Snall lforks Corttruct No. C057-2 I
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llev 5i1i2020
-l'he Ciry of Port Orrhard, in accordance rvith 'l'itle Vl of the Civil ltights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252,
42V.5.C.2000d to 2000d-4 and'Iitle 49, Code of Fccleral Regulations, Dc;rarlrrtenl of Tmnsportatiott
subtitle A, Ot'fice of the Secretary, Pall 21, norrdiscrirnirration in I'ederally assistecl ;xograms of tlte
Deparlntent ol'Trans;rortation issued pursuant 1o such Act, ntust allirntatively insurc that its contracts
conrply rvith these rcgulations.
Tlrerefore, during the perl'orrnance of lhis Agrcenrerrl, the Contractor, for itself, its assigrtees, ald
successol's in intetesl agl'ccs as lbllorvs:
Cornpliarrce rvith ll,cgulntions: I'he Contraetor u,ill cornply rviih llre Acls and the Regtrlatiotts
rclativc to Nolrdisclilnination in Federally-assisted plogr"nrs of the U.S. Department of
l'rarrspofiatiorr, Federal I lighl'ay Adrrrinistration (FHWA), as they rnay be antendetl finm titne to
time, ryhich arc hcrcin incorporatcd by rcfcrence and made a part of tlris Agrcetncnt.
2. NnndiscrinrinRtion: The Contmctor', rvith regard to the rvork perlbrrned by it during this
Agreenrenl. rvill not discrirninate on the grounds of lace, color, national origin, se.\, age,
disability, incorne.level, or [,EP in lhe selection ancl retention of subcontractors, irtcluding
ptoculcutcnts of materials and lcases of equipntertt. Tlte Contlactor rvill not palticipate clireclly or
indirectly in the discrintination prolribited by lhe Acts and llte Regulalions as set f'orth in
Appendix A, attached hereto ancl incolporated herein by this rel'erence, including ernployment
pmctices rvherr tlris Agreenrent covers any aclivity, ;rrojecl, ol'progl?m set forth irr Appendix B of
49 C.F,R. pafi2l.
3. Solicitntions for Subcontracts, Including Procurentcnls of Malerials antl Er;uiplncnt; ln all
solicitations, either b1, corrrpelitive bidding, or negotia(iorr nrade by tlre Conlractor for rvork to be
perfornred under a subcontract, includilrg prrcul'enrents of rnaterials, or leases olequiptttettt, each
potential subconllactor or supplier rvill be notifiecl by the Contractor of the Contractor's
obligations urrder lhis Agreemcnl alrd the Acts and thc Regulations relalive to Non-discrintinatiort
on the groulrds ol'race, color, national origirr, sex! age, disability, inconte-lercl, ol'LDP.
4. Infornralion rnrl Rc;tortsl J'lre Contlactor rvill pt'ovicie all irtlbrrrration attcl t'epotls reqtrired by
the Acrs, thc Regulations ancl directives issuecl pursuant thelelo artd u'ill pet'mit access to ils
books, records, accoullls, other sources of infbrrnation, and its facilities as may be deterrrrined by
tlre Cily ol the FHWA to be pertinent to ascertairt compliance rvith suclt Acts, Rcgulations, and
instructions. Where any inlbrnration required ol'the Contmctot'is in the exclnsive possession ol'
another rvho fails or refirscs to fulnish the inforrnation. lhe Conlmctor rvill so certily to thc City or
the FHWA, as apllropriate, and *'ill set lbrlh l4rat ef'forts it has utade to obtain the inlbrmation.
5. Sauctions for Nonconr;rliance: ln the event of tlte Conllactolns noncolnpliancc rvith the Non-
discrirninalion provisions of llris Agreement, the City rvill impose such conlract sanctions as it ot'
tlre Fl iWA rnay deterntiue to be appropdate, including, bttt not linrited to:
1. rvithholding payrnerrts lo thc Contractor undcr thc Agrcentent until thc cotttractor
contplies; and/or'
2. cancelling. terrninating, or suspcnding lhe Agreement, in u,ltole or in 1rarl.
6. Incorporation of I'r'ovisions: Tlrc Contractor rvill incluclc the provisions of paragralrhs orte
through six in every subcontract, including plocul'ernents of rttaterials and leases of equipntcnt,
Iurless exenrpt by the Acts, the llegulations and dircctives issued pulsuant tltereto. The Contmctor
tvill take aclion rvith respect to any snbcolrtact or procurenrent as tlre City or the FHWA may
direcl as a nlealts of cnforcing such provisions incluclirtg sanctions for rtoncotrtpliance. Prrovicletl,
that if the Conh"ctot'becornes involved in, or is thleatenecl u'ith litigatiort lry a sttbcontmctor, ot'
C'it1' ol pur, Orchsnl and Olson Brolhcrs Pro-l/ctc, LLC
!'ublic ll'orks Pro.iect No. t'll/202 l-020 llev 5/112020
Sntalt lltorks Cortrucl Na. C057-21
Page 3 of24
supplier because of such direclion, lhe Contmctor nuy request the City to enter inlo any litigation
to Plotect tlrc interests of the City. ln addition,lhe Contractor rmy rcquest the United States lo
enler into the litigation to protect the interests of the United Slates.
lN WITNESS WI IEREOF, the parties hercto have caused this contract to be cluty executed
on the date first ryritten above.
Robert Pulaansuu, Mayor
ATTES'I'/A 't'E:
, City Clerk
Charlotte Attorney
City of Porl Orchard aud Olsou llrothers Pr*Yqc, LLC
Public llorks I'roject No. Pllt202l-A2A
Snall lYorks Cottltuct No. C057-21
CONTRACTOT{-- o\r;; Btq\\q's Pt + "U'"
Ay. G rc'l^^* C
Page 4 of24
Rev 5ll/2020
Io (Corporate Officer (Not Contract Signer))
certifr that I am the (Corporate Title) of the
corporation named as the Contractor in the Agreement attached hereto; that
, (Contract Signer) who signed said Agreement on behalf
ofthe Contractor, was then (Corporate Title) of said corporation;
that said Agreement was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its
governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers.
Corporate Seal
Corp. officer signature (not contract signer)
State of
County of_
(corporate fficer (not contract signer)) being
duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is (Corporate Title)
of (Name of Corporation)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ day of 20
Notary Public (Signature)
Notary Public (Print)
My commission
City of Port Orchard and Olson Brothers Pro-Vac, LLC
Public Works Project No. PW202I-020
Small Works Contract No. C057-21
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Riev 51112020
The lbllol'iltg tenlts and conilitions shal[ lre used in conjurtctiort rvitlt the Stanclard Specificatiols
lbr l{oad, Bridge and Murricipal Construction, 2018 eclitiorr, togetlter rvitlt tlte Al'WA Supplentenf
(section l-99), as issled by thc \Yashington State Department of Tlansportatiort and Americatt
Public Wolks Associatiolr, Washington State Clrapter, lrereinalier rcl'errcd to as the "slattdard
specilications". 'l'he stanclald specifications. excellt as tllcy ntal' be lnoclillerl or sttpelsecled hy
lhesc gl'ovisiorrs, slrall govenl all phases of rvork urtcler tltis Conlract, ancl tlrcy ale by referettce
rnacle arr integlal palt of these specifications iurcl Corrlract as if herein fully sct forth.
Wlren the provisions of rhe standald specificatiorr conflict u,ith the tenns and conclitions as
conlaiuecl ltelein, tlre teruts attd corttlitions shall prevail.
L BID l'l{lCE: 'Ilre bid pricc(s) slrall include all necessaly pernrits, fccs and itenrs of labor,
tuaterial, ecltripluerrt, fools, overheatl arrrl compensation, supplies, taxcs, ulilities attd otlrel
inciclentals uecessal'), to cornplete tlre u'ork in a tirlll. lunctional artcl ollcrational stale. All pl'ices
including bid prices arc irr [JS funds.
2. DEFINITIONS: Tlre ternr "Cit1''onlealls Polt Olchalcl, Washirrgtoll, "successfirl bidclcr" means
thc aplrarcnt lorvest arrcl besl responsiblc biddcr to *,horn an aru,arcl is uradc, and "Contractor"
t)teans the successful bidderrvho lras satisfied the requilenrents for the anard artrl rrfio teceit'es a
conll'ilct exectrtecl by the City. "Biddel"' uleans the person. firrn or corporatiort that lras ntacle an
oller in response to tlre invitation to bicl. "Work" rneans lhe constluction ancl services requiled by
lhe Contract Docunrents, n,hether comllletecl or partially conrpleterl, ancl includes all otltcr labor,
nratcrials, cquiglrncrrt and services providcd or to bc plovided b1, the Contractor to fulfill tlre
Corttlactor's obl igations,
3, I.ICFINSING AND RECISl'ltA'l'lON: The Contractor must have a Washingtorr Stafe certificate
of rcgistration pel clrapter 18.27 RCW;a culrcnt state unilie(l busitress iderrtilicr ttuntbet'; and if
applicable. industrial irrsurance coverage for thc bitlcler's ern;rloyees rvorking in Wasltirrgton, atl
Ernployrneut Security Departnrerrt nurnbcr, aucl a state excise tax registration nutttber. ln addition,
the bidder must not be disqualiliecl ll'om bidding on an), public rvotks contracts unclel llCW
39.06.010 or 39, 12.065(3).
4. PUBLIC WORK REQUIREMENTS: 'l'his project constitutes a public *'olk unrler state la*,.
Bidclers ale rvarrrecl to take into consideration statutorl, legal recptiletnertts, particulally. the
;ral,rnent of pr:evailing \\'ages and fi'ingc berrefits, payrnerlt ancl perfot'ntaucc bottds atttl sales tax
irnplicatiorrs in nraking their bicls. It is the sole resporrsibility of the biddr to ittsure that tlie
apltropliate labol classification(s) ale iclcntified ancl that the applicable u'age ancl benefit rates are
taken into consideration rvhen prcparing tlre ir bicl according to these spccificatiorts. The Cotrtractor
shall conrplctc altrl file State of Washington, Departrnent of Labor'& lrtdustries, Statcrncnt ollntent
to Pay Plevailing Wages arrd Alfidavit of Wages I'aicl lorrns anclshall lanrilialize itself rvith their'
requirenrents.'l'he Contractol shall also lre resporrsible fbr and pay all costs peltaining to the
processing of these f'orrns.
5. INSUI{ANCE ITEQUIREMENT: The successlirl bidder rvill firrnislr irrsurance as stipulatecl in
tlre Attachnrerrt entitled "lnsurancs Requilernents."
6. RECEIPT OF ADDENDA: All ollcial clarifications or irrter'1:retations of thc bid docurnents
rvill bc by rvrittcn acldenda only.
Cit.t, oJ'Port Orchuul and Olson Brothers ['ro-I/ac, LI-(
['ultlic ll'ork.s Projecl No, Pll'2021-{]2A
Sntqll ll'orks Co,tlracl No. (.'{)57-21
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I\eY 5/l/2020
7, PROJECT COMPLIANCE: ln compliance nith tlre request fol quotatiorr, Bitlcler lreret:y
proposes to pcrlbrnt all *'olk lirr this prqject in strict accorclance rvith the Contlact Docurnents. at
the Contract Surn, anrl rvithin the tirne set lblth herein rvith the unclcrstancling that tinre is ol'lhe
essellce in tlre perfourance of this Contract.
8. TAXES: l)roposals shall incluclc all applicable taxes except sales tax, rvhich is a sepalate bicl
iter:r. lt slrall be tlre Biclder's responsibility to lurnish Federal Excisc Tax Exentption Celtil'icale,
rvherr applicable.
9. IRROR IN EX'I'ENSION: Unil price, u,hen usccl, shall govcnr in case olextension ert'or.
10. PERI\4lTS nND F[LS:'['he Conllactol slrall lunrislr all perrnits, inspcction fecs. and I'ees
requircd in thc perfonltance of this Corrtract, irrcluclirtg those cltarged under RCW 39.12.070by
the Depaltnrent olLabor and lndustlics ltrr the approval of statcmcnts of irttertt to pa)' plevailing
\vages and the certificatiorr of afficlavits of rvages paicl, etc. The Depaltlrlent luay also charge f'ees
to llclsurrs or organizations reclucsting lhe albitlation of disputcs untlcr RCW 39.12,060. The
Colrtlactor is lesporrsible ior al! f"ees rcsultirtg fi'orn tltese statutes.
I L CONTRACT: Thc Contr:acl Docurncnts ("Contract"), rvherr prollelly,signcd, rvill lre lhe only
fblln {hat rvill bc recogrrizecl b3' the City as an arvarcl. The executed Contlact supeffiedes all
plevious cornnrtrnicatiorrs and negotiations, except as ref'erenced lreleirr, urttl cortstitutes the entire
agreenrenl belrveen the City and Contractor (paLties). exccpt as plovitled herein. 'l'he Cottllactor'
shall not nrake any charrge.s, altelations, or variations in the telurs of the Contlact rvithout tlre
rvritten consent of thc Cit1,. No ternrs stated lry thc Bicldcr in its proposalshall bc lrincling ort lhe
Citl, unless acceptcd in rvliting by the Cit),. Thc successful bidder nray nof assigrt the Contlact
I'esulting fi'orn tlris invitation to bicl rvithout lhe City's ltliol rvritteu consent. No rt'aivct' by the City
of a brcach of arry provision of the telms arrcl conclitions outlirred in the invitatiorr 1o bid shall
constitute a rvaiver of any othel breaclr olsuch provision or of an1, otlter provisions.
12. CHANCE ORDIRS: If thc City or the Contractor requcsts a clrangc in the Work, ol cithcl
paltl' believes tlrat a change is nccessary, then the palties slrall cornply rvitlr the follorving
proccdule to docunren{ and reflect a cl:arrgc irr the Work: (a) The party r€questilg the change shall
write a desclilltion of the changc ancl give the descriptiorr to the otltcr parl1, (the ''Change Notice");
(b) llelbre proceecling rvith thc change in Work, urrless otlrcrrvise excused by entergency, the
Contractor shall providc the City rvith a fixcd-plicc rvrittcn cstinrate of the cost and tirtte intllact
of tlre change in Work; anrl (c) 1'he City and the Contractor shall cxecute a Cltattge Orcler'
confirnrirrg their agreement as to the chatrge in Wolk, the fixecl-price cost, ancl the extension of the
SubstantialCornpletion Datc, if alry. If llre change in Work cannot be perlblnred on a fixecllrricc
basis, the Charrge Ordel shall itlerrtify tlre agleed nrethod of conrpettsatiott.
13. CHANCL DII{ECTIVES: A "Change l)irective" is a rvritten orlel sigrred by thc Citi,,
clirecting a change in the Woik prior to agleernent on adjustrncrrt, if any, irr the Contt'act Surtt or
Substantial Conrpletion Date. or both. 'Ihe City may by Change Dircctive, *,itltout invalidatirrg tlre
Contract, older changes in the Wolk rvithin the gcncral scope of the Contract cortsisting of
adclitions. deletions or other revisions, the Contract Sum and Substantial Conrllletion Date lreing
adjusted accoidingly. A Change l)irective slrallorrly be usecl in thc atrsence of totalagreenrent or1
tlre tenns of a Cihange Order'. Upon receipt of a Change Directive, tlte Cotttractol shall promptly
proceed rvith the change in the Work ancl advise the City of its agrccrncnt or clisagreernent u,ith
the proposed rnethocl l'or rleterrrrirring the ;rroposcd acljuslrnenl in the Contract Sunr antl/or
SLrlrstantial Completion Date, ilany, provided in tlrc Change Dilective. A Change Directive signed
by the Corr[actor itrdicates agrccnlent n,ith all tenus set forth irr the Clrange Directive. Such
agreenlent shall be effective inrnrcdiately and shall be recordec{as soon as practicalrvitlr a Ciltange
Cit.r' ol'Port Orclturd anil Olson Brothe t's Pro-l/ac, LLC'
I'ublic ll/orks l'xgect Na. Pll'2{)2 l-020
Snmll ll/orks C'onlrncl No, L'057-2 I
l'age 7 of 24
l\ev 5/1t2020
Order, Il'tltc llarties are unable to agree on arr adjustmellt to the Contract Sunr and/ol Subslantial
Corttplction Date, i{'any, lhen either party rnny sublnit the nratter filr cleternrirratiolr itr accorclance
rvitlr Section 21.
t4. MINOIi CHANGES lN l'l'lE WOttK: 'l'he City shall have tlre aulhoritl, to orrlcr nrinol
changes irt tlre Work not irrvolving acljustment in the {."ontract Surrr orextension of tlre Substanlial
Conrpletion Date artcl not illconsistent *,ith the Contract clocurneuls. The Contractor slrall prontlltly
car'f)' out such rvrittelr ordcls fol' rninol charrges in the Work.
15. COIVIPLIANCE WITH LnWS AND I(ECiULAI-I()NS; Thc Contractol rvarrants hrll
cornpliancc rvith all applicable local, state or fcdcral larvs ancl regulalions antl agrccs to indemnity
and rlcf'crxl the City against auy loss, cost, liability or darnage, ilrcludilrg leasonable fltiorLtel''5
f'ees, b1,reasolt olsuccesslirl bidcler's violation of this paragraplr.
16. INDUMNIFICATION: All services to be rcttrlerecl or perfbrmecl unclel this Corrtlact rvill be
rcltdered or' perfbrnred entirell' at the Colrllactor's olvn risk. 'l'he Colrtlaclor slrall clel'end,
inclernrrifl' and hold the City, its olljcers. oftlcials. ernployees arrcl volunteers harrnlcss from any
and all claitns. iljuries, clarnages, losses or suits inclucling attorney fces, arising out of or irr
cottnectiotr tvitlt tlte ;rclfblrnance of this Contlact; exccpt fbr injuries and danrages caused try tlre
solc negligettce of tlte Cily. Should a court olcornpeterrt.iurisdictiorr determine that this Contract
is srrbjecl to RCW 4.24.115, lltert, itt tlte event of liability lor danrages arising out of bodill, itr.luLy
lo persolts or daruages to propert),caused by or resultirrg {i'onr the conculrcnt negligence of the
Contractot'and the Clity, its officcrs, of'ficials, cnr;lloyees ancl volurrtccrs, the Colrtr'actor's liability
het'eun<lcr shall Lre only to the extent of the Contlactor's negligeltce. lT IS t'Utt'l'llER
17. TERMINA'|-|ON: Tltis Contract rnay be tel'rninatecl irr rvholc or in part, ryilhout penalty to the
City, uttder the follorvirrg conditions: l) bi,rnr-rlual n,r'itten agreeruent;2) by the City lor breach by
thc Contractor clattl' of thc obligatiotts or rcquirenrerrts sct fbrth in the Contract Docuruerrts rvhiclr
tvould, at the option of the City, require the Contractol'to assullle liability tbr arry and all darnages,
incltrding the cxcess of le-procuring sinrilar proclucts or selvices; 3) fol convenience of the City;
or 4) by the City for rron-applopliation of fulrds.
18.1'EI{N4INATION BY THE CITY WITHOUl'CAUSE: Nom'ithstarrding any other provisiorrs
cotttaitted ltereirt, the City, rvithout cause, rnay tenrrinate the Contract trettveelr the parties by
pr'ovitling rlotice to the Corrtractor, lJpon tel'rnination under this scctiorr: l) All remaining
obligations of the parties are cliscltarge<l, but arry rlght based upon breach or perfornratrce occurrilrg
prior to telrttittation survives; 2) If the reasonablc costs olperforntance inculred by the Contractor
prior to telrnination exccccl the arnount paid by the Cit1, to the Contractor on the Contlact Surn, the
City shall rcinrbulse the Contractor in the anlount of such excess; 3) lf the aluot-t:lt paid by the Clit),
to the (lontlaclor on the Contract Sunr exceeds the reasorrablc costs of perforntance incurre<l by
tlte Cotttractor prior to tclnrirration, the Contractor shall rcirnburse tlre City i:r the anrourrt of suclr
excess; and 4) Any lirncls obtained ol retained by the Cotrtractor as plovidecl in subsectiorrs 2) or
3), abot'e, shall constitute f'ull paylnent ancl consideration for the services perlorrnecl by thc
Contlactol priol to ternrination.
Cit.l' ol'Pot't Arc'harcl arul Olson Brothers Pro-I/uc, Ll,C
Public ll'orks ['roiec! Ntt. Pll'202 l-{)20
Snnll ll/orks ('otrlrucl No. C'057-2 I
Page 8 ol24
t{ev 5lll202{J
19. COMPLIANCI WITH '|ERMS: 'fhe City nlay at any tinre insist uporr strict conrpliance rvitlr
thcsc tclrrts arttl corrtlitiurts, rrotrvitltstarrding any previous custoln, praclice, or course ol-dealing to
lhe corttlary.
20. PAYMENT: Corrtractor shall naintain time and expense rccords and plovide them to thc City
along rvith monthly invoices in a fbrmat acce;rtable to the City fbr *'ork perfbrrned to the date of
the invoice. All invoices shall be paid by the City rvithin 45 days of leceipt of a proper invoicc. lf
the services rendered to not nreet the rcquircnrents of the Conlract, Contractor rvill correct or
rnodify the rvork to cornply rvith lhe Corrtract. City rrray rvithhold paylilent fbl such n'olk urrtil tlre
rvork nreets the requiremerrts ol'tlre Contlact,
2l. DISPU'I'E l{ESOI-U'flON: ln lhe event there is a dispute betrveen the parties, the parties
agree to rcsolve that dispute irr the fbllorving manncr: (a) The parties slrall atternpt in goocl f'aith to
resolve any dispute pLon:ptly through negotiarion. Either pafly nray give the other party x,ritten
nolice that a dispute exisls (a "Notice o['Dis;xrle"). 'l'he Notice ol'Dispute slrall include a statcmcnt
of suclr party's positiorr. Within ten ( l0) days of f lre delivery of the Notice ol Dispute, the parties
shall nreet at a nrutually acceplalrle tinre ancl place ancl alternpt to resolve tlre clispute; (b) If thc
parlies are urrable [o tesolve the dispute, they rnay elect to subrnit the dispute to rnediation. 'l'lre
cost of the nrediation shall be borne equally by the parties. The nrediator shall be selected by thc
rrrulual agl'ccnlcnt ol'thc par'tics; (c) If the rnedialion does nrlt rcsult in a setllelnent olthe dispute,
thc clisputc slrall be settlcd by binding arbitratit'rn by the .luclicial Albitration ancl Mecliatiort
Scrviccs ("JAMS") in accordance u,ith thc thcn opcrativc constnrctiorr rulcs of JAMS. 1'he parties
rnay select arr artritratol by nrutual agreelllent, ol if unable to agree. the arbitrator rvill be selected
pursuant to the rulcs of JAMS.'l'he parties slrall be bourtd by tlre decision of such arbitlator. Tlte
arbitration shall be conducted in Kitsap County, Washington; provicled, if JAMS is unable to
conduct the albitration in Kitsap County, tlrcn the ar'tritration shall be held irr such tocation as the
partics rnay agrcc aftcr corrsulting rvith JAMS,
L'it.t, ol'Port Orclnrd uil Olson Drolhet'.s Pro-l/ac, LLL'
l'ublic ll'orks I'ro.iecl No. I'll/2A2 l-020
Snrull ll/or*s Conlracl No. {'057-2 I
Page 9 al-24
l\ev 5/l/2020
The Contractor shall procure and mairrtairr fbr the dulalion olthe Corrtract rvith the City, ittsttrattce
against clailns for injuries to persons or dantage to propcrty rvhich ntay arise fi'ottt or ilt connectiolt
u,ith tlre perfonnauce of the rvork hereunder by tlte Contractor, thcir agellls, represetttatives,
enr;l loyces artd su bcotttractors.
No Limitation, 'l'he Contractor's rnairrtenance of insulance, ils scope olcoverage and lilrrits as
requiled hercin shnll not be conslrued to limit the liability ol'the Cotttt'actor {o tlte coveragc
;rrovicled by such irrsurance, or otherrvise lirnit the City's rccourse to ally rentccly available at lart'
ol in eqrrit1,.
Mirrinrunr Scopc of lnsulance. The Conlractor shall obtairr insurance of the types clescribed belorv:
Itttonohile Liulsilil.l' insurarrce coverilrg all rlrvned, nort-otvrtetl, hire<l and leasecl vclticles.
Coverage shall be rvlittcn orr lrrsurance Services Ofllce (lSO) fonn CA 00 0l ol a stlbstitute
lornr providing ecluivalent liabilitl,coverage. lf rtecessary, the policy shall bc cttdot'sed to
provide contractuul liabil ity coverage.
Contnerciol Genersl Liability insurance shall be n,ritten on ISO occurrellce fornr CC 00
0l arrd shall cover liability alising fi'onr plernises, operatiolls, stol) gap liability,
inclependcnt contt'actors, producls-completed olreraticrts, persoltal iqiuLy alrd aclvefiisirtg
irliurl,and liability assunrecl undel an irtsured contract. Tlte Cotttnrercial Gettet'al Liability
insurance shall be entlorsecl to provicle the Aggregate Pcr Ploject Ettclorsemelrt ISO fornt
CG 25 03 I I 85 or an equivalcnt endorsernent. There shall be no endorsentent or
nrodification of the Conrrrrercial Cerreral l,iability Irtsulance fbl liability arising frorn
explosion, collapse or underground grropcrty clarnage. 'l'he City shall be nattted [r1'
endorsernent as an adclitional insured under tlte Cotttractor's Cottttttet'cial Gencral Liability
insulance policl' rvith respect to lhe rvork perfot'tnecl fot'the City using ISO Atlclitional
lnsured endorscrrreltt CG or substitute errclolsements provicling equivalent covetage.
a l,florker.r' Compenxilion coveruge as requirecl by thc Industrial ltrsurattce larvs of the State
of Washington.
o Ruilrlet's 1?Lsf insurance covcring interests of thc City, the Contractor, Sttbcontt'actot's, and
Sub-subconlractors in ths rvol'k. Buildels Risk irrsurartce shall bc on an all-risk policy fi-rrm
ancl shall insure against the peLils of fire arrcl extended covcrage and physical loss ol
danrage inclucling flood, eartlrquakc, tlteft, vattdalisnr, maliciotls ltrischief, collapse,
tcnlporary builclings and tlebLis removal, Thc BuildeLs ttisk insurattce covet'ing thc u'ork
n'ill have a deductible of $5,000 fol each occulrcnce, rvhich rvill be tltc respottsibility of
thc Contractor. l lighel decluctibles for flood attcl ealtltcluake perils tttay be accepted by the
City upon u,r'itten request by the Contractor artcl rvritten acceptance by the City. Any
incrcasccl deductibles acccptecl by the City rvill rcnrain tlte tesponsibility of the Cotttractor'.
Tlre Builclels Ilisk insurance slrall be ntaintaittecl until final acceptallce of the tvork by the
L'itt, ti'I'otl Orcl&kl tiltd olson l]rofhers Pt'o-l/uc, LLC
I'ttblic ll'orks Project No. PII'202|-020 llev 511t2020
Sntail ll'orks Contraci No. C057-2 I
Page l0 ol24
Iinrplol,ey'5 Liubilit.l'insurance lirnit of $1,000,000 each accident, Ernploycr's Liability
Diseasc cach enrployee $1,000,000 and F)rrrploycr's Liability Discase - Policy linrit
$ 1,000.000.
Minilnuln Amoufis of bslfatee. I'he Cotttractor sltall tuaitttain tlte fbllou'ittg insurance linrits:
Automohile Liubility insurance rvith tr rninirnurn combinecl single lirnit lor bodilf injury
and prope rty dan:age of $ I ,000.000 per accidertt.
Cotnnrcrcial Genexil Liobility irrsurnnce shall be rvritten rvith linrits no less thatt
$1,000,000 each occut'rcnce. $2,000,000 gcneral aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-
conrpleted operations aggregate lirnit.
o Iluilcler^s /?r.rk insurance shall be rvritterr in the anrount of the contpleted value of the praject
rvitlr rro coilrstrrartce ;rrovisiotts.
Other lnsurarrcc t)rovisions. Thc Contractor"s Autorttotrile Liabitity, Cotttlttercial Ccttcral
Liability and lluilders Risk insurance policies nle to corltairr, or tre endorsecl to contain that tlrey
shall be primary insurancc as lespects the City (as applicable to caclt litre of covet'age). Tlre
Consultant's insulance covet?ge slrall be prirnary irrsurance as l'esl)ect the City. Atty insuratrcc. self-
insulaucc ol irrsuralrce pool coveragc rnairrtairtetl by thc City shall lre excsss ol'tlre Colttt'actor's
insurance and shall llot contribute rvith it. lf any coverage is rvlitten on a "claitns tnade" basis,
thcn a nrinimunr of thrce (3) year extendecl reporting peliod shall bc inclucled rvith tlrc claints rnade
policy, arrd proof of lhis extended leporting period provided by the City.
Contl'actor's lnsurance for Other Losses. The Contlactol shall assurtre firll responsibility fol all
loss or darnage fu'out any cause rvhatsoevel to any tools, inclucling bttt ttot linrited to the
CorrtrzrctoL's ernployee-orvned lools, nrachinerl,, equipntent or ntotor vehicles orvned or tetttecl by
the Contractol', ol' the Contraclor's agcnts, strppliers or conttactors as *,ell as any tempotaty
sl ructu res, scaf fold i n g and prntect ive fenccs.
Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor rvaives all rights against the City, any of its
Subcontlactors, Sub-subcontractors, agents aucl enrployecs, for dantages caused by fire or other
perils to thc extent covered by Builders llisk insurance or othel property irtsurattce obtained
pul'suant to this lnsuralrse Requirements Section of tlre Coutt'act or other ptoperty insttratrce
applicable Lo the rvork. The Contractor's insurarrce shall be endorsetl to waive thc right o[
silLrogation against the City, or any self-insurance, or irrsutance pool coverage ntaitttaincd by the
City. The City n'ill not rvaive its right to subrogation against tlre Contraclor. The Cotttractot''s
insurance slrall be endorsed acknorvleclgirrg that the City rvill rrot tvaive its right to sublogation.
Acccptabilit v ol'lnsurers. lnsuralrce is to bc placetl rvith insuret's rvith a cttrrertt A.M. Bcst rating
of not less than A:VII.
Vcrification of Coverase. Tlre Contractot' shall luLnish the City rvith original certificates attd a
copy of tlre arnendatory endorselneltts, incltrcling bttt not rtecessarily
C'itt,oJ'Pttrt Orchrnrl snd Olson Brolher.s Pro-l/ac, I.I.C
I' u b I i c ll' o rk.r I' ro.i e c t N o. It ll 2 { )2 I - I )2 0
Suqll ll'orks Cortlruct No. C057-21
Page I I of24
linrited to the aclditional
insured endorsernent, eviderrcing the Autornobile Liability and Conrnrercial Gencral Liability
insurance of tlre Contractor before colllrrcncerlrent of the rvork. lJefolc any exposure to loss nray
occur, llre Contractor shall file rvith the City a copy of the Builders Risk insurance policy that
includes all applicable conditions, exclusions, clcfinitions, terms and errdorsenrents rclated to this
Subconttactors. The Contractor shall have solc responsitrility for deternrining the irrsurance
covemge arrcl lirnits rcquired, if any, to be obtained by subcontmctors, rvhich determination shall
bc nrade in accordance rvith rcasonable and prudent business lrractices.
Notice of Cancellation. 'l'he Consultant shall provide thirty (30) days rvritten notice by certified
nrail, rcturrt receipt requested, to the City plior to the cancellation or alteration of coverage. The
Contractor shall ;lovide the City and all Additional Insureds for lhis rvork rvitlr rvrittcn notice ol'
any policy cancellation, ryithin trvc business clays of theil receipt of such notice.
Failure to Maintain Insurance. The insurance required try tlris Section rvill not be canceled,
materially changed or altered rvithout ltrrty-five (45) days prior rvritten notice submitteel to the
City. failure on the part ol'the Contractor to maintain insurance as required shall constilute a
material breaclt of contract, upon rvhich the City nray, aftcr giving five business days'notice to
thc Ccntracfor lo colrect thc brcach, inrmcdiately tennilrate the Contract, or, at its discrction,
plocure or lenew such irrsurarrce ancl pay any and all prcnriums in connection lher'elith, rvith any
sunrs so expended to be repaicl to the City on dernand, or at the sole discretion of thc City, of'fset
against funtls duc the Contractor fi'om the City.
Cit1, o-1'J'trt Orchnrd ond {)lson Br<tlhers Prc-\\rc, Ll.C
Public ll'otks l'rtsject No. Pttt202l-020
Snalt lltorks Conlrocl No. C057-21
Page 12 of24
Rev 5ll/202$
Note: This.fbrm nrgt he stftntilled ut the lime lhe C'onlructor execute.s tlrc (lonlroct. 'l'he
{'onlructor :rhull desigrtule the oplion desired by checking ilrc uppnrytiule spuce.
The Contractor shall provide So/a relainage, pursuant to IICW 60.28.01l( I Xa).
ln adclition, the Contractor elects to (select one):
\(l) Furnish a perfonnance bond in the amount of the total contr'act sttnr. An
cxeculcd ;rerfonrrance bond on thc rcquired fornr is included rvith thc cxccutcd contract
(2) Havs the City re{ain, in lieu of the perfonnance artd payrnertt bonds, ten
percent (10%) of the tolal contmcl arnount for a period of thirty days after date of final
acceptancc, or unfil receipt ol'all necessaly rclcascs frorn the department of tcvcnus atrd
the dcpaltment of labor and industries and settlement of any liens filed urrder chapter 6A.28
RCW, rvhiclrever is later. RCW 39.08.010,
In choosing oprion 2, thc Contractor agrees that if the Contractor, its heirs, executors,
administrators, successors, or assigtrs, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and tvell
arrl tnrly keep and perform the covenanls, conditions and agrcemenls in the Cotttract, anel
shall faithhrlly pelfornr all the provisions of such Contract and shall also rvell and truly
pefform and fulfillallthe undeltakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of
any and all duly authorized modifications of the Contmct that rnay hcreafter be tnade, at
the tirne and irr the rnanrrer therein specilied, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics,
subconlmctors, ancl nraterialmen, and all persons *,ho shall supply suclt persott or
pelsorls, or subcontractors, rvilh provisions and supplies lor the carrying on of such rvork,
on his or her part, and shall dctbnd, indemnify, and save harmlcss the City of Port
Orchard, Washington, its officers and agents fionr any clainr for such paymertt, then the
funds retained in lieu of a perlormance bond shall be rcleased at the tinte provided in said
optiorr 2; otherrvise, the funds shall be retainecl until the Contractor fulfills lhe said
Sigttolure,Dste L'/o'zr
BondNo. U s cg, oq L?'? S.0 Jlft
Cit1, 01'prrt Orchurc{ utd OIs<n Brolhet's tro-luc, I.LC
l'ublic ll'orkt Project No. Pl/2021-020
Snnll ll'orks Contracl No. C057-21
?age 13 of24
Rev 5/ll2A20
Bond No. usoo1os67zsu21A
KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THBSE PRESENTS, That rve, Olson Brothers Pro-Vac, LLC ,
herein refened to as the Principal, and XL Soecialtv lnsrrrance Comoanv as Surety,
are held and firrnly bound unto Citv of Port Orchard, Washinston . herein refened to as Obligee
in the penal sum of Three Thousand One Hundred Eiqhtv Eioht Dollars and 67/100($a,lgA.Oz ), for the paynent of which we bind ourselves, our legal representatives,
successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
Principal has entered into
for the construction of
Contract No. C057-21. PW Proiect No. PW2021-020 ,
hereinalter refened to as property, which contract is by reference mads a part hereof. Principal,
as conlractor, and Obligcc agree to releass of retainagc bond in lieu of retainage as specified in
conlract rvith Obligee guaranteeing the satisfactory performance of said conlract in accordance
with ternrs therein.
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that, the if the above bounden
Principal shall make repayment or pay claims to all persons who shall have done or performed
any work or labor upon and/or shall have fumished material or fixlures in connection with the
michanical subcontrict rvork completed by Olson Brothers Pro'Vac, LLC ,
on the aforesaid property and shall effect cancellalion of any and all inscriptions of rvhich may
be filed as a result of the mechanical subcontract work completed by Olson Brothers
Pro-Vac, LLG , and any and all costs and attorney's fees in conneciion therervith, otherwise to
be in full force and effect.
tn no event shall the penal sum ofthis bond exceed
Dollars and67l1$0 ($3,108.02 )
The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and to the extent of any payment or payments made
in good faith hereunder.
SIGNED,SEALEDandDATEDIL;s 8th dayof June .2021
Olson Brolhers Pro-Vac, LLC
XL Specialty lnsurance Company
Kathleen M. Goen
Surety Phone No. 203-964-5200
Sate of tJ A 1
County of P:e
On this day of
me duly sworn, did depose and say resides in
that he is the (?b o
that he
of the
in the year 2Wl before me
known, who being by
the corporalion described in and
the corporate seal; that it was
which executed the instrument; that he knows
so aflixed by order of the Board of Directors of said
corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order
Notary PublicMELANIE RO
NctarY Publi
State ol Waehin
Mv n E x osot3mmopirc
7 29240
State of Pertnsylvania )) ss:
Counly of Montgomcry)
On June Sthr2D?lrbefore me, a Notary Public in and for the ahove county, personally
appeared Kafhleen M. Coen to nte personally known, who, being by nte duly swom, did
state that he/$re is Attorney-in-Fact of XL Specialfy Insurance Company, a corporation
organized and existing under lhe laws of the State of Delnware, that the sealaffixed to
the foregoing instruntent is the corpomte seal of the said corpcration, that tlte instrutnetlt
was signed, sealed, and executed on belralf of saklcotporation by authority of its Board
of Directors, and furlher acknowledged the said instrument and the execution thereof to
be the volun{ary act and dccd of said corporalion by her voluntarily executed.
IN WITNESS WItEttEOF, I have hcreunto subscribed by ttante and affixcd nry official
seal the day and year first above written.
Public L. Orehek
My Commission Expires:
February 21,2424
Commonweallh of Penneylvanla.Notuy Seal
Tammy L. Orehek, Nolary Publlc
Montgomery County
lrly Commission Expkes February 21,2024
Commis$lon Number 1364517
PUle. of^ttomey
Xt Spedalty lr6umfte Compa0y
XL Rehqirance Atnedca lnc'
t(flov, AtL ttEl,, 8y 1HF5€ pRESEflTS: That xL Speclaliy tnsurance company, a Delavarc lnsutance companles rvlth offlces located at 505
sagtevley, 8tvd,, Exton, pA lg34l, and xL Reinsuradce Amerlca tnc., a Ner,, Yolk losulance company v/llh oftlces located at 70 seavlew Avenue,
Slamlod., Cr 06902,, do hereby nomlnate, con5tllute, and apPolnt;
Kathleen M' Coen
each lts true and layjful Attorney(s).ln.fact to mal(e, execute, attest, seal and dellver for and on lts behalf, as sutety, and as lts act and
deed, wnerc rcqulrcd, any and alt bonds and undertaklngs ln the nature ihereof, , for tfie peilsl sum of no one ol l'rhlch ls ln any event to
exceed I 100,000,000,00.
such bonds and undertaklngs, y/hen duly executed by the atofesald Attorney (s) - ln - Fact shall be blodhg upon each sald company as
fully and to the same extent as lf juch lronds and undertaklngs vrere signed by the Presldent and Secletary of the Conlpany and sealed
vrlth tts corporate seal.
The pu,l€r of Attorney ls gonied and 15 5bmd by fa$tmile u(der and b/ the adl$fity of the follovtog R€soft,uons adopted by 0r0 Eoard of ulectots of each of the
Companies ofi the ?6th daY of luly 2017.
RcSOLVEO, that Gary Kaptan, Oanlel Rlor{tan, 14arla Duhart, Gt€gory 0oal and Kevin l'tlrsch are hereby appolnted by the Boa.d as authorlzed
to make, execute, seal and dcllver for and on bebalt of the cornpany, rny and all bonds, undertaklngs, contracts or obllgatlotls ln sutety ot
co-surety vrith others and that the secrelary or any Asslst.n: Secrelaty ot the conlpany be and that each of them hereby Is authorlred to
attest the €xecution o/ any sucb bondr, undertakings, contracts or obllgatlons in surely or co-surety and attach ther€to the corpotate seal of
the ComPanY,
RESOIVcD, FURTflER, that Gary Kaplan, Danlel Rtordan, t4arla Duhart, Gregory Soal and xevln l.llilch each 15 hereby authorlzed to erecut€ povrers
of altorney qualifying the attorfiey named in the givef poHer of attorney to execute, on behalf ol the company, bonds and undertaklngs In Surety
or co.surety trrlth others. and lhat the Secretary or aoy Asslstant Secretaly of the Company b€, and that each of them 15 he.eby authotlred lo
attest the ex€ruuon of any such poyrer of attorney, tnd to attach thereto the corporate seal of the Company.
RESOIVED, FURTHER, that the slgnaturc Ot SUCb Otflcers named ln the precedlng resolutlons and the corporate seal or the cornpany may be
atftxed lo sucb poyrefs of attorney or to any ccrtificatc .elating thereto by facslmile, iod any such poi'rer of attorney or cetllticate beatlng such
tacslmlae slgnatures or facslrnlle seal shall be thereafter valid and blndir|g upon the Company v/lth respect to 3ny bond, undertaklng' contract or
obllgatlon l$ surety or co'surety vrlth othett !o whlch lt 15 attached'
tH \ytrNESS lvHeREOF, lbe XL spEctALTy [lsuRAilcE col4PAllY has caused tts corporate seal to be hereunto altlred, and these pr€sents to
be slgned by lts duly authorlzed ofttcets thls Aprll I3ttr, 20I8.
coufioFcfiESJeR Att$t:
Kerin l.t, t'lirs.h, A5SISrANT SECRgfAftY
On this l3th day ol Aptll,2018, before me personally came Gregory Boal to me knoYrn, t'rho, being duly s?rorn, dld depose and
say: tfrat lre ls Vtce presldent oixt- SpeCtAlrY IilSURAIICE COt'lPAllY, descrlbed ln and whlch executed the above lnstrunlenu that
he knor.,|F the seals of sald Companles; that the seals aftlxed to the aforesald lnstrument It such corportte Seals and vrere alflxed
thereto by order and authortty of the Boards of Dtrectors of sald cofrpanles; and that he executed the sald lnstruntent by llke
{-;A M;-Q
Grrgw ooal, vIcE PRESIOE'{T
Commonweallh ol Fennsylvanla - Notaty Seal
Rsbeccs C. Shalhoub, Notary Publlc
Northamplon CounlY
My commisslon explresApril 28,2024
Commisslon numbet 1268765
Membor,o1 Rebecca C, Stratlpub, NOTARY PUBUC
December 31,2019
(U.S. Dollars)
Cash and short-lsnn inveslmenls
Receivable for securities
Total lnvosted Assets
Agents Balances
Funds held by or deposited with reinsured
Reinsurance recoverable on loss and loss
adjuslment expense payments
Accrued interest and dividends
Olher admitled assetg
Total Admltted Assets
Loss & loss adjuslment expenses
Relnsurance payable on paid loss and loss
adjuslment expenses
Unearned premlums
Ceded reinsurance premium payable
Funds held by company under reinsurance
Payable for Securities
Olher Liabilities
Tolal Llabllilles
75,222,151 Capital and $urplus:
Aggregato write-ins for speclal
O surplus funds
Common capilal Stock
Gross paid in and conlributed surplus
Unassigned surplus
Total Capltal and Surplus
47,472,524 291,649,322
1,307,872,590 Total Liablllties, Capital and Surplus 1$47,872,599
Due lo lhe cunent clrcumstances of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we do not have physical aooess to a jurat page
olficer for wst signature and notarizatlon. ln lleu, we have provlded slectronlc signature of a Jurat page offlcer.
l, Andrew Robert Will, Vice Presldent and Controller ol XL Specialty lnsurance Company {the "Corporallon") do hereby certiff
lhat to the best of my knowledge and bellef, the foregoing is a full and trua Statutory Statement of Admitted Assets, Liabilities,
Capital and Surplus of the Corporation, as of Dec€mber 31, 20'19, prcpared in conformity wilh the accounting praclices
presoibed or permilted by the lnsurance Department of the State of Delaware. The foregoing statement should not be taken
as a complete stat€menl of linancial condition of the Corporalion. Such a statement ls available upon requesl at the
Corporalion's principal office located at 70 Seaview Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902-06040,
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Corporation at Stamford, Conneclicut.
Vice Presidenl and Controller
C0NTRACT NO. C057-21
llond to City of Port Orchard, Washington
Bond No. US00106567SU214
We,Otson Brothers Pro-Vac, LLC and XL Specially lnsurance Company
a __ Delaware ,--..,_ Corpomtion,and as a surcty corporation aulltorized lo beconte
a surety upon Bonds of Contrnctors rvith rrlunicipal corporations in Washington Slale, are jointly and
scverally [ound to the City of Porf Orcltard, Waslrington ("Olner"), in the penal sutn of
Sixty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Three and 411100 Dollals ($ !gJZg.41__--_-),
lhc payrnettt ol u,hich surll, otl demand, rvc bind ourselves and oilt successors, lteirs, adnlinistmtoru,
executol's, or pemortal rcpresentatives, as lhe case nray bc. This Perfomrancc Boltd is providcd lo secttre thc
perfonnaucc of Principal in connectiott rvitlt a conttact datcd June Bth 20 2l , betrveen Principal and
Oryner for a project cntitled 2021 Stormryater Catch Basin & Pipe Maintenance Contract No. C057-
21 ("Contract"). The initial penal surn shall cqual 100 percent oflthe Total Bid Price, includirrg sales tax, as
spccified in the Proposal suburitted by Prhrcipal.
NOW, THEREFORE, this Perfonuancc and Payrncnt Bond shall be satisficd and releasecl only upon llte
condition that Principal :
Faithtitlly perfonns nll provisions of the Contract and changes autltorizecl by Orvner in tlte mauret and
rvithin the tirne specified as rnay be extended undsr tlte Contt'act;
Pays all labolers, rnecltanics, subcontractors, Iolver ticr subcontractols, matcrial petsous, and all other
persons or agenls who supply labor, equiplncnt, or materials to the Project; and
r Pays the taxes, incrcascs and pcnalties incurrcd on the Project under Titles 50, 5l and 82 RCW on:
(A) projeds referrcd to in RCW 60.28.01t(lXb); antllor (B) Projccts for rvhich thc bonil is
conditioned on tltc payntent of suclt taxes, inctcascs and pertalties.
Thc surety shall indenurifo, dcfcnd, and protect the Orvrter against any clairtt of dilect or indirect loss
rcsulling froln tlte failure:
Of the Principal (or any of ihe elnployees, subcoulraclors, or lowel'ticr subconhactors of lhc Principal)
to faithfully perform the coutmct, or
Of lhe Principal (or any subcontractor ol lower tier subcontractor of tlte Prirtcipal) to pay all laborcrs,
rnechanics, subcontractors, loler tier subcontractors, rnaterial pel'son, or alry other person rvho
providcs strpplies or provisiotts for carrying out tlte rvork.
Thc liabiliry of Surcty shall be lirnited to thc penal sum of this Pcrformance and Payntent Bond.
Principle and Surety agree that if the Orvner is required to engage thc set'vices of an attorncy in coutrectioll
rvith enforceurent of this bond each shall pny the Orvner rcasonable altorney's fees, lvhetlter or not sttit is
colnrnenced, in addition to the penal sutn.
No change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the tcrms of the Contract or to the Work to be
perfonned urrder the Contract shall in any way affect Surefy's obligatiolt on the Perforlnancs tsond. Surcty
City af Port Orclmnl sud Olson Brothers Pio-Yac, LLC
l\blic lVorks Project Na, PlY202t-020 l\cv 5/l/2020
Snall lYorks Contruct No. C057-21
Page 14 of24
fiereby waives notice of any change, extension of tirne, nlteration, or addition to lhe terms of the Contract
or the Work, with the exccption that Surety shall be notiticd if the Contract time is extended by ntorc lhan
hventy percent {2OY").
|f a6y modifisation or change increases the tolal amount to be paid under the Conlracl, Surety's obligation
undei this Perfonnance and Payment Borrd shall automatically increase in a like afirount. Any such increase
shall not exceed twenty-hve percent Q5Y$ of llrc original aurount of the Performance and Paymcnl Bond
without the prior writtin conient of Surety.
This Performance and Paymcnt Bond shall be governed artd construed by lhe larvs of tlre State of
Washington, and venue shall be in Kitsap County, Washington.
IN WITNESS WI-IEREOF, the paflies have executed this instrurnent in trvo (2) identical counterparts this
8lh dayof June 20 21
Olson Brolhers Pro-Vac, LLC XL Special$lnsurance Company
Principal SuretyeqZ'*t*---;"--Sigotiltof Authorized offi cial Signature of Authorized Offtcial
6e.'!rc.o^ 6.\CEA
600 University Slreel, $uite 1900
Seatlle, WA98101
Surety companies executing bonds must appear on the current Arrthorized Insurance List in the State of
Washington per Section 142.7 of thc Standard Specifications.
Printed Narneand Title
Name and address of local offrce of
Agent and/or Surety Company:
City of Port Qrchard ud Olson Brothers Pt'o-fac, I'I.C
Public lYorks Project No. Pry2A2I-020
Sumll ll'orks Contmcl No. C057-21
By Kalhleen M. Coen _-
Lockton Companles,LLC
Prye 15 of 24
Idrev 51112020
Corporatlon, Partnershlp, or fndividual
cot NTYot:?rerr e.
On this day
State of Washington, {uly
me knorvn to be the (check one of the following boxes):
trI { f-a of Olson Brothers LLC
n individual,
that executed the foregoing instrunrelt to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said f] corpor44on, fl
partnership, f] indiviOuaifor the uses and purposes therein mcntioned, and on oath stated that fl he L]
she rvas authorized to execute said instrutttenl,
WITNESS rny hand and official seal hcreto affixed thc day and year firct abovc rvritten.
Dated: 1,-/o-2-l
fh R.ns<
Print or type name
in and for the State ofWashirrgton
Residing at: F}on r.^ J*/---*-l-U
s!1 1,1024
My Comnrission expires:
City of Port Orchorcl and Olsott Brolhens Pro'Vac, LLC
Public lVorks Pt'oject No. Pty202l-020
Snnll lYorks Contrcct No. C057-21
State of Washington
License Number 186620
My Commission Expires
a7 2A24
Page 16 of24
Ilev 5/l/2020
Orrtlris /o day of 20 0-l ,before mc, the undersigncd, a Notary Public in and
for the Stalc of Wasltittgton, duly commissioncd and slom, pcrsonally 6rc-
the said hrstrurnsnt to be the frcc
act and deed ofsaid corporation, for lhe uscs and purposcs therein tnentioncd, attd on oalh
he slre rvas authorized to execute said inslrument.
WITNESS rny hand and official seal hereto affixed thc day and year first above writtcn.
Dafed:/,'/o '6t 7
I\4,e.lcr n Ios<
to me knorvn to
corporation that
and voluntary
stated lhat El
Plint or type name
in and for the State of Washington
My Cornnission expires:o
City of Port Orchard and Olson hothers Pro'l/ac, LLC
Public llo*s Ptoiect No. Ply202l-420
Sl,nall lYorks Contracl No, C057-21
State of Washingron
License Number 186620My Commie sion Expires
Notary Senl t{th lnk SlrmP
Page 17 of24
Piev 5/U2420
State of Pcnnsylvanin )) ss:
County of Montgomery)
On Junc $th,zflzlrbefore me, a Notary Public in and for the above county, personally
appeared Kathleen M. Coen to me personally knorvn, who, being by me duly srvonr, did
state that helghg is Attomey-in-Fact of XL Specialty Insurance Company, a corpomtion
organizndand existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, that the seal aflixed to
the foregoing instrurnent is the corporate seal of the said corpomtion, that the itutrument
was signed, sealed, and execnted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board
of Dir.ectors, and further acknowledged the said instrument and the execution thereof to
be the voluntary act and deed of said corporalion by her voluntarily sxecuted.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hcreurrto subscribed by narne and afhxed my ofhcial
seal the day and year first above writfen'
Public L. Orehek
My Comrnission Expires:
February 21,2024
DocuSign Envelope lD: 2CCAE395-56B,D-43r'.B-F,A44-281 6BBFACB4B
XtfOlV AtL f4EN 8Y THESE ttAESEl{TS: That XL Spft,alty lnsurar(e Company, a Delal1are insura0(e @mpanies vrilh oflires located at 505
Eagleie/r Blvd,, E*on, PA 19341, and XL Reinqjrance Aned{i lnc,, a Nev York lnsurdnce company y/ilh ottlc6 located at 70 Seaylev
A'renue, Starnfor4 Ct 059Q2, , daherc\ nominate, @oEtitute, aod appoiot:
louls J. EenshrgEr, Kathleen ll, @en, ,lolly Tallone, fan nty l. orehek, Rene Hugar, Julla C Zalesky
eacfi its bue and lav,,nrl Attorney{s}in.fact to make, exeqrle, anest, seal and deliyer for and on its behalf, as surety/ ard as lis act and
deed, vtherc requke4 any and all bonds and unde.lakings in the nature tiereof, , for the fr€na' sum of no ote ot vrhidl is in atry event to
exceed 9100,000,000.00.
Srlch bonds and undertdkinqE, irhen duly exe{uted by the aforesald Attorney (s, - in - Fact shall be binding upon each said Company as
fully and to the sanre extert ar if sud| bofirs and undertthings lrere Egned by tlie Pregld€rlt aod Secretary of the Company and sealed
rdth lts corporate s€al.
The Po.fler of Attorney is grant<l and is sigred by farsimile under ard by the auhority of tie fotloTring Resoluttons adopted by lhe Board
of Dir€do{s of ea(h of the frrnpan€s on the 26ti day of July 2017.
RESOLVSD, that Gary Kaplan, Daniet Riordan, f.laria Dnha4 Gregory Boal and t(€vio l.liridr are heretry appointed by the Board as authorized
to rrake, ex€cute, sral and deliver for aod on b€half oF tlle Comp3ny, any and all bonds, undertakings, contracls dr oHigadons in sJtety or
co-sursty $ith others aod that the Secreta(y ot a^y Assistaot Secretary of the Company be and tiat ea<h of thern herebr is authortzed to
attegt the executlor of any !ilrch bondi. uoderlakings/ (onbacts or oblillauons ln slrety or co-surety and altach thereto the corporale seal
of the Company.
RcSOLVcD, FURfiER, tiat Gary Kadary Daniel Riordan, I'laria Duhaft, Gr€gory Boal aDd Kevin l.lir$d each is hereby aulhorized to exeete
porvers of attorney qualifying the alto{ney named in the grven pol.r€r ot attorney to exeffte, on behalf of the {.ompany. bonds and
underlakings io surety or cosrety y/ith others, and tllat tne Sec€tary or any Arsietant se€relary of tIe Comparry be, and thai each ot
them is hereby authorized to atted the exe€utron of any sudr povrer of attorney, and lo attach the.eto the corporate seal of lhe Cootpany.
RESOwED, RJRfHER, that the signature of snch officers named in the preceding resolutons and the corporate seal of Ule Company may be
affixed to surh porl'e{s of attorney or to any certiticite relatiAg thereto try fa(slmile, and any sucJ} po$?r of aitorney or (erufkate freariog
such facs-nrife sigdatures o. facsimile seal shall be lhereatler vdlll a d br'nding upon the Company rrith resped to any bo,ld, undertaking,
conbart or oblbnuon ln srrety or co-sjrety vrith dtlers to vrhkh it is atlathed,
lN rvffilEss yJHEREOF, the XL SPECIAITY lNsUMfiCg COI'IPAI{Y has caused ils €orporate seal to be here{rnto affixed, and theee
presenls to be signed by itt duly aulhorized oflicers thG l'lay lglh,202L.
Pov/€r of Atto{nery
XL Specialty Insfiance Compaoy
XL Re;flsjranc! Aoerica Inc.
Comrnonrueatth ot penrtBytvsnta. lt{ttarv $Ed
S. Grec6 Freod.Browo, Notarypubllc
My commlselon explros Mo rch 6,2022
Commlselon numbsr 1gugt2
("-;^ w
xL 1613912
6re9o.y Soal, VICE PRCSIDEII'
Kevin 14. I'trrs.h, AsslstNtT SECR€TARY
On this lgth day of ,4ay, 2021. befor€ rne personnlly came Gregory Eoal to me knorrn, vrho, betng duly syrorn, dd depox and say:
that he ls Vic€ Pr€sident of XL SPECIAITY INSUMNCE COI.IPANY, desc.ibed in and r'rhicn executed tie abov€ lnslrumeol; that he
knorrg the s€als of sa:d CompanieS; that the seals affixed to ttE aforesaid instruflent is $uci corpo.ate seals aod r.rere aftixed
thereto by order aod authodty of lie Soards of Dirertors of sald Contpanies; and that he executed the said ingtrument by like
s80042 Page I of 2
S. &ace Freed-8ro/.r, IIOTARY Pt BUC
December 31,2019
(U.S. Dollars)
Cash and short{erm inveslmenls
Recelvable for securities
Total lnvested Assets
Agents Balances
Funds held by or deposited with reinsured
Reinsurance recoverable on loss and loss
adjuslment sxpense payments
Accrued interest and dividends
Olher admilted assets
Loss & loss adjustrnent expenses
Reinsurance payable on paid loss and loss
adlustment €xpenses
Unearned premiums
Ceded reinsurance premium payable
Funds held by company under reinsurance
Payable for Securities
Other Liabililies
Total Llabllllles
Capital and Surplus:
Aggregale write-ins for special
surplus funds
Common capilal Stock
Gross paid in and conlritruted surplus
Unassigned surplus
Total Capital and Surplus
Total Admitted Assets
Due to the curfent circumstances of lhe Coronavirus (COVID-'I9) outlrreak, we do not have physical access lo a jurat page
oflicer for wet signalure and nolarization. ln lieu, we have provided electronic signatura of a jurat page oflicer.
l, Andrew Robert Will, Vlce President and Controller of XL Specialty lnsurance Company {the 'Corporalion") do hereby ceriify
that lo the best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing is a full and true Statutory Statement of Admitled Assets, Liabilities,
Capital and Surplus of the Corporalion, as of December 31 , 2A19, prepared in conformity with lhe accounting praclices
prescribed or permilted by the lnsurance Department of the State of Delaware. The foregoing statement should not be taken
as a complete statemenl of linancial condition of lhe Corporation. Such a statement is available upon request at the
Corporation's principal office located at 70 Seaview Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902-06040.
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Corporation at Stamford, Conneclicul.
1,307,872,590 Total Liabilities, Capilal and Surplus 1,307,872,590
Vice President and
(Nole: lleforclhcPerfornranccBontlcnnbcrclcasedlfteCllyntustrcccirclhclnot'car$llfninlcnnnccAVnrranlytrond)
RE: Project Natne:2021 Stonnrvater Catch Basin & Pipe Maintenalrce
Owner /Developel /Contraclor:Olson Brolhers Pro-Vac, LLC
Project Address Various locations tluougltout Cilv litnits
callecl the "Principal"), 6pd XL Spacialty lnsurance Company, a corpomtion organized undst'the larvs ofthe State
of Delaware and authorized to transact surety busittess in the Statc of Washington
(hcreinafter callcd the "Sutcty"), are held and firrnly bound unto the City of Potl Orchard, Washington, in the
sgn of Twelve Thousand Seven Hilndred Fifty Four and 681100 rlnl lqrq 12,754.68 20%
Total Contract Attrount, larvfrll nmrtey of the United States of Amcrica, for the paynerlt ofl'hich stttn we atrd
each of us birrd ourselvcs, otrl heirs, cxccuto$, administrators, stlcccssot's atld
thesc presents. THFI CONDITIONS of the above obligation ate such that:
assigrrs, jointly and scverally, by
WHDREAS, llre abovc named Principal has construciecl and installcd certain ittrprovcments ott ;ltblic
propery in conneclion rvith a proje* as described above rvithin lhe City of Port Orchard; and
WHEREAS, the Principal is required to post a bond for the hventy-four (24) rnonths follolirrg rvrittert
anri final acceptauce of thc project in ordcr to provide security for the obligation of the Principal to repair antVor
rcptace said iurprovenrents against clefccts irt rvorkmanship, ntatcrials or irlstallatiorr thlring tlte trventy-four
(24) rnouths sfter rvritten and final approvaVacccptance of the sarne by tlrc City;
NOW, THEREFORE, this Maintenance Bond has bccn secured and is hereby sultrnittcd to the City.
It is undelstood and agreed that this obligation shall contirtuc in clfect utttil rclcased in rvriting by the City, but
only affer the Principal has perfonned and satisfied thc follorvirg cottditions:
A. Thc rvork ol irnprovernents installed by thc Principal nnd subject to the temts and conditions of this
Bond ate as follorvs: (insert cornplete description of rvork here)
Jetting and Clean Catch Basins
ts. The Principal and Surety agt€e that the rvork and inrptoveruents installetl in the abovc-tefercnced
project shall remain frcc fiom defccts irr rnatedal, rvorkrnanship and installation (or, in flte case of landscapirrg,
ihall surviveJ for a periocl of trventy-four (24) rnonlhs aftm rvdtten and final acceptarlcc of the sanle and
approval by lhc City. Maintelance is dcfmed as acls canied out to prcvcnt a decline,lapse or cessation of the
state of thc project or inrprovemetrts as accepted by the City during the hventy-four (24) month peliod after
hnal and rvritten acceptance, anel includes, but is not liurited to, rcpair or tcplacement of dcfective
rvor krnanship, rnatcrials or hstal lations,
Cily o{Port Orchortl ond Olson Brolhers Pto'Yoc, LLC
Puhlic ll/ork.r Project No. Pry202l-020
Snall llbrks C'ontract No. C057-21
Pagc l8 of24
Itcv 5/l/2020
C. Thc Principal shall, at its sole cost and expeuse, carefirlly rcplace and/or rcpair any damagc or defects
in rvorkmanship, rnaterials or installation to the City-orvned real property on rvhich improvemcnts have been
ilrstalled, and leave lhe sarne in as good condition as it rvas before conxnencement of the rvor*.
D. The Prirrcipal and the Surety agree that in thc evcnt any of the itnprovements or restoration work
installe<l or completed by the Principal as described hcrein, fail to rernain frcc ftnm defects in lnatcrials,
rvo*rnanship or installation (or in the case of landscaping, fail to survive), for a period of hvcnty-four (24)
months frorn the date of approvaUacceptance of the rvork by the City, tlre Principal shall repair and/replace the
samc within ten (10) days of denrand by the City, and iflhe Principal should fail to do sq then tlrc Surtty shall:
l. Wilhin lrventy (20) days of delnand of the City, makc rvritlen colnmifinent to tlrc
City that it rvill either:
remedy thc default itself rvitlr reasonable diligence pursuant to a time schedule
acceptable to the City; or
b).tender to the City rvithin an additional ten (10) days the atlrormt nece$sary, as
determined by the City, for the City to rernedy the default, up to thc total bond atnoullt.
Upon cornpletion of the Surety's dulies under either of the options abovc, the Surety shall the n
have ftllfillcd its obligations mder this bond. If the Surety elects to fulfill its obligation
pumuant to the requirements of subsection D(lXb), the City shall notiff the Surety of the
actual cos{ of the remedy, upon completion of the rcmedy. Thc City shall t€tunl, rvilhout
:intercst, any overpaymcnt made by the Surety; ard the Surety slrall pay to the City any aetual
costs which excecded the City estimate, limited to the bond amourt.
2.tn the event the Principal fails to rnake repairs or provide maintenancc rvithin the tirne period
requested by the City, ihen thc City, its ernployees and agents shall have the right at the City's
sole election to enter onto said property described above for the
purpose of repairing or rnaintaining the improvements. This provision shnll not be corrstrued
as crcating an obligation on the part of the Cify or its represcntatives to repair or tnaintain such
E. Concctions. Any corrections requircd by the City shall bc corrunenced rvithin tcn (10) days of
notification by the City and completed rvithin thirty (30) days of the date of notificalion. lf the rvork
is not perfonned in a timely nmnncr, the City shall have lhe right, rvitlrcut recourse lo legal actiott, to
takc such action under this bond as described in Section D above.
F. Extensions and Changes. No change, extension of tirne, alteration or addition to the rvork to be
perfonned by the Principal slrall affect the obligation of thc Principal or Surety on this bond, unless
the Ciry specifically agrces, in rvriting, to such alteration, addition, extension or change. The Surety
rvaives notice ofany such change, extcnsion, alteration or addition thercunder.
G. Enforcsnent. It is spccifically agrecd by and behveen thc parties that in the cvent alry legal action
must be taken to enforce tlre provisions of this bond or to collect said bond, the prevailing party shall
be entitled to collect its costs and reasonablc aftomey fees as a paft of the reasonable costs of securing
tlre obtigation herennder. In the event of scttlernent or resolution of these issues prior to the filing of
any suit, the actual costs incuned by ttre City, including reasormble attomey fees, shall bc considered
a part of the obligation hercunder secured. Said costs aud rcasonable legal fees shall be recoverable
by lhc prcvailfurg party, not only frour lhe proceeds oftlris bond, but also over and above said bond as
Cily of Port Orchard and Olson Brothet's Pro-Vac, I'LC
I'ublic lllorks Prcject No. Ply202l-020 li':ev 5/112020
Snoll ll/orks Coulrcct No. C057-21
Page 19 of24
a part of any recovery (including recovery on lhe bond) in any judicial proceeding. The Surety hereby
agrecs that this bond shall bc governetl by the larvs of the Statc of Washiugton. Venue of any litigation
arising out of this borrd shall bc in Kitsap County Superior Court.
Bond Expiration. This bond shall remain in firll force and effect until the obligations sccurcd hereby
have been ftllly perfonned and until rcleascd in rvritiug by the City at tlte request of the Surety or
DATED rhis 9th day of June ,204.
(Signature mnst be notariz*d)
M. Coen, Atlomey-in-Fact
Business Narne:XL Specialty lnsurance Company
Business Address:70 Seaview Avonue
City/State/Zip Corle:$lamford, CT 06902
Tclephone Numbcr:203-96/.-5200
Its Public Works Directory'City Engineer
(Signature must be notarizcd)
Its ('ac>
Busincss Narne:Olson Brothers Pro-Vac, LLC
Business Address:2511 lnterAvenuo
City/StatelZlp fgds; Puyallup, WA 98372
Telephonc Nrunber:253-334-8852
Intlivldual (Form P-l)
Corporation (Fonn P-2)
(Use For Individual/Sole Proprietor Only)
I certify that I knorv or have satisfactory cvidence thaf
Citv of Part Orchotd and Olson Brolhet's Pro-Vac, LLC
Puhlic lYorks Project No. Ply202l-020
Snwll ll'ork.s Conlroet No. C057-21
Pagc20 of24
is the person rvhof=fa-\r^,* 6,.L1
Id.ev 5ll/2020
appearcd before me, and said psmon acknowledged that (he/she) signed this insfrunent, and acknowledged it
to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for tlrc uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
Dated:L-/o -9 I
lY! el^*,.<f
(prinl or fype narne)
NOTARY PUBLIC in and forthe
My expires:
City of Port Orchard and Olsott Brothex Pro-Yac, LLC
Public ll'orks PrcJect No. PV202I-020
Snall llorks Contmct No. C057-21
Page2l of24
I\ev 5/ll2020
(Usc For Partnership or Corporation Only)
I cerlifu that I knorv or ltave satisfactoty evidence ,n", at t..\.a"nn Ci :Ll is the petsott rvlto
appeared before me, and said pclson acknorvledged as the ((en of
Olson Brothers LLC tlrat (he-/she) signed this ilrstnrncnt, on oath stated that (helshe) rvas
allhorized to cxecute the instrumcnt and acknorvledged it to be (hislher) frcs and voluntary act for llrc uscs and
purposes mentioled in the inshrmrertt.
Datcd:I - t-o -,s. t
fi1 Llz.rr;e 7-n S<
(print or type narne)
NOTARY I'UBLIC in and for thc
(Surety Cotnpany)
srATE OF)6xr(8ld!fil(DdN
I certifr that I knorv or havc satisfactory evidence that Kathleen M. Coen is thc person rvho
appeared before tne, ancl said person acknorvledged as the Atlorney{n-Fact of
XL Speciatry lnsurance Companv -that (hc./she) signed this instrutnent, on oath stated lhat (hc/she) rvas
authorized to execute the inshurnent and acknoryledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and
pulposss mentioned in the instrrtment.
L. Orehek
(print or rypc narne)
NOTARY PUBLiC in and for tlre State of Pennsylvania
)SQf0$OO[JfirUrgNX, residi n g
at: Ambler
My Courmission expircs:February 21.2024
City ol Port Orcharcl and Olson Bt'othet's Pro'Yac, LLC
Public Works Pt'oject No. PIY2A2l-020
Suall llbrk.s Conlract No. C057-21
Commonwealth ot Penneylvanla'Nolary Soal
TammY L.Orehek'Notary Publlc
Montgomery County
My Commieslon Expires February 21 t 2024
Commisslon Number 130451 7
Page22 of24
Rev 5/l/2020
DocuSisn Fnvelope lD: 2CCAE395-568D'4348'8A44'2B168BF3C84B
Pover of Attorney
XL Spedalty Insurdnce ComPanY
XL Reingurance Atnerka lnc.
xL 16'13914
xilow ,ltL t4El,t By ]}lEsE PRESEi|TS: That XL sp€cialty Insurance company, a Delavrare insunnce companies erith omces lorated at 505
Eaglevieyr ghd,, Erton, PA 1934f, and XL R€inturaoce /ltnerica ltr., a Ne,r, Yo* itsulan(e company t'ritfi olfices lmated at T0Seavier',
Aveoue, Sianford, cT 06902, , do h€teby nominate, constifute, and appo{'tlt:
louls t, genslnger, Kalhleen l+1, Coen, Holly Tallone, lantmy l. Orehelrl Renee Hugar' talla C Zalesky
ea{h its true and lal.tul AttornE(s}ln-fact to mak€, exeste, attest, sBal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its ad and
deed, r'|rere require4 any and all bonds and lddertakif,gs in lhe nature lhet(f,f, , for the peoal sum of no one of whiclt is in any went to
erce€d $ 100,0{X},000.00.
s{rch bonds and undsiakings, vhen duty executed by lhe aroresaH Attomey (s) - in - Fact shall be binding upot each sald company as
fulty ar,{t to the same extent as if such bonds aod undertatiogs vrere signed bV the Pregdenl and Secretary of the Conlpany and sealed
rYitlt its corporate seal.
The po.{er of Attorney is grant€d and ls signed by facaimite under and by the authodty of the fol}ot'Jing Resolutions adopted by l}e Eoard
of Di,ectors of each of tie Companies on $e 26th day of.luly 2017.
RESOIVFO, that Gary Kaptan, Daniel Riordan, I'laria Ouhart, Gregory Boal and Kevin tttsch are hereby appointed by the Board as authotized
to make, execute, seal and deliver fot and on behalf of the Cornparry, tny and all bonds, undertdkiogs, conlracts ot obligabons in sutety or
co,gJrety vriti others rnd $at th€ Secretary or any Assistant Sesetary of the Company be and that ea(h oF tiem herebY is authorized to
attest lhe execution of any suci bonds, undertatJngs. contracts or obligallons in sur€ly or (o'gur€ty and attd{h theteto lhe .otporatre s€al
of the Contpany-
RE9OIVED, fURTHER, ttrat Gary Kaplan, Danlet Rtordaa. Harla Duha4 Gregdy Boal and Ke4rin llirsch ench i5 heleby authorized to exec{rte
ponea of attorney qualifying the attorney named in the giveo pontr of attorney to €xetute, on behalf of Ute Company, bonds and
undertakingE in surety or co.surety grith others, and that ltle Scsetary o( any Atsistant Sectetary of the Company be, and that each o{
them ir hereby authorired to attest the execution Of any Suci poser of attotney, and to attach thereto the cdpotate s€at of the Company-
RESOIWD, n RTllE& that the signatu.e of gxh officers named in tle preceding fesolub-ons and lhe €otporate s€al of the company may b€
atthed to surh powers ol attorney or to any cerdticate re,atiog thffito try facgmile, dnd any su(h po?.€( of attorney or ertilicate bearing
s{rch facsinlile SignahJres or faGirnile g€al shatl be lh€,eafter va!fi and blnd'ng upon lhe conlpany vrnh re5peat to any bond, undettafting'
(ontract or obllgadon in sutety or co'gutety sjth others to vrhich it ts attadted.
lN lvfIilESS WHEBEOF, th€ XL SPECIALW INSUR^]ICE COt,lPAt{Y bas caused ils @rporate s€al to be hereunto affixed, and these
fresenls to be signed by ils duly authfiized officers thh l4ay l9th, 2021'
,<,/ /(7Vt:
On this lgth day of I'lay, 2021, b€fore me personally came Gregory Soal to me knoyrn, lThq being duly s}Yorn, did depox and say:
tiat he Is Vlce prestdent of XL SPECIALTY INSURAI{CE COI4PAI'IY, desadb€d h and vJilch €xeoted the above instrumenu that he
knor.6 the seals of said Companies; lhat the seals affix€d to the afo,esaid insbu.neot is guch corporate seals and r'/e.e affixed
thereto by order and aulhority of the Boards of Dtu€ctors of sald ComPanies; aod that he executed the sald lnskument by like
(u,;- r'x
qegory Boal, vlCE PRESIDEflT
My commlselon explr€e Flarcn 6,2022
Comnnlgglon numbsr 1322812
s80042 Page I at 2
5- Gace Freed-Brovn, NOTARY PUBUC
December 31,2019
(U.S. Dollars)
Cash and short-lsrm inveslments
Receivable for secutilles
Total lnvested Assets
Agents Balances:
Funds held by or deposlted with reinsured
Reinsurance recoverable on loss and loss
adjustment expen$e payments
Accrued int€rest and dividends
Other admitted assets
Other Liabilitias
Total Liabililles
75,222,151 Capital and SurPlus;
Aggregate write-ins for sPeciat
O surplus funds
Common caPital Stock
Loss & loss adjustmsnt expenses
Relnsurance payable on paid loss and loss
adjustment expenses
Unearned premiums
Ceded reinsurance premium payable
Funds held by company under reinsurance
Payable for Securities
Gross paid in and coniributed surplus
Unassigned surplus
Total Capilal and SurPlus
47 A72,924 2g1,0/'g,?22
Total Admitted Asssts 13A7,872,590 Total Llabilities, Capilal and Surplus
Due to the cunent circumstances of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we do not have physical aco€ss to a jurat page
officer for wet signalure and nolarization. In lieu, we have provided eleclronic signature of a jurat page oflicer.
l, Andrew Robert Will, Vice President and Controller of XL Specialty lnsurance Company flhe "Corporation") do hereby cerlify
tlrat to the best of my knowledge and beliel the foregoing is a full and lrue Statutory Statement of Admitted Assets, Liabilities,
Capital ancl Surplusbf the Corporation, as of December 31, 20'19, prepared in conformity with the accounting practices
prescribed or permifted by lhe lnsurance Department of the State ol Delaware. The foregoing slatsmenl should not be laken
as a complete slatement bf financial condilion of the Corporalion. Such a statement is avallable upon request al the
Corporation's principal office located at 7Q Seaview Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902-06040.
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunlo set my hand and affixed the seal of the Corporation at Stamford, Conneclicut.
Vice President and Conlroller
Durirrg the pelfbrnrance olthis Agrcernenl, tlre Contmctor, lbr itselfl ils assignecs, anel successors rrr
irrterest agtees lo conrply u,ith lhe lbllorvilrg rrotr-disclirttinatioll statutes artcl autltot'ities; inclutling bul not
lirrritecl lo:
Pcrtincn I Non-Disrrintirtittion Authorilics:
. l'itle Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U .S.C, $ 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits
tliscrirnination on llre basis ol'racc, color, rratiorral origirr); arrd 49 C.F.R. PaLt 21.
. The [lnilbnn Relocalion Assistancc and lteal Property Accluisition l)olicies Aet ol' 1970, (42
tJ.S.C. $ 4601), {prahibits unfair lrcalnrenl olpelsorrs clisplacccl or rvhose propefly ltas beert
acquirerl becnuse oll'ederal or Federal-aitl ;rrograrns arrd plojccts);o Feclelal-Aid llighrvay Act of 1973, (23 U,S.C. $ 324 et seq.), (prohibits disclirnirration on the
lrasis ol'sex);e Seclion 504 of the ltelrabilitation Act ol 1973, (29 U.S.C. $ 794 et seq.), as arnerrded, {prohibits
tliscrirnirratiorr orr lhe basis ol'disalrility); arrrl 49 C.F.R. Parl27:. The Age Discrirnination Act of 1975, as aurenclecl, (42 tJ .S.C. $ 6 l0l et seq.). (plohibils
rlisclirrrinatiorr on llre basis of agc):. Ailport and Airrvay Impr ovenrent Acl of 1982, {49 [JSC$ 47 I . Scction 4 I 123), as atnendetl,
(prohibits discrinrination based on race, cleed, color, national origin, or sex);
" Thc Civil Rights Restora{iorr Act of 1987, (l'L 100-209). (l3roadenecl the sco;re, coverage and
applicabillty ol"l"itle Vl ol'the Civil ltiglrts Act ol1964.l'he Age Discrirnination Act ol'1975 ancl
Seclion 504 ol'tlre ltelrabilitation Act ol',1 973,b5' cxpandirrg tlre dclllriliorr of'the lenrrs "prograrns
or activities" to include all of the plogr"nrs or activities of the l:erleral-aid recipients, sub-
lccipierrts arrd contractors, rvhelher such prograrus ol nclivilies are Fetlerally ftudecl or :tot);. Titles ll arrd lll of the Anrericans rvith Disabilities Act, rvhich plohibit cliscrirnination on thc basis
of disabilit_r, in tlre operation ol'public entilies, public arrd private lransportation systenrs, places
ol'public accornnrodation, aucl certain testing entities (42 U.S.C. sc$ l2l 3 l- 12189) as
inrplemented by Departrncnl of Trarrs;lo(ation regulations at 49 C.P.R. palts 37 an<l 38;. The Fedelal Aviation Adrninistration's Non-disclintination statute (49 U.S.C. * 47123) (prohibits
discrinrirration orr tlre basis olrace, cokrr', rtalional origirr, and sex);. Dxecutive Order 12898, Feileral Actions to Arldress Envilorrrrrerrtal Justice in Mirrolity
l)opulations arrd Lo*-lncoure l'opulatiotts, rvhich ensul'eli tlisclinrination against rninolity
popula{ions by discouraging programs, policies, and activities *,ith disploporliortately high and
advelse human lrealih or envirorrnrental cffbcts orr rninolity and lorv-incortte populations;
o E,recutive Older I3 166, Inrproving Access to Services tbr Persorrs *,ith Linrited English
Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, uational origin disclinrination inclucles discrilttinatiort
because of lirnitecl Drrglish proficiency (LEP). 'l-o ensure contpliance rvitlr Title Vl, you tnust take
reasonable steps lo -ensule that LllP persons lrave nrearringtirl access to youl'progran'ls (70 Fed.
Rr,'g. at 74087 to 74100);r Title lX of the Etltrcation Anrerrrhnents ol 1972. as anrencled, rvhich prolribits you t'rorn
disclinrinating trecause of'sex in education plogr"rns ol activities (20 U.S.C. 168I ct secl).
Cit1, s,1'por, Orchard mxl Olson Brtrthers Pro-lluc, LLC
I'nblic ll/ork.s I'roicc! No. Pll'2021-020
Snull ll/orks (.'otrtruct No. C057-2 I
I'age23 of24
PW 2021-020
iIOTE: It a disctepancy between the nume,lcal unll price and lhe written {$rords) uoit price b fouod,
thc lt,ratta$ (1?ords} unit price shall control.
Bidder:Ollon grothers Pro-Vac Date: sl21l702z
Itarn lfo.
E llm.tsd
Qua6ttly sPlsro D€rcrtplloll of ltem Unit Prlca Amouot
CitS, o7 Vor, Otch{trd snd Olson Brothers Pra-l/crc, LLC
Puhllc lllor*s l'toject No. I'lt 202l-020
Snnll ll'oyks Coutruct No. C057-21
€A TypelCal(hBari6Clerned s3t.e8 $t{.59s"12*
EA Typellt48-Dir.orlargar'catchBali.{Maohole 55 .9g -S,S_AZI_.6-0 -Clcrned -jg
tF Pipe Jctting ,-8t.49 _t7-{50"00*-
ln accordance with Sectior l-07.212) Sfate Sales Tax: The Contractor shall collect from tlte contracting
Agency retail sales tax on the full Contract amount.
Tha lowert responslble bldder who ls awarded lhe contractwlll decant at the Clty owned decant
facillty for thls project.
t 58.507.72
Page?4 of24
Rev 511t2020