041-21 - Technical Systems, Inc. - Supplement / Change Order 1CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Authorization for Change Order No. 1 Contractor Approval Signature -f ,*,, Fle.cao - Fro Printed Name & Title Change Orders that do not exceed 10%, wlth a maxlmum of $sq0oo, of efther legally authorlzed budget llmlt or contract amount establlshed by Clty Council can be approved by the Publlc Work Dlrector. Change Orders that do not exceed 10%, with a maxlmum of 5100,000, of either legally authorlzed budget llmit or co[tract amount establlshed by Clty Councll are to be approved by the Mayor. change Orders over S10O,0m or exceed a total of 10% requlre Councll Actlon. Contractor: Technical Svstems, lnc. /city engineer MARK R. DORSEY P.E. Printed Name Date: Project: Ju 2o2t 2021SCADA Radlo 2303 196rhSt SW Suite B Communications Design/Radlo Lvnnwood, WA 98036 Llcenslne/lmplementatlon Contract/Job # co4i"-zt This Change Order Authorizes the substitution of radio design and lmplementatlon services for contract CO4t-Zl from the McCormick 450 Reservoir to the Eldon Trails lift Station. Wlth the addition of the new 580 Reservoir, design and lmplementatlon servlces for the McCormick 450 Reservolr would be redundant and unneeded. The corresponding Operation and Maintenance manual shall also be substituted from the McCormick 450 Reservoir to the Eldon Trails lift Station. See attached modification to the scope of service (Ex A). Amount Contfact History Sales,Tax Total Date Anovd bv Orisinal Contract Sso.zoo.oo s0,00 $5G,zoo.oo 23-Mar-21 Mavor Chanse Order I So.oo $o,oo $o.oo 02{ul-21 PW DIRECTOF otal Contract 700.00 00 700.00 I have reviewed the Change Order information above and certlfy that to the best of my knowledge descriptions and costs are true and accurate. 1- Pu Approved Attest: ?T oRPOR4 Council Approval Date SEAL Exhibit A 3ll0l202l Tony Lang City of Port Orchard Phone # 360-535-2490 Reference: City of Port Orchard - SCADA Headend MTU 450Mt.lz Radio System Design and Implementation Dear Tony: Technical systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a scope for the above referenced project. This pricing does not include tax or any bonding for this work. Tasksi I . Provide design services for the addition of 450MHz Radio Comrnunications at thetwo (2) head-end MTUs at the Public works shop (one for water and one for Sewer), Also provide design of the radio/PlC upglades for the Eklon 'Il.ails I..i{1 Statiorr McCorrn.ich45(l-R€servoir. Submit a oomplete list of all necessary hardware materials for the City to procure. Subrnit updated drawings for the sites abovc showing the installation of the required hardware, Installation is not part of this scope and will be provided by others.2' Provide radio licensing Frequency Coordination services for four (4) asOMHz liccnsed bands for the City's use. Separate full duplex frequencies lor water and sewer.3' Provide Implementation services including the following (to be performed after the hardware has been installed by Public Works staff):a. PLC programming at the head end to allow commurrications to radio sites,b. PLC programrning at the Eldon 'lrails l.ilt Starion Me(:ormick 4S0 Rescr,voir,c, Provide startup and testing for all equipment described above.4. Provide Operation and Maintenance Manual (includes as-built drawings of MTUs and Fl ld. r r'l r,r r I s [. i [t Stat ion R'l'u Mecon*riek4scRss€r.veir g*u). Pricins: Design Services: $15,800.00 Radio License Coordination: $6,600.00 Implementation Services: $34.500.00 Total Price: $561700.00 Exclusions: 1 . Equipment supply and Installation is not part of this Scope. Tim Hecox Technical Systems, lnc, 42s-678-4t52 I irrtlt:t!:15i( 111111 ols.r'rrnr Technical Systems Inc. P_o-gror,Lrte Cf f rqe- 2303 196th Slreet 5W Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775,5696 Lynnwood, WA Dixon, CA lrvine, CA Leaders in fnte rated Water Solutions Since IgZO