10/11/1999 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington October 11, 1999 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Morrison, Wyatt, Geiger, Powers, and Stansbery. Councilman Van Zee excused. Staff present: Deputy Clerk Merlino, Acting Police Chief Loflin, City Planner Gross, City Engineer Curles, City Attorney Montgomery, and Fire District No. 7 Contract Representative Assistant Chief Snow. Councilwoman Powers led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. Duane Fitch, 1747 SW Bay Street and Greg Suldan, Suldan's Marina, 1343 SW Bay Street, addressed Council concerning sewer connection for those properties along the SW Bay Street area. Mr. Suldan asked several questions: what are the hookup fees; how will the ERU's be figured and what will be the total charges. Mayor Weatherill advised the Water/Sewer Committee is currently researching these questions. At 7:35 PM Mayor Weatherill opened public hearing regarding a request to subdivide an existing commercial parcel into 12 lots, as submitted by Robert and Gloria Roland and Howard Roland, owners and applicants. Subject property is located in the southeast quadrant of the Sedgwick/SR 16 interchange. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Attachment "A". City Planner Gross brought Council up-to-date on the Planning Commission's public meeting held September 20, 1999 and advised this site has been designated commercial for approximately 20 years. This action will formalize the parcels in the development site. Fred Kegel, Kegel Engineering, representing owners and applicants, reiterated City Planner Gross' comments and further advised all streets and water lines have met city standards and all conditions of approval have been satisfied for this project. Mayor Weatherill called for audience comments regarding the request to subdivide an existing commercial parcel into 12 lots, for property located in the southeast quadrant of the Sedgwick/SR 16 interchange. As no response was received, Mayor Weatherill closed the public input portion of the Public Hearing and referred this matter to Council for their consideration. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 302-99 as their own and approved the request to subdivide an existing commercial parcel into 12 lots, as submitted by Robert and Gloria Roland and Howard Roland, owners and applicants, for property located in the southeast quadrant of the Sedgwick/SR 16 interchange with the following 13 conditions: 1. No permanent signs shall be erected without prior approval from the Planning Department and issuance of a building permit. 2. All landscaping shall comply with City standards and be completed before Final Certificate of Occupancy. 3. Tracts B and D shall be dedicated as open space, as indicated on the preliminary plat. 4. The project shall comply with the fire flow requirements, as specified by the Fire Marshall. 5. All water system improvements will be complete, and the as -built drawing will be accepted by the City prior to Final Plat approval. 6. All sewer system improvements will be complete, and the as -built drawings accepted by the City prior to Final Plat approval. October 11, 1999 Page 2 of 3 7. Prior to Final Plat approval, the McDonald's Restaurant shall install a new grease traplinterceptor, as approved by the Building Department. 8. The streets shall be dedicated to the City as public right-of-way. 9. Any deviation of the street standards would have to be approved by the City Council. 10. All stormwater system improvements will be completed prior to approval of the Final Plat. 11. The stormwater pond shall be owned and maintained by the applicant. 12. All lots will be surveyed and recorded. 13. All utilities will be underground. Councilman Clauson, Chairman of the City Hall Grand Opening Committee, presented a check to the City in the amount of $13,525.00 for the purchase of the clock tower chimes. Mayor Weatherill thanked the Committee on behalf of the Council and citizens of Port Orchard, stating the chimes will be appreciated by the residents of Port Orchard for many years to come. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the purchase of the City Hall clock tower chimes. Phyllis Mann, Department of Emergency Management, distributed a handout on the Kitsap County Multi - Hazard Mitigation Plan, which identifies the roles, responsibilities, and tasks associated with the functions typically performed in all disaster recovery operations. It also provides checklists, ordinances and other aids for recovery teams. Dick Hayes, Kitsap Transit, discussed a potential 421/2% budget decrease for Kitsap Transit if 1-695 is approved. Mr. Hayes presented staff recommendations outlining the many services that would be eliminated or reduced throughout Kitsap County. Mary McClure, Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council, presented outlines and charts depicting the areas of consideration on revenue sources for city/county costs. Chris Endresen, Kitsap County Commissioner invited the Council and Mayor to the coalition dinner October 21, 1999 which will have a very in-depth discussion on revenue/cost sharing. City Engineer Curles reported on Call for Bid regarding the sale of the Municipal Court (736 Prospect Street). Bid opening was held October 7, 1999 at 4:00 PM. No bids were received, however the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce submitted a letter of interest stating due to their nonprofit status they could not meet the cash requirements as stated in the proposed Real Estate Purchase & Sales Agreement. Mayor Weatherill placed this matter into the Public Property Committee for further review. At 8:50 PM Mayor Weatherill called for a 10 minute recess with meeting reconvening at 9:00 PM. Councilman Morrison, Street/Alley Chair, reported the Street/Alley Committee recommended Mist Motors Co., (514 Bay Street) install a shade on each fixture to minimize the illumination of the neighbor's yard. The committee did not feel this complaint regarding the ambient light affecting the view of Sinclair Inlet at night would require Mist Motor Co., to modify their lighting any further. Council concurred with the Street/Alley Committee's recommendations. October 11, 1999 Page 3 of 3 On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Stansbery, Council approved the consent agenda items as follows: Minutes of the September 27, 1999, regular Council meeting. Approval of Claim Warrants Number 31574-31694 in the amount of $313,522.61 and September 1999 Payroll Warrants Number 132426-132587 in the amount of $225,240.10. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council approved Application for Public Event, schedule October 30, 1999, authorizing the closure of Frederick Street from 1 PM to 5PM for an Old -Fashioned Pumpkin Patch, contingent upon: ➢ Receiving insurance certificate; ➢ Clarification of item #12 regarding towing of vehicles; ➢ Clarification of event times; ➢ Proper barricades and street closure signs. Mayor Weatherill placed into Street/Alley Committee a request from Mike Petrowske to modify a parking lot (JARPA #91-98) which was approved by the City Council on March 8, 1999. This land use action approved construction of a 46-stall parking lot to be used by the Port Orchard Yacht Club located in the 200 block of Bay Street. At 9:23PM Mayor Weatherill adjourned Council meeting. Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk �LESLIE I WEATHERILL MAYOR