12/07/1998 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 7, 1998 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to Special Session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. Councilmembers present: Ciauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, and Stansbery. Staff Present: City Treasurer Tompkins, City Engineer Curles, Police Chief Mathews, and City Clerk Parks. Mayor Weatherill informed those present the purpose of this Special Session is to hold a Public Hearing to discuss and receive input on the City of Port Orchard's proposed 1999 Budget. Mayor Weatherill requested Councilman Geiger, Chair of Finance Committee, review proposed 1999 budget allocations. Councilman Geiger recapped budget planning process and reviewed 1999 budget allocations highlighting those line items that were discussed or revised during the general study session held November 30, 1998. The following is a summary of budgetary items discussed. J City hall construction - $4,108,000, which includes some furniture, new telephone system, window coverings, a video presentation system in the Council Chambers, and contingency funds for unknown expenditures. ❑ Third Sergeant position within the Police Department. Funding for this item had been deleted during the preliminary budget process and was by general consensus put back into the proposed budget at the November 30th study session. Revenue Account 001-353.10. Fines and Forfeitures -traffic infraction penalties was increased by $6,645 to fund this expenditure. ❑ Funding for mobile data terminals in the amount of $53,500 is budgeted to cover cost of wiring police vehicles and purchasing computer equipment to outfit a couple of cars. The computer equipment will be portable between vehicles and will be utilized by the duty officers). 0 $5,000 is included for electronic home monitoring. It is anticipated this method of detention will reduce jail costs. $5,000 for new filing system in the Clerk's Office. ❑ $15,000 for Year 2000 compliance. The Finance Department is performing a comprehensive review of all aspect of city operations to assess steps that must be taken to be year 2,000 compliant. Insurance premium costs have increased. An additional 542,170 was added to cover increased insurance premiums. $10,000 was provided to allow Sidney/Melcher Street Repair Project. $50,000 increase in revenues to reflect anticipated USDA Rural Housing Service Grant funds. The City has submitted a grant application to help defray expenses incurred by the Native American Midden archeological find. At this time Mayor Weatherill opened the Public Hearing and called for input from those who would like to offer comments and/or give input on additional budgetary items. Councilman Wyatt renewed Chief Mathews offer to forgo 1999 budgetary allocation for police vehicle reserve account to fund an additional police officer in the 1999 budget. He spoke in support of adding an officer citing workload and importance of maintaining level of service within the Department. Councilman Geiger proposed that revenues be reviewed mid -year 1999 and if funding is available, the need for additional uniformed police personnel be evaluated at that time. December 7, 1998 Page two of two Several Councilman members reiterated the importance of maintaining the Police Vehicle Replacement Program established several years ago. Councilman Clauson stated the City should be cautious in spending until the new city hall is completed. The full cost of such items as new electrical bills, janitorial services, and needed furniture will not be known until the building is operational. Councilman Geiger asked if anyone had any questions concerning the proposed 1999 budget. Mayor Weatherill called for additional input on the proposed 1999 city budget and as there was no response from the audience, he closed public input portion of the Public Hearing and referred proposed budget to the City Council for consideration. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger and Wyatt, Council authorized preparation of an ordinance to adopt the 1999 City of Port Orchard Budget in the amount of $20,429,822. This ordinance is to reflect budgetary appropriations as designated by Council consensus and shall be presented for consideration at the December 14, 1998 regular City Council meeting. Special Budget Public Hearing meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. Patricia Parks, City Clerk Leslie J. Weatherill, Mayor