07/14/1999 - Retreat - MinutesCITY COUNCIL RETREAT 14 July 1999 RE: Minutes from the City Council Retreat On 14 July 1999, the City Council met to discuss City priorities and other management issues. At 3 PM, the City van took the participants to the Port Orchard Yacht Club, where they boarded Don and Kay Morrison's boat, the Who. The route consisted of a cruise along SR 166 towards the west City limit and then eastward to the east City limit. The boat docked at the Port Orchard Marina and the Council had further discussions at the dock. Present were Mayor Weatherill, Council Members Van Zee, Powers, Stansbery, Clauson, Morrison, and Wyatt. Representing the press were Heidi Stout of the Port Orchard Independent and Travis Baker of the Sun. Members of the public were on the boat and at the discussions on the dock. Also present was Larry Curles. The Council discussed future priorities which included: Code Enforcement Public Works Facility Police Range Expanded Sewer Community/Youth Center City Administrator Treatment Facility View Ordinance Sewer to the west Downtown Revitalization Ross Point Slides Annexations Annapolis Road Stability Streets and Sidewalks Multi -family Housing Stormwater Program Boardwalk Extension Trees, Bay Street There was a general discussion about the various priorities facing the City. The implementation ideas included budget issues, partnering with Kitsap County, and staffing. There was a general consensus that the City should seek to improve the quality of life in the City and to look inwards. This will require an enhanced code enforcement program with a full time staff member. It will also require the City to assume the leadership for the revitalization plan to motivate the property owners to improve their properties and businesses. The Comprehensive Plan will need to be updated to show this priority. The Zoning Ordinance may need to be amended to use a design review committee. Annexation was discussed. Due to the rural belt to the west, the City will not be able to extend urban services towards McCormick Woods. Therefore, the future annexations will be toward the east, which would include Safeway, Fred Myers, and Mile Hill Drive. A city administrator was discussed. The demands on the City require full time administration. This person would supervise the departments, lead annexation efforts, be responsible for the revitalization effort by motivating the people and seeking grants, and represent the City in the various meetings. The RV Park was discussed. There is a need in the community for a good RV park. The City should either bring its park up to a standard or close it down. The Council wants the regular police reports on this property. The Council system was discussed. For the most part, the Council is satisfied with the Council system. Long term membership allows the members to become proficient in their topics. They agreed that the Committee only recommends to the Council, but the members do look towards the Committee for a level of expertise. Members of the public joined in the discussion and mentioned the following: 1. The sign code standards should be strengthened to control franchise signs, such as KFC. 2. A design review committee is needed. 3. The marquee needs to be one color and have better signs. 4. Landscaping standards need to be enforced. 5. The departments need the resources and staff to do their jobs. 6. The City should make better use of volunteers and Community Service workers. 7. Port Orchard has many positive attributes and is appreciated by the boaters. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.