01/07/1998 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 7, 1998 Mayor Pro-tem Carolyn Powers called the Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, to order in special session at 7.30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street Council members present: Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee, and Stansbery. Staff present: City Planner Gross, Deputy Clerk Merlino. Mayor Pro4em Powers reopened the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing which was continued from December 10, 1997. The purpose of holding a series of continued meetings that constitute one public hearing is to allow a detailed and thorough review and discussion on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. Public input is invited and encouraged during discussions on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. City Planner Gross summarized prior meeting discussion on Part D1 Density, dimensions, and design requirements (Page 162) and proceeded to facilitate continued discussion on Part D1. Section 8: Density credits Reed Muller and Norm Olson objected to Section 8a(2) No density credit shall be allowed for streams and wetlands. Mr. Muller and Mr. Olson expressed a concern with property owners paying taxes on streams and wetlands, therefore a density credit should be considered. After lengthy discussion on various mechanisms for determining density credits, Council members concurred on the following language for D1 Subsection 8a(2) and 8a(3): (2) No density credit shall be allowed for streams, lakes, ponds and other bodies of water. and wetlands. (3) Partial to full density credit shall be allowed for wetlands, steep slopes, landslide hazard areas, and required buffers for any sensitive area according to the following table: Council requested the City Planner review Subsection 8b making sure it is consistent with the changes to Subsection 8a(2) and Subsection 8a(3). Section 9: Lot area — Prohibited reduction Norm Olson suggested a time limit or a link to zoning changes be incorporated in this section. Council advised City Planner Gross to review this section with the City Attorney. Section 10: Setback --projections allowed Council concurred with the wording in Section 10, however Reed Muller advised he will bring back to the next meeting some suggested wording for Subsection 11 b. Section 11: Setback — regional utility corridors Council concurred with the suggested wording by Norm Olson as follows to Subsection 11 c. All buildings shall maintain a minimum distance of 5 feet from property or easement lines delineating the boundary of regional utility corridors, except for utility structures necessary to the operation of the utility corridor, and/or as required by the Department of Health. January 7, 1998 Page 2 of 2 Section 12: Setbacks — alleys After much discussion Council concurred with the following changes to Section 12b. b: Vehicle access points from garages, carports or fenced parking areas shall be setback a minimum of"10' from the alley property line to provide a driving surface when measured from the center of the access point as fetlews= Section 13: Setbacks — adjoining half -street or designated arterial Council concurred with the following changes to Section 13, however requested City Planner review the changes with the City Attorney and City Engineer. In addition to providing the standard street setback, a lot adjoining a half -street right-of-way or designated arterial shall provide an additional width of street setback sufficient to accommodate construction of the future planned right-of-way. half StFe t OF aFte„ ial At 9:15 P.M. Mayor Pro-tem Powers declared the Public Hearing continued to 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 7:30 P.M. '�JONLO 7 Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk Carolyn Pow s, Mayor Pro-tem