02/03/1998 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 3, 1998 Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill called the Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, to order in special session at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers and Stansbery. Staff present: City Engineer Curies, City Planner Gross and City Clerk Parks. Mayor Weatherill announced this special meeting is to address two topics. (1) To meet with Kitsap County Commissioner Charlotte Garrido to discuss Kitsap County Growth Management Comprehensive Plan, and (2) continue the Public Hearing on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. City Planner Gross introduced Commissioner Garrido, who introduced County staff members John Vodopich, Manager of Planning division and Malcolm Fleming, County Administrator. Ms. Garrido distributed copies of the Kitsap County Draft Residential Urban Growth Areas Map which was released by the County on February 2, 1998. Commissioner Garrido stated Kitsap County's focus at this time is to meet the April 3 deadline set by the Growth Management Hearings Board. Ms. Garrido addressed the areas adjacent to Port Orchard. An Urban Growth Area has been designated to the east and the area to the west has been proposed as a "Joint Planning Area". Several Council members questioned and challenged the County's action to designate the area to the east of current city limits, as the City's only Urban Growth Area (UGA). While the area to the west of the City has sewers serving ULID 6 boundaries, the City is also in the process of acquiring the water system which serves McCormick Woods and other areas to the west of Port Orchard. A large portion of the proposed eastern UGA is not served by a water and/or sewer system. Council questioned why the County would designate an area not served by urban utilities as an UGA, while excluding an area that is served by urban services. Commissioner Garrido clarified Kitsap County has attempted to designated urban growth areas as directed by the Growth Management Hearings Board to use 1992-2012 population projections. Malcolm Fleming, Kitsap County Administrator, explained the County is attempting to designate UGA's where they will be acceptable to the Growth Management Hearings Board. When asked to describe the area proposed as the eastern UGA, Ms. Garrido deferred to County staff. John Vodopich stated that the area designated as an UGA east of Port Orchard is the Sewer District 5 service boundaries. Reid Muller, a surveyor and interested citizen, clarified the boundaries are not just Sewer District 5 boundaries, some of the area includes various Plats of Parkwood, Conifer park, and Horizon. Commissioner Garrido apologized for missed communications and stated she genuinely wants to improve communications between the City and Kitsap County. She referenced six meetings between city and county staff and expressed concern that while the communications may not have taken the form desired by the City, she felt there had been communication. February 3, 1998 Page 2of2 The City Planner and City Engineer took exception to the six meetings referenced by Commissioner Garrido. They chronicled the six meetings giving three examples of the "meetings", (1) a county staff member delivering documents to city staff, (2) a presentation by county staff at the Council retreat, and (3) a presentation by county staff to the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council. City staff stated these "meetings" did not provide an opportunity for meaningful dialogue or input from the City. Councilman Ciauson strongly recommended city and county staff meet to discuss merits of the proposed boundaries within the next few days. Commissioner Garrido confirmed population projections were set at just below the medium density range projected by State of Washington Office of Financial Management. Council members suggested that the issue of population densities be presented to the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) for revision. Councilwoman Powers requested a commitment from Commissioner Garrido to support Port Orchard's request to the KRCC for increasing the population allocations for South Kitsap. Commissioner Garrido thanked the Mayor and Council members for the opportunity to meet and discuss this important issue. Mayor Weatherill called for recess at 8:55 PM. At 9:00 Mayor Weatherill reconvened Council and reopened the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing which was continued from January 28, 1998. The purpose of holding a series of continued meetings that constitute one public hearing is to allow a detailed and thorough review and discussion on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. Due to the time of the evening, Council members and those in attendance agreed to continue the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing to Wednesday, February 4, 1998 7:30P.M. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 'L Patricia Parks, City Clerk ,-,4 � Leslie J. Weatherill, Mayor