02/11/1998 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 11, 1998 Mayor Pro-tem Carolyn Powers called the Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, to order in special session at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street Council members present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee, and Stansbery. Staff present: Planner Gross, and Deputy Clerk Merlino. Mayor Pro-tem Powers reopened the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing which was continued from February 4, 1998. The purpose of holding a series of continued meetings that constitute one public hearing is to allow a detailed and thorough review and discussion on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. Public input is invited and encouraged during discussions on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. Councilmembers confirmed additional dates for continuation of the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing. Dates set for continuation of this public hearing are: Wednesday, February 18, 1998 Wednesday, February 25, 1998 City Planner Gross started discussion on page 183, Section D3 Parking and vehicular circulation. Council revised the definition of City Engineer on Page 31 to read as follows: Section 38: City Engineer The public works agent andlor his/her "designee for the City of Port Orchard appointed by the Mayor. City Planner advised Council she will make sure the code in Section 10 under Al clearly states "Appeals" of staff determinations will be reviewed by the City Council. The following revisions to Section D3 were agreed upon by the City Council as follows: Section 1: Purpose No changes Section 2: Authority and application Subsection 2a: The Council requested City Planner to review the Non -conformity section of this code, regarding any enlarged building that involves additional parking. Section 3: Commutation of reauired off-street narking spaces Subsection 3c: When the city has received a shell -and -core building permit application, off-street parking requirements shall be based on the possible tenant improvements or uses authorized by the zone designation and compatible with the limitations of the shell -and -core permit. When the range of possible uses result in different parking requirements, the City Engineer will establish the amount of parking based on a likely range of uses. Section 4: Shared parking requirements No change Section 5: Exceptions for community residential facilities (CRF's) i0 February 11, 1998 Page 2 of 2 a: The requirement for off-street parking space per bedroom may be reduced to not less than 50 percent of the requirement per bedroom, as determined by the City Engineer based on one or more of the following considerations: Section 6: Handicapped parking requirements Off-street parking and access for physically handicapped persons shall be provided in accordance with the current RCW standards. State Building e9de, wid Rey'sed Gede e4Wa6hungton (RGW);0.92, PubliG Buildings PF9VisiOAG f9F Aged Subsections a, b, and c are deleted in their entirety. Section 7: Loadina space requirements This section has been deleted in its entirety. Section 8: Stackina spaces for drive -through facilities Subsection a: The following wording was added to the end of paragraph as follows: "...except as defined in Section 4." Subsection b: No change 1) For each drive -up window of a bank or financial institutions, business service, or other drive -through use not listed, a minimum of b 3 stacking spaces shall be provided, and 2) For each service window of a drive -through restaurant, a minimum of 7- 5 stacking spaces shall be provided. Subsection c: Deleted in its entirety. Section 9 Transit and rideshare provisions Subsection a: No change Subsection a: 1) No change Subsection a: 2) No change Subsection a: 3) Parking in reserved areas shall be limited. to vanpools and carpools established through rideshare programs by public agencies and to vehicles meeting minimum rideshare qualifications set by the empleyeF Commute Trip Reduction Administrator. Subsection b: and c: Councilman Clauson requested permission to provide wording to request all businesses require employees to participate in Kitsap Transit Rideshare Program. Clarification needs to be provided about the number of employees that triggers the requirement and the number of parking spaces that need to be provided. At 9:51 P.M. Mayor Pro-tem Powers declared the Public Hearing continued to Wednesday, February 18, 1998 at 7:30 PM. f ' Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk Carolyn Powe , Mayor Pro-tem