02/18/1998 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 18, 1998 Mayor Pro-tem Carolyn Powers called the Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, to order in special session at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street Council members present: Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee, and Stansbery. Staff present: Planner Gross, and Deputy Clerk Merlino. Mayor Pro-tem Powers reopened the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing which was continued from February 11, 1998. The purpose of holding a series of continued meetings that constitute one public hearing is to allow a detailed and thorough review and discussion on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. Public input is invited and encouraged during discussions on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. Councilmembers confirmed additional dates for continuation of the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing. Dates set for continuation of this public hearing are: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 Wednesday, March 4, 1998 Wednesday, March 11, 1998 City Planner Gross continued discussion on page 188, Chapter D3 Parking and vehicular circulation. Council concurred on the following revisions: Section 10: Pedestrian circulation and access The following general pedestrian design standards shall apply to all developments throughout the city in addition to those outlined elsewhere within the special design districts: a: All uses, except single family detached building permits, shall provide pedestrian access onto the site. Pedestrian access shall be located as follows: 1) Access points at property edges and to adjacent lots shall be coordinated with the existing development to provide circulation patterns between development sites. Pedestrian access to adjacent lots shall not be required if the topography is greater than 3% between the tots. 2) Residential developments shall provide links between cul-de-sacs or groups of buildings to allow pedestrian access from within the development and from adjacent developments to activity centers, parks, common tracts, open spaces, schools or other public facilities, transit stops, and public streets. b: Pedestrian walkways shall fOFFA aR GR site simbilatien system that minimizes the conflict between pedestrians and traffic at all points of pedestrian access to on -site parking and building entrances as follows: FnOFe thaS 76 feet #9M the building eAtFaRse OF PNA61pal OR site destiFiatien wid as follows: 1) All developments which contain more than 1 building shall provide walkways between the principal entrances of the buildings. • • February 18, 1998 Page 2 of 2 ,3) 2) Pedestrian walkways across parking areas shall be located as either one of the following: a) Walkways running parallel to the parking gays rows shall be provided at a minimum of every 4 2 bays parking lot aisles. b) Walkways running perpendicular to the parking rows shall be no further apart than 25 parking spaces. c: Pedestrian access and walkways shall meet the following minimum design standards: 1) Access and walkways shall be physically separated from driveways and parking spaces by landscaping, berms, barriers, grade separation or other means to protect pedestrians from vehicular traffic. ai4d Lighting may be required. 2) Access and walkways shall be a minimum of 60 inches of unobstructed width and meet the surfacing standards of the Port Orchard road standards for walkways or sidewalks. 3) Access shall be usable by mobility -impaired persons and shall be designed and constructed to be easily located by the sight -impaired pedestrian by either grade change, texture or other equivalent means. 4) A crosswalk shall be required when a walkway crosses a driveway or a paved area accessible to vehicles. 5) Wherever walkways are provided, raised crosswalks or speed bumps may be located at all points where a walkway crosses the lane of vehicle travel. As this concluded Section 10 of Chapter D3: Parking and vehicular circulation, City Planner Gross requested continued discussion on Chapter D3 to the next continued Public Hearing. At 9:30 P.M. Mayor Pro-tem Powers declared the Public Hearing continued to Wednesday, February 25, 1199988 at 7::30, PM. 1(� Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk Carolyn Povfars, Mayor Pro-tem