02/25/1998 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington
February 25, 1998
Mayor Pro-tem Carolyn Powers called the Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, to order in
special session at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street
Council members present: Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee, and Stansbery.
Staff present: Planner Gross, City Engineer, and Deputy Clerk Merlino.
Mayor Pro-tem Powers reopened the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing which was continued from
February 18, 1998. The purpose of holding a series of continued meetings that constitute one public
hearing is to allow a detailed and thorough review and discussion on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. Public
input is invited and encouraged during discussions on the Draft Zoning Ordinance.
Councilmembers confirmed additional dates for continuation of the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing.
Dates set for continuation of this public hearing are:
Wednesday, March 4, 1998
Wednesday, March 5, 1998
Wednesday, March 11, 1998
Wednesday, March 12, 1998
Saturday, March 14, 1998, if necessary 8:OOam—12:00pm
City Planner Gross clarified discussion from the February 18, 1998 meeting concerning, Chapter D3
Parking and vehicular circulation.
Council concurred with the following:
SECTION 10: Pedestrian circulation and access
a: All uses, except single family detached building permits, shall provide pedestrian access onto the site.
steps. Pedestrian access
shall be located as follows:
1) Access points at property edges and to adjacent lots shall be coordinated with the existing
development to provide circulation patterns between development sites. Pedestrian access to adjacent lots
shall not be required if the topography is greater than 3% between the lots.
At this time, Council continued discussion on page 190 and made the following revisions:
Section 11:_ Off-street parking plan desictn standards
Council deleted the chart on page 187-A (Minimum parking stall and aisle dimensions) and recommended
the City Planner provide a simple chart depicting a standard and compact parking stall size.
Council further requested the City Planner to place a footnote on the drawings on page 187-B, 187-C, 187-D:
For illustration purposes only.
Subsection a: No change
Subsection b: No change
Subsection c: No change
February 25, 1998
Page 2 of 2
Subsection d: No change
Subsection e: IDFiveways pFwiding Ingress and egress between off-street parking areas and abutting
streets shall be designed, located, and constructed in accordance with Port Orchard street
Subsection f: No change
Subsection g: No change
Subsection h: All required vehicle parking and st9fa@e for single family detached dwellings must be on an
approved surface.
Subsection is Deleted in its entirety.
Subsection j: Deleted in its entirety.
SECTION 12: Off-street parking construction standards.
Off-street parking areas shall have dust -free; all-weather surfacing, which includes a compacted rock
surface. .
SECTION 13: Compact car allowance requirements
Subject to City Engineer review and approval, up to 40 percent of the total number of spaces to be provided
in any development may be sized to accommodate compact cars: subje6t te the fellewry. Aisle widths shall
conform to the standards set for standard size cars.
Subsection a: Deleted in its entirety.
SECTION 14: Internal circulation road standards.
Internal access roads to off-street parking areas shall conform with or exceed the surfacing and design
requirements for private semmeFsial• roads set in the Port Orchard road standards.
City Planner Gross requested Council review the charts on page 184-A, 184-8, and 184-C before the next
scheduled continued public hearing, March 4, 1998.
City Engineer updated the Council on Kitsap County's definition of Urban Joint Planning areas and their
possible impacts to the city and zoning.
At 9:25 P.M. Mayor Pro-tem Powers declared the Public Hearing continued to Wednesday, March 4, 1998
at 7:30 PM.
Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk Carolyn Pow s, Mayor Pro-tem