04/21/1998 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 21, 1998 Acting Mayor Protem Geiger called the Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, to order in special session at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Geiger, Morrison, Van Zee and Stansbery. Staff present: City Planner Gross, City Engineer Curles and Deputy Clerk Merlino. Acting Mayor Protem Geiger reopened the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing which was continued from April 16, 1998. The purpose of holding a series of continued meetings that constitute one public hearing is to allow a detailed and thorough review and discussion on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. Public input is invited and encouraged during discussions on the Draft Zoning Ordinance. City Planner Gross reported back to Council concerning the possibility of changing the setback requirements from the first vertical feature to the structure foundation. After considerable discussion, the Council unanimously concurred to not make any changes to the setback requirements or definition. City Planner Gross also asked for Council's recommendation concerning corner lot setbacks on two streets. Council concurred with the City Planner and recommended the corner lot setbacks on two streets as follows: Front and street side yard setbacks —15 feet Other side and rear yard setbacks — 5 feet City Planner advised this concludes the text portion of the draft zoning ordinance. At this time of the meeting, City Planner Gross presented the draft zoning map and discussed the addition of the "Community Facilities" designation on the proposed zoning map and also indicated that existing mobile home parks are now illustrated on the zoning map. City Planner Gross presented a handout, which indicates requests from citizens of Port Orchard to change land use designations on the map. City Planner noted the Planning Commission has reviewed most of these requests and submitted their recommendations to the Council. Acting Protem Mayor Geiger presented Change Designation request submitted by Dick Peterson for property located at the SE comer of Tremont Street and Pottery Avenue. Dick Peterson, 623 Dwight Street, requested a change in the land use designation for property located at the SE corner of Tremont Street and Pottery Avenue from Residential Low to Commercial. The property currently has an existing 5-plex and the request is to develop the adjacent vacant lot into a commercial business. After much discussion, Council concurred and recommended a mixed use district be designated for this site, allowing commercial development on the vacant portion of the lot while accommodating the 5-plex that already exists on site. • i April21, 1998 Page 2 of 3 Acting Protem Mayor Geiger called for a 5 minute recess, with meeting reconvening at 8:50 PM. Acting Protem Mayor Geiger presented Change Designation request submitted by Gary Chrey for various parcels within the Ross point Annexation. Mr. Chrey, 600 Kitsap Street, Suite 202, advised he is representing the commercial businesses who have recently been annexed into the City. Due to the County's land use map in effect at the time of annexation, these properties were incorporated into the city with a Residential Low designation. Mr. Chrey advised it is crucial to the continued economic viability of the landowners that these parcels be rezoned Commercial to reflect the existing and previously approved uses. Cliff Thompson, Thompson Landing, P.O. Box 96, Southworth, spoke on behalf of the commercial businesses, stating the businesses along SR166 are now considered non- conforming which is a detriment to their businesses. Mr. Thompson requested the Council change the designation from residential low to commercial. Council unanimously recommended changing the land use designation from Residential Low to either an Industrial or Commercial designation, which ever is appropriate, on those parcels which have existing Industrial or Commercial uses. Council also clarified that the property to the west of Thompson's Pile Driving on which exists his access should be changed to Commercial or Industrial as well. Mr. Chrey advised he will work with the City Staff to identify all the properties within the Ross Point Annexation, which need to be considered for a change in the land use designation. Acting Protem Mayor Geiger presented Change Designation request submitted by Jim Avery for property located at 1920 Mahan Street from Residential Low to a R12 designation. Council concurred with the Planning Commission's recommendation to deny the requested change of designation from Residential Low to R12. Acting Protem Mayor Geiger presented Change Designation request submitted by Dennis King for two parcels east of South Kitsap Mall. City Planner Gross advised this property has since gone through the rezone process and is now Commercial General on the existing zoning map. Acting Protem Mayor Geiger presented Change Designation request submitted by McCormick Land Company for property located at the SidneytSedgwick intersection to allow for a Special Design District Overly. City Planner Gross advised the applicant would like to develop a consistent design scheme for the area. Council concurred with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approved the Special Design District Overlay. Acting Protem Mayor Geiger presented Change Designation request submitted by Dale Schuster for property located at 419 Tracy Avenue N. from Residential Low to R8 or R12. Council concurred with the Planning Commission and recommended denial of this request. April 21, 1998 Page 3 of 3 Acting Protein Mayor Geiger presented Change Designation request submitted by Chuck Childress for property bordered by South Flower Avenue, Goldenrod Street, West Avenue and extension of Fireweed Street. The request it to change the existing zoning from Residential Low to allow a designation for a mobile home park. Council unanimously concurred to deny this request. City Planner Gross asked for Council concurrence on identifying the Givens Community Center as a Community facility designation. Council unanimously concurred with this designation. City Planner Gross further asked for Council's recommendation for identifying the boundaries for the downtown Mixed use district. Council designated the area between Water Street and Harrison Avenue; and Prospect Street north to the water as the Mixed use district. Council questioned and expressed some reservation with the minimum residential lot sizes as 5,445 square feet, due to the fact many residential lots in certain plats are 5,000 square feet. After much discussion, Council recommended all plats recorded prior to 1910, would have to meet a minimum residential lot size of 5,000 square feet. City Engineer Curles advised he will prepare a listing of all plats that would become effective by this recommendation. City Planner advised this concludes the review of the draft zoning map. Acting Protein Mayor Geiger closed the Public Hearing portion of the meeting regarding the review of the Draft Zoning Ordinance and referred to Council for their consideration. On motion by Councilman Stansbery, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized city staff prepare the draft zoning ordinance to incorporate all recommended changes as directed by the City Council and submit the draft zoning ordinance to the state for the 60 day review process. City Council congratulated City Planner Gross for her hard work and determination during the development of the draft zoning ordinance. Acting Protein Mayor Geiger adjourned Council at 10:10 PM Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk ct' Ma r Pr m G er