04/29/1998 - Work Study - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 29, 1998 Mayor Pro-tem Powers called the Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, to order in Study Session at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee, and Stansbery. Staff present: City Engineer Curies and City Clerk Parks. Mayor Pro-tem Powers stated this Study Session is a continuation of the Study Session held April 1,1998. The purpose of this Study Session is to familiarize Councilmembers with the proposed new sign ordinance. Engineer Curies outlined anticipated Sign Ordinance review process. (1) Council review and familiarize themselves with the preliminary draft; (2) Staff to incorporate proposed revisions and distribute final draft to business community and public; (3) Council will hold a public hearing to provide opportunity for public comment; and (4) adoption and enforcement of sign ordinance. Council review continued at section 21 on billboards and resulted in the following revisions: 21, Billboards (d8) Add sentence to state "The finish will be non -reflective, painted and conceal the framework of the structure. 22. Sign Regulations by Zoning District. (1A) Revise to read: "The total combined area of all erg non-exempt signs on any lot..." (113) Revise to read: "All dwelling units in residential district shall display house numbers no less than 4" high, which are readable from the street." (1 H) Add sentence: The sign may be mounted on fences and shall not extend higher than the fence. 0J) Revise 2nd sentence to read: "There shall be no more than two such events advertised with temporary sale signs for any residence per year, and no such event shall continue for more than six days within a fifteen -day period. On page 35, after end of section 2 before sub -section (A) insert sub -section title (3) Commercial & Industrial Districts. (3D) Second sentence revise to indicate street address numbers shall be six inches. 23 Nonconforming sins. (A) Date to be date of adoption. Staff to request legal opinion (A3) Staff to review if this subsection should be a stand-alone paragraph. (D) Second sentence: divide into two sentences - ..., as disclosed by the most recent county assessor's rolls. The "Value of sign" means the valuation.... (D) Revise fourth sentence to read: " beieg eetified the owner may appeal to the City Council. 0 April 29, 1998 Page 2 of 2 (E) Revise table on page 39 to read: Value of Sin Time Limitation $1,000.00 or less One year $1,000.00410,000.00 Three years $10,000.00 or more Five years. 24. _ Comprehensive_ Design Plan Permits Residential subdivisions and developments: (Page 41) correct outline letters. Page 8 Definitions revise (24) "Projecting sign" to read: means a sign, other than a flat wall sign, which is attached to and projects meF8 than twelve inches or more from a building wall or other structure no specifically designed to support the sign. Council ended this session's review on page 42 after subsection (II). At approximately 9:30 P.M. Mayor Pro-tem Powers declared this Study Session continued to Wednesday, April 1, 1998 at 7:30 PM. Patricia Parks, City Clerk Carolyn Pow s, Mayor Pro -tern