05/18/1998 - Work Study - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington May 18, 1998 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order for a Study Session by Mayor Leslie Weatherill at 7:30 PM at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: John Clauson, Rick Wyatt, Don Morrison, Robert Geiger, Carolyn Powers, Warren Van Zee and Tom Stansbery. Planning Commission: Neal Perrine, Gil Michael, Tadina Crouch and Bob Heubert Staff present: City Engineer Curies, City Planner Gross, Code Enforcement Julie Brown and Deputy Clerk Merlino. City Engineer Curies opened meeting stating the purpose of this Study Session is to allow the City Council and City Planning Commission an opportunity for an open forum discussion with no definite agenda item. However the City Engineer suggested the following topics for discussion: 1. Do we need the Tremont Corridor Plan? 2. Are we going to implement impact fees? 3. Is there consistency between Planning Commission and City Council? City Engineer Curies started the discussion by asking the question does the City need to maintain the Tremont Corridor Plan because the City will soon have a new zoning ordinance that will take the place of the corridor plan. Councilman Geiger suggested maintaining the Tremont Corridor Plan, since the plan is a guideline for the developers. The Planning Commission and Councilmembers discussed the pros and cons for maintaining the Tremont Corridor Plan. After much discussion, it was recommended the staff prepare the Tremont Corridor Plan as an Overlay District which would incorporate design guidelines, control access on Tremont Street and encourage professional businesses and limit retail businesses. City Engineer introduced Code Enforcement Julie Brown, and advised she has attended the meeting to bring Council and Planning Commission up-to-date on code enforcement issues. Julie Brown discussed the difficulties of enforcing and issuing citations on junk vehicles as well as nuisances on private properties. Councilman Clauson advised the City should continue to focus on the enforcement and removal of junk vehicles within the City. May 18, 1998 Page Two of Two The Council and Planning Commission talked briefly on impact fees. The last item discussed pertained to the logistics of the Planning Commission and City Council regarding land use issues, specifically when an issue needs to be remanded to the applicant or Planning Commission for further review. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. �—rL ckw� Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk Leslie r Weatherill, Mayor