11/30/1998 - Work Study - Minutes• �J Port Orchard, Washington November 30, 1998 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order for a Study Session by Mayor Leslie Weatherill at 7:30 PM at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, and Stansbery. Staff present: City Treasurer Tompkins, Police Chief Mathews, Municipal Court Judge Mittet, and City Clerk Parks. Mayor Weatherill stated the purpose of this Study Session is to discuss the 1999 Budget and requested Councilman Geiger, Finance Committee Chair review preliminary budget process. Councilman Geiger outlined budget process, preliminary departmental requests, Mayor's recommendations, and Finance Committee recommendations (Attachment A). Councilman Geiger led discussion that focused on, but was not limited to the following budget requests/recommendations: *Costs associated with completing construction and getting into the new city hail, along with the unanticipated costs incurred due to the Native American Midden. *Chief Mathews requested reconsideration of funding for an additional police officer and third sergeant position. Chief Mathews reviewed importance of maintaining the 1-500 officer/residents ratio. He reported police response is consistently a major Issue during annexation processes. Chief stated he is willing to forgo the 1999 appropriation for the vehicle reserve account (which would purchase two additional vehicles in the year 2000) and would also delay hiring the new officer until later in the year to reduce cost in 1999. Councilman Stansbery supported Chief Mathews' request for an additional police officer stressing the need to maintain the 1-500 ratio and level of service within the Police Department. Councilman Clauson noted that during annexations two issues seem to be paramount, police response and the speed of processing permits and land use issues. The Finance Committee did consider these issues during their prioritization, (1) the police officer/citizen ratio is currently 1-496 and no annexations are pending or under discussion; and (2) a second clerical position is recommended for the Engineering/Planning/Building Department. The clerical workload created by this department is more than one clerical employee can handle within a normal workday. it was recognized that the demands of this department have increased many times during the past years without increasing the clerical support staff. Councilman Morrison assured everyone the Committee is not trying to pit departments against each other. He clarified the Finance Committee looked at citywide needs and prioritized. This should not be interpreted as to diminish the needs of one department over another. Addressing the police officer issue he stated the time frame to process an annexation will allow time to evaluate the need to hire additional police personnel. Councilman Morrison also voiced concern over the Chiefs offer to delay vehicle replacement; this is a safety issue and could be considered as a slight to the current officers. Councilman Clauson reviewed the catch up process experienced in the past when Council implemented the police vehicle reserve fund and expressed concern that if an allocation to this fund is removed that in the year 2000 the Department will fall behind again. November 30, 1998 Page Two of Two Mayor Weatherill stated that everyone has good sound points to support their budget request, however the Council needs to assess the current needs and address the budget in the best interest of the City as a whole. Councilman Stansbery stated that it is obvious that not all budget requests can be funded. He added he would like to see consideration of additional police uniformed personnel in the year 2000 budget. Chief Mathews acquiesced that funding of an additional police officer will not be included in the 1999 budget. He then ask for continued consideration of the third police sergeant position. A third sergeant position would assure a supervisor would be available every day. He proposed funding the third sergeant position ($6,645) by reducing the allocation for the mobile data terminals by $6,645. After considerable discussion on potential funding sources, Councilman Clauson proposed adding $6,645 to anticipated revenue projected for account 001-353.10 fines and forfeitures — traffic infraction penalties. Council by general consensus concurred on adding this revision to the proposed budget that will be considered at the Public Hearing on Monday, December 07, 1998. *Mayor Weatherill questioned the city hall video system listed in the Finance Committee recommendations. Councilman Clauson clarified the video system for city hall is set up as a two-phase project. First phase is the in- house presentation system, and the second would be to facilitate recording and televising city meetings. The $30,000 in this proposed budget would fund the first of the two phases. At 9:05 P.M. Mayor Weatherill called for a ten-minute recess. The meeting was reconvened at 9:13 PM and as no further discussion on the proposed 1999 city budget was presented Mayor Weatherill closed the meeting by reminding Councilmembers and staff that the Public Hearing to discuss the 1999 budget has been advertised for December 7, 1998 at 7:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. �IKL_�d V, � -, &' 4, = =' Patricia Parks, Ci Clerk Leslie J. Weatherill, Mayor