02/19/1997 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 19, 1997 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order for in Special Session by Mayor Protem Powers at 7:30 PM at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Wyatt, Geiger, Powers and Grable. Staff present: City Planner Gross and City Clerk Parks. Mayor Pro-tem Powers stated the purpose of this Special Session is to continue the Public Hearing relevant to the Draft Zoning Code Ordinance. (Continuation of Public hearing from February 3, 1997.) Ms. Powers explained that while this is a continuation of the Public Hearing, the purpose is for review and discussion of the draft code. Public input is invited and encouraged. She then requested City Planner Donna Gross facilitate the review process. City Planner Gross addressed the four questions which were asked at the February 3, 1997 session of this Public Hearing: 1. How are such uses as Port Orchard Nursery allowed in the proposed code? Ms. Gross referred to land use tables and traced definitions to illustrate how nursery/garden centers are permitted in commercial zones. Small roadside stands are allowed in residential zones with a conditional use permit. 2. Where would farming be allowed? Ms. Gross again referred to the land use tables while discussing the various zones which allow farming as a permitted or conditional use. 3. How difficult will it be to amend this code? This code can be amended at any time by a Public Hearing process, with notice of proposed changes summarized. 4. Who reviews Conditional Uses? Map adjustments and conditional uses will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council, similar to our current process for land use amendments. City Planner Gross reminded those present that future dates designated for continuation of this Public Hearing process are March 12 and March 26. Additional meeting dates will be scheduled if necessary to complete review of the draft code. City Planner Gross led discussion on the "Recreational/cultural land uses" table (page 146B), which resulted in the following revisions: Park •Allowable as a conditional use in all zones, except "Public Facilities" where a park is a permitted use. •Delete note IA from "Public Facilities Zone" Trail •No changes Campground •No change Destination •Add allowable as a conditional use in "Commercial -retail and office resort Zone". February 19, 1997 Page 2 of 3 Recreational •Revise note 2a to read: The maximum length of stay of any unit shall vehicle park not exceed 180 days, Theater •Revise note 3 to read: "Adult entertainment facilities shall be prohibited within 600 feet of any residential zones, school, licensed daycare .". Theater, •Add allowable as a conditional use in "Public Facilities District". drive in Plays/theatrical •No change production Bowling center •No change Sports club •No change Golf facility •No change in allowable uses. •Definition of Golf Facility on page 130 (section 50) remove miniature golf from definition of Golf Facility Golf driving •No change range Shooting range •No change -guns and firearms Archery range •No change Amusement arcades •Change permitted use to conditional use in" Employment- Industrial/office zone". Add (79) Miscellaneous •Reflect conditional uses allowed in "Commercial" and "Mixed Use" Amusements and "Public Facility Zones". This would include miniature golf facilities. Library •Change permitted use to conditional use for "Employment -Industrial Office Zone". Museum •Change permitted use to conditional use for "Employment -Industrial Office Zone". Arboretum •Change permitted use to conditional use for "Employment -Industrial Office Zone". Conference Center •Add allowable as a conditional use in "Residential 20 Zone" and change permitted use to conditional use in "Employment -Industrial/ Office Zone". February 19, 1997 Page 3 of 3 At this time, City Planner Gross thanked everyone for coming and reminded them the next special study session to continue this Public Hearing is scheduled for March 12, 1997 at 7:30 PM. Meetings journed ate :20 P.M. ,J h P tricia Parks, City Clerk GC� Carolyn Powirs, Mayor Protem