02/24/1997 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 24, 1997 The Port Orchard City Council was called to order in regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Wyatt, Geiger, Powers, and Grable. Councilmembers Morrison and Van Zee were excused. Staff present: Deputy Clerk Hager, Police Chief Mathews, City Planner Gross, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow, City Clerk Parks, and City Attorney Ann Hanson. Councilwoman Powers led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. No response was received. Mayor Weatherill opened the 7:30 P.M. Public Hearing regarding a request by the property owner to modify Condition No. 17 of Ordinance No. 1674 which requires the developer to construct a right turn lane at the Old Clifton Road and Lloyd Parkway intersection. The applicant and property owner is RV Sand and Gravel and their representative is N.L. Olson and Associates, Inc. The Port Orchard Industrial Park is located on the north side of Lloyd Parkway which includes 1333 Lloyd Parkway. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Attachment "A. 11 City Planner Gross discussed the proposed modification to Condition No. 17 and reviewed the proposed changes on a site map. Norm Olson, representative for RV Sand and Gravel, supported the request to modify Condition No. 17 and concurred with the four modifications as recommended by the City Engineer. Mayor Weatherill called for audience comments regarding the request to modify Ordinance No. 1674. Condition No. 17 requires the developer to construct a right turn lane at Old Clifton Road and Lloyd Parkway intersection. As no response was received, Mayor Weatherill closed the public input portion of this public hearing and referred the request to council for consideration. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, the City Council approved modification of Condition No. 17 of Ordinance No. 1674 to allow the redesign of the intersection at Old Clifton Road and Lloyd Parkway with 4 conditions as recommended by the City Engineer as follows: 1. The owner of the Port Orchard Industrial Park is responsible for the cost of the design and construction of the improvements. 2. The design will be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of permits. 3. The construction will be in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and permit prior to acceptance by the City. The construction will be completed prior to final plat approval of Phase 1 of the Port Orchard Industrial Park. 4. The design will include one Puget Power standard and luminary at the new intersection. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Clauson, the City Council approved the Consent Agenda as presented: February 24, 1997 Page Two of Two a. Minutes of the February 10, 1997 as distributed. b. Claim Warrants No. 26232-26301 in the amount of $55,451.33. C. Application for carnival License for carnival located at South Kitsap Mall on April 23-27, 1997 as submitted by Haworth Shows. Mayor Weatherill requested the City Engineer ask the Prospect Alley Project Engineer for recommendations to decrease traffic speeds. Police Chief Mathews reported the Port Orchard Police Department has been given an opportunity to participate in the West Sound Narcotics Enforcement Team (Westnet) and requested permission to transfer a Port Orchard Police Officer to the Westnet Team. Chief Mathews also requested the City Council create an additional police officer position within the Port Orchard Police Department. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, the City Council approved the transfer of a Port Orchard Police Officer to the West Sound Narcotics Enforcement Team (Westnet) and authorized the creation of an 11th Police Officer position within the Port Orchard Police Department. A Federal Grant funds 75% of the salary/benefit cost and provides a vehicle and case operating expenses for officers participating in Westnet team. The City's 25% share will come from reallocating funds which were budgeted for the Automated Citation Issuance System. The citation system will not be purchased in 1997. City Planner Gross reminded the Council of the continued Public Hearing regarding the zoning code ordinance on March 12, 1997 at 7:30 P.M.. City Engineer Curles also reminded Council of the Special Study Session regarding the Bethel Wye roundabout project scheduled for March 3, 1997 at 7:30 P.M. City Engineer requested permission to contract with LiquiVision Technology, Inc., to clean the one and two million gallon water reservoirs. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the City Engineer to contract with LiquiVision Technology, Inc., to clean the one (1) and two (2) million gallon water reservoirs at a cost of approximately $8,000. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M. PATRICIA PARKS, CITY CLERK LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR LEGAL DESCRIPTJnN for Port Orchard Ind.--,rial Park February 24, 1997 Attachment "A" THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWTX QUARTER 0? THE SOUTHWEST QUARTxR OF SECTION 34. TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 1 FAST, X.Y., IN XrMP COUNTY, WASE NGTON, DESCRIBED A9 FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 84; Tli C-E SOUTH 8el7'03' EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEYST QUARTER OF THE SOLRiWST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 226.01 VXrT TO THE SOUTH A.4r COP-9n OF THE LAST 225 FEI?'T OF THE NOMI'VEST QUARTER OF TH3 SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SF,LTION 34 BYLNG THY SOUTKMY TaX3W OF THE LtMIRLY R4HT-OF-WAY MARGIN OF SHAWN ROAD SW AS CON L-M TO 12TSAP COUNTY PER RIGHT -OF- WAY DM RECORDED UNDER AU.DTTOR'S FU NO. k&843 AND T'h'E TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TFCENCF NORTH 1'07'17' EAR? ALONG THE EAST LINE OF Tit WEST 225 FYNI' OF SAID NORTHYEST QUAM11 OF ITM SOVMVFZ'r QULVM AND ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 834.26 MT; THENCE SOUTH W17'00' MST 830.00 FEET; THENCL NORTH W36'48' EAST 753.41 FEET TO THE EAST LING OF THE kOgfinW7 QUARTER OF TM SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 34; THENCE SOUTH 0"52'51' PEST ALONG SAID BAST LIKE A DISTANCE OF 882.14 FEET TO THE SOMMAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTH YESr QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 94; THENCE NORTH 88'17'Oe 'WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHIIM QUARTER OF TH$ SOUTHWEST QUAS'TER A DISTANCE OF 1084.81 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; (ALSO BEING )O+iOirli AS L07 C OF CITY OF PORT ORCHARD MORT 3U3DfVL%ON NO. 5-1084. AS RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S Fria NO. 2201080167.) AND THAT PORTION OF THE NORI'FiYiX QUARM OF THB SOUT6YV7 QUARTa OF SAID SECTION N. DESCROW AS FOLLOWS: BEGMING AT THE SOUTHYBSr CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 34; THMCY SOUTH 88'I7-OT PAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORT K"ST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 225.01 FEET TO THE SOUT'HFAS'T CORNER OF THE EAST 226 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QULMI? OF THE SOUTHWEST QUAlrM OF SAID SECTION 34 BEItiG THE SOUTimy TS:RYD us OF THE EASTFp RIGHT-O!'-tAY UARGIN OF SHAWN ROAD ST AS CONYBYFID TO KffW COUNTY PER RIGHT -OF- WAY DUD- RECORDED UNDER AUDR'OR'S FILE NO. fl41i843; THENCE NORTH 1'OT17'' EAST A1DNG THE LAST LIE OF THE WEST 226 FEET OF SLID NORTiIYF.S'T QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUAD AND ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 834.2E FEET; THgNCX SOUTH 5617'W EAST' 330.00 FIST TO THE TRUE POINT OF EKINl+'ING; THENCE NORTH 1'07'17' R; m 660.00 FKYT TO ra SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH S0 FEET OF THE NORnMW QUARTER OF THE SOUT"WT QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 34 BEING THE SOWHER.LY RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN OF SW COOK ROAD AS- CONYEYED TO 13 W COUNTY PER RIGHT-OF-WAY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER AUDROR'S FILE NOS. 218220 AND 272909: THENCE SOUTH 68'17'OT EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE AND ALONG SOLD RIGHT-OF-WAY UiRGR1 A DISTANCE OF 761.81 FEET TO THE LAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTfM= QUARTER OF SAID SI! C'nON 34; THENCE SOUTH (759'51' WEST ALONG SAM EAST UNE A DISTANCE OF 832.14 nXT; THENCE SOUTH 84'36'4e WEST 75S.4 L FEET TO TH.E TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; (ALSO BEING KNOWN AS LOT D OF CITY OF PORT ORCHARD. SHORT SUHDM&ON NO. S-1064, AS RECORDY.D UNDER.AUDrrOR'S Fa Z NO. 920IOd0167.) AND THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTH &0T QUARTER OF THE SOUT'HY= QUARTY.B OF SAID SECTION 34, DESMMM AS FOLIDYS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUriiWEST CORNER OF TH I SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHL�AST QUARI?:R OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARM OF SAID SECTION 34; THENCE SOUTH W17'03' EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHXAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER, A DLYTANCL OF 540.04 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WYST 540 FRET OF SLID NOSTH$Abr QUARTER OF THE ROUT m-r QUARTER; THENCE NORTH O'69'61' L&ST, ALONG SAID EAST I.W. A DISTANCE OF 340.03 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 340 YM OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUAR'M OF SAID SECTION 34, THENCE NORM 34'27'43' EAST A DISTANCE OF 382.94 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST' QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 88'17'01' WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH IlNr. A DISTANCE OF 42408 FW; THENCE SOM O'69'61' Wg3T A DLSTANCE OF 342.11 PKLTI' TO THE NORTH UNY OF THE SOUTH 320 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID NORTHEAST' QUART'SR OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCL NORTH 8e 17'01' WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH LDAY A DISTANCE OF 18357 FEET TO THY Es-Yr LDa OF THE YI+ST 163.66 n-C OF UM NOKnLLkn QUARTER OF TlrM 5OLMiv _Yr QUAHTXH. THENCE NORTH O'69'61' EAST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTA.NL-E OF 342. 11 Yl: r TO THE AJSrN L NX or rh -vL-m hALF or r`Lr s-.U— --,. r QL'1AW %,V Mr }1�17T�T3lT %Nc Ah`r" OF SAID SECTION 34; 'THENC% NORTH 88'1T01' VIZ T, ALONG SAID NORTH IJN.X. A DLYT.0CE Of 183.57 FSUT TO THE NORTHIYIiST CORM OF SAID SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TH2 SOUTMST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH (759-61' WEST, ALONG THY TEST LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TH X SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 34, A DISTANCE OF 682.14 FM TO THIS POINT OF BBGINN iG; (ALSO BEING KNOWN AS LDT A OF CITY OF PORT ORCHARD SHORT SUBI)rMlON NO. S-107E-R2, A9 RECORDED UNDER AUDMR'S FLU N0. 8409160061.) ALL BEING SUBJECT TO AND TOGETiiERYn L&MiF. M OF RECORD.