04/14/1997 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 14, 1997 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Van Zee and Grable. Councilwoman Powers excused. Staff present: Police Chief Mathews, City Planner Gross, Fire Chief Snow, Deputy Clerk Merlino, City Clerk Parks and City Attorneys Hanson and Ryan. Councilman Grable led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. No response was received. Reverend Johnson, President, Blacks in Government, thanked Council for this opportunity to speak and stressed the need for the City to recognize Martin Luther King by designating Martin Luther King Day as a paid holiday. Roy Lawson, Vice -President, Blacks in Government, reiterated Reverend Johnson's request to recognize Martin Luther King and allow city employees a paid holiday. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council removed from the table the Tabled Motion [presented by Councilman Morrison and seconded by Councilman Clauson at the March 24, 1997 meeting] to designate the third Monday in January, effective in 1998, as an additional holiday for city employees, to honor Martin Luther King. Council called for the question on the motion, to designate the third Monday in January, effective in 1998, as an additional holiday for city employees, to honor Martin Luther King, motion unanimously passed with 6 ayes. Mayor Weatherill reviewed letter from Mr. Tremlett requesting permission to use a travel trailer located at 1344 Garrison Avenue as a temporary residence. Councilman Van Zee moved to allow the travel trailer located at 1344 Garrison Avenue, as a temporary residence for 30 days, provided clean-up of the site will continue, seconded by Councilman Geiger. After much discussion, Councilman Van Zee moved to amend motion authorizing the use of a travel trailer as a temporary residence, contingent upon the Fire Chief's verification that the travel trailer is habitable and further clarified this authorization is temporary and will expire on May 14, 1997, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. Original motion, as amended, to allow the travel trailer, located at 1344 Garrison Avenue, to be used as a temporary residence for 30 days (expiring May 14, 1997), contingent upon (1) clean-up of the site will continue; and (2) the Fire Chief verifies the travel trailer is habitable. Motion unanimously passed with 6 ayes. Mayor Weatherill addressed letter from Bob Holtz representing Habitat for Humanity requesting permission to place a sandwich board sign on city right-of-way (Bethel Wye triangle) on 4/15/97-4/26/97. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council adopted Resolution No. 1767 approving temporary placement of a sandwich board in the Bethel Wye triangle right-of-way, advertising a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. City Clerk Parks reported on bid opening held April 10, 1997 at 4:30 PM regarding the Sedgwick Water Main. 13 bids were received with the required bid bonds. 11 bids acknowledged the addendum, 2 bids did not acknowledge the addendum. The following bids April 14, 1997 Page 2 of 3 were received as follows: Olsen's Land Development $98,811.00 Don Olson Construction 87,212.00 Babbitt Construction, Inc. 68,412.00 Dien Construction, Inc. 64,945.00 Lyrch & Associates 64,372.00 Taurman Pacific, Inc. 94,815.00 Stonack Construction 64,008.00 C & H General Contractors, Inc. 93,470.00 Kimm Co., Inc. 99,212.50 Sound Excavating, Inc. 70,904.84 Lydel Construction, Inc. 62,675.00 Pape & Sons Construction, Inc. 57,715.00 RV and Associates, Inc. 62,722.50 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $90,200.00 On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council accepted the bidding for the Sedgwick Water Main and awarded the bid to the lowest bidder, Pape and Sons Construction, Inc., in the amount of $57,715.00. Connie Wright, Brenda McKee and Sarah Lambert, downtown merchants, expressed a concern with the City purchasing computer software to implement the business license program. Downtown Merchants also asked for clarification on wording in Ordinance No. 1665 adopting the general business license in the City of Port Orchard. Mayor Weatherill and Council assured the downtown merchants, after much research this software was determined to be the most cost effect use of city dollars to implement the business license program. Mayor Weatherill also advised the downtown merchants a copy of Ordinance No. 1665 is available from the City Clerk's Office. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Van Zee, Council approved the consent agenda as follows: a. Minutes of the following Council meetings: (1) March 24, 1997 regular meeting, as amended (2) March 26, 1997 Study Session re: zoning code ordinance (3) April 7, 1997 Study Session re: Fire and Emergency Services Study, as amended (4) April 9, 1997 Study Session regarding Zoning Code Ordinance b. Approval of Claim Warrant Nos. 26476-26596 in the amount of $173,665.59. C. Application for Public Events - Farmers Market - April 26, 1997 through October 25, 1997 d. Authorization for Mayor Weatherill to sign Groundwater Protection Plan Agreement prepared by AGI Technologies. e. Confirmation of Mayor Weatherill's appointment of Megan J. Allen to the Port Orchard Library Board, to fill unexpired term expiring December 31, 1999. At 8:30 PM Mayor Weatherill called for a 10 minute recess with meeting reconvening at 8:40 PM. April 14, 1997 Page 3 of 3 On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Van Zee, Council authorized Mayor Weatherill to sign Maple Street Water Main Repair Change Order No. 1 to reflect the quantities actually used on the project, the contract price has increased from $40,141.00 to $41,599.84. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council declared as surplus and authorized the City Engineer to dispose of in the best interest of the City the following items: (1) Microfiche Reader, Fixed Asset No. 2-62 and (2) Epson HX-20 Computer, Fixed Asset No. 3-105; the Council further authorized the City Engineer to use the proceeds from the surplused Kubota Lawnmower, (surplused on August 8, 1994), to purchase a trailer for transporting lawnmowers and other equipment. Mayor Weatherill convened Council into Executive Session for 30 minutes and subsequently extended the Executive Session an additional 30 minutes to discuss Fire Protection Consolidation Contract. Mayor Weatherill reconvened Council into regular session and adjourned meeting at 10:15 P.M. �-f� J. - n Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR