04/28/1997 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 28, 1997 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee and Grable. Staff present: Police Chief Mathews, Deputy Clerk Merlino, City Planner Gross, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow, City Clerk Parks and City Attorneys Hanson and Ryan. Councilwoman Powers led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. Jud Turner, Chairman Fathoms O' Fun, requested Council approval of the Fathoms O' Fun Public Events Application. Councilman Morrison, Street/Alley Chairman, asked for clarification concerning costs associated with extra police security during the carnival. After much discussion, Mayor Weatherill placed this matter into Street Committee for further review and recommendation. Councilman Clauson asked staff for a listing of other community events which contribute to police security. Mayor Weatherill opened the 7:30 PM Public Hearing regarding an extension of the Residential Subdivision Moratorium. Planner Gross explained on March 25, 1997 the City Council extended the Residential Subdivision Moratorium an additional six months to allow for the development of the zoning code ordinance. As required by RCW 35.63.200 a public hearing must be held when a City Council adopts a moratorium_ The moratorium will expire on September 25, 1997. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments concerning the extension of the Residential Subdivision Moratorium. As no response was received, Mayor Weatherill closed the public input portion of the public hearing. City Planner Gross advised Council and Mayor the staff will prepare the Findings and Facts concerning the Residential Subdivision Moratorium. Todd Cramer, 409 Givens St., City of Port Orchard, Solid Waste Committee Representative, introduced Gretchen Olson, Solid Waste Division Manager, Kitsap County Public Works, and Mike Sheppard, City of Bremerton, representative. Mike Sheppard and Gretchen Olson discussed the potential capacity limits at the local landfills and future alternatives. Also discussed were proposed yard waste, composting and Household Hazardous Waste Programs. Ms. Olson offered literature which can be available to the citizens of Port Orchard and advised she will contact staff for distribution. Mayor Weatherill introduced proposed Resolution No. 1767 adopting road standards in the City of Port Orchard. April 28,1997 Page 2 of 3 City Engineer illustrated in detail each proposed road standard and answered questions from the Council. After discussion, Mayor Weatherill directed the City Clerk to place Resolution No. 1767 on the May 12, 1997 Council agenda for consideration. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved the consent Agenda items as follows: a. Minutes of the following Council meeting: (1) April 14, 1997 regular meeting (2) April 16, 1997 Study Session re: Zoning Code Ordinance b. Approval of Claim Warrant Nos. 26597-26671 in the amount of $52,300.43. C. Fireworks Stand Permits Nelson Wagner for Muster Team - Stockmarket Parking Lot Jim Strode - 1011 Bethel Rd. (Hi -Joy Bowl Parking Lot) Rochelle's Fireworks : South Kitsap Mail Parking Lot Rochelle's Fireworks - 823 Bethel Ave (north of flower shop) Rochelle's Fireworks - 1039 Bethel Ave (Thurman's parking lot) d. Ordinance No. 1677 repealing obsolete building code ordinances. e. Ordinance No. 1678 repealing obsolete fire code ordinances. Ordinance No. 1679 repealing obsolete plumbing code ordinances. g. Ordinance No. 1680 repealing Ordinance No. 1152, sections, 4, 5, and 6 (POMC 10.20) fines - penalties. Councilwoman Powers presented Mayor Weatherill with a donation to purchase plants and flowers for the downtown area. Mayor Weatherill and Councilmembers thanked Councilwoman Powers for her generous donation. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council authorized the Fire Department to adopt the Emergency Vehicle Accident Prevention (EVAP) Standards. Councilman Van Zee authorized the Fire Department, with the assistance of the City Treasurer, to obtain a loan from First National Bank of Port Orchard to allow for the purchase of the Self - Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), seconded by Councilwoman Powers. Councilman Clauson amended motion to authorize the City Treasurer to research the possibility of an inter -fund loan, if it is feasible, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried with 6 ayes. Councilman Morrison refrained from voting due to a conflict of interest. April 28,1997 Page 3 of 3 Original motion, as amended to authorize the Fire Department, with the assistance of the City Treasurer, to obtain a loan from First National Bank of Port Orchard to allow for the purchase of the Self -Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), approval contingent upon the City Treasurer researching the feasibility of an inter -fund loan. Motion passed with 6 ayes. Councilman Morrison refrained from voting due to a conflict of interest. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded Councilman Geiger, Council declared as surplus and authorized the Police Chief to dispose of, in the best interest of the City, miscellaneous items from the Police Evidence Room. Attachment "A". Council designated June 2, 1997 as a joint study session with Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 to review the recently completed Gorst Sewer Study. Representatives from Kitsap County Public Works and Parametrix Engineers will make the presentation. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council authorized Entranco Engineers to proceed with the construction administration of the Prospect Alley design in the approximate amount of $15,000. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council authorized the Mayor to sign the Host Agency Agreement for the JPTA Summer Employment Program. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Grable, Council authorized staff to draft an amending resolution to reflect a modification to the parking restriction at the corner of Bay Street and Seattle Avenue. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR April 28, 1997 Attachnent "A" PORT ORCHARD POLICE DEPARTMENT David L. Loflin Sergeant 546 Bay St. Port Orchard Washington 98366 Telephone (360) 876-1700 April 27,1997 Chief Mathews, The folowing items need to be surplused in the best interest of the police department, and should be sold at Auctioned at Stokes Auctionat the earlest convenience. Item 1. mis cassettes 2.turbo grafx 3. antenna cord 4. box misc lost and found 5.ross amp 6. 2 speakers 7. backpack 8. suit case misc clothes 9. fan 10. suit case 11. bb gun 12.tape deck 92-2456 13. tape deck high power 93-082 14 tape deck coustic 94-2398 15. amp kenwood 94-2398 16. speakers ,radar detector 90-714 17. speakers 9930 18. tv converter none 19. Nintendo and equalizer 93-1309 20. misc cd's none 21. radio case with wires 92-2776 22. baseball bat 91-1644 23. 2 electric ballast 95-657 24. misc sunvisor hat 95-2998 25. sleeping bag 96-2226 26. jacket none 27. ballast liter timer elec cord 95-657 28. ballast & lights 10203 29. fan motors (2) 95-657 30. pool cue 94-2425 Tag # none 8399 none 11486 none 92-1892 96-11413 11583 93-2055 90-2563 11-29-96 April 28, 1997 Attachment "A" 31 . vacum hoover none 32. cruches wooden 92-1218 33. jean jacket 91-919 34.misc cassetts none 35. leather jacket none 36. vinyl jacket none 37. 1 plastic chair none 38. misc. cd's 9450 39. ski poles 87-1-00115-4 40. red sleeping bag 93-1031 41. jean jacket hooded none 42. jean jacket lined none 43. pair shoes none 44. bag plaid 09469 45. soney portable phone 93-1160 46. misc tapes 2 bags none 47. misc tapes blk case 9450 48. equalizer 92-2353 49. misc speakers walkman none 50. cooler coleman 95-096 51. igloo cooler 95-096 52. helmet/glove 9549 53. toy boat 93-938 54. apple computer screen printer 86-0308 55. cooler gott none 56. speaker large 93-2656 57.2 ball caps 9068 58. cowboy boot lamp 10888 59. 2 portable casset 90-1414 60. key hole saw 95-2347 61. ragwings sport bag 89-2138 62. sanyo radio 90-1414 63. portable radio 93-938 64. misc clothes 94-352 65. umbrella none 66. canon camera none 67. seiko watch 90-0753 68. necklace 86-1054 69. misc jewlery rings necklace 90-0309 70. gold col ring 86-493 71. timex watch 7039 72. eagle necklace none 73. bag with coustume jewlery none 74. camera argus 90-1414 75. blue cooler bag none April 28, 1997 ,Attachment "A" 76. phone cord none 77. collector comic books in box 95-2156 78. walkman none 79. moneybox 95-1952 80. black light 88-1807 81. 3 sony remote changers 95-3022 82. chain saw blade deadbolt locks none 83. box misc collector comix 95-2156 84. misc cd's none 85. wallet none 86. wall painting 10657 87. red suitcase misc coins 92-2222 88. speaker 8930 89. brn cassett holder 9665 Also 1 camp trailer from red barn