04/30/1997 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 30, 1997 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, was called to order in Special Session at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Due to absence of the Mayor and the Mayor Pro-tem, Councilmembers designated Councilman Warren Van Zee to preside as Acting Mayor Pro-tem. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Van Zee, and Grable. Staff present: City Planner Gross, City Engineer Curles, and City Clerk Parks. Acting Mayor Pro-tem Van Zee reopened the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing which was continued from April 16, 1997. The purpose of holding a series of Public Hearing meetings is to review and discuss the draft Zoning Ordinance. Public input is invited and encouraged during discussions on the draft Zoning Ordinance. Discussion and review focused on the "General Services Land Uses" table - Page 146-D. Councilmembers present concurred on the following revisions to this land use table: * 7261 Funeral home/crematory: add use allowed as a conditional use in Residential 4.5, Residential 8, Residential 12, and Residential 20 districts. * Day care: add note 6 in all residential districts, but not in Greenbelt Districts. Note 6: If more than six (6) children, requires Conditional Use Permit; if less than six (6), permitted. * Veterinary clinic: add use allowed as a permitted use in Public Facilities District with condition #5. * 753 Automotive repair: add use allowed with a Conditional Use Permit in Public Facilities District. 754 Automotive service: ** Councilmembers agreed to revisit appropriateness in Public Facilities. * Insert Marina -boat repair as a permitted use within Commercial, Public Facilities and Employment Districts. * Nursing and personal care facilities: add use allowed as a permitted use in Residential 20, Commercial, and Mixed Use Districts. Delete permitted use in Public Facilities District. * Specialized instruction school: add use allowed as a permitted use in Commercial and Mixed Use Districts. * School district support facility: change permitted use in Public Facilities District to Conditional Use. April 30, 1997 Page Two of Two Councilmembers and several citizens discussed the term "Public Facilities", its use within this draft code, current public facilities, and projected future uses. The code contains two definitions for this term: Chapter AI Definitions -Technical Terms (Section 196 page 50) and Chapter Cl: Zones, Maps, and Designations (Section 11: Public facilities (Pf) page 115). Councilmembers requested the Planner clarify distinction between the two definitions. Councilmembers continued this Public Hearing with meeting dates and time set for May 5, 1997 (7:30 PM), May 19, 1997 (7:30 PM), June 4, 1997 (7:30 PM) and June 25, 1997 (7:30 PM). At 9:37 P.M. Acting Mayor Pro-tem Van Zee declared this Public Hearing continued until Wednesday, May 5, 1997 at 7:30 P.M. and adjourned the meeting. Z? Patricia Parks, City Clerk Warren Van Zee, Acting Ma d Pro-tern