05/19/1997 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington May 19, 1997 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, was called to order in Special Session by Mayor Protem Carolyn Powers at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Wyatt, Geiger, Powers, and Grable. Staff present: City Planner Gross, City Engineer Curles, and Deputy Clerk Merlino. Mayor Protem Powers reopened the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing which was continued from May 5, 1997. The purpose of holding a series of Public Hearing meetings is to review and discuss the draft Zoning Ordinance. Public input is invited and encouraged during discussions on the draft Zoning Ordinance. City Planner Gross started discussion with the question from the last portion of the public hearing (May 5, 1997) concerning number of vehicles allowed on site for an automobile rental lot. After much discussion, Council did not reach a consensus on this matter and agreed to continue to the next table and revisit this matter towards the end of this meeting. At this time Council reviewed page 146-G 'Retail land uses" table. Councilmembers present concurred on the following revisions to this land use table: Retail land uses *5271 Mobile home sales *Building, hardware and garden materials *Forest products sales *Department and variety stores 54 Food Stores *Agricultural crop sales *Motor vehicle and boat dealers *Motor vehicles > No change > No change > No change > "Permitted Use" within Mixed use district. > Amend Footnote #2 to read as follows: "Limited to 25% of gross floor area up to 4,000 sq. ft. > No change > Remove mobile home and boat dealers from definition on page 134, Section 77. Separate motor vehicles from boat dealers. > "Conditional Use" within Commercial and Mixed use district and "Permitted Use" within Employment district. 555 Boat dealers 553 Auto supply store 554 Gasoline service station 56 Apparel and accessory stores May 19, 1997 Page Two of Two > "Permitted Use" within Commercial and Employment district and "Conditional Use" within Mixed use district. > No change > No change > No change *Furniture and home furnishing stores > "Permitted Use" within Mixed use district. 58 Eating and drinking places > Add Footnote #6 to Commercial, Mixed use and Employment districts. *Drug store 592 Liquor stores 593 Used goods: antiques/secondhand shops 594 Miscellaneous shopping goods * Book, stationery, video and art supply * Monuments, tombstones and gravestones 598 Fuel dealers > Council asked for legal clarification concerning definition on Page 123 Section 6: Adult entertainment facility. > No change > No change > No change > No change > No change > No change > Move category below *Auction houses At 9:40 PM, Mayor Protem Powers stated further discussion regarding car rentals and adult entertainment will be carried over to the next meeting and declared this Public Hearing continued until Wednesday June 4, 1997 at 7:30. ,-IX1e;kIa-V "-- �CJ�6 Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk I /^) 6t,�, �r�z Carolyn Po rs, Mayor Protem