06/02/1997 - Work Study - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 2, 1997 The Port Orchard City Council and Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 Commission were called to order for a Joint Study Session at 7:30 PM at Port Orchard City Hall; 216 Prospect Street. Elected officials present: Port Orchard City Council members John Clauson, Rick Wyatt, Don Morrison, Robert Geiger, Carolyn Powers, Warren Van Zee and Jack Grable. Sewer District No. 5 Commissioners Bill Huntington and Jim Hart. Staff present: Sewer District #5 General Manager Dick Fitzwater, City Engineer Curles, and City Clerk Parks. City Engineer Curles announced the purpose of this Study Session is to receive an informal presentation and the final recommendation of the Gorst/South Kitsap Industrial Area Sewer Feasibility Study. Project Manager George Mason (Kitsap Co. Dept of Public Works) and Richard Dunlap (Parametrix) reviewed the Feasibility Study process; highlighting the service areas and six alterative solutions to handle wastewater from these areas. (Exhibit "A" - Gorst/South Kitsap Industrial Area Sewer Feasibility Study Briefing Paper) Mr. Mason and Mr. Dunlap outlined the six alternatives as follows: (1) All flows directed to the Bremerton Wastewater Treatment Plant. (2) All flows directed to the Joint Facility. (3) Split flow concept; Gorst and Northwest Corporate Campus wastewater to the Bremerton Wastewater Treatment Plant and all of the industrial area wastewater flow to the Joint Facility. (4) Split flow concept; all Gorst wastewater directed to the Bremerton Wastewater Treatment Plant and all of the Industrial area and Northwest Corporate Campus wastewater flow to the Joint Facility. (5) All flow to the Joint Facility, Gorst via Northwest Corporate Campus. (6) Combined flow/split treatment concept;wastewaterfrom Gorst and South Kitsap Industrial Area would be directed to the Gorst Pump Station, flows generated in the Business Park would be directed to Northwest Corporation Campus Pump Station. The flows from the pump stations could be split allowing the flow to be directed to either existing treatment facility. The Consultants reported that Alternative No. 6 is the recommended preferred plan because it would allow the most efficient use of both the Bremerton Wastewater Facility and the City of Port Orchard/Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 Joint Facility infrastructure. Councilman Clauson proposed variable of Alternative No. 3 which would incorporate an intertie line between Northwest Corporate Campus and the wastewater main/pump station on Old Clifton Road. This would allow flows to be directed to either wastewater facility at a significant project cost reduction. Project Manager George Mason requested a letter of concurrence from the City and the Sewer District stating their preference and any conditions necessary to meet concurrence. Mayor Protem Powers thanks Mr. Mason and Mr. Dunlap their presentation and adjourned meeting at 9:07 P.M. Pa ricia Parks, City Clerk Carolyn PowEls, Mayor Pro-tem June 2, 1997 BRIEFING PAPER GORST/SOUTH KITSAP EXh 'b -t "A" INDUSTRIAL AREA SEWER FEASIBILITY STUDY BACKGROUND The Gorst Community was declared a "Health Hazard Area" by the Washington State Department of Health because of the results of the sanitary sewer survey conducted by the Bremerton/Kitsap County Health District. The findings of the study confirmed the fact that human sewage is surfacing in the area and that there is a significant risk of disease transmission to the residents of Gorst through contact with this sewage. The Proposed Comprehensive Land -Use Plan of Kitsap County identifies a significant Industrial Area at the Portof Bremerton and on some of the surrounding lands. The Property owned partially by the City of Bremerton and by the Northwest Corporate Campus is annexed to the -City of Bremerton and has -an agreement for sewer services with the City of Port Orchard. These three conditions led to the formation of a partnership between Kitsap County, the City of Bremerton, the City of Port Orchard, Sewer District 5, the Port of Bremerton, the business owners of Gorst, the Olympic View Landfill and the industrial land owners around the Port of Bremerton Airport. These partners shared the cost and the process of determining the most feasible means of sewering Gorst and the Industrial lands. It was incumbent on the partners to work together to find a solution that would benefit the whole community and at the same time provide benefit to each of the partners. This was and is the guiding statement for the partners. SERVICE AREA The partners, with the assistance of an outside environmental consultant retained by the partners, developed a plan to evaluate sour+ MW several options to provide wastewater service to the area. The service area is divided into three distinct areas as shown below which total over 4,000 acres of land, a potential population equivalent of approximately 20,000 people by the year 2020. The service area includes the Gorst Health Hazard Area, Northwest Corporate Campus (NWCC) business park and the South Kitsap Industrial Area. Ultimately wastewater flows are projected to reach about 2.5 million gallons per day. Gorst Sewer Feasibility Study 1 h: IprojectWt-ctylgrst-swr11578-581rpt-spcsibriefeng.alp April 1997 PMX 423-1578-58 BRIEFING PAPER CITY OF BREMERTON • Provides an alternative that allows for time to remove stormwater from the sanitary system to free up capacity. • Provides time to address current and proposed capacity needs for commercial, residential and industrial development within the Cities urban area • Expands customer base which helps contain rate increases and provides cash for expansions or rehabilitation of the system. • Provides a long term increase in reliability of service for operations and for emergency conditions. • Provides a job base alternative to the Federal Government. INDUSTRIAL LAND OWNERS • Provides an opportunity for these land owners to develop their land as it is currently proposed to be zoned. • Provides an opportunity for recovery of sunk costs in infrastructure. OLYMPIC VIEW LANDFILL • Provides a long term, permanent leachate conveyance system for superior in cost and reliability than current "truck haul" system. • Reduces significantly the risk of environmental damage to groundwater and the Union River due to leachate overflows. • Provides long term financing option for major capital outlay. PARTNER RECOMMENDATIONS CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/SEWER DISTRICT 5 • Expands the customer base thus keeping the individual costs to a minimum. • Provides cash for upgrading and expansion of existing infiastructure which is scheduled at present. • Provides a job base alternative to the Federal Government. • Has a definite limit to the quantity of wastewater that the plant will see thus allowing for good planning of facilities to serve customers within the existing urban area • Provides a long term tie to another treatment plant thus providing reliability and flexibility in operation and a higher degree of security and protection during emergencies. PORT OF BREMERTON Fulfillment of one of its primary missions (economic development) will be enhanced by allowing the Port to attract a wide variety of customers/tenants with constraints on sewage needs. • The project is phased in gradually to develop on a time line which allows for other parts of the infrastructure to develop as needed. • The overall system provides for the maximum flexibility to address the uncertainties associated with commercial and industrial development. Based on the information presented in the technical report and the partnering workshops conducted throughout the course of the study, the "Partners" have reached collective consensus and offer the following recommendations: • We propose that the Gorst/South Kitsap Sewer project be implemented with Kitsap County acting as lead agency. • Acting as lead agency the County should coordinate/manage formation of a Utility Local Improvement District (ULID) and negotiate agreements with treatment providers for service. • We propose that the treatment providers provide service without precondition of annexation. • We propose that conditions of service be similar to those currently existing between the City of Bremerton/Navy Yazd City and City of Poulsbo/Kitsap County and the U.S. Navy (Subase)/Kitsap County. • In conclusion, we the members of the Gorst Partnership request that the governing bodies of each of the members provide a letter of support for the concept presented in Alternative 6 as developed and recommended in the "Gorst/South Kitsap Sewer Feasibility Study" of April 1997. Gorst Sewer Feasibility Study 4 April 1997 h: 1projectlkit-ctylgrst-.rwrl1578-58Irpt-spcslbriefing.alp PMX #23-1578-58