09/24/1997 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 24, 1997 Protein Mayor Carolyn Powers called Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, to order in Special Session at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Councilmembers present: Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, and Grable. Staff present: City Planner Gross, City Engineer Curles, and Deputy Clerk Merlino. Protein Mayor Powers reopened the Draft Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing which was continued from September 3, 1997. The purpose of holding a series of Public Hearing meetings is to review and discuss the draft Zoning Ordinance. Public input is invited and encouraged during discussions on the draft Zoning Ordinance. City Planner Gross submitted to the Council written comments from the City Attorney regarding Section C4: Nonconforming uses and temporary uses. City Planner Gross also submitted to Council proposed changes as discussed on September 20, 1997 concerning Section C4: Nonconformance and temporary uses beginning on page 147. The Council made the following changes and/or recommendation for further review to Section C4: Nonconformance and temporary uses as follows:: Section 1: Purpose Council concurred with the changes as discussed on August 20, 1997. Section 2: Nonconformance — applicability City Planner Gross recommended the following changes to the August 20, 1997draft of Section C4. a: Sites previously receiving land use approval (including Kitsap County actions on annexed lands) &ueh defined as home occupations, special use permits, variances and reclassifications are legal uses as defined within their approval. They are not considered nonconforming. Council concurred with the City Planner Gross' changes to Section 2. SECTION 3: Nonconformance — determining status Council reviewed changes as discussed on August 20, 1997 and requested further review of this Section. Section 4: Nonconformance — lots Council reviewed changes as discussed on August 20, 1997 and requested further review of this Section. September 24, 1997 Page 2 of 2 Section 5: Nonconformance — abatement of illegal use, structure or development Council reviewed recommendation and concurred with the City Planner on changes which were presented and discussed on August 20, 1997. Section 6: Nonconformance — continuation and maintenance of nonconformance Council reviewed recommendation and concurred with the City Planner on changes which were presented and discussed on August 20, 1997. Section 7: Nonconformance — discontinued nonconforming use or structure Council reviewed recommendation and concurred with the City Planner on changes which were presented and discussed on August 20, 1997. Section 8: Nonconformance — repair or reconstruction of nonconforming structure No change Section 9: Nonconformance — alteration of nonconforming structure Council reviewed the recommended changes which were presented by the City Planner and requested City Planner to review this section. Council will revisit sections 3, 4, and 9 for further discussion at their next meeting. At 9:10 PM Mayor Protem Powers declared this Public Hearing continued to Wednesday, October 8, 1997. r. Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk Carolyn Poweds Mayor Protem