09/17/1997 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 17, 1997 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order in special session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers and Grable. Staff present: Fire Chief Snow and Deputy Clerk Merlino. Mayor Weatherill explained the purpose of this Special Session is to allow the Port Orchard Volunteers an opportunity to voice their opinion and concerns regarding the Fire Protection Contract with Kitsap County District No. 7. Dennis Perkins, Port Orchard Volunteer since 1966, spoke on behalf of the volunteers and presented their views of the contract. Mr. Perkins stated the Port Orchard Volunteers are not opposed to contracting with District No. 7 for fire services for the following reasons: District No. 7 has a comprehensive benefit package to offer the Port Orchard Volunteers, which includes, however is not limited to the following: a. Greater life insurance benefits b. Paid uniform allowances C. Community funded grants for dependents d. Extensive training classes paid by district e. Yearly retirement remittances paid f. Employee assistance program funded by the district Mr. Perkins stated the volunteers feel the most important part of the contract is the Response Manning Section, specifically responses to emergencies. This part of the contract should be a non-negotiable issue. SECTION 5: MINIMUM CITY STAFFING LEVELS. The contract does not address changes to Fire Station No. 31, such as adding a Medic or Aid Unit and if so, Station No. 31 should be staffed with additional paid manpower. The next issue the volunteers were concerned about was the Washington State Service Fire Rating as this greatly effects businesses that want to move to this area. Businesses look at who can offer the best fire ratings, either the district or city. SECTION 4: CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL This section provides the City Personnel with comparable rank, benefits, compensation and responsibilities with Fire District No. 7. September 17, 1997 Page 2 of 5 Mr. Perkins suggested the following change to Section 4 ( c ) the first sentence should read as follows: "All city volunteer and career officers ...." SECTION 6: EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDELINES. The proposed contract states the district will maintain an average emergency response time to all incidents within five minutes. The Port Orchard volunteers would like a provision in the contract stating, at all fire calls an engine company will be on the scene and water on the fire within a maximum of 8 minutes. The proposed contract struck the .028% loss ratio; the Port Orchard Volunteers would like that ratio placed back into the contract. SECTION 7: FACILITIES AND APPARATUS. The Port Orchard Volunteers would like the fire District No. 7 assure the City that the district would maintain adequate water supply to meet the Washington State Fire Service Rating. The Port Orchard Volunteers expressed a concern with the fact that only 3 staff cars, 1 brush rig and an antique fire apparatus are being left in the city. The Volunteers are concerned this is not enough equipment for operations of a city department. The Port Orchard Volunteers also questioned what will happen to the surplus equipment. A Purchasing plan for new equipment should be addressed. The city should use a joint purchasing plan with a caveat that if the contract is voided in the future the city could buy its equipment back at half the purchase price less depreciation. SECTION 10: BREACH OF CONTRACT The Port Orchard Volunteers suggested a monetary penalty be adopted if District No. 7 does not meet common requirements of the contract. SECTION 12: REVIEW COMMITTEE The Port Orchard Volunteers suggested the review committee be provided with data indicating if the district has met its contractual requirements. Also statistics from District No. 7 regarding response times, meeting of manpower, inspections of hose, hydrants and training requirements. This data need to be provided to determine if the city has met their contractual requirements. The committee should audit these figures semi-annually for accuracy. SECTION 15: ANNEXATION PROVISIONS This section states that all agreements except Advanced Life Services are voided. The Port Orchard Volunteers would like this section struck, as this would result in a greater revenue loss to the city. September 17, 1997 Page 3 of 5 SECTION 16: TERMINATION OF OTHER SERVICE AGREEMENTS The Port Orchard Volunteers would like this section struck. Currently the city does not have any problems with "Other Service Agreements", however if the city in the future terminates the proposed contract there would not be a mutual aid agreement to fall back on. Mr. Perkins addressed the SCHEDULE OF SERVICES and voiced further concerns of the Port Orchard Volunteers as follows: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN The Port Orchard Volunteers expressed a problem with District No. 7 personnel having the authority to run an Emergency Operations Center. District No. 7 operates an Emergency Communications Center, which they are only concerned with fire and medical emergencies. The volunteers would like to have District No. 7's administrative personnel trained to the Emergency Operations Plan Center level. The volunteers also questioned how federal monies would be disbursed, between the two entities, due to a disaster. SECTION 5: FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTIONS Mr. Perkins pointed out that inspections should meet survey and ratings requirements for the type of occupancy by a certified inspector. The Port Orchard Volunteers would like District No. 7 to continue using the city's CAD system for pre -plans. This allows direct input to the Cencom computer system. SECTION 6: CITY DEPARTMENTAL COOPERATION: 6(c,iii) — PUBLIC WORKS — Perform fire hydrant maintenance and testing in conjunction with the Fire Department. The Port Orchard Volunteers noted that hydrants are flowed twice a year as per Survey and Rating, with records logged. 6(g) — CITY MEETINGS The Port Orchard volunteers would like District No. Ts Fire Chief or his designee to attend all City Council and Fire Committee Meetings. 6(h) — AUDIT The Port Orchard Volunteers would like the City Treasurer to annually audit District No. 7's contractual expenditures. SECTION 8: RECORDS OF SERVICE September 17, 1997 Page 4 of 5 The Port Orchard Volunteers would like District No. 7 to submit detailed written report of activities relating to performance of its obligations under the agreement, on the first day of each quarter if payments are made bi-annually instead of quarterly. SECTION 9: FIVE-YEAR PLAN The Port Orchard Volunteers would like District No. 7 to develop a plan to improve fire services within the city Provide within one year a written plan to improve the Washington State Fire Service Fire Rating to a #4. 2. Within 2 years Fire District No. 7 shall provide the city with a written plan to improve its Washington State Fire Service Fire Rating to a #3. The following suggestions are items the Port Orchard Volunteers would like the city to reconsider and add to the proposed contract. Improvement to the volunteer recruitment, setting a goal to add approximately 20 active volunteers to the Port Orchard roster. 2. A representative from the City will be part of the selection process for a new Fire Chief at District No. 7. 3. Implementing the Primary Response Area for Station No. 31. Mr. Perkins advised the Port Orchard Fire Department Association has $13,500 in Puget Power funds, the association would like the City Attorney review the charter and make the appropriate language and clarify who is responsible for this stock. At this time, Mr. Perkins thanked the City Council for allowing the Port Orchard Volunteers the opportunity to review and respond to the proposed Fire Service Contract with Kitsap County Fire District No. 7. Councilman Morrison asked the following Port Orchard Volunteers to introduce themselves: Raymond Lamoureux - volunteer for 6 years Terry Bontrager - volunteer for 32'/2 years David Libby - volunteer for 18 years Marvin Rowan - retired volunteered for 21 years Dasan Phelan - new Volunteer Resident Kevin Means - Volunteer Resident for 6 months Russell Cramer - Volunteer Resident for 1 Y2 years Scott Hiskey - Volunteer Resident for 1 '/2 years Leslie J. Weatherill - volunteer for 29 years Jack Grable - retired volunteer for 22 years. The following career firefighters were also in attendance: September 17, 1997 Page 5 of 5 Richard Christenson Daniel Ahrens Charles Hislop Rick Christensen, speaking on behalf of the career firefighters, stated the career firefighters are in favor of the proposed contract with District No. 7 as follows: 1. Training would be greatly enhanced 2. Budget constraints have effected the department 3. Concerned about their safety regarding the age of the fire vehicles Ray Lamoureau, representing the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department Association, also spoke in favor of the proposed Fire Services Contract with District No. 7. Mayor Weatherill thanked the Port Orchard Fire Department Volunteers and Career Firefighters for their response and recommendations to the Fire Service Contract with District No. 7. At this time, Mayor Weatherill adjourned Council into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation for 15 minutes. Mayor Weatherill reconvened meeting. Staff present: FiFe Chief Snow, City Engineer Curles and Deputy Clerk Merlino. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council moved to accept the settlement offer of $15,000 for the Prospect Alley Repairs and discontinue any further legal action. Mayor Weatherill adjourned meeting at 8:35 PM. �!Ol.t Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR