04/03/1995 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 3, 1995 Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill called the City Council to order at 7:30 PM in Special Session. The purpose of this Special Session is a meeting with the Port Orchard Planning Commission and City Council members to enhance communications and discuss land use goals and visions for the City. Council members present: Clauson, Morrison, Geiger, Van Zee and Grable. Planning Commission members present: Howard Minor, Rick Wyatt, John Hokanson, Neal Perrine and Bob Huebert. City Staff present: City Planner Brown and Deputy Clerk Hager. City Planner Brown opened discussion with an introduction of all Council members and Planning Commission members. City Planner made available for review, documents which have been approved and prepared by the City which guide City Staff in their decisions and regulations. City Planner asked for direction from the Planning Commission and City Council regarding procedures for staff reporting when developers change plans prior to planning commission meeting or city council meeting and further asked,- when is it too late to bring a change to the commission or council. It was determined, City Staff needs to be given the authority to stop applicants from proceeding to Planning Commission meetings or City Council meetings until they have met all City code requirements. Chairman Hokanson recommended applicants or developers provide a narrative of any changes they made to the site plan. City Planner stated, the Planning Department is preparing a procedural document for the guidance of future applicants. The final topic of discussion was one-way streets in new developments. Some alternatives were discussed, however no recommendations were made at this meeting. Planning Commission and City Council members unanimously agreed to meet twice a year for further discussions on future visions for the City. At 9:40 PM the Special Meeting was adjourned. Michelle Hager, Deputy glerk Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill