06/26/1995 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 26, 1995 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie Weatherill at 7:30 PM at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Counci lmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee and Grable. Councilman Morrison excused page 1, paragraph 5. Staff present: Police Chief Mathews, Deputy 'Clerk Hager, City Planner Brown, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow, City Attorney McCluskey and City Clerk Parks. Councilwoman Powers led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. Robert Gallegos, 340 Tremont Street W., thanked Council and everyone concerned for the repairs to his concrete posts and expressed appreciation for a job well done. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council excused 575- Councilman Gkildress from this Council meeting. `ni otu-�C On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council unanimously approved the consent agenda as follows: a. Minutes of the June 12, 1995 Council meeting. b. Payment vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 22786-22865 in the amount of $393,393.96. C. Approval of Western International Fireworks Display Permit for July 4, 1995. d. Ordinance No. 1635 approving Preliminary Plat of Rockport Subdivision as submitted by Jim James. Property located approximately in the 900- 1000 block of Olney Avenue (west side). City Clerk reported on Call for Proposals to lease/rent 3 copy machines to be located in the Administrative Office, Fire Department and Police Department. Proposals were received from 8 office equipment suppliers. The companies submitting the five low proposals were invited to bring their machines into city offices for review and evaluation. After review and evaluation from city staff, City Clerk recommended leasing the three copy machines from Minolta Corporation. Minolta copy machines met and exceeded specifications. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council accepted the call for proposals and authorized the City Clerk to sign a 4 year lease with Minolta Corporation for three copy machines. Location of the machines is as follows: Administrative Office; Police Department and Fire Department. Mayor Weatherill opened the 7:35 PM Public Hearing regarding an application for a Special Use Permit to allow a paint business in a single family residence to be located at 151 Shamrock Lane. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Attachment "A" City Planner reviewed the Special Use Permit Application, gave staff report and outlined the Planning Commission recommendations for approval with conditions. Robert Kurts, 151 Shamrock Lane, applicant, requested permission to run his painting business from his home at 151 Shamrock Lane. June 26, 1995 Page 2 of 4 Howard Minor, 1400 Bay Street, supported Special Use Permits which allow for home businesses. Nancy Chapman, 142 Shamrock Lane, spoke in support of Mr. Kurts' application for a Special Use Permit and was confident that Mr. Kurts will abide by the recommended conditions. Martha Gomez, 172 Shamrock Lane, also spoke in support of Mr. Kurts' Special Use Permit and did not see a problem with this application. Kitty Hogg, 152 Shamrock Lane, stated Mr. Kurts keeps a very clean yard and does not see a problem with the business in the neighborhood. Christy Kurts, 151 Shamrock Lane, applicant, agreed with all the conditions which were recommended by the Planning Commission. Mike Selig, 161 Shamrock Lane, stated he has lived in the neighborhood the longest and has no objection to issuance of the Special Use Permit. Duane Petro, 171 Shamrock Lane, voiced he has no objection to allowing this paint business in the neighborhood with a Special Use Permit and stated Mr. Kurts is very conscientious with his business and a very good neighbor. Robert Gallegos, 340 Tremont W., expressed concern with chemicals which may be placed on site and stressed the need for secondary containment of all chemicals. Mayor Weatheri l 1 called for additional input either for or against the proposed Special Use Permit application. As no further additional input was received, Mayor Weatherill closed the public input portion of the Public Hearing and referred matter to the City Council for their consideration. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Van Zee, Council adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 234-95 as Council's own action and approved issuance of a Special Use Permit to Robert and Christy Kurts to allow a paint business to be located in a single family residence located at 151 Shamrock Lane with the following conditions. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 1 nay. Councilman Grable voting nay. 1. Before any future change in occupancy, the Planning Commission and City Council shall review and approve the proposed use to ensure it is still in the best interest of City residents. 2. if complaints are received, the hours of operation will be amended to not exceed 7am to 9pm on any day of the week. 3. The storage of paints and other hazardous chemicals related to the business is prohibited. 4. The Fire Department reserves the right to inspect the property as they would any other commercial operation. 5. Employee vehicles must park off the street and behind the cedar fence. 6. The commercial vehicles must park off the street and behind the cedar fence. June 26, 1995 Page 3 of 4 7. No business related noise, vibration, odors, etc. shall be permitted to affect any of the surrounding residences. A. Employee and/or company vehicles may not be left idling in front any surrounding residences. B. No repair work may be done on the commercial vehicles on site. 8. A lighting plan shall be submitted and approved prior to the placement of any new outdoor illumination and shall be orientated away from neighboring residences. 9. Present and future businesses located on this property will register with the City. 10. If verified complaints are received by the City regarding this use, including the disposal of paint or solvents, the business must cease operations at the 151 Shamrock Lane address and the Special Use Permit must be brought back in to the Planning Commission and City Council for review. 11. This special use permit will cease upon either the termination of the business or the applicant moving from the site. 12. The posting of business signs on the property is prohibited. Cary Chrey, attorney representing Brem-Air Disposal, Inc. availed himself for questions and requested Mayor Weatherill be authorized to sign the ten year contract for solid waste collection, recycling and disposal. Dave Liestad, 124 May Street, expressed concern with the charges for recycling and stated recycling is a resource which should benefit the citizens of Port Orchard. Don Larimor, 1394 Pottery, stated he only generates one garbage can per year since he and his family recycle all of their solid waste products and asked if smaller cans were available. Marty McMurray, 410 Cline Street also expressed concern about recycling charges. Howard Minor, 1400 Bay Street, voiced concern with the limited space our landfill has and the necessity of recycling to preserve our landfills. Bob Berres, Brem-Air Disposal, General Manager, advised Council the profit sharing clause in the contract is very unique and will be future benefit the citizens of Port Orchard. Mr. Berres also stated each customer will be provided two recycling containers, however, there will be no additional charge for extra volume of recyclables placed at the curb for pickup. Linda Wyatt, 983 Olney Avenue, questioned whether the City will have bi-weekly pick-up for recycles and was advised that the curb side recycle container will be pickup up every other week on the customers regular pickup day. Robert Gallegos, 340 Tremont W., stated the manufactures need to make their products and packaging more recyclable. June 26, 1995 Page 4 of 4 On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Van Zee, Council approved contract for solid waste collection, recycling and disposal with provision that revenue allocations be reconciled every three years. Approval included authorization for the Mayor to sign contract documents. Mayor Weatherill called for a 10 minute recess with meeting reconvening at 9:15 PM. City Clerk read letter from David A. Hollar, representing the South Flower, West and Goldenrod - Concerned Citizens Action Group regarding the proposed Subdivision "Flower Meadows". Mr. Hollar's letter was a reminder to the City Council "according to RCW 42.36.060 while a quasi-judicial proceeding is pending, no member of a decision -making body is allowed to engage in exparte 'one-sided or outside the record of the hearing' communications with either proponents or opponents of a pending proceeding". On motion by Councilman Van Zee, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council approved issuance of a Circus License to the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce to permit the Carson and Barnes Circus, scheduled July 1, 1995 in the lot between South Kitsap Mall and the Armory. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Van Zee, Council excused Councilman Childress from the next Council meeting. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the Mayor to sign contract with the Washington State Energy Office which will help the City to implement the new energy codes. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council approved request by Evergreen Lumber to have a sanitary sewer easement over a small portion of City Property at Lloyd Parkway/Old Clifton Road. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the extension of Lloyd Parkway to Old Clifton Road. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council authorized Police Chief Mathews accept $1,000. grant funds from the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission to purchase radar equipment. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. •z _ et PATRICIA PARKS, CITY CLERK n LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT June 26, 1995 ROBERT AND CHRISTY KURTS Attachment "A" Current Lot A: That portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 23 North, Range 1 East, W.M., in Kitsap County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence along the West line thereof N 2*24159" E 1319.50 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, S 89102,10" E 784.34 feet to the Northeasterly Right -of -Way margin of State Highway SR-16; thence continuing along said South line S 89102'10" E 207.04 feet to the Southwest corner of the Plat of "Shamrock Lane" as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 68, records of the Auditor of Kitsap County, Washington; thence along the West line of said Plat of "Shamrock Lane", N 2°32'24" E 330.39 feet to the Northwest corner of said Plat and the true point of beginning; thence N 89°03'22" W 20.01 feet; thence N 2°32124" E 300.19 feet; thence S 89°04'57" E 20.01 feet; thence South along the West line of the East 10 acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the true point of beginning. Current Lot B• Lot 2 Stetson Plat as recorded under Volume 25 of Plats on Page 75, records of Kitsap County, Washington; situate in Kitsap County, Washington. New Parcel A• That portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 23 North, Range 1 East, W.M., in Kitsap County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence along the West line thereof North 02°24'59" East 1319.50 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter South 89°02110" East 784.34 feet to the Northeasterly Right -of -Way margin of State Highway SR-16; thence continuing along said South line South 89*02110" East 207.04 feet to the Southwest corner of the Plat of "Shamrock Lane" as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 68, in Kitsap County, Washington; thence along the West line of said Plat Page -1 June 26, 1995 Attachment "A" A. F .. w .- 94091 .-m-r-D-241 of Shamrock Lane North 02°32'24" East 330.39 feet to the Northwest corner of said Plat and the True Point of Beginning; thence North 89°03'22" West 20.01 feet; thence North 02132124" East 73.00 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1 of Stetson Plat, as recorded in Volume 25 of Plats on Page 75, records of Kitsap County, Washington; thence North 84*21129" East 20.21 feet; thence South 02032124" West 75.32 feet along the West line of the East 10 acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2, to the True Point of Beginning. That portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 23 North, Range 1 East, W.M., in Kitsap County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence along the West line thereof North 02024159" East 1319.50 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter South 89102'10" East 784.34 feet to the Northeasterly right-of-way margin of State Highway SR-16; thence continuing along said South line South 89°02'10" East 207.04 feet to the Southwest corner of the Plat of "Shamrock Lane" as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 68, in Kitsap County, Washington; thence along the West line of said Plat of Shamrock Lane North 02°32'24" East 330.39 feet to the Northwest corner of said Plat; thence North 89° 03' 22" West 20.01 feet; thence North 02*32,24" East 265.00 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 2 of Stetson Plat, as recorded in Volume 25 of Plats on Page 75, records of Kitsap County, Washington; and the 'True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 02032'24" East 35.19 feet along the East line of said Stetson Plat; thence South 89*04,57" East 20.01 feet; thence South 02°3224" West 9.59 feet along the West line of the East 10 acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence South 39056120" West 32.93 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. New Parcel B• Lot 2 of Stetson Plat as recorded under Volume 25 of Plats on Page 75, records of Kitsap County, Washington; situate in Kitsap County, Washington. That portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 23 North, Range 1 East, W.I., in Kitsap County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence along the West line thereof North 02*24,59" East 1319.50 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter South 89*02110" East 784.34 feet to the Northeasterly right-of-way margin of State Page -2 June 26, 1995 Attachrent "A" Highway SR-16; thence continuing along said South line South 89*02110" East 207.04 feet to the Southwest corner of the Plat of "Shamrock Lane" as recorded in Volume 13 of Plats, Page 68, in Kitsap County, Washington; thence along the West line of said Plat of Shamrock Lane North 02132,24" East 330.39 feet to the Northwest corner of said Plat; thence North 89°03. 22" West 20.01 feet; thence North 02032124" East 73.00 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1 of Stetson Plat, as recorded in Volume 25 of Plats on Page 75, records of Kitsap County, Washington; and the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 02*32,24" East 192.00 feet along the East line of said Section Plat to the Northeast corner of Lot 2 of said Stetson Plat; thence North 39°56'20" East 32.93 feet; thence South 02032124" West 215.29 feet along the West line of the East 10 acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence South 84°21'29" West 20.21 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. - Page -3