10/23/1995 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington October 23, 1995 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie Weatherill at 7:30 PM at 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee and Grable. Councilman Childress excused page 4, paragraph 4. Staff present: Police Chief Mathews, City Treasurer Miller, Deputy Clerk Hager, City Planner Gross, Fire Chief Snow, City Attorney Wiebel and City Clerk Parks. Councilman Grable led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. Carl Anderson addressed Council concerning the reconfiguration of the downtown parking lot and the possible reduction of parking spaces. Councilman Morrison explained the proposed reconfiguration of the downtown parking lot and emphasized the goal is to achieve better utilization of the entire waterfront parking area. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council unanimously approved the consent agenda as following: a. Minutes of the October 9, 1995 Council meeting. b. Payment vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 23446-23512 in the amount of $83,321.80. C. Resolution No. 1715 establishing increase and/or decrease of speed limit on city streets or intersections to reflect increasing speed limit to 35 MPH on Tremont from its intersection with Old Clifton Road to Paul Powers Bridge. Mayor Weatherill opened the 7:35 PM Public Hearing regarding the proposal to close access to Tremont Place West from Tremont Street. City Engineer Curles reported a survey was distributed to all neighbors in the area, Kitsap Transit, Brem-Air, South Kitsap School District, and the Post Office asking for comments concerning the proposed closure of Tremont Place West. No opposition to the street closure was received. Bob Huebert, 261 Tremont Place West, spoke in favor of the street closure, describing pedestrian safety problems. Bobby Gallegos, 340 Tremont W., urged Council to approve closure of Tremont Place West based on pedestrian safety concerns. Mayor Weatherill called for further public input, either for or against the proposed closure of Tremont Place West. As no comments were received, Mayor Weatherill closed the public input portion of the Public Hearing and referred matter to Council for their consideration. On motion by Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council directed the City Engineer to close the access to Tremont Place West from Tremont Street, with a landscaping berm to allow for bicycle and pedestrian traffic only. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 1 nay. Councilman Van Zee voting nay. Mayor Weatherill opened the 7:45 PM Public Hearing regarding anticipated 1996 City budget revenue sources, as required by Chapter 251, laws of the State of Washington 1995. October 23, 1995 Page 2 of 4 City Treasurer Miller presented Staff Report on anticipated 1996 City budget revenue sources. This report highlighted Current Expense and Street Funds which are tax supported. 1996 Ad Valorem taxes are projected in the amount of $879,776 for the Current Expense and Street Funds. This represents a 10.45% increase over 1995 property taxes and is primarily attributable to increased property assessed evaluations. Howard Minor, 1400 Bay Street, posed question on the City's financial condition. City Treasurer Miller reviewed anticipated cash carryover and the City's financial portfolio. Mayor Weatherill called for further comments from the audience regarding the anticipated 1996 City budget revenue sources. As no comments were received, Mayor Weatherill closed the Public Hearing. (Ordinance setting 1996 Ad valorem taxes will be presented for Council consideration at the November 13, 1995 Council meeting.) Mayor Weatherill announced that a Notice of Intent to Petition for annexation into the City of Port Orchard has been filed with the City. Subject property is all property located west of the current westerly City limits, north of SR 16 (to its intersection with SR166 (Bay Street W.), east and south of Sinclair Inlet. Dan Pebbles, representing initiators of the Notice of Intent, discussed this annexation proposal and requested Council's acceptance of the boundaries as presented. Councilman Clauson moved to accept the proposed annexation boundaries as outlined in the Notice of Intent submitted by Dan Pebbles, Clifford & Ceceily Thompson and James & M. Houston who represent ownership in excess of 10% of the assessed valuation of the proposed annexation. Motion seconded by Councilman Morrison and unanimously approved. Subject area is commonly known as Ross Point area which consists of all properties between the current westerly city limits; SR 16 to its intersection with SR 166 (Bay Street West) and bounded on the north and east by Sinclair Inlet. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council unanimously approved that City Comprehensive Plan and Zoning designations for the proposed annexation area would be initially established as the designations most similar the Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan and Zone Designations existing at the time of annexation. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council unanimously approved requiring the assumption of all of existing city indebtedness existing at the time of annexation by property owners within the "Ross Point Annexation" area. William Palmer, representing Olympic Terrace Associates, requested City Council approve a revised Site Plan for the Olympic Terrace Apartments Project. This project is located in the 700 block of Olney Avenue, north of K-Mart Plaza and South Sound Cinema. The original site plan received approval on November 8, 1993 (Ordinance No. 1594). Dick Brown, real estate agent, stated the revised Olympic Terrace (Phase I) Site Plan reflects a decrease in the density of the project and described other site plan changes as minor. Mayor Weatherill requested the City Attorney review the proposed Site Plan revisions and advise Council if changes from Conditions of Approval listed in Ordinance No. 1594 would require a formal public hearing process. Mayor Weatherill called for a 15 minute recess with meeting reconvening at 9:02 PM. City Attorney Weibel reported that after reviewing the proposed Olympic Terrace October 23, 1995 Page 3 of 4 Apartments Site Plan revisions, his recommendation is that the changes are significant, however, according to the City's Zoning Ordinance and related documents, a public hearing is not necessary; Council may review and consider the revisions as presented. After much discussion, Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Grable, moved to approve the modifications to the site plan of the Olympic Terrace Apartments as follows: -1. Approval to reduce dwelling units from 90 to 50 in the Phase 1 portion. 2. Approval to locate one play area at the rear of the project, one play area centrally located and also provide a sport court and pool. 3. Required to provide a safe pedestrian access from the apartments toward the adjacent shopping area along the southwestern border of the apartment complex leading to Olney Avenue, as required in the original conditions of approval (Ordinance No. 1594). 4. Approval to alter internal circulation contingent upon approval by the Police Chief, Fire Chief and City Engineer. 5. A proportional number of carports need to be planned into the amended design as shown in the original design. 6. Approval of the change in the location of the structures. 7. A minimum street setback of 15' is required. 8. Approval to reduce 6 residential structures to 5 residential structures. 9. Orlando Street must have a concrete sidewalk for its full length of development. 10. Olney Avenue must have improvements as required in the original conditions of approval (Ordinance No. 1594). 11. A safe assembly area for school children needs to be provided as required in the original conditions of approval (Ordinance No. 1594). 12. Evergreen trees are to be planted around the perimeter of the detention pond as required in the original conditions of approval (Ordinance No. 1594). 13. Street illumination needs to be provided contingent upon City Engineer's requirements. 14. A 12% slope limit to meet the City Engineer's requirements. 15. Access to the adjoining shopping mall shall be lighted. Councilwoman Powers moved to amend motion of approval, to include that approval of listed modifications be contingent upon receipt of a letter of agreement from the applicants stating all requirements and conditions will be met, prior to any future phase reviews, seconded by Councilman Van Zee and carried. October 23, 1995 Page 4 of 4 Original motion as amended, was unanimously approved, accepting the revised Olympic Terrace Apartment Project Site Plan (with 15 conditions stated in original motion), with approval contingent upon a receipt of a letter of agreement from the applicants stating all requirements will be met, prior to any future phase reviews. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council approved proposed reconfiguration of downtown/waterfront parking lot(s), as detailed in City Engineer's memo of October 21, 1995 (attachment "A") and further authorized him to proceed with preparation of new parking lot agreement for consideration by the Port of Bremerton and the City of Port Orchard. Implementation of proposed reconfiguration is anticipated to be January 1, 1996. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council excused Councilwoman Powers from the November 13, 1995 City Council meeting. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council excused Councilman Childress from this Council meeting. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Van Zee, Council authorized the City Engineer to proceed with the removal of the oil tank from 200 Prospect Street (former American Legion building). Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. PAT ICIA PARKS, CITY CLERK ,--z a,=,, LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR