04/04/1994 - Work Study - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 4, 1994 Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill called City Council to order at 7:30 PM for Study Session to discuss various Fire Department matters. Councilmembers present: Morrison, Clauson, Van Zee and Grable. Staff present: Fire Chief Snow, Deputy Clerk Hager, and City Treasurer Miller. Fire Chief Snow presented a list of items which need to be completed at the new fire station (200 Tremont) - Attachment "A". First item on list was the emergency generator, it was determined that the Emergency Generator from the Sewer Treatment Facility would not be cost effective. Bid documents were submitted to Council for review. Fire Chief Snow discussed the coordination between the truck bay door operation and the truck bay exhaust fan not working properly nor was the electrical to the commercial washer installed. Council advised Fire Chief to review bid documents in regards to their specifications and hold retainage until these items are completed and working properly. Modifications to the sprinkler system were discussed with the suggestion to route the water line under tarmac and to attach water line to old meter on site. Council recommended after the siding of the building be satisfactorily replaced a wall sign be installed above the bay doors and identified as Port Orchard Fire Department, Station No. 31. Councilman Clauson advised Fire Chief he will contact Commercial Communications and discuss with him the capability of programming City Hall phones at the fire station. After much discussion on remaining items on the list it was determined the Fire Chief needs to finish the smaller items first, and the City would encourage the settlement of the DNR lease to free up extra money and then the Fire Chief could further pursue the Emergency Generator. Councilman Morrison discussed the letter from Fire District No. 7 regarding merging fire operations. The Council, at present, was not interested in a merger with District No. 7 but discussed possibility of a contract. It was recommended the City contact other districts who have merged and discuss their experiences. After much discussion, a list of pros and cons need to be tabulated and a meeting with District No. 7 be set to discuss items such as (but not limited to): (1) what would happen to the City, if all fire apparatus was utilized outside City limits? (2) the potential impact on personnel - who would administer the Emergency Management Program and who would enforce code work (3) what would be required of the City financially (4) who would be responsible for City equipment? Council requested City Ordinance regarding future appointments of Police Chief and Fire Chief positions be reviewed. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR LESLIE J. WEATHERILL April 4, 1994 Attachment "A" TREMONT STATION — ITEMS TO COMPLETE Generator Landscaping and Sprinkler System Signage Furniture Telephones Deck Move Cascade System Hook -Up Commercial Washer 3-Phase Power Hook -Up Storm Water Retention Stripe Parking Lot Curbing Layered Key System Truck Bay Exhaust Fan Operation