04/07/1994 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 7, 1994 Mayor Protem John Clauson called the Port Orchard City Council to order in Special Session at 7:40 PM. Joining Councilman Clauson in this special session were council members Robert Geiger, Charles Childress and Jack Grable. (Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill and Councilman Warren Van Zee joined at 7:55 PM and 8:20 PM respectively. Staff present: City Planner Donna Brown and City Clerk Patricia Parks Mayor Protem Clauson reopened continued Public Hearing relative to consideration of the Draft Comprehensive Plan. (Continued from March 25, 1994 Council meeting). At the request of the Mayor Protem, the City Planner gave brief synopsis of March 25, 1994 public hearing. Ms. Brown suggested development of a "glossary of terms in an appendix". Council members encouraged inclusion of anything which makes the plan "more understandable". Councilmembers and City Planner discussed various aspects of proposed Land Use Elements- Goals and Policies (page 15),-population allocations (page 54), and Alternative Land Use Scenarios (page 65). Ms. Brown emphasized that the draft Comprehensive Plan is in a dynamic stage and can be changed to reflect Council's direction. Council concurred on draft Land Use -- Goals and Policies with the following revisions: 1) Page 15 -- First supporting Policy for the first Goal: amend to read, "The City should preserve, protect and enhance environmentally sensitive areas where appropriate". 2) Page 15 -- Second supporting Policy for the second Goal: amend to read, "The City shall encourage more water oriented land uses on the marine shoreline". Three alternative Land Use Scenarios were discussed, 1) "Existing Plan" which maintains current Comprehensive Plan designations, with PUD's in critical areas, and requires building out to the maximum allowable densities; 2) "Expansion" which acknowledged vacant areas within the city as part of the overall density and encourages expansion of current average of 1.02 units per acre density; requires a PUD in critical areas; and 3) "Proportional Growth" which would increase existing densities with existing designations upon vacant areas while identifying low density growth areas within the urban growth area outside the city and the use of PUD's to transfer density in new developments away from environmentally sensitive areas. Councilman Childress cautioned that geographic terrain must be considered in relation to lot size and zoning designations. (Once map is adopted, it can only be amended once a year.) Low densities could be a down zone if property owner does not go with a PUD. Port Orchard City Council April 6, 1994 Special Meeting Page 2 of 2 Councilman Geiger suggested that in addition to geographic terrain, consideration also be given to existing infrastructure (i.e. arterial streets, water, sewer) when zone concepts are established. City Planner Brown requested Councilmembers review the following for discussion at the next meeting; 1. three proposed scenarios (pros/cons); 2. two proposed residential designations; and 3. vision element of draft Comprehensive Plan. Councilmembers asked the City Planner to review densities proposed for County and neighboring cities' Comprehensive Plans On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council unanimously continued this Public Hearing to April 13, 1994 at 7:30 PM. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM. Patricia Parks, City Clerk ` )o n Clauson, Mayor Pro-tem