06/08/1994 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 8, 1994 Mayor Protem John Clauson called the Port Orchard City Council to order in Special Session at 7:30 PM. Joining Councilman Clauson in this special session were council members Jack Grable, Carolyn Powers, Robert Geiger, Don Morrison and Chuck Childress. Staff present: City Planner Donna Brown and Deputy Clerk Michelle Hager. Mayor Protem Clauson reopened THE continued Public Hearing relative to consideration of the Draft Comprehensive Plan. (Continued from May 25, 1994 Special Council Session). City Planner reviewed Puget Power's letter dated January 24, 1994 and presented suggestions. After discussion Council concurred with the City Planner's suggestions and incorporated Puget Power's recommended policies into the Comprehensive Plan as follows: Policy No. 1 inserted under Goal "Improve utili The Citv shall require Policy No. 2 inserted under Goal "Improve utility service provision" (page 9): The City shall establish capacity and levels of service for C .ar��e€� utilities. Policy No. 3 inserted under Goal "Improve utility service O .......... ae:::::�:a: s::>;:::i<c�:>::::>re..>::: iii.`�h�>�G€gym:: r�ns<l:€y�><]€r► Policy No. 4 inserted under Goal "Improve utility service sion" (page 9): ision" (page 9): Policy No. 5 inserted under Goal "Improve utility service provision" (page 9): ::> o:;;an:d:>:::�: v:emery:i~fi<;I:wed:;.;.;:.a.:man.n R�:dl:ohs.::.....:.................................................................................................:.....:.:::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::.::..:....... :.:..:..:..:.......:::::::::::::::::::.::..:::::::::..:::::::::::::: u: 1:: 1: [� :>:< p:: ........... ::::;ls .ann d ----,Mr ow :h;. Policy No. 6 inserted under Goal "Seek and execute positive change" (page 4): Council discussed Goal No. 1 on page 9 "Improve the appearance of public structures". City Planner referred to Goal No. 1 and clarified for Council these policies were recommended for publicly owned buildings. Council concurred with City Planner and reworded Policy No. 1 as follows: The City shall develop design guidelines for public�«**t'*�vt�t buildings and structures. Council discussed and strongly advised City Planner to strike Policy 3. June 8, 1994 Page 2 of 2 Under "Recommended Actions" council added the following: The Council struck -out the following two Recommended Actions, since they are either finished or almost finished: At this portion of the Public Hearing City Planner Brown moved discussion to page 12 - Housing - Goals and Policies. City Planner reviewed Kitsap County's proposed Urban Growth Boundaries for the City. Councilman Cl auson stressed the need for the City to plan for future development outside City limits, especially when discussing the housing element. Leslie Banigan, 901 SW Harper Road, Port Orchard, expressed concern with the City not being represented or considered at the County level. City Planner discussed Office of Financial Management's and Kitsap County's housing projections for the City. Councilwoman Powers requested the City Planner to research "How much of a population increase can the City of Port Orchard accommodate?". On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council continued Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing until 7:30 PM, June 15, 1994. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. 1--nu Michelle Hager, Deputy C' y Clerk J n Clauson, ayor Protem