08/08/1994 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington August 8, 1994 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee and Grable. Staff present: Police Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow, City Clerk Parks, and City Attorney McCluskey. Fire Chief Snow led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. Howard Minor commended sponsors of Cruz 94 and the Street Fair which was held Sunday August 7. This combined event was extremely successful with record attendance. Mr. Minor also praised the many people who helped clean up the downtown area. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved Consent Agenda as follows: (1) Minutes of the following Council meetings: (a) July 20, 1994 Comprehensive Plan Meeting (b) July 25, 1994 City Council meeting with following corrections: (1) Page 5, paragraph 6. line 2, change "City Engineer" to "Public Property Committee to proceed with negotiations..." (2) Page 4, paragraph 9, add: ...bid opening on Pottery/Sidney Sewer Main Project... (c) August 1, 1994 City Council Study Session (2) Payment vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 20995-21073 in the amount of $94,434.78 and July Payroll Warrant No. 120190- 120451 in the amount of $248,424.90. At 7:35 PM Mayor Weatherill opened Public Hearing relevant to the Draft City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Parks Plan - 1994. City Engineer Curles gave detailed staff report addressing goals, objectives, current city park facilities and their use plus proposed priorities for future capital expenditure and maintenance. Mr. Curles further stated the purpose of the Draft Comprehensive Parks Plan is two fold: (1) to implement the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan; and (2) to become eligible for funding through the Inter Agency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC). August 8, 1994 Page 2 of 3 Councilmembers discussed various aspects of the Draft Comprehensive Parks Plan -1994, future park needs and potential of inter -agency cooperation in development of special park facilities within the South Kitsap Area. Mayor Weatherill called for public input for or against the Draft City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Parks Plan-1994. As no response was received, Mayor Weatherill closed the public input portion of the Public Hearing and referred matter to Council for consideration. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council adopted the City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Parks Plan-1994 as prepared by the City Engineer. Councilmembers commended City Engineer Larry Curles for his excellent workmanship in preparing the Comprehensive Parks Plan-1994. Councilwoman Powers, Chair of the Public Property Committee, presented motion directing a letter be sent to Mr. Tiernan, Sinclair Inlet Marina, expressing opinion that the City does not favor expansion of the Marina into the DeKalb Street Waterway. It is the City's desire to keep the waterway clear. Motion seconded by Councilman Grable and carried unanimously. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the Fire Department to proceed with conversion of Fire Station No. 1 telephone system to a system which would also accommodate telephones required for the City's Emergency Operation Center (EOC). Funding to be from Fire Department Capital Expenditure 1994 budget allocation. Councilwoman Powers gave Public Property Committee report which included discussion that the City accelerate development of a program to recognize citizens who upgrade or beautify their property. Engineer Curles reported on price quotes which were received in response to call for proposals to purchase a riding lawn mower. Councilman Morrison moved to accept Peninsula Feed proposal to provide a riding lawn mower - SCAG SSZ-20CV plus options, at a total purchase price of $6,865 plus tax and also, declare the Kubota riding lawn mower as surplus to the needs of the City and authorize it's disposal in the best interest of the City, upon arrival of the SCAG lawn mower, seconded by Councilwoman Powers and carried. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council authorized the Mayor the sign Agreement regarding Extension of Sewer System between the City and Kitsap County to provide sewerage service for the properties within the boundaries of ULID No. 6. The route of the improvements shall be from McCormick Woods Drive to Old Clifton Road, then along Old August 8, 1994 Page 3 of 3 Clifton Road to an SR16 crossing, then along Tremont Street to a receiving manhole at the intersection of Tremont Street and Port Orchard Boulevard. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized Mayor Weatherill to sign Change Order No. 1 on the Bypass Widening Project in the.amount of $210,930 to provide for construction of the sewer forcemain to McCormick Woods. Councilwoman Powers moved to authorize the City Engineer to prepare request for proposals for architectural services on the future city hall project, with anticipation of advertising for this service in the fall of 1994, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM. r — 7: �-61 �4z' PARKS, CITY CLERK LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR