08/17/1994 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington August 17, 1994 Mayor Leslie Weatherill called the Port Orchard City Council to order in Special Session at 7:30 PM. Joining Mayor Weatherill in this special session were Council members Chuck Childress, John Clauson, Don Morrison, Robert Geiger, and Jack Grable. Staff present: City Planner Donna Brown and Deputy City Clerk Michelle Hager. Mayor Weatherill reopened continued Public Hearing relative to consideration of the Draft Comprehensive Plan. (Continued from August 3, 1994 Special Council Session). City Planner Donna Brown brought Council up-to-date on the current changes made on the proposed Draft Comprehensive Plan Map. Council expressed concern with City owned property, at the mouth of Blackjack Creek, (Westbay area) as being designated public space.. Dick Brown, real estate agent, stated the City needs to secure access to this property to maintain the rip rap especially for future renewal of the lease. Councilman Clauson recommended changing the designation of the area at the mouth of Blackjack Creek to the same designation as street right of way. After much discussion, Council reached a consensus and the area was to remain Public since this is the same designation that City Hall and Kitsap County facility are designated. Councilman Childress expressed concern with the designation of Low Density Residential, with the need for higher density in the City. Dick Brown, real estate agent, stated the City needs to be able to prove to the County how may citizens the City can hold and accommodate. Mr. Brown also advised the City needs to secure a land use attorney who specializes in Growth Management to interpret the Growth Management Laws and Hearings Boards decisions. Councilman Clauson also encouraged the need for a mixture of density with emphasis on high density. Doug Eide, real estate agent, discussed in detail affordable housing in Port Orchard and further noted the wide range of prices for housing in the City. Mr. Eide stressed the need for the City to maintain the same standards as developers regarding installation of curbs and gutters. Bobby Gallegos, 340 Tremont St., asked if the City has to prove build -out? Concerning Growth Boundaries, the City needs to prove they can support and accommodate citizen growth as well as the need to support urban services. Councilman Childress reiterated his concern with the need for higher density and concern with downzoning in the City. City Planner advised Council many areas on the current zoning map have been upgraded to High Density Residential on the Comprehensive Plan Map. August 18, 1994 Page Two of Two Some Councilmembers recommended one designation of Residential High Density be established in the City with developers meeting all zoning requirements before final approval. Vern Bjorkheim, 344 Sunset Lane West, objected to this single designation as it seems very misleading to property owners. Council instructed City Planner Brown to further research the latest hearing decisions and what the impacts may be on the City. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council continued Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing until 7:30 PM, September 28, 1994. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. Michelle Hager, Deputy City Clerk �4 wo-zf--� - - Leslie J. Weatherill, Mayor