10/03/1994 - Work Study - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington October 3, 1994 Mayor Weatherill called the City Council to order at 7:35 PM for a Study Session regarding the Sinclair Watershed Action Plan. Council members present: Clauson, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, and Van Zee. City Staff present: City Engineer Curles, and Deputy Clerk Hager. City Engineer Curles opened discussion regarding the Sinclair Watershed Action Plan, and asked "how will the plan effect the City of Port Orchard". Jackie Stoner, Kitsap County Project Team Leader, discussed the process of the plan and how it was developed. Ms. Stoner also requested a letter of concurrence on the plan from the City of Port Orchard. Councilman Van Zee, expressed concern with the extensive studies conducted the past 4 years and so far nothing has been implemented to improve the water quality. Dave Palazzi, Department of Ecology, advised Council the intent of the plan is not to bind any agencies to this plan but to create an agreement between all the cities for better water quality. Councilman Morrison voiced concern with the duplication of regulations each agency places on the cities. Councilman Morrison also questioned who was going to enforce or oversee this plan. Kathy Minch, Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, advised no decision has been made on who will regulate the plan, they are hoping community awareness and the willingness for the people in the community to cooperate. Dave Palazzi, Department of Ecology, advised they will not force implementation, the Department of Ecology will depend on the local governments for enforcement. Councilman Morrison, asked if Sinclair Inlet over the past 4 years has improved. Rich Brooks, representing Suquamish Indian Tribe, stated according to past years data the stock size were higher 10 years ago and more testing is required for shellfish quality. Mr. Brooks also advised, some contaminated resources are being reduced, however he could not be specific if the water quality has improved. Dave Palazzi, advised this is a planning tool and there is a real commitment needed from the City. Mayor Weatherill thanked the representatives from each of the agencies for the opportunity to speak with them. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. i Ck c A� Deputy City Clerk Hage ayor Leslie J. Weatherill