07/26/1993 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 26, 1993 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Smith and Grable. Staff present: City Attorney McCluskey, City Engineer Curles, City Planner Brown, Police Chief Mathews, Fire Chief Snow, and City Clerk Hower. Councilman Clauson led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council unanimously approved consent agenda items as follows: 3a. Minutes of July 12, 1993 Council meeting. 3b. Payment vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 19094-19157 in the amount of $56,666.57. 3e. Application for Public Event to allow Cruz '93, August 8, 1993. 3f. Ordinance No. 1587 amending Ordinance No. 1385 to include road and stormwater improvements for reimbursement procedures. City Clerk Hower reported on bid opening held July 21, 1993 at 4:30 PM for the Road and Utility Repair Project. Bids accompanied by required bid bond were received as follows: Olsen's Land Development $34,999.00 Sound Excavation, Inc $33,188.00 R.V. Associates $35,650.00 Gary Budd Construction, Inc. $32,720.00 Pape & Sons Construction $44,666.00 Case Excavating $28,596.00 Fox Island Construction, Inc. $28,200.00 Engineer's Estimate $34,650.00 City Engineer Curles reviewed project and recommended awarding bid to low bidder Fox Island Construction, Inc. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council accepted the bidding and awarded contract for the Road and Utility Repair Project to Fox Island Construction, Inc. in the amount of $28,200.00 and authorized the Mayor to sign contract documents. City Clerk Hower reported on bid opening held July 22, 1993 at 4:30 PM for Fire Station - Phase 2. Bids accompanied by required bid bond were received as follows: Boddie's Building Construction $387,734.60 James H. Robinson Co. $393,272.00 Marscot Construction $402,965.00 Polestar Construction $411,546.00 Engineer's Estimate $374,125.00 July 26, 1993 Page 2 of 4 City Engineer Curies reviewed project and recommended bid be awarded to low bidder Boddie's Building Construction, Inc. He also requested Council accept alternative bid which would increase the gas heater efficiency from 80% to 9O% for an additional $2,634.50. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council accepted the bidding on the Fire Station - Phase 2 Project, subject to concurrence of the Community Development Block Grant Program, awarded the contract to Boddie's Building Construction, Inc. in the amount of $387,734.60. Council also accepted the alternative bid for increasing the efficiency of the gas heater at an additional cost of $2,634.50.00 for a net project cost of $390,369.10. Mayor Weatherill was authorized to sign contract documents. Jim Frazer representing Paratransit Services Job Training Program addressed Council regarding collaboration on project to enhance and develop the City Park adjacent to Fire Station No. 2 on Sidney Avenue. Mr. Frazer proposed this park be named "Paul Powers Park" to honor the memory of our former Mayor and his dedication to the youth of our community. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Councilmembers unanimously agreed to name the city park located adjacent to Fire Station No. 2 on Sidney Avenue "Paul Powers Park". Mayor Weatherill convened the City of Port Orchard SEPA Appeal Board and opened the public hearing relevant to an Appeal of the Mitigated Determination of Non -significance which was issued for the Olympic Terrace Apartment Zone Reclassification Application. This Appeal was filed by South Kitsap School District #402 addressing the specific condition on school impact fees. Councilman Childress excused himself and stepped down from SEPA Appeal Board due to potential conflict of interest. City Engineer Curles reviewed the City's SEPA process, the proposed Olympic Terrace Apartment Project and the background of the City's school impact fee policy. Rudolph Fyles, Director of Capital Projects, South Kitsap School District No. 402, requested school impact fees be instituted by the City and be due in conjunction with the building permit process. Mr. Fyles suggested school impact fees be established at $577.00 per multiple family unit and $962.00 per single family dwelling. William M. Palmer, representing Wiley -Wolf Partnership, owners of subject property, spoke against requirement of school impact fees expressing the opinion that such fees are an unfair tax and there is no justification to impose this fee without a city ordinance establishing impact fees. Guy Spencer, architect for Olympic Terrace Apartment Project outlined funding resources available to schools and cited Washington State Constitution requirement that the State fully fund basic education. July 26, 1993 Page 3 of 4 Dick A. Brown described history of site and the negotiation of various impact fees with Kitsap County. Mr. Brown discussed the need to seek revenues for school capital facilities by bond issues instead of impact fees. Mr. Eyles rebutted projected student population figures and statements presented by Mr. Spencer and further offered to start dialogue with City officials regarding adoption of school impact fee plan. Mr. Spencer voiced concern that this property has paid taxes for many years, including school taxes, without adding any impact on school population or facilities. Mayor Weatherill called for additional input. As no response was received the Appeal was referred to the SEPA Appeal Board for consideration. After limited discussion, SEPA Appeal Boardmember Morrison moved to deny Appeal submitted by South Kitsap School District No. 402, motion seconded by SEPA Appeal Boardmember Grable and approved with a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays. Mayor Weatherill adjourned SEPA Appeal Board and recessed Council meeting for 10 minutes. Mayor Weatherill reconvened Council meeting and opened Public Nearing regarding request for an amendment to Ordinance No. 1496 which approved a Land Use Reclassification (with three conditions) for Ridgemont Terrace in 1978. Request has been submitted by Eugene Asa seeking deletion of Condition Number 3 which states, "That the future (proposed) additional 20 unit structure to be located at the rear of the property not be approved as part of this application.". City Engineer Curles gave staff report stating proponents would like to construct an assisted living apartment building at this time. A determination of non -significance has been issued as a result of the SEPA review. Mayor Weatherill called for public input in favor of proposed amendment or in opposition to proposed amendment. Eugene Asa displayed site plan depicting the Assisted Living Apartment building and expansion of Ridgemont Terrace Physical Therapy Department. Mr. Asa stressed need for this type of facility within South Kitsap community. Mayor Weatherill called for additional input on proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 1496 which would allow construction of a 20 unit assisted living apartment building. This building would be located adjacent to the east side of Ridgemont Terrace Nursing Nome on Pottery Avenue. As no further input was received, Mayor Weatherill referred matter to Council for consideration. Councilman Clauson moved to amend Ordinance No. 1.496 to delete Condition No. 3 allowing construction of a 20 unit assisted living apartment facility adjacent to Ridgemont Terrace. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Powers and approved with 7 ayes and 0 nays. July 26, 1993 Page 4 of 4 At the request of City Engineer Curles, Councilman Morrison moved to authorize overlay of roadway as part of Bethel Avenue Widening Project, seconded by Councilman Clauson and unanimously approved. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilmembers Powers, Clauson and Grable, Council authorized City Engineer to submit to Kitsap County the interlocal agreement between the City and Kitsap County for Tremont Street widening - Port Orchard Bypass Widening Project, subject to review by City Attorney. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council declared as surplus, firewood stacked behind Fire Station No. 2, and authorized its disposal in the best interest of the City. Councilman Morrison moved to approve installation of directional signs as requested by Robert Ojima, subject to understanding that the City will, in the future, consolidate all directional signs and any modifications or relocation costs will be at Mr. Ojima's expense. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Powers and carried. City Engineer Curles informed Mayor and Councilmembers Mr. Irwin Smith has donated a new gas powered weed eater to the Port Orchard Public Works Department. Mayor and Council expressed appreciation for Mr. Smith's generosity and concern for his community. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. CITY CLERK '�`' MAYOR