12/06/1993 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 6, 1993 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to Special Session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:45 P.M. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Morrison, Geiger, Powers and Grable. Councilman Van Zee absent. Staff Present: City Treasurer Miller, Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow, Police Chief Mathews, and City Clerk Parks. Mayor Weatherill informed those present the purpose of this Special Session is to hold a Public Hearing to discuss the City of Port Orchard's proposed 1994 budget. Mayor Weatherill opened Public Hearing and called for public input relevant to the proposed 1994 budget. No response received. Councilmember Geiger moved to adopt the proposed 1994 Budget for the City of Port Orchard in the amount of $12,843,760. for all operating and non -operating funds, seconded by Councilmember Clauson and carried. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the proposed budget as follows: (1) Current Expense Fund *Legislative Department - Economic Development Council allocation reduce by $1,000; (2) Current Expense Fund *Mental & Physical Health - Sexual Assault Center add in at $1,000; (3) Current Expense Fund *Police Department include additional $45,000 for funding of Police Officer(s). Motion to amend seconded by Councilman Clauson. Under discussion, Council was apprised that other cities had allocated $1,000 for the EDC not the $2,500 as reported at the Dec. 6 Study Session. Councilwoman Powers expressed strong opposition to the amendment stating that the other member cities have contributed for several years while Port Orchard as a non -participating city has contributed nothing. After continued discussion, the amendment was approved by a vote of three ayes and three nays, with Mayor Weatherill voting aye to break the tie vote. Councilman Geiger's review of various aspects of the proposed budget included, but was not limited to the following: (1) allocations for new city personnel positions (Code Enforcement position; an additional Public Works Street employee; Police Officer (2 officers if grant funding is awarded or 1 officer if no grant funding is received; (2) funds to complete the new Tremont Street Fire Station including new furniture; (3) the $9,000 cost to transport sludge which required a $9,000 decrease in allocation to grout sewer lines; and additional $15,000 allocation for street paving. Councilmembers present unanimously approved the original motion as amended to approve the proposed 1994 budget in the amount of $12,888,760 which includes revisions to Current Expense Fund relevant to allocations to fund membership in the Economic Development Council, allocation to Sexual Assault Center and addition of anticipated Criminal Justice Tax Revenue to fund Police Officer position(s). Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. CITY CLER9L PROTEM MAYOR