03/09/1992 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington March 9, 1992 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Smith and Grable. Staff present: City Attorney Maberly, Deputy Clerk Thomas, Police Sergeant Duncan, City Planner Davis, Fire Chief Snow and City Clerk Hower. Councilman Smith led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council approved the minutes of the February 24, 1992 regular meeting as distributed. Mayor Weatherill presented Application for Public Event as submitted by Playland Shows requesting a license to hold a carnival at the South Kitsap Mall on April 22-26, 1992. City Clerk advised Council the application has been routed to all departments and all requirements have been met for this event. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Smith, Council authorized issuance of a Carnival License to Playland Shows to allow a carnival at the South Kitsap Mall on April 22- 26, 1992. Bryan Petro, 1992 Director Fathoms O' Fun, outlined different events being planned for the 1992 festival. Mayor Weatherill referred Application for 1992 Fathoms O' Fun Master Permit to Street/Alley Committee and Police Department for further review. Thomas LaCross, West Sound Cyclist, requested permission to hold a bicycle race in Port Orchard on July 4, 1992 in conjunction with Fathoms O'Fun. Mayor Weatherill advised Mr. LaCross to submit a written Application for Public Events and directed the Street/Alley-Committee and Police Department to review proposal. Carman Davis, President, Farmers Market, voiced concern of a potential conflict between the Farmers Market and Fathoms O'Fun carnival in the waterfront parking lot. Mayor Weatherill assured Ms. Davis the City will carefully consider all proposals to alleviate conflict between the Farmers Market and the Fathoms O' Fun Festival. Robert Ojima, President Downtown Merchants Association, requested permission to close Bay Street for the Annual Street Fair, Sunday, August 2, 1992 from 9AM to 5PM. Mayor Weatherill placed Street Fair Application for Public Events into Street/Alley Committee for further review. March 9, 1992 Page Two of Three Robert Ojima requested Council approve the Department of Transportation installation of two signs on Tremont Street, directing traffic into the downtown Port Orchard area. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved the Department of Transportation installing two signs on Tremont Street, directing traffic into the downtown Port Orchard area. Robert Ojima also addressed the problem of litter after parades in the downtown area. Mayor Weatherill advised Mr. Ojima this matter will be discussed with the City Engineer for a permanent solution. Lloyd Berg, President of Kitsap County Public Utility District No. 1, introduced the PUD commissioners and the business manager. Dave Siburg, PUD Business Manager gave a brief outline of PUD history and addressed water resource management. Bill Hahn, PUD Assistant Manager discussed problems cities face concerning water resource management. Mayor Weatherill called for a 5 minutes recess with meeting to resume at 9:00 PM. Richard A. Brown and Bill Palmer, Kitsap County Board of Realtors, presented a map overlay of Kitsap County depicting wetland areas, steep slope areas and critical sensitive areas. This overlay, when presented in the final stages, showed the lack of land available for future growth. Councilman Clauson moved to deny request from Roger Creech, 1185 Sherman Avenue, to remove trees from City right-of-way between Sherman Avenue and Port Orchard Boulevard, seconded by Councilmembers Powers, Smith and Grable and carried. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council requested Mr. Creech replace each tree he removed from the City right-of-way between Sherman Avenue and Port Orchard Boulevard, with the City Planner designating tree species. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council unanimously approved payment of vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 16509-16607 in the amount of $107,276.48 and February 1992 Payroll Warrant No. 115042-115194 in the amount of $143,068.55. March 9, 1992 Rage Three of Three Councilman Geiger raised the question that the current ordinance setting water/sewer rates does not specifically provide for snack bar type businesses. Mayor Weatherill placed into Water/Sewer Committee, review of water/sewer Ordinance No. 1466 to consider a classification for snack bars. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. CITY CLERK MAYOR